Hard to parse that, but you're apparently claiming that the meaningfulness of arguments is what makes a definition meaningful. — noAxioms
Not sure if I can agree — noAxioms
...to be continued — Wayfarer
Do you guys think the thread suggested demands an acceptance that one's ideology is the only one worth having, or do you distinguish it from this rule? — Hanover
I had to look that one up — noAxioms
So what are the arguments against? Without begging the principle being questioned, what contradiction results from its rejection? — noAxioms
The thesis <There is a living NWR presence on our Earth at some implied moment in time>, which leverages a specific definition of 'exists', and there plenty of alternative definitions, as you seem to point out. So I left the word out of my version of the thesis statement. — noAxioms
I picked a position where predication does not require existence (with 'exists' not clearly defined). I am looking for a contradiction arising from that premise, a contradiction that does not beg the principle that such cannot be the case. — noAxioms
The obvious answer being 'yes', so I instinctively look for some definition that allows them to exist in the same way. Both are arguably mental assessments. That's a similarity, but the former is arguably not just that, so I still fail. — noAxioms
The thing I'd want most is for people to be able to state a reason why posts are reported. — fdrake
As much as this would help remove perceived trolls from discussions, it would also act as a vehicle for trolling. — fdrake
I think it's better to ignore sub-discussions that aren't to your interest. — fdrake
That I can answer with 'no'. Yes, there might be a truth (maybe), but if there is one, is there a way to determine it? I think not since multiple valid interpretations will always be avaliable. The best appeal one can make is to logical consistency and simplicity. — noAxioms
If that is right, you may be interested in Gyula Klima's "Contemporary 'Essentialism' vs. Aristotelian Essentialism," where he compares a Kripkean formulation of essentialism to an Aristotelian formulation of essentialism, and includes formal semantics for signification and supposition, which involves the notion of inherence. Paul Vincent Spade also has an informal piece digging into the metaphysical differences between the two conceptions, "The Warp and Woof of Metaphysics: How to Get Started on Some Big Themes." — Leontiskos
Again, possible world semantics shows us were we have been led astray. — Banno
but we can be much clearer here using modal first order language than was possible in medieval times. — Banno
How does possible world semantics restore coherence in the face of referential opacity?
Asking for a friend. — bongo fury
Quine occupies a curious position in the history of philosophy, with antecedents in Pragmatism but with sympathies very similar to the linguistic philosophy of Russell and Wittgenstein, and an attitude not so far from that of the Vienna Circle. — Banno
That is, apart from usefulness in laying out a metaphysics, is there a truth of the matter? — J
And, clearly, I'm doubtful if my wish can be granted. — J
Can we please have mod attention to this persistent failure on Leon's part to address the topic at hand, and to indulge in personal insults directed at me? — Banno
It would seem that real life interactions are opt in, not opt out, and that this makes a large part of the difference on internet forums. At least, it is that part of the difference that can actually be managed. So what if on a discussion forum, the person creating the thread had the ability to allow only a specific set of people to comment within the thread. This could be combined with an invitation system in which people could ask permission to be invited into the thread. Uninvitations would not be allowed, except perhaps in rare circumstances. This would create an environment in which those who don’t play nice would not be invited to play at all, and yet which would not need to avoid the anonymous nature of the internet.
To a large extent this is a modern version of the de re/de dicto distinction. — Banno
I'm not too up on the de dicto/de re distinction — Banno
Aristotelian essentialism apparently does not differentiate analyticity from possibility. — Banno
but we can be much clearer here using modal first order language than was possible in medieval times. — Banno
How does possible world semantics restore coherence in the face of referential opacity? — bongo fury
It appears that the modal logic that Quine was addressing was mostly that prior to what we might be using now. And much, much clearer than Medieval modal logic. — Banno
Aristotelian essentialism apparently does not differentiate analyticity from possibility. — Banno
If that is right, you may be interested in Gyula Klima's "Contemporary 'Essentialism' vs. Aristotelian Essentialism," where he compares a Kripkean formulation of essentialism to an Aristotelian formulation of essentialism, and includes formal semantics for signification and supposition, which involves the notion of inherence. Paul Vincent Spade also has an informal piece digging into the metaphysical differences between the two conceptions, "The Warp and Woof of Metaphysics: How to Get Started on Some Big Themes."
Note that Banno's whole logical horizon is bound up with the bare particulars of predicate logic, so I'm not sure it is possible to easily convey an alternative semantics to someone who who has never been exposed to an alternative paradigm. — Leontiskos
Instead, as an atheist, I would deny premise FTI10: It's true that the Big Bang happened, but it's false that God caused it. — Arcane Sandwich
It seems like your main objection to the OP is of a methodological nature — Arcane Sandwich
(FTI7) If hyper-Chaos exists, then it's possible that Jesus is God.
(FTI8) Hyper-Chaos exists.
(FTI9) So, it's possible that Jesus is God.
(ATI7) If hyper-Chaos does not exist, then it's not possible that Jesus is God.
(ATI8) Hyper-Chaos does not exist.
(ATI9) So, it's not possible that Jesus is God. — Arcane Sandwich
Perhaps to Leontiskos's surprise, I'm not sure if I should accept this non-Christian argument or not. Is it true that it's impossible that Jesus is god, as the conclusion ATI9 says? I'm not sure. — Arcane Sandwich
As for myself, I deny premise FTI8: hyper-Chaos does not exist. — Arcane Sandwich
I am interested in what do we learn from this argument? What is now known or made clearer? — Fire Ologist
And another way to critique your FTI1 is to say that essentially no one believes it. At least I don't know of any group that believes God is necessarily identical to Jesus (even ignoring the problematic Trinitarian theology here). Christians themselves do not generally claim that the Incarnation was theologically necessary. Or else think about the fact that everyone without exception would agree that FTI1 was false before Jesus was born, and that if God existed before Jesus of Nazareth was born then strict identity cannot obtain. — Leontiskos
Hmm, I get trying to mirror the Christian argument — Count Timothy von Icarus
All of that talk about 'integrity' is a lie and a cover for the actual reality of what happened, which was a violent insurrection aimed at subverting a legal election. — Wayfarer
Who attempts to overthrow a government without weapons? Why would the alleged leader of an insurrection authorize military force to protect the government, and why would the alleged insurrection victims countermand that authorization? How do people who listen to speeches about democratic procedures and election integrity in one location transform into enemies of the Constitution after walking a mile and a half to the east? Who believes that interrupting a vote would overturn a government? If there was an attempted insurrection, why would a notoriously creative and aggressive prosecutor fail to find any basis for filing insurrection charges? — Joshua Hochschild, Begging your Pardon
This is the man who’s first official act was to commute the sentences of 1500 people sentence to prison for storming the US Capital on 6th Jan 2021 — Wayfarer
Pardoning the January 6 protestors in 2025 formally completes the rejection of the manufactured narrative. It permits us to raise questions that have been too long avoided. It should prompt the masses who fell victim to psychological warfare to wonder what made them so vulnerable to manipulation. And it redirects the burden of shame to those—whoever they are—who tried to control a nation by manufacturing an ignoble lie. — Joshua Hochschild, Begging your Pardon
He seems a decent fellow, but if actually was, he’d resign immediately. — Wayfarer
How does one know someone has "the concepts of another person and the thought objects constituted by them"? Apparently by agreeing with them. It is open for the theist to say, of anyone who disagrees with their argument, that they have not spent sufficient time "to go through the same long meditative process that the theist did in building up his own concept of God".
All rather sequestered and distasteful, really. "Mutual understanding" here means "agreeing with me". — Banno
So what seems to be required from the theist to understand the atheist in the first place is to realize how the atheist can look at the world without a God and still be able to conceive of God in a non-committed, parasitic manner, as being an object of the theist’s beliefs, but bearing no relevance to his own beliefs. On the other hand, to understand perfectly the theist, the atheist has to be able to think of God as the theist does, as bearing utmost relevance to everything thinkable. But for this, he would have to go through the same long meditative process that the theist did in building up his own concept of God. — Gyula Klima, St. Anselm's Proof - Section 5
[we] should not seek sheer “winning” in a debate (for that is the concern of sophists) — Gyula Klima, St. Anselm's Proof - Section 5
At this point, I'm told that there are no such arguments, because the thesis that Jesus is God is a revealed truth. My counter-point to that is that the thesis that God exists is also a revealed truth. — Arcane Sandwich
The concept of belief is foreign to the formal sciences. — Arcane Sandwich
Not quite. I haven't started a thread on the topic because I know that the moon is not made of lasagna. So does everyone else. — Arcane Sandwich
This is also very similar to the question-begging atheist:
1. All valid ontological arguments beg the question
2. This is a valid ontological argument
3. Therefore, this begs the question
But how does the inductive (1) get to be so strong? And even beyond that, what is "an ontological argument"? As the very first sentence of Klima's introduction implies, that whole label is anachronistic. Certainly Anselm would wonder how one can know that a whole bundle of loosely-affiliated arguments are known to be faulty a priori. — Leontiskos
Aquinas’ response to Anselm in the Summa Contra Gentiles is quite interesting. On the one hand, it is of the weaker “question-begging” form that we spoke about earlier, given that it does not directly address Anselm’s proof. On the other hand, it is quite different from the other similarly weaker replies that we have seen. In particular, Aquinas’ approach takes the dialogical nature of the exchange as being fundamental, as opposed to the idea that Anselm has simply transgressed an inferential law (e.g. “no-existence-from-words,” which is reminiscent of “no-ought-from-is”). — Leontiskos
3. Does this mean that Anselm’s proof can be sound for the theist while being unsound for the atheist? — Leontiskos
Yet Einstein's conceptualization of spacetime is based on the development of non-Euclidean geometries, particularly Riemann's ideas. — Arcane Sandwich
No, I don't believe FTI1. And even if I did, what I believe (and what anyone else believes) is irrelevant to the truth value of that premise. — Arcane Sandwich
It doesn't matter if we believe that the moon is made of lasagna or not. — Arcane Sandwich
Yawn. — Banno
No one believed in non-Euclidean geometries during the 19th Century, not even their own pioneers. — Arcane Sandwich
Shorter: math and logic don't care about our beliefs. So we should feel free to explore their uncharted territories, and to do so with whatever beliefs we would like to have in mind while doing so. — Arcane Sandwich
Interesting reference, I'll try to read it tomorrow. — Arcane Sandwich
And here again is the closing off of the argument to critique by those who disagree. — Banno
It's not an either/or type of deal. — Arcane Sandwich
Doesn't matter. The way I see it, logic has nothing to do with belief, just as math doesn't have anything to do with belief. The notion of belief is foreign to the formal sciences. Mathematical truths are still truths even if no one believes in them. The same goes for logical truths. — Arcane Sandwich
Indeed, but my opinion is that throughout the centuries, Christian philosophers have been solely preoccupied with proving that God exists, without being equally preoccupied with proving that God is Jesus Christ. And they should, because otherwise, what makes them Christian philosophers, instead of theistic philosophers in general? — Arcane Sandwich
I'd call it something like "logical reductionism", or something along those lines, something that sounds more "politically correct" but without losing too much bite. — Arcane Sandwich