@Metaphysician Undercover I really enjoy writing with you.
I’ll definitely take a closer look at the light cone principle; it sounds very interesting, especially given how it frames causality and temporal order across different reference systems. That kind of relativistic nuance seems highly relevant when thinking about knowledge in dynamic, time-sensitive contexts.
As for formalism, I would see its value not as a denial of epistemic complexity, but as a strategic abstraction that helps us handle that complexity more clearly. Bertrand Russell emphasized formal logic as a way to bring rigor and transparency to philosophical analysis, especially in contexts where intuition alone can mislead. Similarly, Wittgenstein, particularly in the Tractatus, showed how formal language structures can outline the limits of what can meaningfully be said—and, by implication, where silence (or contingency) begins.
So while formalism may abstract from the flux of real experience, it also provides a frame within which uncertainty can be recognized and discussed, rather than hidden or mystified. In this sense, it remains a useful epistemic tool—even, or especially, in the face of contingency.
Knowledge is not always the same—its nature depends crucially on the kind of objects we are trying to understand; see your remarks on ontology. The structure of what we know determines the structure of how we can know it. The classical model of knowledge as Justified True Belief works especially well when we are dealing with static objects: things that are timeless, invariant, and independent of any observer. Mathematical truths, logical principles, or geometrical forms fall into this category. They do not change; they hold universally, and their truth is not context-dependent. In such cases, knowledge can be fixed and absolute. There is no room for contingency—no possibility that things could have been otherwise.
But many of the things we seek to understand are not static—they are dynamic. They unfold over time, they shift depending on context, and they are deeply tied to perspective. Political decisions, medical diagnoses, ethical judgments, historical interpretations—these are not states of being, but processes of becoming. Their truth is often provisional, subject to change as new information emerges. These are contingent realities: things could easily have turned out differently. And that is precisely where JTB begins to falter. It presupposes a stable truth, a single fixed point that can be justified and believed. But when the object of knowledge itself is in motion, this model fails to account for the epistemic dynamics involved.
Take, for instance, a medical diagnosis. Based on today’s data, it may be fully justified and considered true. Tomorrow, with new symptoms or better tests, it may need revision. Was the original diagnosis wrong? Not necessarily—it was true within its temporal and evidential context. The same applies to a weather forecast, a military decision made in the fog of war, or a policy shaped by incomplete data. These are not cases of error but of epistemic contingency. They demand a different kind of epistemology.
That’s where Justified True Crisis comes in. JTC keeps the structure of JTB—justification, truth, belief—but interprets it dynamically. Truth is no longer eternal, but indexed to time and circumstance. Justification becomes adaptive rather than static. And belief is no longer naïve conviction, but an assertion made in full awareness of crisis and fallibility. In this way, JTC does not abandon epistemic rigor—it deepens it by incorporating the ontological instability of dynamic objects.
JTC does not celebrate uncertainty—it makes it visible and manageable. It does not collapse into relativism, but recognizes that epistemic responsibility looks different when the object of knowledge is itself in flux. Those who insist on static certainty in dynamic contexts risk dogmatism. JTC, by contrast, models an epistemology of humility—one that knows that not all knowledge can be possessed; some knowledge must be navigated.
In this context, I’ve introduced the distinction between philosophía and philoprosdokía to articulate two complementary orientations within epistemology—and, more broadly, within philosophy as the love of wisdom (theory & practical orientation in one). Philosophía, the “love of (certain) knowledge,” seeks clarity, permanence, and formal structure; it reflects a top-down, analytical approach aiming at timeless truths and secure foundations. Philoprosdokía, the “love of expectation,” is attuned to temporality, contingency, and the unfolding of meaning; it aligns with the continental tradition’s interpretive, historical, and speculative character. Rather than opposing each other, these modes trace the spectrum between static and dynamic knowledge and echo Plato’s divided line: the former oriented toward the intelligible and unchanging, the latter toward the sensible and becoming. Together, they offer a more complete account of philosophical wisdom—one that integrates both structure and orientation, certainty and anticipation.
This distinction is not meant as a hierarchy, but as a hermeneutic tool—a way to understand different epistemic approaches in relation to the nature of their objects and aims. In this sense, it also mirrors the broader divide often drawn between analytic and continental philosophy: the former aligning more closely with philosophía in its emphasis on logical structure, language, and conceptual precision; the latter resonating with philoprosdokía, in its engagement with historicity, lived experience, and the open horizon of meaning.
Rather than reinforcing the gap between these traditions, the JTC framework—and the underlying distinction between philosophía and philoprosdokía—offers a shared space, in which both orientations find their place: one grounding, the other opening; one structuring, the other navigating. Together, they reflect the dual necessity of seeking understanding where stability is possible, and of maintaining responsiveness where contingency prevails.
Knowledge, in such cases, is not a state—it is a stance; see the quote at the beginning of the paper.
This dynamic interplay between philoprosdokía and philosophía also sheds light on the enduring challenge posed by Gettier cases. These thought experiments expose the fragility of knowledge when static definitions are applied to dynamic, time-sensitive scenarios. From the perspective of philosophía, Gettier cases appear as epistemic anomalies—exceptions to be patched. But through the lens of philoprosdokía, they are not failures, but symptoms of a deeper truth: that knowledge, when tied to contingent realities, resists fixation. JTC embraces this tension by reframing Gettier-style coincidence not as a flaw in the structure of knowledge, but as a sign of its temporality—an indication that some beliefs (credences) can only be justified within their moment, not beyond it. In this way, the Gettier problem becomes less a refutation of knowledge and more a doorway into a more flexible, temporally aware epistemology.
P.S. If you’re curious how this dual perspective plays out visually, take a look at the diagram in the JTC paper—it maps Static Knowledge and Dynamic Knowledge; Page 25.