
  • Sad that I don't like math and engineering
    So you thought that you would feel good about yourself when you completed the courses and it did not work. Maybe you need to try doing something with the knowledge, proving that it has some real value is a good way to feel satisfaction.
  • Sad that I don't like math and engineering
    I doubt that you don't like math, I think you are having difficulty learning it.

    If you are not learning using their methods, you need more help or a lower learning level to start at.

    Look for some basic math courses so that you can get a better base to work on their courses or get someone to tutor you.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)

    Lesbian -A female homosexual
    Or a woman that likes other women.

    Do you know that you are not a women, or have you not figured it out yet.

    I seriously doubt that you did much thinking about it, or maybe you thinking capacity is very low.

    Your poor kids, I feel so sorry for them.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    What do you mean being a man, can't you identify as whomever you want? :DstoicHoneyBadger

    Are you really not smart enough to understand what I said. Men cannot be lesbians. Identifying as a lesbian could not make me one.

    Jeez, do you need help. :smirk:
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Let me guess, you're in some sort of a lesbian dance therapy studies at USLA? )stoicHoneyBadger

    Being a man, I doubt that they would even let me sign up for anything like that, even if such a thing does exist.

    I believe you are suffering from Ideophobia, Gnosiophobia, Gynephobia, Gelotophobia, Epistemophobia, Centophobia, Atychiphobia, Allodoxaphobia, and the fear of looking like an idiot.

    Either put up some sort of evidence that your method of dragging up kids is the best or just shut up and go away.
    Seriously, no one has any good vibes about the bullshit you are blathering about andsome are beginning to look at you as though you are not quite all there.

    Don't bother replying, I have had enough of your crap already.

  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    You might wants to re-read what I wrote.stoicHoneyBadger

    You might want to re-read what I wrote, that I could not understand what you tried to say. Or maybe just try to write so that people can understand it.

    As to your question, not so many women are employed because a bunch of bigots think that women should stay at home and that they do not get the education or training needed because it is not offered to women by the same bigots.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    No, I'm not that old. ) Anyway, we had Brezhnev here in the 70's.stoicHoneyBadger

    Repression is contagious, that is probable where you caught it.

    I don't have milk, unfortunately. (stoicHoneyBadger

    Pathetic side stepping the question. you do not need to produce milk to stay at home and look after the kids.

    Than why men get any employment, is women would do the same for 1/3 less? D'ohstoicHoneyBadger

    Whatever! I am not even sure what you are trying to say. But if you think it is alright for women to do the same work for 2/3 the money then you are truly screwed up. Wages should be calculated evenly for everyone based on the productivity of the person not on their gender.

    You are so far out of touch with reality that your kids will one day have to either tell you about it or continue to be embarrassed about your 1600's attitudes.

  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • The Joy of Indolence!
    I am a man that has never harboured any career ambitions and I make no apologies for that.allan wallace

    No apologies necessary either. Do you have any kids?
  • The Joy of Indolence!
    Please do not post videos of this type in the serious areas of the forum, there is a joke section where it might fit better. :grin: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Cannot stop laughing at it. He must have studied hard, because it is impossible for anyone to be born that dumb?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Not necessary, but still there are body and goal differences between boys and girls, which need to be taken into account.stoicHoneyBadger

    The goal differences are not so important any more to many people, there are many men doing traditionally female work and women doing men's work. The reason there are not more of them doing it is because society still disapproves of having to pay equal wages to both for the same work. And in a world were machines do a lot of the heavy work, body differences make less of a reason that before. So to justify what you say it means that the female body is only going to be looked at for breeding purposes.

    Like why would you think that building a career is better, than having kids?stoicHoneyBadger

    I never said one was better than the other, many women have both. And it would be better for the kids if they had two parents capable of supporting them. If your wife wanted to go out and work, leaving you at home with the kids, would you accept that?

    Depends on situation, context, etc. Like would you encourage your son to weak wife's high heels to school? Why not, those are just shoes. :)stoicHoneyBadger

    No, I would not encourage my sons to go to school in high heels, but the same would apply to my daughters as well. Only an idiot would even dream of letting kids go to school in high heels because of the danger involved. And my kids would probably understand the danger and not even think about doing it.
    Do you remember the 60's and 70's?

    Gawd, were men really wearing high heels back then? WTF.

    My brother used to were stuff like this.

    Like I say "boys should learn boxing" you replay with "aaa! you wants to leave the girls defenseless!"... wft.stoicHoneyBadger

    Apart from the "she might get hurt and made ugly" or "who wants to look at a muscular girl" excuses what valid reason do you have for excluding girls. Give me one valid reason if you can.
  • A smiling Sissyphus
    All men are born slaves. A baby relies on others to feed it and clothe it, its conception itself is reliant on others. In our physiology hormones/emotions tie us to other people and them to us. Right and wrong is determined by the opinions and tolerances of those around us and our rights, conceptions of self and opinions are constrained by them. As theirs are by us.New2K2

    Being dependent upon or constrained by someone does not make anyone a slave. Sorry about that.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Well, genders clearly have their differences, such as you wouldn't want to take your daughter to boxing and weightlifting. :)

    Of course. Boys would benefit from boxing & weightlifting. Girls certainly not so much. :) so probably swimming or jiujitsu would do better.

    Actually she did do some, as well as karate. Why should that be a boy only sport?

    Be willing to increase awareness over ignorance, connection over isolation and collaboration over exclusion, at every opportunity. — Possibility

    I guess it is very situation dependent and probably should be goal orientated. i.e. you don't want to include random people just for the sake of it.

    I guess that I still have a bit of the hippy in me, I think that as long as a person has not done something to deserve different treatment (criminals etc.) then everyone should be treated the same. Love and respect for all, no matter the situation.

    Not sure being overly fearful is a good idea, thought...stoicHoneyBadger

    So it is alright for the freaking idiots to climb high buildings to take selfies? To be fearful of danger does not mean to just run away from it, but to take precautions when in dangerous situations. And not do stupid things for fun.

    Why would you use such a derogatory term towards women?stoicHoneyBadger

    That is the way a lot of people see girls, they should not do the things that boys do, they should stay home and have kids. Just the attitude you are showing.

    Do you let your kid wear pink clothes if he wants to? — Sir2u

    Of course not.

    But why not? Is it because of your beliefs about the world or is there another reason. Pink is a color, like so many others, why should a person that wants to wear pink clothes not be allowed to? I have several pink shirts, do you think it makes me less of a man?

    That's how my parents raised me, to be honest not the best approach, as it takes time to figure things out.stoicHoneyBadger

    That is what you have a life for, to figure out what to do with it. Is there really any time limit involved? And most things that need to be figured out cannot be taught by someone else, it is a self learning process.

    Like understanding that you need boxing and starting to learn it when you're almost 40 is harder, than when you're 10. )stoicHoneyBadger

    Jeez, do you really think anyone is dumb enough not to figure out that they need to learn boxing until they are 40? And what if was true, it might be harder to do but if it is something they need to do them they will do it.

    I am sure I can answer for most men. If you prefer dudes, or at least girls that look like dudes, well, that's up to you.stoicHoneyBadger

    So women should look all soft and cuddly? And be bloody useless so that she has to depend on men to defend her. Well, I am so glad you do not speak for me.
    But why should a women that likes to do a bit of boxing have to look like a man? Obviously there are some women that go to extremes about such things and do have a lot of obvious muscles but not all are like that.

    I would say that the merits of boxing is
    1. not being afraid of a physical altercation.
    2. in case of such, being able to knock out your opponent and the confidence that comes with it.

    My daughter could probably kick the shit out of me or any other regular guy, but you would never guess that by looking at her.
    But she still fears danger. Boxing and karate taught her to avoid physical altercations, not to enjoy them. It taught her the discipline necessary to avoid problems. And her confidence comes from knowing she can defend herself, not from having done it.

    You come from a country that has long suffered from the myth of male dominance and by teaching your kids these ideas you are doing at least two very bad things.
    1. perpetuating stupidity and the concept of male dominance
    2. setting life long limits on the range of reasoning and adaptability for the kids
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    thinking about the best way to raise my sonstoicHoneyBadger

    So if it was a daughter you would raise her differently from your son?

    Sounds like a bit of a macho attitude.
    Honesty, good reasoning, loyalty to those who deserve it, fear of the dangerous, respect for the living. Things like that are what any and all kids need, not sons are warriors and daughters are breeders. Do you let your kid wear pink clothes if he wants to?
    Teach any kid the basics and let them decide how to live without your expectations forcing them into unwanted paths.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    I wish I still had my Zappa vinyl. Not that I have anything to play it on.jamalrob

    I have a Beatles LP, Please Please Me, hanging on the wall of my office. It is on the Parlophone label and has 14 tracks. It was in almost original condition until we had an earthquake and the part of the house where they were stored got damaged.
    15 years ago I got several of my collection valued, I was offered over $600 for that LP. I did not want to sell it at the time and now it is worthless because the sleeve got torn up. :cry:
  • What are you listening to right now?
    I have not listened to Frank Zappa in maybe 30 years. Now I have to go and dig out my vinyl collection, and find a player.
  • What are you listening to right now?

    There is something about bluegrass fiddles that gets to me.
  • Is Orgasm a Mystical State?
    Is orgasm a mystical state?ZzzoneiroCosm

    I’ve known some women to produce mythical orgasms,Joshs

    I am just so confused I do not have any idea how to answer.
    I guess both could be true.

    But are you only focusing on women?
  • The Last Word
    I hope this post finds you doing well dear friend~ :flower:ArguingWAristotleTiff

    I'm still doing OK dear lady. Been keeping mostly in the background for a while, but still trying to keep up with what is happening to everyone.

    I hope things are getting better for you.
  • The Last Word
    When there is a final post it is hard to know if it is the ultimate word or simply that people have found threads which are more exciting and stimulating.Jack Cummins

    That, I believe, was the original question in the old PF.

    It does happen sometimes that someone puts everyone in the thread straight and that is the end of it. But most threads just peter out after multiple repetitions of the same ideas by several posters and a lack of new input to keep it going.
    You also have the threads were there is no answer to any of the ideas being discussed even though everyone believes they are right.
  • The Last Word
  • The Last Word
    ................................................................................................ Ah, but I do know.
  • The Last Word
    Don't believe that, it could be dangerous.
  • The Last Word
    Shhh you can't type anything here anymore.Ladybug

    I said that a long time ago.

    No one paid any attention to me.
  • The Last Word

    Four letter noun starting with w and ending with d, has or in the middle.
    A word made up from letter symbols the is used to signify it self.
  • Does God have favorites?
    Isn't everybody?Bitter Crank

    Biggest club in the world. Free membership. :wink:
  • Typical reading speeds?

    Are you sure you have dyslexia? It is usually considered a neurological problem that prevents kids from developing the ability to read, not a condition that undoes already learned abilities
  • Typical reading speeds?

    I have dyslexia, it has mild affects most of the time but is more noticeable when under stress or tired. I was always behind as a kid when it came to speed but I did like to read. I got better and faster when I started reading more in my 20's and developed habits and methods to help myself. The effects of dyslexia were hard to notice.
    I had to stop reading so much for a couple of reasons, age and my previous profession screwed up my eyes, not as much time as before and the lack of availability of books that I wanted to read. Where I live English language books are rare and expensive.

    But I solved the problem by finding places were I could download audio books for free. Now I can sit back, close my eyes and listen all day.
  • Does God have favorites?
    What good is a god who doesn't show favoritism?baker

    That's right. We all know god lets the sport teams that pray hardest before the game win. If that was not the case then what good would he/she/it be.
  • Does God have favorites?
    God doesn't like wishy-washy wankers. I've always avoided being wishy-washy. God likes that.Bitter Crank

    Just guessing, but does that mean that you are still a wanker?:lol:
  • Does God have favorites?
    Who says so? Maybe they are just like all creatures in the universe. Struggling, loving, hating, fighting, accidentally firing up a cigarette with the wrong match that god-children are not allowed to light.EugeneW

    Or as it says in so many holy books, mankind is made in his image. That would really make him a major asshole.
  • Pascal's Wager
    Don't be afraid. One day you will understand...EugeneW

    Ignorance is a curable malady, so I am not at all afraid. But stupidity is incurable and deadly.

    I know that one day I will understand, because scientific investigation will explain things.
    I hope your god does something about your problems though.
  • Pascal's Wager
    Afraid your ignorance shows?EugeneW

    Not really, I recognize it and embrace it and work hard to overcome it.

    But I am scared shitless by yours.
  • Pascal's Wager
    God whispered that in my ear...EugeneW

    Good bye.
  • Pascal's Wager
    If only you would understand the science in it.. But you don'...EugeneW

    How do you know that? Or did an angel whisper it into your ear.
  • Pascal's Wager
    Thanks! I'm writing a book about it. There are a lot of areas in physics involved. There is a series of big bangs. The end of each expansion being the sign for a new one to occur behind it. There is no beginning. Just partial ones.EugeneW

    Unsupported semi-scientific theories used as evidence for a creator, what the hell is the world coming to.
  • Free Will & Omnipotence
    Free Will (can do anything one wants) = Omnipotence (can do anything one wants)

    Agent Smith

    Go into a Pizza Hut and Order a Big Mac.


    How did the mods even let this thread continue? The OP does not fulfill the basic requirements.
    Or is this a ploy to prove that you can do whatever you want.
  • What is a SUPER literature work like and how to achieve it
    Amazingly I had student's parent asking me why I was so insistent on their kids learning to write using that "old fashioned" writing method. One even told me that in a few years kids will not even do any writing because everything is going digital. :scream: :smirk: and a none existent FACEPALM.

    I don't teach language any more. And they get pissed now because I want them to write in paragraphs and learn how to separate them on a computer.
  • Pascal's Wager
    I have a final exllanation of matter and space.EugeneW

    I am happy for you, I really am. I just hope that they make the discovery of the origin of the universe after you have passed on to the better life. It would be a shame to have your dreams shattered and find that it was not there to go to.