
  • How do you deal with the fact that very smart people disagree with you?
    I believe, as jesus said at one point, that both the experience of hell and heaven lie within us. I have been through both and made it through the other side.
  • Animal Ethics - Is it wrong to eat animals?
    It is absolutely wrong to eat animals;. They possess the will to live in way the rest of nature simply does not. They do not love the way plants do.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"

    The girl whom im in love with. Her Chinese name is 遊走金字塔的女人. I do not yet know how to pronounce it in English. Will report back when i do.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    i can feel myself transforming and i see it in her too. I want to become closer to god.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    I want to thank you all for your wisdom I couldn't have seen without you.

    I feel the love now.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    i just realized that i love jesus with all my heart
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    To say your motives are selfish only show me a person who was probably hurt and wants to protect himself.TimeLine

    I think you are quite right. I must reflect on this.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    (To quote someone, you can highlight their text and click on the pop-up quote button.)Baden

    Got it, thanks.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    Okay I will do my best to use proper punctuation. Let me address a few of your contentions. I am absolutely saying that authentic love has nothing to do with emotion. Love to me is not about how you feel, I see it as a shared goal that you and your partner are constantly striving to work towards. For me this is about having children and raising them in the best way possible so they might contribute to the advancement of the human race and also have the best possible chance of finding a mate with whom they can repeat the process.

    " I see "spiritual awareness" to again be moral consciousness or the capacity for self-awareness and the empowerment that follows and that is not something you get from others as such artificial consciousness is inauthentic"

    I do not understand what you mean here. Please explain further.

    "It is the reason why only a person who is alone and feels comfortable with being alone can truly separate themselves from this attachment to mother and feel safe and at home within himself."

    I believe you are right on the money here. I enjoy time with myself as much as i do with others.

    " but you also need to feel that emotional connection too, that need to be near her"

    The need exists, although it is not something i "feel" per say. I would call it more a longing.

    "You need to admire your partner but this admiration needs to be for the things that they do, the person that they are"

    I disagree with you here. I think we are all alone in this life whether we are around people or not. There is no way of escaping the "I" you refer to. I freely admit all of my motives are selfish. I believe if you can find a person who enhances that "I" within you then that is very much a good thing. In the same way i would not expect her to admire me, who I am, what I do. I would wish her to be with me because of how it helps her change herself. Do you understand?

    Hope my grammar was better.
  • I'm becoming emotionally numb. Is this nirvana?
    OP, i think you are becoming a man.
  • Wakanda forever? Never
    While I found OP's analysis spot on, l i kinda disagree with him in a sense. I think that before colonization africa was a country rich in spirit and not all that much else. I dont see this as an entirely bad thing. Perhaps black people long for that type of lifestyle again and thats why they identified with it and it resonated with them so strongly. I dont think one can divorce race entirely from social and political culture. Objectively speaking, yes the West is much further along in its thinking and this is reflected in its many customs. It has forced this structure upon less mentally developed nations creating a rift in the zeitgeist of those nations. Perhaps progress for progress's sake isnt always wise. Something to think about.
  • Why was my discussion topic deleted
    Please put it back up. Thank you.
  • Am I over-thinking?
    I do not think it is possible to "overthink" as you put it. To think, or to have an active mind, i believe is the most healthy attribute one can possess.

    The important thing, i think, is to test ones way of thinking, understanding, rationalizing, and observation against other living entities. I believe a balance must be struck of abstract thinking in solitude and testing your metal, so to speak, out in the world.
  • Have I experienced ego-death?
    I have experienced what you cal ego death on a few occasions. I do not believe it is healthy. I believe the human condition should strike a balance between the mind and spirit.

    It is definitely possible to experience without drugs, but drugs do help especially hallucinogens like mushrooms.
  • Why is love so important?
    @ SherlockH

    I think love can certainly be cold. Infact i think it ought to be mostly cold with occasional moments of great warmth emanating from within our chests.

    I am going to reflect more about your comment on logic and psychopathy and return here with my thoughts later. I do agree with your point about emotions lacking sense leading to idiocy.
  • Why is love so important?
    hmm love is a strange thing indeed. Perhaps the most powerful force known to man. For me, love is entirely about honesty. One might not feel in the moment, but when one is one's in his words and actions to another, love is expressed automatically. I think this expression of love is different than "loving another person" i think that is a form of attachment. For example, young boys are attached to their mothers because they need them from birth through adolescence. Many men do not ever overcome this attachment, i have observed this many times.

    In reference to T Clark's thought on empathy. I agree that it is something that we are born with but i also see it as something men must grow out of (i do not see the lack of it as a state of brokeness). I cannot think of a single purpose empathy serves between men. Woman on the other hand are naturally empathetic as it is their duty to nurture their offspring as most everybody probably understands.
  • Loneliness and Solitude
    Cool, i look forward to it.
  • Loneliness and Solitude
    What do you think about my thoughts on loneliness though mr Posty?
  • Loneliness and Solitude
    Some thoughts about loneliness.
    Loneliness is something i no longer experience or can even relate to. I think people who feel loneliness have a desire to be defined by others; to be given their identity. As to your idea that loneliness can be ameliorated through the expression of sympathy, i feel as though yes this may make us feel better, but its effects are only temporary and afterwords i think people are even worse off. This is how people become addicted to other people i believe.

    To the first poster vinson, regarding your questions of self. I do not believe the mind, while experiencing a state of solitude is capable of knowing itself. To believe such, i believe is folly and insanity. (refer to the life of the great nietzche) I believe we can only truly know ourselves moment by moment in interactions with fellow man.
  • Achieving Stable Peace of Mind
    In my opinion just from observing my own thoughts i do not believe the mind itself is meant to be stable. It seems the minds job is to make sense of the past, observe the present, and anticipate the future. I do not think the mind unoccupied by human interaction can do these things simultaniously, yet when conversing with people a sound mind can perform all of these functions in tandem with the flow of conversation. This is why the mind requires human interaction to achieve this state of peace you are referring to. In my experience meaning can only be found in our relations with other humans. I do not know if you are seeking this outside of humanity.

    Think about socrates. In my opinion the wisest philosopher of all time. He believed that the art, if you want to call it that, of philsophy should be confined to conversations between small groups of men. He didn't believe in writing nor preaching. He believed in seeking answers by asking questions, and thus deriving meaning from other peoples perspectives by challenging them and simultaneously relating them to ours. Knowledge begins with understanding and this can only be attained through relationships with other men. I dont know if that helped and i cant help but feel as though my thoughts are incomplete. Let me know what you think
  • Self-awareness. Boon or Curse?
    I think you have it backwards mate. I see pain and suffering as a result of a lack of self awareness. Looking back on my life during the times that i suffered it was a result of situations that i did not yet wield the power to control or comprehend. For exampe i had a coworker who was a good friend of my and i was pretty close to, to an extent. He took his own life 2 years after i met him and what caused me so much pain was that i foolishly took the blame partly upon myself without really considering him or his circumstances. I think without self awareness and an ability to think about things abstractly with a certain amount of detatchment, humans do this by default. Thinking back to it now i realize i had nothing to do with his choice ultimatly. Yes i probably contributed to his suffering by declining to hang out with him the few times he asked, but ultimatly each choice a human makes is in that humans hands

    Regarding knowledge and wisdom. These can ONLY be attained through self awareness. Wisdom comes from experience and i would say knowledge comes from inquiry and experimentation. I do think computers can do this to an extent, but ask yourself this; who created computers?
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