
  • Defining Good And Evil
    So are you given over to satisfying short term impulses, rather than long term planning (my definition of evil)?

    Perhaps you could describe what makes you so evil so I can see if it fits in with my idea?
  • Is it always better to be clear?
    Yes, but what is it obfuscating?

    Why would an Irish hero be stuck in an afterlife with murderers sowing a shroud and singing with a bird like voice? Certainly the poet seems to have some apprehension over the after life.
  • Defining Good And Evil

    But what are the motivations of humans/animals? They seek physical/emotional pleasure and shun physical/emotional pain. There are no other motives.

    More specifically, emotional reaction absolutely is not the only base for decision making for all people and animalsNotesOfAMan

    We have a mental reaction to events as well, but it simply is a mental calculation we do to maximise physical/emotional pleasure and minimise pain.
  • Why do we like beautiful things?
    We pay a price for beauty; it's a constant battle against the 2nd law of thermodynamics keeping stuff clean and tidy. I'm a bit lazy around the house; I exchange beauty for free time. Works for me.

    I assume we are evolutionary programmed to value beauty for reproductive reasons and the appeal of symmetry, simplicity etc... seems to then somehow transcend the sexual domain and causes us to value beauty, symmetry in objects as well.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Treat all others, as you wish to be treated!!!NotesOfAMan

    Jesus said much the same. It's such a simple rule but if everyone in society followed it, the world would be a much happier place.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    I think that you cannot justify the step of going from pain to evil and pleasure to good. Pain and pleasure refer to feelings/sensations whereas good and evil are more conceptual and evaluativeAndrew4Handel

    I'm including emotional pain and pleasure in my definition of good and evil.

    How do we judge if an action is good or evil? It has to be its impact on people/animals that we use to judge it. The only way to judge that impact is emotional/physical pain/pleasure. These sensations/emotions are the only way people/animals react to an action.

    What about an evil act against the environment? That would cause emotional and physical pain for people/animals so it still fits with my definition.

    Another example is that people including Michael J Fox claim that a serious illness turned them into a better person. Hedonism can be seen as selfish and debauched or shallowAndrew4Handel

    A serious illness turning someone into a better person fits with the pattern of good/right. Short term pain followed by long term pleasure. The period of adversity has benefited them in the long term.

    There are two types of hedonism. If you are not harming anyone else whilst enjoying yourself, its a good/right action. If you are harming others its a evil/wrong action and you will regret it in the long term.
  • Is it always better to be clear?
    I take the point that obfuscation is OK for poetry.

    Elsewhere though information is the live blood of human progress. Its free, unpolluted flow is vital to continued progress. Think of the human race as a giant supercomputer with each node working in parallel to process information and solve problems. Obfuscating information means nodes take longer to assimilate the information and may not assimilate the information at all.
  • Is it always better to be clear?
    I've read some the French big-shots themselves confessing that making things difficult is sort of game they play to be respected. So intention obfuscation is out theremacrosoft

    The value of a piece of information in part relates to the % of the population who can understand that piece of information. We should strive for Occam's razor-like communication of ideas. Deliberate obfuscation is a crime.
  • Does capitalism encourage psychopathic behaviour?
    Capitalism is very short term focused at the moment. All about making a quick buck and with little thought for the long term. But long term > short term so it's all mistaken thinking - long term planning is required.

    If we had a 10 year share ownership rule (IE once you buy, you have to hold for 10 years and collect dividend) that would encourage share holders to think long term and companies would have to start to plan and execute better for the long term.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Something is right or good if net pleasure is positive:

    net pleasure = pleasure - pain

    Or wrong/bad if net pleasure is negative (same calculation obviously).

    A moral act is net pleasurable for the individual. If its net pleasurable for the individual its net pleasurable for the group.

    An immoral act is net painful for the individual. If its net painful for the individual its net painful for the group.

    Group dynamics reenforce the above. If you do something popular in the group, you feel pleasure. If you do something unpopular in the group you feel pain. So the presence of the group encourages individuals to act in the right way for the entire group.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Aside from that, pleasure and pain don't by conventional definition pertain to moral good and badTerrapin Station

    Moral good/bad is about whether we inflict emotional or physical pain on ourselves and each other. So morality is fundamentally about pleasure/pain.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    The way the individual or group views pain/pleasure while perhaps not quite arbitrary will be different between individuals and groups (and with individuals within a group) and in the sense that the differences in how pain/pleasure is viewedDingoJones

    Humans are quite similar in most respects and the pain/pleasure experienced by the individual can be summed to give the corresponding pain/pleasure for the group. I'll give two examples:

    Exercise is good for the individual. Its painful in the short term but gives pleasure in the long term so there is net pleasure for the individual so it is good/right. It makes the group stronger having a heathy individual so the group also benefits in the long term (net pleasure good/right).

    Murder is bad for the individual. In the short term it maybe 'convenient' and possibly a sadist would derive some pleasure from it. In the long term, the individual will be shunned from the group and maybe punished. So it is net pain for the individual. It is also net pain for the group having lost an individual and his ideas and capabilities.

    So most fundamental decisions can be analysed as above. I don't see anything arbitrary about this type of analysis?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    I would not consider a painful injury evil and I would certainly not call all pleasure good such as the pleasures Nazi's or slave owners experiencedAndrew4Handel

    You would certainly not call a painful injury good so by process of elimination it must be evil?

    Nazi's were punished for what they did so it was net pain, hence evil for them.

    Slave owners became fat and decadent. They where hated. Some where punished for what they did. So it was net pain, hence evil for them also.

    There are some difficult to call situations. China I think sanctions would cause more pain than pleasure so it would be evil. It would cripple the world economy I mean.
  • Defining Good And Evil

    Good is pleasure > pain for individual and groups.
    Evil is pleasure < pain for individual and groups.

    I see nothing arbitrary about the above definitions?

    I don't see what other metric apart from pleasure/pain that could be used?
  • Defining Good And Evil
    IE you can't demonstrate any circularity.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Explain what is circular...
  • Defining Good And Evil
    You cannot read.
  • Is the free market the best democratic system?
    I think another area the free market fails us is that it gives us what we want rather than what we need. The confection and tobacco industries are examples of where the free market is killing us through misplaced demand.

    I'm a fan of industry specific taxation rates. Most countries do this to a degree but it could be widened to include:

    - Higher taxes for confectionary, cosmetics, luxury items
    - Lower taxes for internet, education related, biotech
  • Is the free market the best democratic system?
    I look forward to an age where machines do all the dull work and we are employed 3 days a week in interesting and creative arts and crafts roles. Some serious modifications to the free market are needed to get there though.
  • Is the free market the best democratic system?
    The free market is stunningly wasteful. For example, there are about 200 UK insurance companies. Life insurance is pretty much the same whoever you buy it from, but 200 duplicated payroll, policy administration, human resources, IT, claims, etc... departments and systems. Thats just one country and one vertical; looking at global capitalism as a whole, it's a huge mess of duplication. Maybe the world is running at 5% of peak efficiency with all this duplication.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Basically, if an action that could cause betterment to the majority of people in the future though it causes the detriment of many people in the present, is that action good?NuncAmissa

    If the was really no other option but the button then technically it would be a good action as it benefits more people. But in a real situation, there would be better options and you would choose the optimal (most right) option.

    P.S. I keep on defining good and evil as moral terms. Is that what this discussion is about?NuncAmissa

    I've defined right and wrong in mathematical terms. I think right=good and wrong=evil.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Right, wrong not defined. The OP is thus an exercise in nonsense, with a nonsense conclusiontim wood

    Right, wrong are defined here:
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Right is pleasure>pain. Wrong is pleasure<pain. We all feel pleasure and pain in similar ways. Thus any decision is optimised using the following rule:

    net pleasure = pleasure - pain

    So eating sweets for example, short term pleasure but long term pain (tooth decay, overweight), so net pleasure comes out negative (its the wrong thing to do).

    Or exercise, short-term pain, but long term pleasure from being fit. Long>short so net pleasure comes out positive (its the right thing to do).
  • On depression, again.

    What could be more depressing than Oblivion? And then spreading this depressing message the way people like Dawkins and the cosmologists do creates depression in the general population.

    Atheism is wrong and outdated. Science has moved on:

    Please do not quote the Anthropic principle; its (to use your favourite word) bullshit:

    - The Weak Anthropic explains the universe must be compatible with life for us to be here. It does not explain why the universe is compatible with life
    - The Strong Anthropic explains that the existence of multiple universes with different properties account for our existence. But other universes are statistically likely to be like this one (Life supporting) so the SAP does not explain why the multiverse is fined-tuned for life.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Normal, well-adjusted humans are different in small ways but similar on all the important issues. So it's possible to define right and wrong in mathematical terms and apply it to all humans.

    Discussed further on this thread:
  • On depression, again.
    You are quite brilliant.

    I speak from personal experience; I was one.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    So willpower is an ability we use to deny ourselves things we (think we) want or need? :chin:Pattern-chaser

    Doing the right thing often hurts in the short term (exercise, study, helping people) and pays off in the long term. Willpower is needed to get over that initial pain.

    Doing the wrong thing is often pleasurable in the short term (laziness, sweets), but leads to long term pain. Again willpower is needed to avoid the short term temptations.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Would pain sensitivity make someone more or less “effectively intelligence”?I like sushi

    I think over-sensitivity to pain is likely indicative of low willpower (excepting the Hyperalgesia condition). Abstinence might be another way to test for willpower.

    Is cowardice part fo this dynamic?I like sushi

    Cowardice is low willpower.

    Of course it's possible. But is it useful?Pattern-chaser

    If you can measure willpower, you can assess what improves it. High willpower is key to getting the most from life.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Willpower can be measured by pain tolerance. A traditional way is walking on hot coal. Exercise can be used as well.

    Epinephrine (aka adrenaline) is not necessarily damaging long termI like sushi

    Are you saying stress is not a killer? It leads to high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Defining Good And Evil

    Sometimes you are forced into doing the wrong thing. But it's still the wrong thing. Anything that is not optimal is technically wrong. War is about as far from optimal as is imaginable.

    You could’ve simply said “life is hard.”I like sushi

    Life is hard because people make the wrong decisions; they optimise for the short term rather than the long term. Much of life is about short term sacrifice for long term gain. A clear definition of right and wrong would help people live better lives.
  • Two types of Intelligence

    I think you get individuals with high IQ and low willpower. For example an intelligent person who overeats and is overweight.

    Then you also get people with low IQ and high willpower. These are nice people who do the right thing but struggle with complex situations.

    IQ tests exist. There are various ways of measuring willpower (walking on hot coal for example). So its possible to separate the two.
  • Two types of Intelligence

    How are you measuring my “effective intelligence”? You’ve presented an opinion of me not a means of measuring my “correctness.”I like sushi

    I would measure correctness as the tendency to use willpower in order to exchange short term pain for long term pleasure. Being rude and unhelpful may give you a short term kick, but it is counter productive in the long term.

    Adrenaline is a stress hormone and it's damaging to the system in the long term (which is what matters). It's the fight/flight response, a danger signal. It does help cognition but only in the short term.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Distinguishing intelligence, wisdom, understanding, and so on, is somewhat dependent on these things actually being distinct in the first place, and I don't think they arePattern-chaser

    I think IQ and willpower are distinct enough. Willpower is required to make the 'correct' decisions. IQ is required to understand complex situations.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    War is wrong? Can you prove this to be correct?I like sushi

    War is not the optimal solution to any problem, so it is always wrong.

    An obvious example would be either fascism or communismI like sushi

    These are both extreme viewpoints; extremism is generally wrong.

    Why do you call it “right squared”? Saying that good can lead to bad or good, and that bad can led to good or bad is not really worth mentioning as far as I can tell. What am I missing?I like sushi

    Most things that are right are painful in the short term. Being pleasurable in both short and long term is unusual so I call it right squared.

    Most things that are wrong are pleasurable in the short term. Being painful in both short and long term is unusual so I call it wrong squared.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    1) A person was given 2 choices, 1 choice would give him pleasure and happiness in the long term, but the other will bring displeasure to a group of random people. Knowing that, People will choose the first choice!diesynyang

    Can you give a specific example?

    2) A Person was given a choice, to save 1 disabled person that he love, or to save 3 healthy, smart person that could bring good to the world and him in the long run. Knowing this fact, he would still choose number 1diesynyang

    It's clearly wrong to save 1 person rather than 3.

    We are dominant, because through evolution, we are STRONGdiesynyang

    We are dominant because of our ability to work as a team; for which a natural understanding of right and wrong is required.

    Human without proper education are Evil, a person that lives in the natural state are Evildiesynyang

    But it's not natural for a human to have no upbringing. So humans are naturally good.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain are only positive when someone feels that that's the best course of actionTerrapin Station

    These are the bodies signals of right and wrong. Someone would have to be seriously maladjusted if they did not seek to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. Such a person needs help.
  • Two types of Intelligence
    It was the way you dismissed my OP because it was different from the research you'd read. As I pointed out, its a new idea and its incorrect to dismiss it out of hand without mentioning any specific problem with my argument.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Let us say that someone starts a war because they believe it will benefit humanity and that by bringing about this war billions of people will die, but in the aftermath a better society rises from teh ashesI like sushi

    War is wrong. There are better ways to change a government than war.

    One person’s utopia is often hell for many otherI like sushi

    Can you give an example?

    Also, in the OP you’ve left out the possibility of short-term good causing long-term good. Do you think that is possible? If not why not mention it?I like sushi

    Yes, I call that right squared.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    Does the group behave in an optimal manner that maximises pleasure and minimises pain for the individuals.

    If the group sticks to what is right (pleasure>pain) for individuals, the group will be right as a whole.

    Human beings have small differences but on the important stuff, right thinking people all agree (and wrong thinking people need to change).
  • Two types of Intelligence
    Correctness is more about willpower than IQ. The right thing is often painful in the short term.

    Someone with low willpower but high IQ will make mistakes like eating sweets; they are attracted to the short term pleasure.

    Someone with high willpower but low IQ will not make the same basic mistakes. They have the willpower to cope with short term pain in exchange for long term pleasure.