
  • Consciousness as primary substance
    Consciousness is complicated, and very rare in a grand universe. It requires much communication between the cells of the brain, using forces that only work at short distances.
    The vastness of space, doesn't allow complication and communication necessary for consciousness as large as a galaxy.
    Should we ask "does consciousness require some form of matter? Does consciousness lie within particles?"
    I heard that molecules can't hold the information necessary for consciousness, so that seems to leave dark matter and/or magnetic fields. Our thoughts perhaps are adrift in the aether, between particles...
  • Four alternative calendar proposals
    Six days per week. There has been talk of companies shortening the work-hours. There could be four work-days for each two days off, for the previously full-time workers.

    I used to think we should change to base six system. You could count to 35 with ten fingers,using each hand to represent one digit.
    On the base six calendar, weeks would be 6 days, 10 in base six.
    Months would be 36 days long, 100 in base six.
    There would be ten months, then a separate six day special week. Every six years.the special week would be subtracted.

    Every year, and every month, would start on the same day of the week.....
  • Segregated prisons
    Is witness protection helpful in preventing the murder of witnesses or is it just a further symptom?

    Is putting violent sociopaths in prison a good idea, or is it just a further symptom?

    Racism is not something that will be cured by allowing racial violence in prison. It is not racism to put people in different prisons to prevent them from killing one another.

    Prisons teach and foster racism. If you are not racist, you will learn to be racist when you go to prison and have to join your racial group for protection. When you are targeted in prison because of your race that does not help to stop racism, it only establishes racism in your mind usually for the rest of your life.
  • Man and his place - Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
    In the absence of understanding people resort to beliefs. Children believe in a real Santa Clause until they learn enough to understand that he is fiction, based on St.Nicholas.
    Most people will never find meaningful answers because they don't know the proper questions to ask.
  • Which philosopher said this?
    The law of identity originates from classical antiquity. The modern formulation of identity is that of Gottfried Leibniz.

    Ludwig Wittgenstein writes (Tractatus 5.5301):

    "That identity is not a relation between objects is obvious."
    At 5.5303 he elaborates:
    "Roughly speaking: to say of two things that they are identical is nonsense,
  • Which philosopher said this?
    Droplets from a constant but intermittent dripping of water in a room with no wind would have no differences that we can discern with the naked eye. However, nothing is exactly the same on a molecular level.


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