Thoughts on Creativity Large web-front companies make money of the creative labours of the masses, but what drives us to do it? — kudos
I love how one-sided your post is. It is always the 'big evil corporate' exploiting the small helpless proletariat.' You could easily turn this around and state that labour is exploiting/making money of big tech companies.
The objective view would be that big companies have opened new markets for creative people to do what they love, while simultaneously make money.
Now to go deeper into the topic you addressed. One could argue that the internet promotes creativity, by sharing ideas (and remixing it) on a massive scale beyond human comprehension.
But I could also see the opposite case be made, namely that the internet, especially social media platforms, kills creativity by creating internet bubbles, echo chambers, where people just seek confirmation instead of challenges to their world view. It is psychologically more comforting to be around people who already agree with you, especially regarding political and moral views.
I am personally leaning more towards the latter.