
  • Defining Life
    Commenting on Gospel of John is a serious work. I have been doing it 1.5 years. I understood lot of concepts, theology etc. light, life etc are difficult to define. When I attempted to do it. I get deeper understanding of it. So I am still pursuing it with much prayers.
  • Defining Life
    I should be able to define life of human in three parts(of body, of soul, of spirit). I am trying.
  • Defining Life
    Thanks all for the comments, it is a food for thought. More commnets are welcome.The study on life is interesting, challenging and i could not define. I am trying to find the meaning of ZOE.
  • Universals

    Thanks for the reply.
    Your reply helps but one more doubt.
    What does it mean to say they exist as names alone? They don't consider universals as reality as Plato argues. I understood that much.
  • Free Will
    You do still make a decision of your own though it might be limited by many factors. Your decisions are not always forced by someone. Even if you are forced to do something still you have a choice. Some factors are not under our control. We are definitely not a robot of God or Satan or any other authority. We might be influenced by someone or something. Our decision exposes our desires and our priority.