I have been doing some reading on what you have been talking about but I have not yet familiarised myself and thought about these conceptualisations enough to say too much.
For anyone interested, this has been helpful.
I think that Lacan's conceptualizations represent different arrangements of truth. — Number2018
They are themselves arrangements of truth as well as templates for arranging truth. What I would argue is that both the "besides truths" are included in arrangements and are themselves arrangements. I have come to agree with what you said in the thread about the way truth is arranged, I understood arrangements as consciously understood and purposefully crafted but we do contend with arrangements that we do not fully understand and haven't articulated. Their existence can simply be logically deduced from things of the nature of this very topic, though probably never perfectly articulated. Operating like social facts as you described. I hesitated on the distinction between i.e the institution of money (which we can refer to) and the arrangement of truth which must logically exist but cannot necessarily be referred to or sufficiently described but I think this inconvenience must just be accepted.
My post here is not much different than my post about arrangements, exploring that which is created from the truth but is separate from the truth and cannot be contested by the truth alone. We ask not what is true but what truths are relevant, how are they being interpreted, emphasised, characterised and what role do they play in the overall narrative. This process creates something which exerts its own force and what I called the "truth besides the truth".
Yet, I do not understand why you claim: “To reiterate, the truth besides the truth is how we perceive and react to things. When we dismiss the science behind the patterns as the result of a lack of intelligence or education, we dismiss our own humanity and enter into delusion.” — Number2018
If we noticed patterns and commonalities in our narrative structures and created an understanding of how common arrangements of truth produce common responses, this too would become an arrangement. The question shouldn't be to ask "is this arrangement true?" but to ask "is the arrangement useful" or effective? By acknowledging that what causes the pattern to exist likely also exert its influence on us, we can prepare for that and more easily spot it. What we shouldn't do is throw out the pertinence of the pattern on us by shifting blame, it is wishful thinking. We can challenge whether it's illogical or irrational to have these narrative structures to begin with, they may be instrumentally rational in the effects they produce. Alternatively, they may simply be the culmination of other factors which often meet and produce these effects. Either way, it becomes an ego trip to exclude oneself from processes simply because the results they produce are in some way unpalatable.
I think we should aim to be rational but if we aren't aware of what undermines our attempts to be then we have no chance. If one were resistant to having their rationality undermined by advertisements in the aforementioned way then it would be due to their awareness. The only way we can become aware is to accept some responsibility for their effectiveness, to acknowledge how we diverge from our ideal selves.
All this assemblage exists just as incessantly working; each working part enacts others, and at the same time, is enacted by them — Number2018
I am still grappling with Lacan but my preliminary understanding of Lacan's model is that it is very intuitive. He is taking things a step further and exploring how the individual, other, truth and interpretation/product are exporting their influence on each other in discourse. This is a very intuitive next step and Lacan describes these particular differences that he has identified and in psychoanalytical terms and I appreciate the aim here. I don't fully understand what Lacan means by "truth" nor how he characterises the arrow from truth to agent. I believe the agent actively and biasedly arranges truth to understand it. Often purposefully or subconsciously asserting different priorities or characterisations based on changes to the narrative.
In this context, 'the truth besides the truth' is a machinic assemblage, generating various effects, including what we may percept as true or false. Due to the omnipresent operations of capitalistic arrangements, we have probably lost the ability to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit experiences. — Number2018
This is a very real example of what you asserted in the thread about arrangements about how socio-economic institutions restrict and influence our worldviews by affecting or constituting the arrangements of truth being unconsciously drawn upon.
The culture of consumption both affects how we see things while also being itself affected, it's social role is deeply interactive. How do I even begin to explain the way in which we extract and assert meaning? The model is actualising our desires, the potency wouldn't be there without that, however, the desires being actualised are not restricted to the product but include her, herself. Advertisements are often about a happy family, a successful marriage, happiness from the act of purchasing, beautiful houses, beautiful people, happy people, what's really being sold here? Consider also the latest trend of "woke" ads, selling the idea of social justice even though it has nothing to do with the product.
I think that narrativization is inherently paradoxical, meaning, there's always any number of convincing narratives even if they totally contradict each other. Why does the advertisement work, what about it inspires us? Given the information we have, how can we eliminate all the plausible-sounding narratives and reduce it to one? It cannot be, and the narrativisation will always be contentious. Often times it comes down to who has the authority to have the final say? Even to say what you yourself are feeling. There's no burden of proof for characterisation that provides authority, though certain characterisations are certainly empowered by various societal institutions and institutions of thought. Characterisations function perfectly fine without ever being in accordance with reality, they are justified by rulesets which have to be believed in to have validity.
I find it plausible, she is one of the viewers but I also see her as part of the product, The experience of the ad, with the serene music, the camera flipping from angle to angle, the woman at the end while smiling at you saying "because you're worth it". What is all of this careful construction aimed at maximising and why is it effective? Does anyone ever get to have the final say? I see this as being very problematic for ever coming to a satisfying conclusion.