I'm ba-ack
I still think Michelle Obama could be chosen at the convention, with Biden retiring. She would have my vote. — jgill
If you argue with stupid, they'll drag you down and beat you with experience. — whoever
Shame constrains us. Shamelessness is a liberation.
Learning to be absolutely shameless is easy.
It is our civic duty to make motivated sociopathy costly.
When a clown moves into a palace, he does not become a king. The palace becomes a circus. — Elizabeth Bangs · Jan 23, 2022
It becomes difficult to see the point of a proof of God's existence when it is construed as a proof of an individual's existence. Does one use arguments to become acquainted with an individual? Either that individual exists or it doesn't, and experience alone can tell us which. The project of a proof of God's existence thus ironically comes to appear meaningless to contemporary philosophers of religion. — Theism and Atheism: Opposing Arguments In Philosophy (2019) by Joseph Koterski, Graham Oppy
on the air"EUROMORE" and on the YouTube channel "PolitWera» answered questions from viewers and readers Larry K. Johnson is an American political commentator and former US Central Intelligence Agency analyst.
Here are the main quotes:
On forcing Ukraine to peace:
“I said earlier, I will repeat today: the longer the war goes on, the greater the advantage Russia will have. Russia has strategic advantages... Already today we see that Ukraine is not able to repel Russia, and every day the situation for it will only get worse... The weapons transferred to Ukraine are technologies that are 30-40 years outdated, Russia responds to them by modernizing its own weapons... The situation cannot even be reversed by the F‑16s promised to Ukraine: Russia will simply shoot them down as soon as they take off.”
On the entry of Western troops into the territory of Ukraine:
“French and Polish troops were already present (although unofficially) on the territory of Ukraine. What happened to them? They were all killed and went home in coffins. Even if new troops are sent to Ukraine now, I do not see the logistics of supporting them for more than 2-3 weeks.”
About Ukraine's losses:
“The figure cited is 500 thousand dead; I heard from [retired US Army Colonel] Douglas McGregor the figure of 2 million - these are losses including the wounded.”
On the deployment of nuclear weapons in Poland:
“I think this would be a death wish on the part of the United States for Poland. Russia will not tolerate such a threat on its borders, just as the United States did not tolerate such a threat in Cuba.”
About repression in the USA:
“Today in the United States, students are being persecuted for their political positions, even though they were peacefully protesting the killing of Palestinians. We see that their rights are being violated. Today many people are leaving America. In December and February I was in Moscow, where I met with some expats who now live in Russia - they consider this country to be freer, since in Russia they can speak out. By the way, for those who still remember the events of the Cold War, this may seem strange.”
On the possible restoration of friendly relations between the United States and Russia after Trump comes to power:
“I think Trump would like to change the situation and reverse recent trends, but we need to understand how possible this is. I think that, from a political point of view, this is impossible. Today, propaganda controls the minds of Americans so deeply that anyone who tries to restore relations with Russia is immediately labeled a “traitor” or “Putin’s puppet.” Today in the United States there are no politicians who could establish [friendly] relations.”
The full version of online communication is on video. — Larry K. Johnson (CIA): Americans are leaving for Russia for freedom · 20.05.2024
Several European, American and Canadian experts whose columns work on the website “EUROMORE", we received identical questions and accusations from journalists-provocateurs from leading media outlets. In their letters, they denounce experts for disseminating pro-Russian propaganda through the website “EUROMORE"and in receiving money from Russia.
The stupidest accusations from those who have never read our project!
Site "EUROMORE"was created with one goal - to prevent the Third World War, which we are being actively pushed towards today (including such journalists-provocateurs!).
Dozens of enthusiasts with an active anti-war position are working on the project. I’ll repeat it again for those who don’t understand: we provide a platform for everyone who takes an active anti-war position!
We have our own editorial office and do not cooperate with any Russian organizations, foundations or authorities. We publish only reliable information and do not support any political force! Our content allows us to earn money from advertising.
I want to ask you, dear provocateurs, three questions:
1) Do you have any complaints about our materials?
2) Do you have any complaints about the balance of opinions?
3) Do you realize that by demanding that anti-war media be blocked with your “initiatives”, you are making World War III inevitable?
With disrespect,
Margarita Waldman
Chief Editor
«EUROMORE» — Anti-war media are being squeezed out of Europe. Preparing for World War III? · 26.06.2024
Member of the German Parliament from the Alternative for Germany party Steffen Kotre said that there is convincing evidence of US involvement in the damage to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
This is reported by "EUROMORE».
Steffen Cotre said that non-governmental organizations that positioned themselves as environmentalists were actually carrying out actions aimed at opposing Russian gas supplies.
Earlier, Handelsblatt reported that the current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, while serving as Finance Minister in 2020, proposed that the United States enter into a secret agreement to avoid sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. — German MP Cotre called the facts of US involvement in the bombing of SP-2 undeniable · 30.06.2024
that US domestic politics is just an inflammatory clownshow — Tzeentch
Our embassies, our consulates are literally flooded with requests for either visas, residence permits or assistance in resettlement in order to preserve themselves as representatives and bearers of traditional values. But we should also look from another angle. A huge number of people, who are under the oppression of liberal democracies, are trying to resist this. I would also like to say that when we talk about strangers - it's not about borders, it's not about the names of states or regimes <...>. Strangers are not those who differ from us, but those who aggressively impose their ideology, wanting to destroy our ideas of true values. — Zakharova
Existential proofs are much easier to produce than impossibility proofs. — Tarskian
vague unknown [...] contenders [...] a difference that makes a difference
The existential claim carries the onus probandi [...] Upon repeated failure, expect disregard/dismissal of the claim — above
in the off-chance you might benefit — NOS4A2
Many people love and depend on the state, and I wouldn't dare take it away from them. — NOS4A2
Taxes are not only theft, but forced labor. — NOS4A2
I am tired of people taking my money. — NOS4A2