Does the circumference of a (Euclidean) circle encircle space? Yes, two-dimensional space. — Leontiskos
You forgot that Euclid specifies a circle as a plane figure. I realise you're not going to accept that a great circle is not a Euclid circle, or that a circle in a plane at an angle isn't a Euclid circle without a repair of his definition - but please, trust someone who's wishy washy on logic that you're just wrong that Euclid's definition encompasses all circles.
I've been using the word "verbatim" to try to mean a couple of things:
A ) At face value.
B ) Using only the resources at hand in a symbolic system.
Thus Euclid's definition of a circle, verbatim, would exclude the great circle. And I keep bringing that up because it neatly illustrates the interplay between formalism and intuition and also a pluralism vs monism point.
But I never assented to any of these sorts of interpretations. — Leontiskos
And if you want to just talk about your intuitions without recourse to formalism, I don't know if this topic of debate is even something you should concern yourself with. You might not even be a logical monist in the OP's sense, since the kind of logic it's talking about is formal?
So you are ("perhaps") willing to say that there are circumstances in which one can correctly assert that there are square circles, but you won't commit yourself to there being square circles. This is odd. — Leontiskos
If you actually want my perspective on things, rather than trying to illustrate points from the paper: I'm very pragmatist toward truth. I prefer correct assertion as a concept over truth (in most circumstances) because different styles of description tend to evaluate claims differently. As a practical example, when I used to work studying people's eye movements, I would look at a pattern of fixation points on an image - places people were recorded to have rested their eyes for some time, and I would think "they saw this", and it would be correctly assertible. But I would also know that some subjects would not have had the focus of their vision on some single fixation points that I'd studied, and instead would have formed a coherent image over multiple ones, in which case they would not have "seen" the area associated with the fixation point principally, they would've seen some synthesis of it and neighbouring (in space and time) areas associated with fixation points (and other eye movements). So did they see it or didn't they?
So I like correctly assertible because it connotes there being norms to truth-telling, rather than truth being something the world just rawdogs into sentences regardless of how they're made. "There are 20kg of dust total in my house's carpet"... the world has apparently decided whether that's true or false already, and I find that odd. Because it's like I'm gambling when I whip that sentence out.
I apply the same kind of thought to maths objects, though they're far easier to build fortresses around because you can formalise the buggers. I'm gambling a lot less.
The idea behind this sort of thinking seems to be that every utterance is limited by an implicit context, and that there are no context-independent utterances. There is no unrestricted quantification. There is no metaphysics. I take it that this is not an uncontroversial theory. Here is an example of a statement with no implicit formal context, "There are no Euclidean square circles." You would presumably agree. But then to be wary of the claim that there are no square circles, you are apparently only wary of ambiguity in the terms. You might say, "Well, maybe someone would say that without thinking of Euclidean geometry." But we both know that there is no verbatim meaning of "square" and "circle," at least when subjected to this level of skepticism. . — Leontiskos
I would agree that every quantification is into a domain, and I don't think there are context independent utterances. I do not think it follows that there is no metaphysics. I'm rather fond of it in fact, but the perspective I take on it is more like modelling than spelling out the Truth of Being. I think of metaphysics as, roughly, a manner of producing narratives that has the same relation to nonfiction that writing fanfiction has to fiction. You say stuff to get a better understanding of how things work in the abstract. That might be by clarifying how mental states work, how social structures work, or doing weird concept engineering like Deleuze does. It could even include coming up with systems that relate lots of ideas together into coherent wholes! Which it does in practice obv.
I do also agree that there are no square circles in Euclidean geometries as the terms are usually understood.
But we both know that there is no verbatim meaning of "square" and "circle," at least when subjected to this level of skepticism.
I think this goes too far, you can do your best to interpret someone accurately and what they say can still be too restrictive or too expansive. Good shit testing requires accurate close reading. This is how you come up with genuine counterexamples.
This is a nominal dispute, but it won't touch on things like logical pluralism, for that question has to do with concepts and not just names. A new definition of "circle" will not move the needle one way or another with respect to the question of logical pluralism. As noted, the taxicab case involves equivocation, not substantial contradiction
I would have thought it clear how it relates to logical pluralism. If you model circles in Euclid's geometry, you don't see the great circle. But if you look for models of the statement "a collection of all coplanar points equidistant around a chosen point", you'll see great circles on balls (ie spheres, if you don't limit your entire geometry to the points on the sphere surface). They thus disagree on whether the great circles on balls are circles.
If you agree that both are adequate formalisations of circlehood in different circumstances, this is a clear case of logical pluralism.
As noted, the taxicab case involves equivocation, not substantial contradiction. — Leontiskos
The taxicab example is designed as a counterexample to the circle definition "a collection of all coplanar points equidistant around a chosen point", since the points on the edge of the square in Euclidean space are equidistant in the taxicab metric on that Euclidean space. It isn't so much an equivocation as highlighting an inherent ambiguity in a definition. And mathematicians can, and do, call those taxicab squares circles when they need to.
You can side with the thing as stated, or refine it to mean "a collection of all coplanar points Euclidean equidistant around a chosen point". Which would still fall pray to the great circle on the hollow sphere considered as is own object, since the point they're equidistant about is no longer part of the space.
The point isn't to say that we don't know what a circle is - that's sophistical - the point is to show that there are mutually contradictory but fruitful understandings of what a circle is. Which is a pluralist point par excellence.
Even going by
@Count Timothy von Icarus's excellent reference:
We define logical pluralism more precisely as the claim that at least two logics provide extensionally different but equally acceptable accounts of consequence between meaningful statements. Logical monism, in contrast, claims that a single logic provides this account
The extensional difference between all of these different formalisms are the scope of what counts as a circle. A pluralist could claim that some definitions work for some purposes but not others, a monist could not.
To put it in super blunt terms, Euclid's theory would have as a consequence that the great circle on a ball is not a circle. The equidistant coplanar criterion would prove that the great circle on a ball is a circle. Those are two different theories - consequence sets - of meaningful statements. A pluralist would get to go "wow, cool!" and choose whatever suits their purposes, a monist would not.