Which would you prefer: the life of 1) or the life of 2)? I prefer 1), and I would venture most would agree with me. — Chany
Well honestly I don't really care as far as I'm equally happy in both of them, and anyway whatever I respond the conclusion stay the same. I would say the life of 1 since I have more chances to stay happy if I have real reasons but it doesnt change the veracity of my assertion which is that happiness is in your mind.
Also, I do not like people using the word "science" to describe what effectively is philosophy. I've had enough of that on this site. — Chany
It is not philosophy that the world is nothing without our brain : what is good, what is bad, which color is front of you, what you feel etc is up to you. I think we can agree on that without problem.
There is a book called Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence — Chany
This book is pure gold and i was about to tell you about it haha
:) . By the way if you have something similar to recommend me that would be awesome.
here is serious discussion to be had about how much pleasure there really is in life, and whether we can seriously lead it — Chany
A person who is in serious pain in every waking moment but judges their life to be of relatively good quality does not appear to have a good life — Chany
I find more logic to say that the pleasures and pains are just part of an overall happiness.
Example, someone who is feeling a perfect sensation of pleasure during his whole life but that doesnt like that and is depressed have clearly a bad life, no one would like to live this.
But if hedonism is true then my example is false.
If I'm right, and if hedonism is false, then someone who is suffering his whole life but who is happy with it and wants to continue living have a "good" life.
But to he honest I find these examples really bad, because pain and pleasure are two "only good" or "only bad " things by definition, however a life is full of "neutral" things that you can feel differently.
They tend to forget the painful moments, the long stretches of repetitively mundane and pointless actions — Chany
But the way you feel these moments is only up to you, even if by the time most people will forget a bit about their pain, most of what makes a person happy is the way he feel his everyday life.
What makes you like your life, is it your happiness or your ratio good/bad ? It is your happiness which is the final value(positive or negative) that you give to the ratio of good/bad(positive or negative).
Is a life worth living ? Some say yes if you like it(1), some say yes if your ratio good/bad is positive(2), some say yes if your ratio good/bad is only made of good (3).
But there is no answer since life has no purpose, is the purpose of your life to be happy then (1) is right ? Is the purpose of your life to experiment pleasure then (2) or is your life valuable only if you experience the perfection then (3) ?
1: why not.
2: seems retarded.
3: why not. I like it the most.
So, the best is to never be, the second best is either to kill yourself(1) or to be happy(2).
If not 2 then 1.
This is my opinion and, since like i said life has no purpose, everyone is right, so I am right
If however you agree with me then you should agree that perfect and incurable depression should lead to suicide.
There is in my mind more evidences that the purpose of life is (1) since this is the final goal of
every of our actions,which make it, if not the purpose of life, the purpose of every human being. And if I'm wrong, then please give me an example.