
  • What Happened to ME?
    Out of body just weren't meant to go yet. One is put on earth to accomplish or get through certain things first before they can leave. It can also just be a push to wake up and put your life on the right path. If this wasn't the case then every single person who ever tried to commit suicide would succeed but not everyone does and then most end up regretting their attempt. My cousin had several attempts already and I told her to fix herself up and that she'll have people to help her. She's now in healthcare and helping others. She is just where she needs to be and learned important lessons to now help others.

    Stay safe. Live your fullest life to its potential. And if you are a believer in God then fulfill His plans that he has for you.
  • Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?

    Umm our bibles will say the same. And God wasn't the don or anything. Satan wanted God in to help him and God refused and Satan did everything without God.

    And you're still using the wrong meaning of repentance. God was sorry that humans chose to be stupid. I am sorry for humanity a lot too for being stupid. That doesn't mean I or God am responsible for their actions or it be our fault. I'm "sorry" you think that. Think about how I did the repent there, of actually doing no wrong.
  • Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?

    I just went to read the passage you mentioned and it doesn't say what you are saying it says. The passage says that God is letting Satan know that Satan's plan is to get God to to evil to Noah. But if you keep reading further it's clear that God declined to do evil to Noah so Satan did it instead.

    And where does it say that God repented in the Noah story? Keep in mind though when someone says sorry it may not be because they've done wrong. People often say sorry to someone who told them someone they know died. That sorry isn't because it was their fault in any way. It's a way to express sadness which I'm fairly certain is what you're confusing the Noah story with.
  • Why are we here?
    Well, that's a relief! Thanks for the clarification. It's a good thing to help people who are struggling in that way. What made you want to do this specific job if I may ask?
  • Why are we here?
    What is making you want to end your life? But, yes, try the hotline and just seek to talk in general. Life is beautiful and worth living. You only get it once. It's not like a video game where you die and can restart over and over again. In real life you usually get one shot and if it doesn't work then do something else that works other than giving up.
  • Why are we here?
    I'm here because I personally like to discuss and share ideas with people. It's also currently getting my mind off the coronavirus and the lockdown. I try to stay busy with something to avoid another thing usually. It's like my coping mechanism.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    What exactly is he doing currently about the lockdown and the economy? Will things open up soon or no? Because if things plan on remaining closed then people will need recurring payments. One stimulus pay of $1200 will not be enough. For some the montly rent is even more than that and that leaves no money for food, gas, etc.
  • Why do suicidal thoughts arise?
    Never heard of those things but then culture comes into play. Some people might not wear those type of shoes in their culture. I was raised with not wearing clothes with holes in them because it doesn't show good character and care of one self so obviously I always avoided ripped jeans. But probably more so personally because clothes with holes may not last as long and rip apart and I like clothes that can stay intact as long as possible. So culture may be involved or one just may not like that style and won't be comfortable.
  • Why do suicidal thoughts arise?
    ABA is a science so they have documented data and studies to show what works and what doesn't. Plus, walking in sandals is not so good for the winter especially if it snows. One can wear sandals at some points in their life, sure, but they'll need to learn how to wear other shoes as well that may be more suited.
  • Supernatural and fantasy thinking about religion. Is it good or evil?
    I think it comes down to what form of religion one believes. I see most religions to be bad to ones well being or to me personally and other types bring out the good in people. Studies also indicate that religion and spirituality have good impacts on people especially ones with a mental illness. To me mental illness is a serious issue because that person could harm themselves or others so if religion/spiritually can help that person live a more productive life then we can't fight with this treatment that works. We must support all forms of treatment that work or else you'll be at odds with doctors, scientists, and other professionals.
  • Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?
    What you imply is that this Being is always killing not curing. Bible shows the Being doing either one depending on the situation. There's different methods one can use in a situation. I'm sure a being that is a God would use the correct method each and every time unlike humans. Humans are used to making mistakes. Where does it say the Being makes mistakes?
  • What is imagination?

    Thank you! I wasn't sure I explained too well or worded things too well but I guess it made sense still so that's good to hear.
  • Why do suicidal thoughts arise?
    I think everyone has had a suicide thought whether it was thinking life would be easier if they were gone, that they will no longer have problems in life if they were not alive, etc. I think these thoughts come as a way to try to cope with problems that people face but it's not the way out. The way out is to fix the problem itself not by escaping it with death. Death doesn't fix. Death is giving up, running away, escaping, etc. If anyone knows ABA therapy the escape method is not ok when dealing with a problem. You must take it head on. Let's say a child doesn't know how to tie their shoes and always runs away from doing it because they don't want to either be faced with the hard task, they don't want to look uneducated, etc. The ABA therapist will stop their escape and will not let them leave until the shoes are on and tied whether by the child alone or by the child and the therapist if help is needed. But escaping is the only giving up and failing method out there and it's not the method that actually works with what you're dealing with.
  • What is imagination?
    I view imagination as another world or as another reality. The only being in charge of it is the one that is doing the imagining. They can bring back someone they dearly loved that died on them, they can fix anything that has gone wrong, they can plan out their future in it, etc. This earthly world can ruin or destory parts of your life but you can always keep those parts alive and well in your imagination. Imagination can be a good coping mechanism too. Also, if anyone knows about lucid dreaming or if they can lucid dream then they can play out their imagination in 3D world view that's more realistic.
  • What is art?
    I took art classes before and the best way to sum up what art is is how a person expresses what they see, feel, imagine, etc. It can come in different forms and not just on a blank sheet of paper or canvas. Let's say the person dreamt of a beautiful dance and wants to express it. It would probably be best to show that art of it by replicating the actual dance instead of drawing it out. Drawing it out will not capture what they saw very well.
  • Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?
    Yes. That's who I speak of since that's who you wrote about. And what makes you think that when this Being kills that this being isn't living up to the golden rule? If this Being created the golden rule as the Being claims to creating it then it obviously involves taking lives too but just by the Being in living by the golden rule. Parents can give and take away from their children and giving and taking can both follow the golden rule. Parents can reward and punishment their children and still live up to the golden rule. Theirs much to learn in a punishment to better someone. It's not always a negative.
  • If women had been equals
    I think when men act above women it actually makes them lower than a human being. A human being is male and female. It's not 3/4 male and 1/4 female. It's both are equal as human beings. Think of a penny. One side may be heads and one side may be tails. Neither side is more valuable. Each side is half a penny. Rich and poor are equal as human beings too. A fancy new penny is one cent just like a rusty old penny is one cent.
  • Coronavirus
    I am not a chef or surgeon or anything that requires excessive hand washing for the safety of others and themselves. I'm just me and I'm just dealing with the normal dosage of bacteria/germs that exist. Plus one thing you never want to do is get rid of the good germs. Even Jesus said hand washing like before eating isn't going to harm normal settings. Plus, playing in mud is even good for your skin. Lots of people do mud masks and stuff. And I'm not antisocial so not sure why we got there. I just don't like being around sick people, picky people, rude people, etc. And some people are naturally happy being introverted. We shouldn't change the way people feel comfortable.
  • Does anything truly matter?
    I think what matters most is our impact or influence because that will be the only thing we leave behind when we die. People won't ask what car that person drove, what color was their favorite, what their hobbies were, etc. People will describe how the person was when the person was alive. If they were good or bad, charitable or greedy, loving or hateful, and so on. If they left a huge impact in a good way then they will be remembered more or discussed more unlike one who left a bad impact then everyone would try to forget all the bad that came from them.
  • Does Yahweh/Jesus live by the Golden Rule?
    Well, the Being you speak of is one that basically made up the golden rule and taught people how to live by it which is basically the way the this Being does it. In that sense, this Being fully lives and breathes by the golden rule and if anyone disagrees then it means they don't fully understand the golden rule the Being had then created.
  • What counts as listening?
    In a sense, yes you listened to the whole piece. However, you did not listen to it in the way the composer designed it to be heard as. You listened to it in pieces to get to the whole instead of listening to it in one piece. Music is made in a way to absorb the whole rhythm, style,etc as a whole to see the full beauty of it.
  • Why has the golden rule failed?
    I have never heard of the saying that an eye for an eye leaves one blind but it truly does make sense. Jesus even pointed out that we shouldn't go by an eye for an eye but that we should just learn to love and forgive. Certainly that does eliminate the death penalty that you mentioned. Jesus even stopped a death penalty from occurring by saving a woman who was about to be stoned to death. Places that don't have the death penalty still apply to the golden rule unless they lack in another area and do not quite have full sight.
  • Coronavirus
    I think we should worry but only to an extent. I don't think we should go overboard and be ocd about hand washing and stuff. We should just avoid interactions unless necessary but definitely not if they look ill. Also, I heard some strange things that there are still places in the world with 0 cases. Where are these places? Why are there 0 cases and what can we learn from them?
  • How open should you be about sex?
    Personally, I see this as a private topic. It's kind of like ok well that was a bit too much info. I guess it would be more ok the closer you are to the person because people in general may not be comfortable with such discussions.