Exactly, and not all knowledge is discursive knowledge. It's a sad philosophy that has to look at the climax of Dante's Commedia in Canto XXXIII of the Paradisio, his appeals to the inadequacy of language and memory, and say "well he's just sputtering nonsense." And it's just as sad to have to say something like "we can appreciate the words but not its rational content," since the Comedy is one of the very best (IMO the best) instances of philosophy breathed into narrative form. — Count Timothy von Icarus
However, I think that, if we are not careful—and we have not been—this move becomes a major step down the road to deflationism vis-à-vis truth. — Count Timothy von Icarus
"truth is primarily in the intellect and only secondarily (or fundementally) in things." — Count Timothy von Icarus
This is a view that I think is every bit as untenable and radical as either solipsism or epistemological nihilism, its advocates just tend to obscure this fact by ultimately deficient appeals to "pragmatism." — Count Timothy von Icarus
I guess it is important to say that Cheever himself was from Massachusetts; so is Clarky ( T Clark ). Two great human souls who belong to the same place of the Western civilisation — javi2541997
Nowadays, however, with Trump being elected (twice!) and "fake" news, and all facts being considered as suspect, social media, and the "democratization" of information, everything is up for grabs in the media environment, thus most people now will just shrug their shoulders at the idea that a major country's legislative body has spent time listening to ex-military officials from the executive branch give testimony about programs that have found real UFOs, NHI, retrieval and reverse engineering programs. — schopenhauer1
However, the counterargument is that the Congress members themselves are fringe cooks willing to entertain sensationalist bullshit. — schopenhauer1
They are actually closely related. — Apustimelogist
I get conflicting accounts on how it says that reality can be real or local but not both.
— Darkneos
It seems to be a positive way to express the uncertainty of quantum physics. A particle can be either located in space (position), or measured for movement (momentum), but not both at the same time. Real things can be measured both ways, so what's wrong with quantum particles? Are they not things? Are they not real? — Gnomon
Quantum physics is one area where philosophy needs to stay out, since the interpretations aren't accurate reflections of what is going on. You're also citing all the weird interpretations that aren't really widely accepted either. — Darkneos
A therapist, who just might suggest "euthanasia as a treatment option" — baker
“To be is to be the value of a bound variable” — J
(First) the number 2 (Second) the first even prime greater than 100...The second statement refers to something which, I think we all agree, doesn't exist. — Art48
There will be more of us once we unveil the new Thanksgaining mascot, Pizza the Hutt. People will drop their dry turkey in no time. — Count Timothy von Icarus
local reality isn't true, and I googled it to find the that Nobel Prize went to 3 scientists who had proved that in 2022 — Darkneos
I have assumed that something cannot come of nothing. Correct. Because I'm at a loss as to how that would be possible logically speaking.
If you can posit a way in which everything can arise from nothing (a state devoid of all potency, property, ability and/or agency) then have at it. — Benj96
I then went on to describe something that could "appear like true nothingness" (dimensionless and immaterial) without in fact being Nothing. Which is the next best thing, by the principle of occams razor the next simplest possibility.
So actually I do think I explained a lot, despite you not thinking so. — Benj96
Why use a term like God which is so heavily loaded and ranges from everything between a bearded man in the clouds to just about every other conception out there when Potential is much more open to a logical discussion and exacting definition as a physical law rather than an anthropomorphised entity. — Benj96
True nothingness cannot exist. So the question itself -why cam something come from nothing is no less absurd than saying why can +1 come from -1. — Benj96
So the real question for me is what could exist - that is the simplest existant neccesary to derive all subsequent ones ie a "nothingness" that isn't actually nothing, it just seems so from the perspective of the material world and everything relative to it. — Benj96
...According to present-day understanding of what is called the vacuum state or the quantum vacuum, it is "by no means a simple empty space". According to quantum mechanics, the vacuum state is not truly empty but instead contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of the quantum field..." — Wikipedia - Quantum vacuum state
In conclusion, this is the argument as to why Potential stands as a better reasoning for existence than something coming from nothing. — Benj96
I think I would have expected your favorite to be less dark. — praxis
A suggestion: perhaps have a forum devoted to primary sources? Where OPs are meant to revolve around a primary source and the threads are supposed to stay in contact with the relevant primary sources? — Leontiskos
I don't want to be unconditionally kind ever to be honest, everything is business for me. — Atrox
Heart of Darkness — praxis
Seems we must conclude it's a representation of a state. — Moliere
The Nihilsum would be a concept that exists(or of existence) between the categories of something and nothing by being neither fully one nor the other but instead exists as a paradox that resists clear categorization. — mlles
We didn't create the ISIS insurgency. That is an opportunistic infection in the body politic. We created the wound in which the infection fulminated. — BC
I do deeply and earnestly hope that we do not decide to take apart and rebuild Syria. It may be a mess; — BC
It is difficult for me to see what advantage Assad has over the opposition. Is it that his regime is a "known devil"? Is it that the Assad Regime has a more or less stable relationship with Israel? Is it that Assad regime was not appallingly cruel and repressive until the last few years? Was Assad "driven" into domestic terrorist policies by the extremist insurgent forces? It seems clear that Daesh would be just as bad, if not worse. If the Russians are for him, must we be against him? Don't know. — BC
In other words, what exists, exists. Reason is the way we interpret that existence in a way that fits in with a logical framework. As an example: The big bang appeared from nothing. If that is true, then the sufficient reason for that happening is simply a logical framework that accurately leads to this result. — Philosophim
Truth must exist first for reason to matter. — Philosophim
So did I gave up my eye for them? Or just because I didn't want to fill the immense pain and suffering that I would felt if I didn't do that. The answer is the last.
That was the point that I tried to make, — Matias Isoo
What I call good is not humankindness and responsible conduct, but just being good at what is done by your own intrinsic virtuosities. Goodness, as I understand it, certainly does not mean humankindness and responsible conduct! It is just fully allowing the uncontrived condition of the inborn nature and allotment of life to play itself out. What I call sharp hearing is not hearkening to others, but rather hearkening to oneself, nothing more. — Chuang Tzu - Ziporyn translation
And about the dirty words Im sorry but thats the way I express my self but I will try to reduce the amount of tose words in future posts, — Matias Isoo
I have no higher education so my vocabulary its not on par with many of you, in time it will, thats why im here. — Matias Isoo
Dont try to be the hero that saves the world, cause I know that you wouldn't save a world if it was for you to get worst, superman saves the world because he doesn't want to died, him or his loved ones, because if his loved ones die he would get sad, and he doesn't want to be fucking sad, so even him saving his family its not for them, its for him, — Matias Isoo
We have a lot of great people now a days, sure, businessmen, politicians, athletes, scientists but its not the same, they dont have the virtue, the god like status that their predecessors had. — Matias Isoo
I think this is a radical feminism you can get behind. — fdrake
It is, by common sense, factual that consciousness exists. — Reilyn
If I were to tell a person that they do not have consciousness, they would not be able to give me evidence that they do, even though they can definitively prove that to themselves. — Reilyn