I don't think he would accept or reject it. He would say we have no way of definitively answering the question. — frank
The term "noesis" has been revived by modern thinkers in a number of ways that are quite different from the term's historical meaning, so perhaps that is a source of confusion here..................................I think it's fairly obvious that Wittgenstein doesn't think such a faculty exists — Count Timothy von Icarus
"I think therefore I am" is not an affirmation, but inference. He was still doubting his own existence, and the possibility that he thinks. — Corvus
“I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No: if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who is deliberately and constantly deceiving me.
In that case I too undoubtedly exist, if he is deceiving me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. So after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind.”(Cottingham et al, 1984)
Perhaps hinge and ordinary propositions are not two sharply distinguishable entities , but more or less fluid, more or less hardened aspects of the same practical discursive processes. — Joshs
But if noesis is possible his entire analysis is wrong. — Count Timothy von Icarus
Notebooks 1914-16 - Now it is becoming clear why I thought that thinking and language were the same. For thinking is a kind of language. For a thought too is, of course, a logical picture of the proposition, and therefore it just is a kind of proposition.
The point would be that people have often held conceptions of truth that would invalidate Wittgenstein's conclusions. — Count Timothy von Icarus
It isn’t independent of any world. On the contrary, it is the product of practical discursive engagement with others and with material circumstances in the actual world in which we live. — Joshs
From the perspective of the Patristics, or say, Thomism, Wittgenstein is simply deluded about the nature of truth, knowledge, and justification — Count Timothy von Icarus
===============================================================================In the 1914 motu proprio Doctoris Angelici, Pope Pius X cautioned that the teachings of the Church cannot be understood without the basic philosophical underpinnings of Thomas's major theses:
The capital theses in the philosophy of St. Thomas are not to be placed in the category of opinions capable of being debated one way or another, but are to be considered as the foundations upon which the whole science of natural and divine things is based; if such principles are once removed or in any way impaired, it must necessarily follow that students of the sacred sciences will ultimately fail to perceive so much as the meaning of the words in which the dogmas of divine revelation are proposed by the magistracy of the Church. (Wikipedia - Thomism)
For, leaving aside the proper interpretation of Wittgenstein, to say that "God exists" and "God does not exist" can both be simultaneously "tautologically true" obviously requires a view of truth that is likely to differ fundamentally (i.e. in terms of bedrock understanding) from most historical views, under which claims that something is simultaneously both true and not-true, without qualification, is absurd and "senseless." — Count Timothy von Icarus
On the other side of the argument, “I have hands holds across contexts and language games. Atheists function without belief in God, but how would they function without the belief we have hands? — Sam26
However, as mentioned above re noesis, the existence of God and of God as "truth itself" would seem to undermine Wittgenstein's conclusions in a rather radical manner. — Count Timothy von Icarus
Propositions can be true or false, but hinges are true as a condition of being a hinge, i.e., it's their foundational role. Moreover, it’s our acting that cements them in place, not any fact that establishes their truth. — Sam26
Would you reject out of hand the possibility that "God-realization" is a term, however fuzzy and encrusted with doctrines, that tries to answer this question? — J
The "I" here ceases to be entwined with thought, emotion, or perception - but instead is said to become, or else transcend into, pure awareness devoid of any duality. — javra
For pure consciousness is said to remain, even in the absence of the "I" and its objects — J
Yes, true, but the concept filled with sense data (in the IDR sense) is not synonymous with the concept. — AmadeusD
This, to be honest, because for it seems as though you are reifying the mind and its components (e.g. individual thoughts and percepts) into having similar characteristics to physical things in the external world, which can indeed hold separated givens. — javra
Yet to see a house (a percept) is indeed utterly separate from contemplating the concept/thought of "house". — javra
The "I" for example is not separate from its perceptions in so far as these perceptions are only so because they are perceived by the "I" - being in fact contingent on the "I"s awareness. — javra
What gives me the right to speak of an 'I' as cause, and finally of an 'I' as cause of thought?'
Doesn't this entail that with each change in thought thunk there will then necessarily be an ontological change in the "I" addressed? If so, how can the same "I" be privy to different thoughts? — javra
If I have a conscious thought/belief that I am seeing something, could that thought/belief be doubted? — Kranky
What gives me the right to speak of an 'I' as cause, and finally of an 'I' as cause of thought?'
If I have a conscious thought/belief that I am seeing something, could that thought/belief be doubted? — Kranky
I don't understand how we could replace 1 by 3. — frank
Could you describe what mind-independent world could be? — Corvus
What do we do with numbers like pi that go on forever? — frank
They are subjective mental states, nothing to do with knowledge. — Corvus
When there is discrepancies in the claims of knowledge on the same situation or object between different folks, you always have chance to carry out testimonies on the knowledge via repeated observations, experiments, or testing on the claims, and update your false beliefs, or correct the other folks false claim on his knowledge. — Corvus
What we see is the only world there is. There is no other world. — Corvus
Mind-independent world is meaningless if you cannot see or know what it is. — Corvus
We do have knowledge about the truth of reality, because we have perception and reasoning and inferring on the perception. Not just perception. — Corvus
For empirical cases like seeing colour red, you must go out and investigate further and verify for the truth, if needed. — Corvus
Your seeing colour red is not knowledge. — Corvus
Perception cannot give us knowledge. It can only present with what is perceived in the form of raw data i.e. shapes, colours, sounds, words and motions. That is where it ends. It is our reasoning and inference which give us knowledge on the reality. Hence both DR and IRists are wrong. — Corvus
Perception cannot give us knowledge. It can only present with what is perceived in the form of raw data i.e. shapes, colours, sounds, words and motions. That is where it ends. It is our reasoning and inference which give us knowledge on the reality. Hence both DR and IRists are wrong. — Corvus
Does it mean that Indirect Realist can only have beliefs? No knowledge at all?
And likewise, Direct Relists can only have knowledge? No beliefs at all? — Corvus
That seems to imply that they are back to the dualism. — Corvus
1) What is the significance of direct and indirect knowledge?...........................................3) What are the differences in direct and indirect knowledge compared to knowledge? — Corvus
2) Indirect or direct on relation to what? — Corvus
That sounds confusing. Is it not the other way around? Are you sure you haven't put them wrong way around in the definition? What significance the word "indirect" have in the name? Why indirect? — Corvus
So what is the difference between indirect realism and direct realism? From what you are saying, they sound exactly the same claims. — Corvus
Suppose someone perceives the colour red. Both the Indirect and Direct Realist would agree that something in the world caused their perception.
The Direct Realist says the person is directly perceiving the cause of their perceiving the colour red. The Indirect realist says that the person is only directly perceiving the colour red.
You seem to be confusing the point that I was trying to point out the fact that transcendental idealism has problem of having dualistic view of the world i.e. phenomenon and noumenon — Corvus
When the perceiver and the world is in direct physical contact which allows the perceiver to have direct perception, sensation, and interaction with the world or objects in the world, the world presents to the perceiver as physical entity or material objects. — Corvus
When the perceiver is only thinking about the world without direct visual or material sensation or perception, the world is in the mind of the perceiver as ideas only. — Corvus
You haven't answered the key point question. What do you mean by "regardless of any cause"? Why is it relevant to the point? — Corvus
You end up having 2x copies of every object in your perception, and wonder which one is the real object. — Corvus
Indirect realism's problem is using sense data as the medium of perception, which doesn't make sense. — Corvus
When the Indirect Realist perceives the colour red, for example, they are not perceiving a representation of the colour red, they are directly perceiving the colour red.
Anything otherwise would lead into the homunculus problem of infinite regression.
What the Indirect Realist does believe is that there is something in the world that has caused them to perceive the colour red, but it is unknowable whether this something in the world is actually red or not. The Indirect Realist reasons that it is not, but cannot know for sure.
In a sense, the colour red that is directly perceived is a representation of the unknown something in the world, which may or may not be the colour red.
There is only one object of perception for the Indirect Realist, and that is the direct perception of the colour red.
It sounds like a tautological statement, which doesn't convey any knowledge. — Corvus
The point of idealism or materialism is to define what the ultimate reality is in the end. But IR and DR seem to just make vague statements on how they perceive via unknown causes or directly. They just end there. So what is the ultimate reality? They don't seem to be interested in it. Hence no point. — Corvus
There would be no cases such that the cause of break is unknown in medical incidents. — Corvus
Not really. Their systems are not denied here. Rather, the OP is based on their systems, but seeing the world in a different way like Husserl and Merlou Ponty have done. — Corvus
Doesn't sound it has a point in saying that something has cause but they don't know what the cause is. — Corvus
Doesn't sound it has a point in saying that something has cause but they don't know what the cause is. — Corvus
Any objects or world unobserved don't exist. They are imagined or believed to exist. — Corvus
Indirect realism's problem is using sense data as the medium of perception, which doesn't make sense. — Corvus