Collaborative Criticism #3 Copper sulfate pentahydrate (26% solution) was applied to a 40,000+ gallon concrete pond complex at between 5-7 gallons per surface acre of 4 foot depth. The goal was to eliminate floating algae that resembled turds.
Days later the devastation to the pond snail population was apparent. A thick foul smelling protein foam coated the surface of pond # 3 with hundreds of tiny floating empty shells.
The pond snails were dead, along with the dragonfly nymphs.
The man who might be charged with this mundane collateral damage, the poisoner, was really just another vital mechanism in a much greater network of looping and crossing Rube-Goldberg machines.
Miles upland, in the K range, a great plastic wall protects the last tribes of a dying species, Achantinella fuscobasis, from rats and rose colored wolf snails.
The woman in charge of preserving these lives in a shell counts them all to the rhythmic beats of another Rube-Goldberg network, whose modular causal chains necessarily involve a helicopter, the Smithfield Foods plant and the memory of a fossilized Ammonite.