People like you don't distinguish between 1 and 4, and just use the word "capitalism" as though it meant 1 only, when what everyone else is actually arguing against is 4. — Pfhorrest
You think this will go on perpetually? — ssu
Big corporations and big government are exactly what some people being free to live up to their full potential looks like. It's you who wants the nanny state to protect you from others living up to their full potential. — baker
See, you don't want people to live up to their full potential! You want to put them into prison for that! — baker
And some of the accomplishments of conceptual thought are: medicine, art, technology, science, space exploration, engineering, the Internet, etc. Not bad eh? — emancipate
And this: the relationship (the relativity) to the truth is as Absolute as things get. We both have clues we are relative to the truth, although the truth evades us. My key point is that the Absolute is a relationship (relativity), not knowledge. So again, if you have “no clue,” we still have a relationship (relativity), and this is Absolute. — d Luke
Chances are that your brain filled in at least one of the blanks above automatically and without your conscious consent. It is continuously making predictions in this manner. Do these predictions reflect ‘reality’? No, they are frequently wrong. Worse, they usually reflect some bias, and worse still, may trigger a maladaptive emotional response.
There are good reasons to value the mental state that your talking about but this ‘seeing reality’ business is pure fantasy. — praxis
"Do you wish to know God? Learn first to know yourself." - Abba Evagrius the Monk. — Nikolas
You underestimate resistance. As soon s a person begins to do something they begin to interpret or they wouldn't know what to do. — Nikolas
If the value of the Zen experience leads to the truth, then a person has to deal with acquired resistance. Krishnamurti gave a good example concerning the power of imagination leading to resistance: “You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, “What did that man pick up?” “He picked up a piece of Truth,” said the devil. “That is a very bad business for you, then,” said his friend. “Oh, not at all,” the devil replied, “I am going to let him organize it." Krishnamurti[/i]
That is why I prefer contemplation of contradictions rather than meditation as leading towards the Absolute — Nikolas
When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door. Simone Weil
It can only be resolved by a quality of mind which can place the contradiction into a higher level of reality dualism is incapable of finding the door. — Nikolas
We are on two different paths. Who knows, we both may end up on the Way or where the paths meet. Different strokes for different folks. — Nikolas
True, but I have two essential questions Zen by definition cannot answer. The first is the meaning and purpose of our universe and the second is the meaning and purpose of life including human life within it. — Nikolas
Perhaps you should take up the practice of meditation and find out why this is not the case.Humanity has a need to interpret. — Nikolas
I think the current political right in the US are far more corrupt than the political left, mainly due to the influence of big money. — Wayfarer
Working people pay taxes; they should get benefits. Rich people pay few if any taxes. They should not receive benefits (like tax give-aways). Better yet, just expropriate the to .001%. That's right: Take it all away from the billionaires. — Bitter Crank
the number of young adults (under 30) dug into their parents' basements
— synthesis
The prime reason for this is the 50-year decline in income (and/or purchasing power) of working class people, and the maldistribution of wealth in the United States. Young adults can not earn enough to set up a home, even in dilapidated efficiencies. Comparison:
1971 - my take-home income: about $100 a week (worked for the RC church--last of the big spenders)
- my rent on a nice efficiency near work: $90 -- that's slightly less than 25% of income.
2020 85% of rental units in the same city are more than the cheapest $700 - 1000 range. To spend only 25% of one's income on rent one now has to bring home $48,000. Young adults might not be able to find a $1000 a month rent — Bitter Crank
— synthesis
The United States is the stingiest, least proactive nanny state among G20 countries. It's the most incompetent, negligent nanny that ever was (maybe after the Soviet Union). — Bitter Crank
What you're talking about, what you're criticizing, IS capitalism. The fact that it has become so debt-riddled, so regulated, so corrupted, is 'realpolitik'. You have an idealised picture where everyone is free, nobody has debts, everyone is employed in their rightful occupation. But there's no way the current regime can simply be deconstructed in favour of some idealised, imaginary 'true capitalism'. — Wayfarer
The system you are scorning IS that system. If, as you suggest, all government intervention and support was withdrawn, the ultra-wealthy, the 1%, woud withdraw to their gated estates and private islands, the 'preppers' to their bunkers. The remainded of economy would collapse into anarchy, there would be hundreds of millions of deaths. Just like Venezuala, but on a massive scale. — Wayfarer
What 'system'? Laissez-faire capitalism? The 'invisible hand' of the market? Those who can't get by without assistance - leave them to die so 'the system' can return to 'normality'? — Wayfarer
It's not right to discuss the meanings of the tripartite soul and its repercussions from the corruption of our lower nature on your thread but how IYO does Zen understand resistance? Why does the human organism oppose Zen and adopt imagination to take its place? Can the struggle with imagination take place without the conscious mind acting as a purification protecting efforts of meditation from turning into imagination and the opposite of its intent? — Nikolas
Plato's description of the tripartite soul is easiest to understand. As explained in the chariot analogy, the horse on the left refers to our lower parts which have become corrupt. How can the driver fix a sick horse which denies us the ability to objectively experience as a normal human being? — Nikolas
By golly, what are you complaining about then??! — baker
All one needs to do to in order to live in a country where you are free to live up to your potential, is to reconceptualize "free" and "live up to your potential", so that the new concepts match one's reality, whatever that may be. — baker
The Buddha’s approach is ‘deconstructive’ in a way that is hard for us moderns to understand. It is insight into the nature of experience and in particular the factor that leads to continued rebirth and so suffering. — Wayfarer
I recall reading that when Obama stepped in to save the American automotive industry in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, a faction within the Republican Party argued it would be better to let it collapse rather than save it through Government intervention.
Do you think the Republicans were right in saying that? — Wayfarer
. An experience requires the simultaneous cooperation of thought, emotions, and sensations. When they consciously work together and react as nature intended, they produce an experience. — Nikolas
They're tragic to the deceased's friends and loved ones. I'm willing to stipulate that the covid deaths are bad but so are the collateral deaths and misery we're inflicting with the endless politicized lockdowns. — fishfry
How do you define an experience? Experience can be interpreted into fantasy just as easily as reason and they both become partial truths. Socrates wrote of a higher quality of reason called noesis which leads to direct experience. Does satori mean the same? — Nikolas
Hmm. Not as interesting as it might have been. Poetry only appears more apt than philosophy for this sort of discussion because it is so loose. In the end if there is any merit here it is on the practice of meditation. — Banno
Indeed; and I have been at pains to point out that this is incorrect. — Banno
Relevant textual source; — Wayfarer
What kind of sensory experience can one have to respond to the need for objective meaning? Does sex with the right partner reveal it? — Nikolas
Going along with the system" is all there is to 1+1=2. All you have done is recognise that you are part of the game. When you talk to the trees, you begin to move away from the game. The mistake is to think you can tell us about it. — Banno