But try for just a month living off the corporations, governments, etc... — javi2541997
Horses, cows, chickens, crows, and sheep are drawn to groups. Why this? Whatever the reason, it's the same reason for humans. — T Clark
Sometimes I think it looks like we are forced by the system stay together, inside the group. But somehow I guess it has the natural perception too.
It is very hard to live in loneliness or not following tendencies/thoughts/ideas and the persons who defend these.
There are even scientifics who defends that loneliness are pretty bad for our mental health.
I guess the problem is not the natural stimulus but how toxic some groups can be — javi2541997
I don't agree. Even if I did, that isn't inconsistent with what I wrote. I didn't say that group action leads to love and happiness, only that it is what we do. Who we are. — T Clark
You answered this yourself. Better odds. Still, I think there's another angle to this. There's a difference between being socially conscious and full-blown mob mentality. The latter being nobody is really thinking or acting in accordance to their own beliefs or what they think is best, rather just doing what the guy next to them is doing out of pure instinct. — Outlander
Humans are social animals. We like each other. We like to hang out together. It's who we are and what we do. No way to get away from it, for better or worse. We are not smitten with group mentality, we are born with it. — T Clark
"Within" is not causally disconnected from the rest of the world...
Think about the ramifications of that for a second, instead of trying to read things into my comments that aren't there. — ChatteringMonkey
"Of the transient there is no endurance, and of the eternal there is no cessation. This has verily been observed by the seers of the truth, after studying the nature of both." (Bhagavad Gita 2:16) — Dharmi
I was only semi-serious... But Christianity has played an important role in how we got where we are now.
— ChatteringMonkey
If it wasn't Christianity, it would have been something else.
— synthesis
I don't think this is true, Christianity was historically very peculiar in many ways. — ChatteringMonkey
In the end, you can only control your own actions.
— synthesis
This seem like a part of the myth of individualism, which ironically had its roots in Christianity — ChatteringMonkey
Anyway, like I said, I'm not trying to get most people, or maybe even anyone, to accept my views. If, however, I find the one in a million of souls who are truly searching for God and freedom from this prison of materiality, then I'm here to guide those people. — Dharmi
No, I am a follower of Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism. I merely have the Buddhist avatar because it looks nice. Buddha himself was not a Buddh-ist, he was a Sanatani. — Dharmi
It is only our intellect that demands a purpose to our lives as a filler when we decide that sitting around and twiddling our thumbs is more productive than actually doing something.
— synthesis
Yes because somehow this motivates us. Nevertheless it looks like some citizens of some countries have a solid path in the meaningful life not like others (we do not count China because yes it is flawed). — javi2541997
Animals are what humans become when they don't use their reasoning faculty. However, they, unlike Modern/Postmodern people, follow natural law. That's why animals don't do stupid things, they follow natural law. Dharma. Modern humans reject natural law. — Dharmi
I was only semi-serious... But Christianity has played an important role in how we got where we are now. — ChatteringMonkey
And I agree Christianity is to be blamed for everything. — ChatteringMonkey
Jordan Peterson is a living joke. He is a anti-Postmodernist Postmodernist. He has no credibility at all. He literally just mystifies people with words that mean nothing. — Dharmi
Yes. That's what makes human life different than animal life. Animals can have sex, eat, sleep and clean themselves. So can we. The difference is we have an intellect, though many do not utilize it. — Dharmi
Nevertheless, it its interesting that one of the fact we are agree about of making us sadness is "feeling that my life has non meaning. — javi2541997
Live the kind of free life I would likely live if I won the lottery. I would live in a cool light filled loft, drive an exotic car and just wake up and do whatever the fuck I want that day. — dazed
The entire Euro-system was doomed from the beginning but that's another story!
— synthesis
Agree. This can start a different debate lol. — javi2541997
This makes a country so much powerful. Having a currency that is so valuable around the world makes the difference.
But I guess (If I finally get your points) one of the most difficult goals is facing the dollar. So probably this is the reason why the Eurosystem was created. New profitable currency which can face the Dollar.
Nevertheless p, it is interesting because we are giving “value” to some coins than others. — javi2541997
We can only make decisions based on our thinking. Reacting without thought is not decision making. It's an involuntary conditioned response. We can deliberately condition ourselves to react in particular ways, but that requires planning etc., i.e., thinking. For example, if you were speeding down the freeway and the car in front of you abruptly slowed down you'd probably hit the brakes without thinking or deciding to hit the brakes. With deliberate practice we can train ourselves to do this as well as possible. That's something that we can chose to do, and that decision would be based in reason.
Deciding something based on a gut feeling or intuition is also thinking in that it involves the subconscious, it's just not well considered, or perhaps it is well considered if deliberate conditioning were involved. — praxis
I'd like to give credit to the first responders to this thread. Sorry if this sounds like a pun. hehe. But they have given good explanations as to why the above is so.
So, to summarize: two things -- engineering (modification and manipulation of our surroundings by our skilled and competent experts); and the discovery that driving has nothing to do with IQ, but coordination of senses and reflexes. — Caldwell
But... Why some currency are better than others? I mean, if you start creating a lot of American dollar it is worthy because is a powerful currency. But this does not happen with pesos or rupiah.
So I guess it also depends, as you said, in the value of that country? (income, GDP, goods, profit, revenues, etc...) — javi2541997
It's not necessary to think for ourselves, that's true. We can rely on others to see things for what they really are and inform us on how to respond with the most appropriate measures. Not everyone is made to be a follower though. — praxis
Probably the deflation in January 1, 1900 occurred because civil war in the United United in the last years of XIXth century. (It is just my guess I am not a specialist in Economics). — javi2541997
You seem to be omitting the fact that we first must learn how to “do” X. The first time you get behind the wheel of a car you aren’t able to just drive without thinking about driving. You have to consciously think through each step. Anyways, you seem to be describing what’s known as flow states, where individuals seem to lose themselves in a task they find meaningful and rewarding. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book “Flow” is specifically about the importance these states have on our overall happiness and well-being. — Pinprick
Why should that be a problem?? To you?? You advocate that everyone should save themselves, and if they can't, that's their fucking problem. — baker