
  • Is a "practical Utopia" possible?
    A way of organizing society in terms of delivering happiness and well being for all?

    Everyone who think at himself as a philosopher would have to deal with this question.
    I agree with those who says that there are many models of society and not only one model alone. In my opinion our societys in Europe are based on practicals utopias. There are many models that coexist in Europe. For instance : anarchy, Social democracy, communism, liberal socialism, democracy, liberalism, dictatorship, etc. What are these if not all utopistic social forms. These models are all imperfect, coexistent and push parliaments to make laws. Laws that make the model true and actually existing. Our society are on the way of the perfection, but how far the target is? We only have to hope that along the way won't be accidents, war and so on... this would be the very and real Prutopia.