• Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?
    But I think there is an additional problem in this particular case. The Earth is "round" from a scientific or learned perspective. But in everyday life our experience is that the Earth is flat.

    If the Earth is flat for all ordinary, practical purposes, then believing that it is flat can't be entirely "false".

    Makes you wonder if a person's observation or thinking can be hindered by not having a greater perspective, which can lead to a false positive.
  • Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?

    Yes, If one is raised/influenced to accept something as fact it can cause false beliefs if untrue.
    Its being aware of your own beliefs/biases/habits that allows you to address what is fact vs fiction, it only requires the will to do so. :)
  • Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?
    Maybe "BELIES" in the discussion title should be changed to "BELIEFS"?Apollodorus

    I saw that to, it reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/nixR6wVa4HY?t=85
  • Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?

    Sounds fair,

    Maybe people who are raised to accept immoral acts as the norm would want to change such beliefs in a similar way, especially if they are in prison etc.
  • A philosophical observation of time

    If the electrical activity in our brain were to operate faster taking in sensory input it would appear to the observer that time is slightly slower, while the reverse has the opposite effect.

    Technically speaking we can only observe change but not time as a physical reality, we can only use time to measure change.
  • Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?
    Personally, I think you would need to divide believers into two categories: (1) those who unconsciously absorb beliefs from the surrounding society, without ever reflecting on them, and (2) those who examine their own beliefs after which they decide to either keep them or exchange them for alternative beliefs or sets of beliefs.Apollodorus

    Basically open and closed minded individuals. :)
  • Do philosophers really think that ppl are able to change their BELIEFS at will? What is your view?

    I posted a similar topic that may give some insight: https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/10953/humanities-dystopian-philosophy-cultural-bias

    But to change a belief at will, especially one aquired when raised is almost exactly the same as breaking a habit. (like smoking, drugs etc.)
    So it is possible but requires an awareness to cultural bias and/or will to change, awareness of cultural bias being the understanding of this habit, and the will or desire to change what your not happy with or is toxic to your well-being.
  • The method of implicit learning

    I guess the instructor beat out the implicit learning xD
  • A philosophical observation of time
    In your view, does that suggest a metaphysical component relative to our perception of time?3017amen

    I think so? Im not familiar with metaphysics.

    Are you saying present is static like eternity? Meaning, how big a slice of time does the here and now represent?3017amen

    Im not sure what you mean by using a discription of space to describe time, but yes static.

    How does the illusion of time itself (from the foregoing), relativity, the speed of light (time stoppage), and other phenomena make time an observation of matter?3017amen

    Well I already explained how time dilation works which is the same as the speed of light, the faster you observe reality the slower it moves, the slower you observe reality the faster it moves. (all be-it, the speed of light being one extreme)
    In terms of relativity we know that space distorts but also remember that such distortion can expand and contract space, this is important because an observation of an object moving through such spaces can change how long it takes to travel a certain distance when compared to a different density of space while light travels along such distortions of space.

    Another way of looking at it is like a 90 degree racetrack corner, to enter and exit the corner is a set distance to an external observer but the angle of which you approach the corner depends on the outcome.
    If to took a tight turn close to the apex it would demonstrate a compression of space and slow you down, while cornering wide you would travel a greater distance but at a faster speed.

    Another consideration is how we observe the universe, even though we see certain galaxies the light coming from those galaxies are old because they can only travel at the speed of light.
    we know this because of how fast light is and this awareness gives us understanding of this.

    I could go on listing everything in science so rather than do that I shall remind you of one field of science where common knowledge of time does not apply in the same way: Quantum Mechanics.

    Can you elaborate a bit on that? I was thinking the cosmological theories about black holes/worm holes, etc..3017amen

    Ill give it a try, if our reality is a constant state of here and now; time would have no meaning other than to measure energy moving matter through space in some form, if such travel were to exists it would require such meticulous inversion of reality (energy and matter) down to the atomic level within our whole solar system, plus the knowledge of everything happening at all given points.
    This kind of travel is A pretty much impossible, B replaces the solar system as we knew it at that point (one way trip) and C requires actual God tier amounts of knowledge, power, and accuracy. Like seriously beyond insanity levels, Like beyond the sense of distance within our observable universe kinds of crazy.
  • A philosophical observation of time
    Standard dictionary term:
    An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.

    Yes reality is regarded as real, but understanding how reality can be misinterpreted can increase our understanding of reality to be more real that what maybe commonly assumed.
    Kinda like seeing a magic trick, then understanding how it is done to further the understanding of reality behind the magic trick itself.
  • A philosophical observation of time

    Your describing A observation of time, it is not uncommon to observe visual illusions that do not reflect reality or devices that emulate sound as auditory illusions.

    We call it reality when multiple different perspectives demonstrate it as real or and an observation free of bias, much like the story of "the blind men and an elephant".
  • A philosophical observation of time

    Will mention though that gravity is not a force but an effect according to Enistein's theory of relativity.
    More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRgBLVI3suM
  • A philosophical observation of time

    TBH that is a lot of If's
    A clock continues to move even if we do not observe it, but still requires energy to be consistent as it does not run on time.

    The world runs on many energies throughout but time has never been one of them.
  • Feature requests

    My reply was to add on top of what is said so far.
    There was mention of:
    Let's just ban anyone under 30... reserve the forum for those who have graduated from the agōgē.Banno

    not wasting my time arguing with someone if they are under 23 years oldMaw

    Sorry if you came to the conclusion of:
    If I were you guys and I reinterpreted someone talking about age verification, which couldn't even be accurately enforced, to "we should ban anyone under 23 years old", I'd be very embarrassed.Maw

    But thats not what was interpreted.
  • Feature requests

    Age has no meaning in creating philosophy/debate.
    If the argument/philosophy is valid then its just that. valid.

    Sounds like a you problem if you can't find logical/biased flaws in a under 23 year olds argument. . .
    If you have stated the flaws and they fail to acknowledge it, quote the fallacies and move on.
    Because its illogiocal to continue a debate with someone who is illogical.

    Banning someone because of their age is an elitist ideology with a "argument from age" and/or "appeal to tradition" fallacy.
    If you want to debate, do so with a cool head otherwise your post is an "appeal to authority" fallacy.
  • Puzzle game: Philosophers wordplay.

    Striving to find balance is always a better than struggling to be something your not. :)
  • Feature requests
    Comment section in reports for when a report needs detail/ context.

    Dark mode
  • What are thoughts?

    Hmm, (just going to piece together my thoughts in the comment to build on a answer xD)

    The way the brain processes thought:

    A range of sensory inputs to the brain.
    Our freewill which can be described as dynamic mental adaptation to current events.
    Memories that sum up the history of sensory inputs on a fundamental level.

    The piecing of sensory inputs together in some shape or form through freewill, but since our enviornment does not require us to actively survive it gives us the luxary of thought on other things that we will to think. . .

    Common knowledge Biases that could be mistaken as assumptions:

    Humans are not different to other living things in being able to observe reality only their senses.

    Self reminders of word meanings:

    noun: consciousness; plural noun: consciousnesses

    the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
    "she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later"

    noun: nature; plural noun: natures

    the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
    "the breathtaking beauty of nature"

    In this regard every living thing with senses has a consciousness when viewed without a species bias.

    Observation of reality is also observation of self by our senses or reflection of senses.

    So, I am asking what does thought tell us about the nature of personal identity and about the underlying source of consciousness? Do thoughts help to explain the nature of consciousness?Jack Cummins

    A1: Thought is a translation of senses of reality to the brain, because we are able to sense ourself that we are being in this reality, our very identity. Conciousness itself is a combination of our senses and free will with memories being a type of subconcious being able to recall it.

    A2: The nature of conciousness is to act in response to reality through senses, This acting or responding to reality based on senses is freewill. (Since this answer itself is a thought, it itself answers your question. ;))

    Note: The fact we are able to think about such random things is because we have a history to create and learn from, the evolutionary advantage of physical creation, while not having to actively fight for survival.(in some parts of the world)
    You could say we are the ultimate day dreamers of creations.
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias
    Why should such understanding be relevant?
    If anything, internalizing and mastering a cultural bias is advantageous for a person, as it helps them to function better in their culture.

    Because you can't master something you dont understand otherwise its arrogant.

    How would it do any of that?
    How does being aware of one's own cultural biases strengthen one's self confidence?? If anything, such awareness would undermine it.

    Because the opposite of self confidence is unsure of self, the lack of knowledge of self is being unsure of self.

    Okay, but this is a bit naive.baker

    Maybe so, but if the culture is accepting of certain political parties it can fool someone into thinking they can do no wrong.

    It's not clear how being aware of one's cultural biase accomplishes the above. Rather, being aware of one's cultural biases would make one more confident to judge others as weird.baker

    Because it can give you insight to their perspective, not just your own.
    How your culture looks to them without the bias to assume its normal.

    Cultures that weren't xenophobic enough have not survived.baker

    s/ Yes, the Nazis died because they were not xenophobic enough. . .

    It's not clear how the analogy applies.baker

    It maybe a difference of experience in this case, have you ever been made aware of any of your own biases and thought about how that changed your perspective on the topic through reflection of self?
  • East Asian Buddhists

    Not a claim but a question. :)
    Considering Buddha was a philosopher, you would think he promoted philosophy itself.
  • Do human beings possess free will?

    IMO Yes, but not just humans if you know what to look for.

    Out of all the many impulses, biases, actions of any living thing there is a mental dynamic adaptation or free will.
    The ability to act on new scenarios in order to adapt, each living thing has varying levels of inteligence which determine how well they act on change.
    Change itself is quite explanatory considering not all prey is in one place and not all predators are in one place, its changes which would require a free will in order to adapt to such things.

    With humans we have great cognative function paired with opposable thumbs, add that with free will and you have an inteligent being who is able to extent their will through creation of things.
    With being a living thing who does not have to fight for survival constantly gives oppertunity to act free will in creation of things that may not be necessary for survival.

    We humans may think of free will as being able to act without restraint and that we are special when it can be a species bias to assume so, especially when you have thousands of years of culture to influence our thinking.
    So if you pile on humanities biases, cultures, experiences, and all the others things they can influence free will in order to dynamically adapt, but the act of dynamically adapting to new mental scenarios that is free will itself.
  • East Asian Buddhists

    Isn't it one of buddha's teachings or will that his followers thought for themselves and that they are not constrained by his teachings?
  • East Asian Buddhists

    Then ask them: "If that were true, why do we eat? Why do we drink?"
    Because to value life is based on experiences and free will, If we feel hunger we eat, if we feel thirsty we drink, if we are in danger we feel threatened, it is because we value our own lives that we act on such impulse.
    Externally if another were to value your life's needs then you would value that person's life more so.
    Which can be the start of many friendships.
  • East Asian Buddhists

    Like many religions through history they do change from practices to entirely new religions.
    See here: https://www.freexenon.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/religion_tree.jpg

    Like many philosophers in philosophy each religous follower can have different perspectives on religon.
    As such can lead to disagreements.

    If you are following a openly adopted culture/religion follow the teachings that give you self-discipline while not negatively affecting your well-being or the well-being of those around you.
    And follow the culture of that religion that gives you joy.

    Just because you do not understand a person's culture or views on culture it does not mean it is something to fear but something your yet to understand.
    You also don't have to follow every fine detail of a religion either, you can live a fulfilling life by living how you see fit.
  • Who’s to Blame?

    This may seem very unphilosophical but.

    In the game Assassins Creed I vaguely remember a character explaining how assassin's are just daggers hired to kill, it is the wielder/person who hired that is the killer.
    I get its a justifiable means of assassination given the context but the ideology is not to dissimilar.

    This concept is very direct in relation to the post's example so ill try to explain a bit further:
    If one were to directly ask you to do something then its easily understandable intent from both perspectives.
    But if one were to influence you to do something through bias manipulation/deception then only the influencer would be aware of the intent which masks the intent from the influenced.

    If you manipulated the individual culture of an person in a way that is accepting of certain ideology it can lead to that person acting out that ideology through cultural bias.
    If an individual is raised closed minded it can lead to easier manipulation because the idea of considering other perspectives or willingness to consider other idea's is just not part of how they are raised/influenced.

    Which is why a influencer can claim innocent but they are so so far from innocent.
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    Why should a person address their cultural biases??

    Hmm, where to start.

    • Firstly, it can give them more understanding about themselves and the culture they grew up with by explaining why it can influence their decisions and those who share their culture.
    • It can strengthen their self confidence, the bonds of others who share their culture like family and friends by understanding how it is different and removing some uncertainties a person may have about their own identity.
    • If left unaware it can leave an individual open to manipulation by simply using their culture as a means to gain something, say if a politican said they are from that person's town or praising their town with a minor understanding of the town's culture with no real understanding of what policies the politican wishes to use or how it would affect the individual.
    • As humanity is mixing and exploring cultures, this awareness of cultural bias can give them insight as to why another culture would think their culture is weird, or by understanding another culture give a person insight as to why they think its wierd.
      Critically this lessens the unknown factor about other cultures that may cause xenophobic attitudes or actions, especially if influenced by media or other sources in a negative light.

    Thinking about it, you could explain it in this analogy:
    What is the difference between being angry and being aware that your angry?
    Then consider which can blindly cause harm or poor choices.
  • Is philosophy based on psychology, or the other way around?
    When we practice philosophy it can lead down to psychology at its fundamental level.
    Yet philosophy can be an end result of psychology which leads to the initial intrigue of philosophy.

    But as you develop your skills in philosophy it can become an awareness or control of your own psychology.
    So I would say initially its psychology.
  • How to report a user or user comment/post to a moderator?

    That does not show for me.
    It only shows the share icon
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    To the extent that I'm aware, "...to sway judgment..." and, by extension, to "...favor something..." we need a "good" reason and that, I feel, is to be found, illusory though it may be, in the belief (false/true) that a certain culture is correct/right in re our understanding of reality.TheMadFool

    Ahh I see. :)
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    Yeah, I get its mixed but its not as bad as say America.

    I believe that no one can dictate how people should thinkJack Cummins
    Eh kinda true as you can contract a persons way of thinking or expand it, its up to the individual's open or closed mindedness weather to accept how they think is enough.
    Lacking the oppertunity to expand your way of thinking is counterproductive imo.

    The education system lacks this huh. . .
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    Ah I mean to say that in terms of perspective from one social group to another.

    Your understanding of this is very good. :)
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    "Are you suggesting I deny historical fact to signal my multicultural virtue?"

    Nope I am simply explaining how to be aware of cultural bias that can lead someone to be blindly biased, Ethically, knowing your needs and wants for the benefit of your wellbeing of life is what is most important.
    If by culture you have knowledge which is fact then by all means its worth keeping because not all experiences are misleading, it is up to your critical thinking to believe if they are true or not. :)

    "What is impossible for me to understand about your silly woke dogma is that, most basically - it assumes everyone has their own subjective perspective, and yet maintains it's illegitimate for white people to have a subjective perspective."

    Could you point this out for me? I never mentioned such things or are you under the socially biased assumption that I was defending a race when no races were mentioned in my post?

    "Why do you imagine identity politics will work out differently in reverse? Why do you not condemn woke-ism for the philosophically incoherent, hypocritical and racist dogma that it is?"

    I dont have a political agenda? This is General philosophy not political philosophy.
    You seem to be making assumptions causing a strawman fallacy while combining with ad hominem fallacy, please stop pulling words out of your ass! :D
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    "The only query which I have is how do we separate cultural and individual bias?"

    You dont. :)
    One of the fundamentals of cultural bias is individual bias as mentioned here: https://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/Individual_bias

    I chose to use the word cultural bias in order to keep things easier to understand in context between paragraphs. :D

    The social issues that I noticed we have is that humanity is not prepared to live with other social groups because of the lack of awareness to cultural bias where it is accepting to be socially biased.
    You can reduce the issue for a specific social group through education or influence of the culture itself, an example of this can be seen in the UK as we live closer and interact between cultures on a regular basis it can reduce cultural bias but not eliminate it completely as you may not meet every culture.

    Social bias is not a one way thing either, if say a white man was racist due to social bias towards a black man and that black man raised a child then that child grew up to accept social bias and that white people are racist then he would have the social bias that white people are racist without fact.
    Which leads to denial on boths white and black ethinic's while being blind to the bias that causes it.
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    1. Culture in a broader sense is every experience/tradition of a social group.
    Not just to specify what is commonly known as culture within a identified social group.
    Say the culture within a group of friends, or a culture with an army unit.

    2. A bit of a misconception, a bias is more to sway judgement rather than to ultimately favor something, for example: you cant use emotional bias to state your feelings are strong but are also right/correct.
  • Do Atheists hope there is no God?

    From a logical standpoint, regardless of if god exists or not has no real meaning to our lives.
    As such persuing religion has no meaning, but for some it is a reassurance to have an answer to life rather than an understanding of life.
  • Humanities Dystopian Philosophy: Cultural bias

    You realise this is not helpful at all?

    You cherrypicked one question which was intended to ask the reader.
    "Be a hardcore motherfucker." is an appeal to an Amercian cultural bias given the phraze.
    "Jesus, the virtue signalling" makes no sense in this context at all, if it were your vitue signalling then it would make sense as it is your words, the word "hardcore motherfucker" never existed when Jesus lived heck its not even the same language.

    If you are using the name of Jesus Christ to validate your views through a false appeal to authority fallacy then you have not respect for the dead or christianity.

    Unless this is satire in which case you should use /s