(yes, there's some incredulity in this question) Are you seriously comparing 'ethical views' to the reality of categories of triangle?
because this lack of formula does essentially mean you cannot predict 'which' category an act falls into at all, rather than imprecisely
Your moral intuitions only can do so. They are your categories.
My understanding is that realism entails that whether an act is good or bad can be established as a 'fact' in any given instance
Therefore, we are stating P. We are also stating X. Thus, we are stating P and X. As I demonstrated here:
it entails logical contradiction.
But the goal of the thread was to find something logically possible and metaphysically impossible
Giving us no way of finding something logically possible but metaphysically impossible.
A spiritual being is logically possible. :up:
A spiritual being is metaphysically possible. :chin:
A spiritual being is physically possible. :down:
While it's correct to say that a spiritual being is logically possible, it's a contradiction to say a spiritual being exists & physicalism is true.
"Everything should not exist" leads to the fact that, "This statement of morality should not exist" and seems quite irrational, we're going to assume the more rational choice.
therefore encouraging and preserving existence should be the fundamental goal.
No, that's a bit far of a jump ahead. It would really help at this point if you avoided any sense of human morality and just went along with the fundamental building up of morality. We'll get to human morality, no worry.
For now, what do you think about my evaluation of expressed existence? Also, did you get to the example of the submarine in the ocean? Let me know what you think Bob.
1. If existence is good, then more existence is better.
2. Any existence which lowers overall existence is evil.
When existence A collides with existence B, something happens. That something is an existence, but a fleeting one. How each individual material reacts when an interaction happens with another material existence would be the expression of each material existence
If more existence is better, than more expressions of existence are also better.
a. Expressions of existence which can yield more potential expressions of existence are better than those that cannot.
b. Expressions of existence which destroy material existence, or those that lesson the number of possible expressions of existence would be considered evil.
Let us take a situation in which a submarine has crashed to the bottom of the ocean. There is no communication with the outside world, no way for the submarine to recover, and everyone on the submarine will die. No one will ever discover what happens on the submarine, as it will be crushed by gravity into a pulp. There are currently 10 people aboard the ship. There is enough air for 1 person to breath for 10 hours. An explosion could happen which would kill 9 people and leave one alive. Which is more moral, 1 person living 10 hours, or 10 people living one hour?
Meaning, while the unique life expressions are the same, the potential existence of what those unique life expressions dwarfs that of the single individual. Meaning that it is equal material existence, but more potential existence for ten people to live on hour that 1 person live for ten hours.
The word is dependent on the content. I suppose you could say it that way too. It's distinctness comes from its dependence. What's in a name?
When we choose a certain metaphysics M, a statement that goes against it, for me, would be a statement that goes against one of the theorems of that metaphysics (t.i. logical contradiction), and assuming that every theorem of M ultimately goes back to the axioms of M, we would have (X ∧ ¬X) extending from (X ∧ Y) extending from (X ∧ M).
Hey Bob, for some reason I completely missed that you had replied to this. Came in to review it and saw it luckily!
If I don't know if "Contradictions should be encouraged" is real, I can follow the logic to realize it contradictions itself, so then in conclude contradictions should probably not be encouraged.
This is circular...but, then again, so is all fundamental reason and logic. — Bob Ross
Circular logic is self-confirming. This is self-contradicting.
Morality is a choice between two potential realities. Of course reality as it is right now does not tell us how it should be, because we're not evaluating a change in reality by either comparing to the past, or evaluating a change for the future. Only when we think, "Well, what if we change reality to include X, would that be better?" are we discussing morality. P1 only regards the present therefore does not regard morality.
If there is an objective morality, this is the only way tor it to be rationally coherent.
Take the idea that if it is true that "Existence should be" is the foundation for an objective morality, lets have fun thinking what that would entail based on the OP.
Can you elaborate on this? I am not sure what you mean by underlying contents or underlying meaning, as something that could be beyond semantics. Do you mean the relationship of that semantic content with other semantemas?
When I say X violates the laws of M, I mean that the proposition X is the opposite of one of the laws of M. So basically, by stating M, we state all its axioms, and by definition of X, one of its axioms would be ¬X. By stating X and M, we entail a logical contradiction therefore, no? Because we are stating X∧¬X.
while I am using a definition that also talks about whether one of the premises of a statement contradicts the other statement.
P1 Socrates is a human
P2 Every human is a non-reptile
C Socrates is a non-reptile
P3 (C) Socrates is a non-reptile
P4 Socrates is a reptile
So, basically, when we say, it is metaphysically impossible for something to happen in a metaphysical system, we are saying, given a metaphysical system M and a proposition X, "In M, X is impossible"
it seems that whether X is possible or not boils down to the semantics of M, that is, whether some of the properties or consequences of X are in contradiction to the axioms of M, making untrue analytic statements.
I guess you could say the same about physical statements, in a sense.
But the issue is that the laws of physics are given to us through the scientific method, while metaphysical laws are not, each person has their own metaphysical views
Then the statement P1 "In S, light goes faster than c" is logically impossible
On the issue of metaphysics, however, for a metaphysical system M and a self-consistent proposition X that violates the laws of that system, "In M, X" seems to be logically impossible
So in the case of epiphenomenalism, we end up with a logically impossible statement or a logically possible statement that has no evaluation in metaphysics yet
I hope this post was not jumbled and that it was understandable to you, as I think you drive a good point that suffers from the issue I posed above. Maybe I made some grammar mistakes or skipped a word which made a sentence unintelligible; tell me so, so I can fix it.
After all the metaphysical reductionism, desire is a mere want, the satisfaction of which is anything sufficient for it, hence, contingent. A desired goal may be specific in itself, but makes no allowance for its satisfaction, which may still, then, remain contingent. An accomplishment indicates a satisfaction in itself, a particular goal, but a necessary accomplishment manifests as a satisfaction of a specific goal achievable only under a certain condition, hence not contingent.
This relates to the topic at hand iff the adherence to a subjective principle from which an act according to a categorical imperative the principles prescribes follows, is the one and only permissible means leading to a necessary accomplishment, re: worthiness of being happy.
In this way, a guy may be worthy of being happy, even if the prescription from his own principles cause him to act in such a way he feels no happiness at all.
Happy and happiness are just words, those alledged “fuzzy concepts”, that represent a specific kind of feeling. One could use righteousness, positive well-being, or the like. The word as used here is meant to indicate a fundamental human aesthetic condition. Call that whatever you like, I suppose
In a system where the agent is a causality, contradiction is impossible
If there were such a thing, and it was a universal condition, there would be no need to, e.g., turn the other cheek, or, engage in the ol’ eye-for-an-eye routine. And that would make everybody happy, or if not so much happy, then at least to release them from having to worry about being a target of them.
Takes an awful lot of presuppositions for this all to work, but none of them are particularly far-fetched.
I would have thought that metaphysical impossibility precludes actual possibility.
There is no such thing as freedom because everybody is enslaved to either ego or conscience.
Right off the bat, maybe I shouldn’t comment, being more a subjective moralist than a normative ethicist,
…..in which is violated the fundamental moral condition, re: the worthiness of being happy. The argument is that he who is a moral agent in the strictest sense of the idea is thereby worthy of his being happy, which is the same as his happiness being given by his accordance with his own moral law.
so if you claim I should not treat myself as a means to an end because it violates the FET, there’s something wrong with the FET.
The something wrong might be as little as….. an end cannot be a desired goal, as you say, but is instead a necessary accomplishment
Now, ethically speaking, or, speaking from the perspective of a community predicated on moral agency, which just is a kingdom of ends in its strictest sense, putting the pieces of this particular puzzle together, you get to the conclusion that, if all members of the community are worthy of the happiness they each have, they must have all acted in accordance with a subjective moral principle. And if they are all happy within the community, which is the same as all happy with each other, they must have all acted in accordance with a subjective moral principle common to each member. Another name for a principle common to all which abide by it, is a universal law. And that subjective command which adheres to such law, is a categorical imperative, the formula for which in a community would be, then, treat each member as an end in himself, just as I treat myself.
Disclaimer: without “happiness” as the fundamental human aesthetic condition, re: what everybody wishes he had, and without “worthiness of being happy” as the fundamental human moral condition, re: what everybody ought to have, and a method for relating one to the other, none of the above is of any use and can be disregarded without fault.
I mean its incoherent, and therefore likely not going to be the objective morality if it exists.
If I don't know if "Contradictions should be encouraged" is real, I can follow the logic to realize it contradictions itself, so then in conclude contradictions should probably not be encouraged.
The conclusion is, "Existence should be."
None of these reasons mean that there is an objective morality, but they are reasons I think its worthwhile to search for one.
1. There are universal moral decisions across cultures. Why? What's the underling fundamental that causes that?
2. We are moral to animals. Some animals even show signs of morality
3. There are various other contradictions and debated issues with many versions of subjective morality. That tells me that over the eons we've spent studying it, we haven't come up with an acceptable solution.
4. There is great value to having an objective morality. Such an understanding can bridge cultures, religions, and further the understanding and progress of humanity.
5. Humans are made out of matter. I do not see us as separate from the universe, but very much a part of it.
I find it odd that suddenly morality pops up and its only a human condition. I believe there is something underlying this beyond just evolution that allows morality to express itself through us.
None of these reasons mean that there is an objective morality, but they are reasons I think its worthwhile to search for one.
But first we have to build up what morality actually is when it gets to the human level.
This entails that when you affirm that morality is objective that there are moral judgments which are made true in virtue of reality, and are not made true in virtue of our pyschology—so what is it, then? Platonic forms, naturalistic empirical inquiries, etc.? — Bob Ross
So far? "Existence should be" As I noted earlier, its time to read the rest of the OP.
If the objective morality that exists is "Existence should not be," it doesn't matter, that's what it is. I'm not debating that. Just like if the real morality is "Contradictions should be encouraged in life". If that's what it is, that's what it is.
What I'm noting is that if it is, according to itself, it shouldn't be.
For now? Morality is the analysis of what should or should not happen. Keeping to what should or should not be is moral, while going against the precepts is immoral.
The nature of objectivity is a rational deduction that persists despite differences in subjective experience.
The nature of subjectivity is a rational or irrational conclusion that relies on one specific subjective experience.
The guidance of objectivity is the understanding that there are certain conclusions which are apart from our desires or personal viewpoints. Meaning an objective conclusion has the potential to violate everything we wish and stand for.
The default child-like state is to believe that one's perspective is unalienably correct, and reflective of reality. Objectivity is meant to raise a person's thinking beyond this, while subjectivity is its contrast and reminder to be conscious of our own limitiations.
What is rational is to connect information together in such a way that is reflective of reality.
It is a judgement that accurately reflects reality.
Yes, but can you give an example of that 'something' that isn't a mind?
Contradicting a person's nature is not the law of non-contradiction.
Stating that something is self-evident doesn't demonstrate that its also not an equivocation though. If minds are not identical to ends-in-themselves, then we would need to see some difference between a mind and an end-in-itself. If you aren't seeing equivocation, could you note how they are not simply the same thing?
For me it is that I should value an end in itself beyond an opinion that I should do so. I see nothing concrete that binds me to it, or demonstrates a provable ethical decision
So then, its not an ontological necessity that if an objective morality exists, that it conclude 'Existence should be.' Its more that such a morality seems so at odds with itself and with our general sense, that it doesn't fit
4. For B to be true, it must not contradict itself B = B && B != !B
6. Because it is moral that 'nothing should exist' the reason should also not exist
7. But for 'Everything should not exist' we have a reason that does exist, that should not exist.
8. But if the reason should not exist, then it is immoral for the reason to exist. Thus B is false. !B
9. if the reason should not exist, then 'Existence should not exist' should not exist either. !B <-> !A
This is the part I'm not understanding. Can you clarify? What does must/should mean?
Correct, that's not the same as what point 2 is saying. Its an odd thing that I agree with practically everything you're stating yet I can't understand the overall point you're trying to make. :) We're almost there I feel though, so please keep trying.
3. If B is true, then B should not exist. B -> !B
Almost, but not quite. We're assuming if 'everything should not exist', [then] there must be a reason. Its not an identity.
“There must <...>” is the same statement as “There should <...>”: same issue. — Bob Ross
Now I'm confused. Didn't you just have an issue with me swapping 'should' and 'must' earlier? I agree you had that right. What should exist is not the same as what must exist.
Almost, but not quite. We're assuming if 'everything should not exist', there must be a reason. Its not an identity.
2. There must be a reason that everything should not exist
2. For there to be a reason that everything should not exist, some reasonshould[has to] exist [such that everything should not exist].
So if the truth of its own premise is that it shouldn't exist, but it must exist if it is to claim that it shouldn't exist, we're left with a contradiction
2. There must be a reason that everything should not exist
Reason's Greetings & Happy New Year, Bob! :sparkle:
If something is solely a means to an end, then it can’t be an end itself because it is just a means towards some other end. If it is also an end then it is not just a means towards an end. — Bob Ross
Repeating your definition doesn't make it more substantive than just a definition.
P2 notes that minds are ends in themselves, and this is because minds are the only beings with the nature such that they are their own end—i.e., they are an absolute end
Circular to the point of being tautological.
C: One should not treat a mind as solely a means towards an end, but always as (at least) simultaneously an end in themselves.
Again, this conclusion does not follow validly from your mere 'definitions' (& otherwise 'hidden premises' e.g. what is conceptually meant by "minds").
1. It is required to note that minds are ends in themselves because the identity of ‘an absolute end’ does not entail itself that those are only minds — Bob Ross
This is why I asked earlier if you could give an example of an end in itself that wasn't a mind.
Yes, this is my general problem with ethical theories and why I feel we have a lot more work to do on the matter.
Right, but that's the answer to any valid syllogism. If we accept the premises, then the conclusion must necessarily be so. Yes, proving that first is essential. But after its proven, the question becomes, "Can you prove that I should accept your premises?"
We can revisit this later. For now, I do not believe that one should be rational is a subjective moral judgement. But we have to get the base down first before we build to that. :)
2. For there to be a reason that everything should not exist, some reasonshould[has to] exist [such that everything should not exist].
7. if A should exist, then it claims that A should not exist.
9 But if A should not exist, then it cannot assert that it should exist.
A contradiction is clear if the assumption of X assumption leads to its own negation
If you still don't see it, can you point out why A does not negate itself?
According to your definition of subjective, everything is subjective Bob.
Please use the definition I've put forward for now. It doesn't mean I'm right, it just makes sure we're on the same page. We can discuss which definition should be used after we get through the meat of the argument first.
What do you mean by “rationally or logically countered”? If make a syllogism that is logically valid which contains a moral judgment, is that moral judgment thereby ‘objective’ under your view? — Bob Ross
If you can prove that it is so, then yes. Rationality and logic are the best reflective tools we have about reality. It is in my view, the only way we can meaningfully assess it. Meaning if you have an argument that is air tight rationally and logically, which means it cannot be contradicted by reality in any way, you have an objective moral judgement.