• In the Beginning.....
    I the beginning... What if there was no beginning? What if every beginning is manmade?
  • In the Beginning.....
    Prishon is a pain in the assT Clark

    Prishon say: pain in the aaaaass. Auw!

    another example of the malady I was referring to - delegitimizing an argument without good reason because you don't like it.

  • In the Beginning.....
    Don't be a troll,tim wood

    Sigh... the usual accusation.

    Prishon say: troooooolls. Likey likey
  • In the Beginning.....
    But the question is beggedConstance

    Not if there is an eternal universe. A 4d spatial static substrate on which our universe evolves. And a next one.
    There was a fluctuating time before it took of in one direction (entropic time).
  • In the Beginning.....
    Is too.T Clark

    Partially. It does indeed deal with creation.
  • In the Beginning.....
    . I meant insubstantialtim wood

    Thats because you dont understand.
  • In the Beginning.....
    If it is about whether things can exist beyond our conception of it and languageSamuel Lacrampe

    Yes they can.
  • In the Beginning.....
    Religion generally deals with issues of the origins and nature of reality, ontology,T Clark

    Not true.
  • In the Beginning.....
    seem as good as any.tim wood

    "Seem". Indeed. Seem...
  • In the Beginning.....
    glibtim wood

    Whats glib about them. GLIBberrig in Dutch means slippery. Whats slippery about them?
  • The Definition of Information
    Wheeler said "it from bit", whilst Tononi sees everything as "integrated information", and tries to measure it with phi.Pop

    What did Wheeler mean by that? What is phi? What is measured? Can you measure a pattern? Say a square or a circle? What are the bits of a circle? What is intergated information.

    Prishon already lucky with one answer!
  • If the brain can't think, what does?

    I have changed the question already long time ago.
  • In the Beginning.....
    The other, what was there before there were beings for which being was an issue?tim wood

    Prishon say: trinity undivided.
  • Why Was There A Big Bang
    Exactly! :wink:Gnomon

    Prishon say: rightydididili! :smile:
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    Yes, your inner world is certainly not part of the physical universe. But this reality does not rest in the body-brainAlkis Piskas

    The inner world, being the expression of essence only, is the content of the physical matter. That what you see if you look to my brain. You see the difference, I feel the difference.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    Yes, of course, but that is an old, tried and true device used by philosophers to illustrate certain points of truth.Michael Zwingli

    ??? How can you know the truth by using something that can never exist?
  • In the Beginning.....
    See the question about the big bang. There is no beginning. The universe is eternal. Once in a while, when the remnants of a big bang have fled into infinity, there are only fluctuating (virtual) quantum fields in spacetime. Giving rise to excitement. ie, reality. After new inflation (new big bang).
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    So other persons' bodies are not part of your environmentAlkis Piskas

    I didnt say that. Other people as well as animals, are in between the two worlds. For you, my body is part of your physical world. And you can look at my brain like being part of it as well (neural scans, brain wave detectors, drug behavior in my brain, etc.). But for me, being the body that types to you now, the "essence, magical" part of the dual stuff has expressed in my inner world. You can never feel what I (my body) see in this inner world (thoughts, imagination, which resolves the issue who thinks: thoughts just are part of my inner world and I see them; no one does the thinking; my thoughts are not mine, though I can love some of them and consider them mine or likable as the thoughts I have right now).
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    85 billion of warChristoffer

    Prishon say Tesla sir can start his own big war. Tesla man enough money have to make big war. Prishon say: "misser Tesla for predisent! Beat crap out bat men!"Prisho sa....PRISHON! STAY PUT!
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    OK, but I asked you: "But what about the other bodies that you see around?" Where do they belong?Alkis Piskas

    They stay, like me, between their inner world and their outer, physical world. We share things about that outer world and inner world. We share similar outer worlds and inner worlds.
  • Conceiving Of Death.

    Whats the thing with a pencil? The death of a pencil? Huh?
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    and also emotions which evoke the readers' imaginationsCorvus

    You can look right through me it seems... Im a quite emotional guy and sometimes I indeed feel the tears pressing. Be they of a good vibe (with you), a bad vibe (not so good in some situations), or tears of pure boredom! :cry:
  • Is 'information' physical?
    The key is, that the creation of information involves abstracting data from phenomenaMichael Zwingli

    Which data?
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    It shows you that the posts we write here convey meanings, and also emotions which evoke the readers' imaginationsCorvus

    Strange... I partook in a discourse about the brain, consciousness, the self (where, who and what they are) and all that kinda stuff, and you say about all there is to it in this one sentence above...
  • Is Climatology Science?

    Yeah. And who am I to tell them the way they live (more more more inflated profit to buy bigger bigger bigger more more more advanced stuff) will inevitably lead to less les less biodiversity? Not only climate change. Just look at the face of the Earth. Is there really a scientific tech solution for all priblems? Dont think so!

    Prishon say many peopes wanna more more more. And many peopes have nothing nothing nothing. Prishon say no likey likey this! Peoples must be good to all animals and trees. Peoples must share. Evebody must get same or enough! Take care for blu sky too! Prishon likey blu sky with butflies!
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    It shows you that the posts we write here convey meanings, and also emotions which evoke the readers' imaginationsCorvus

    Indeed! :grin:
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    Thanks. We had nicely baked bread, meat and soup. :yum: Hope you had a great lunch.Corvus

    Sounds good! We had (have) bread for lunch. With fresh peanut butter. Fatty and juicy. With good, eeeehh, non-saturated fats? Our dog waggles her tail to you! :razz:

    Prishon says th... NO PRISHON! SIT!
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?
    I have no idea; all I know is infinitesimals are like near death experiences: deadish but not quite dead, if you know what I mean.TheMadFool

    Yes. Newton and consortes did indeed introduce near-death or even death experiences, introducing them! Those unlucky kids at high school having to absorb them. Good if they wanna commit suicide. Thats the sunny side maybe.
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?
    I don't see how you derive this conclusionMetaphysician Undercover

    Well, if space is not continuous, arent there gaps to stop the motio? Of course discrete space is not constructed by gluing together planck sized chuncks. Its more complicated.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    Well, bodies are already part of the environment, the physical world, aren't they?Alkis Piskas

    I dont think so. Whats around my body is my environment.

    You are your hands and your feet?Alkis Piskas

    Not only that. I am my legs, mu face, my back that itches for which I use a found stick to scratch, my nose, my ears, my belly, my toes, etc. That all is the true me. All things happening in the brain are part of an inner world, like the sun is part of the physical world outside, the outer world. Whats wrong with being a body?

    "Rishon says its nice what says Rishon. But what mean trinity? Rishon can xplain? "

    Yes Rishon, Rishon can but there is magic too.

    "Rishon ask, what is magic? Magic evil man? Magic nice man? Magic likey likey Rishon?"

    Yes Rishon, you will like magic.

    "Why Rishon liky likey magic"

    You just like it Rishon.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    Thinking is done by and in the mind. The mind is not the brain. The mind is a communication and control system between the spirit (soul) and its environment. In order to achieve this, it uses the brain. One way in which this is done is by thinking. Thought has no mass or energy --so it is not part of the physical universe-- but it can produce mass and energy. This mass and energy is transmitted as signals and/or waves to the brain. The brain then process them and according to their kind, it sends itself signals and/or waves through neurons to the remaining body or as feedback, back to the mind.Alkis Piskas

    "The mind is a communication and control system between the spirit (soul) and its environment"

    Its the body thats between the soirit and the environment.

    "The mind is not the brain"

    Correct. But its inside the brain (central nervous system radiating out to the body.

    "In order to achieve this" (communication between the two worlds) ", it uses the brain."

    The body is used for this. The true you.

    "One way in which this is done is by thinking. Thought has no mass or energy --so it is not part of the physical universe-- but it can produce mass and energy. This mass and energy is transmitted as signals and/or waves to the brain. The brain then process them and according to their kind, it sends itself signals and/or waves through neurons to the remaining body or as feedback, back to the mind"

    Thoughts have a mass as well as an essence, though in the inner world only the essence is seen and felt or heard.
    It can produce energy in the body to express itself by language, be it spoken, screamed, or bodily language.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    So, I would like please to disconnect this statement from my name! Really, it is unfair, embarassing and annoying! Thank you.Alkis Piskas

    I corrected. Thanks for making me know. I thought you were a opponent of stored memories.
  • Is Climatology Science?
    Junk indeed, all paid for by big oil no doubtOlivier5

    To go on as usual.
  • Is Climatology Science?

    Indeed! There ia also made the claim (by the ones criticising that theory though)

    "During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide"

    A bit too little.
  • Conceiving Of Death.

    Quando sarebbe un magico ti fosse fatto un bel grande gelato. E una favola! :starstruck:

    Is it pizza time already? I always imagine you sitting in an office, doing philosophy while working...
  • Conceiving Of Death.

    Damned! I gotta slow down! I have posted almost 900 comments in 10 days...

    Prishon say good essersise. Prishon wanna go for 1000! Pri... PRISHOOOON....!
  • Is Climatology Science?
    95% of CO2 comes from natural sources, such volcanoes or natural decomposition processes. The human contribution of CO2 in the atmosphere is only .0016 percent. www.Neri

    Maybe enough! In chaos theory a tiny variation can cause huge non-linear effects.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    OK. I took it as a correction of a mistaken English expression! :smile:
    Alkis Piskas

    The brain...
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    Some memory seems to be stored in cells/tissues outside of the brain, in other parts of the body

    This was a statement made by @MichaelZwingly. There are no memories stored. Only connective strengths to enable memories to flow. And they are flowing continuously. Conscious or not. The central nervous system radiates into the body, so...

    It was given as a "brain fact" in a program for children that the brain has a storage capacity of 20 000 Gb... No brain fact!