
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    So you can't kill yourself. If you can, you were not to live forever. :DCorvus

    There seems to be no way out of my false statement! :smile:
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    So you can't kill yourself. If you can, you were not to live forever. :DCorvus

    Sharp as ever! I have to think about that one!

    Prishon say Corvus nice guy. Prishon wanna...PRIIIISHON! AGAIN, SHUT THE F. UP!

  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    But where is your comment about "a righthand one" addressed to? For one thing, I know I have not and could not say that ...Alkis Piskas

    Oh! Dont look for a lot! The thumb is a lefthand hand thumb (you cant choose! Discriminating!). The right one is just wordplay (is there a nice word for wordplay, by the way?). :smile:
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    One must die to be lovedCorvus

    Not necessarily. But the very fact of dying hurries love. Though you cant hurry love. If I was to live forever for sure I would kill myself one day!
  • Conceiving Of Death.

    Everybody loves you when you're dead! The wreathes are laid by the ones who didnt love you though... What I mean is, knowing that you die must make you act. To love is to act, Victor Hugo said.
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    Death makes us realize love. Our dog was laying sick. Vet couldnt come thanks to lady Corano. She was suffering. Then it seemed it subsided a bit. We sat beside her, laying our hand on her chest. She looked up and gave us the last eye. Her heart stopped. Damned! She must be in heaven now! Although... Her remains are in the garde.
  • If the brain can't think, what does?
    This sounds like feeling pity for me for not being able to understand it ... But I guess you actually mean, "Sorry I didn't explain that well" or something like that, right?Alkis Piskas

    :up: :up:

    (there isnt a righthand one. The right one...)
  • Religion and Meaning


    Prishon no fae! Prishon Prishon!. Prish... PRIIIIISHON! In your cage!
  • Religion and Meaning
    Prishon! Don't go planet of the apes on us!TheMadFool

    Prishon say no wanna d... PRISHON! SHUT THE F. UP!

  • Religion and Meaning
    If God exists, isn't the universe a simulation?TheMadFool

    Why should that be? Did God(s) built a huge computer on which they simulated the universe?
  • Religion and Meaning
    I don't know what it is but my gut instincts tell me that Wittgenstein's wrong.TheMadFool

    Prishon likey likey this! Prishon glad to hear! Prishon WTF? Shut up now! I think you are right. I haven't read the guy but I dont think he manages to tickle me. Whats in a name? Everything: Wit like stone...Prishon say me li... Prishon shut the fuck up!
  • Conceiving Of Death.
    man who has learned how to die has unlearned how to be a slave....I am now ready to leave, regretting nothing except life itself....Death is the origin of another it reasonable to fear for so long something which lasts for so short a time?"
    ~Montaigne, "To Philosophize is to Learn how to Die"

    Why he regrets nothing except life itself? Was his life that bad to him? Is there an incarnation after dead? Death is not scary. Or is it? Why? Because one does not know what comes behind? Can an atheist have fear of death? Of the eternal dark? Why doubting a reincarnation or eternal glory and immersion in the divine unity of the duality of the trinity? Why an atheist says that there is no reincarnation?
  • Religion and Meaning
    Whats PI?
    — Prishon
    March 14 obviously.
    180 Proof

    Prishon did looky looky in big book on net. Big wikibook says pi is very big number! 3.1415 and big number of numbers still coming. Prishon cannot write all. Prishon lasie this morning.

    PI no 24 april! Rishon no stupid!
  • Religion and Meaning
    I feel numinously. Prishon says me not to worry about that. Prishon says everything be allright. Thank you Prishon.
  • Religion and Meaning
    Read Witty's PI, Fool (at least the first half of it).180 Proof

    Whats PI?
  • Religion and Meaning
    My bad for the misunderstanding apparent. Religion, insofar as what I said earlier matters, stands for what seems to be missing in non-religious worldviews - that yearning to be part of something bigger as some like to put it. The closest such concepts free of religious baggage I can find are ecological movements and Niel deGrasse Tyson's Comsic Perspective.TheMadFool

    Yearning to be part of something bigger? Dunno bout them but Prishon donot wanna be part of bigger thing. Prishon wonders how all to be came!

    Neil deGrasse free of religious bagage? His whole being IS the bagage he must carry everyday like a burden... like Jesus had to carry that Godd":$#d cross of his!

    Sorry for noticing a spelling mistake, but is deGrasse comsic? Sick about his own com?
  • Is never having the option for no option just? What are the implications?
    I will ask again, does almost all life contain unwanted burdens, yes or no?schopenhauer1

    Obviously, the answer is no. It's ALL life. And they are there out of necessity. Without them, it would all be in vain. The burden of our dog's dead, still with me today, exists to emphasize the loving. The burden of proof exists to articulate (a kind of proof). The burden of death exists to make life. Without death life would be shit. Though sometimes I think I wanna live forever. The burden of a hurricane exists to seek shelter. The burden of war to release stress and see things with a fresh eye. The burden of TPF exists to keep an open mind or keep it closed.
  • Religion and Meaning
    But this computer does not work via prayer.Banno


    You can consider program language a prayer. And damned, how I curse this phone! Make a prayer to let it function properly! Sometimes it even works!
  • Was Aristotle a deist?

    And did he talk to them? Who was the first mover? Did he move the first kick to make them gods appear?
  • Religion and Meaning

    Gods made it possible in the first place. Without creation no fiddling around with physical matter.
  • Religion and Meaning
    A religious community might engage in making shite up.Banno

    Like the scientific community has done.
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    whose condition of existence is perpetual warStreetlightX

    Why is that the condition of (its) existence?
  • Was Aristotle a deist?
    As I wrote, it's the first cause, which, ironically, is also a 'final cause'.hairy belly

    The final cause?

    What about the Greek gods? Were they still present at the time of Aristotle?
  • Religion and Meaning
    All I can say is religion, since it's essentially cosmic in proportion and scale, provides the greatest meaning a life could have. What better way to purpose one's life than by contributing to, in some way, the universe itself and God it's creator? It doesn't get bigger than that, rightTheMadFool

    Wow! Well put!

    :up: :100: !!!!!!!!!

    Though I thought you were an atheist.
  • Religion and Meaning
    You could do so publicly, but then Banno would think you missed the joke.Ennui Elucidator

  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?
    Infinitesimals are the subject of modern non-standard analysis, and were one of Leibniz's playthings.jgill

    Was his penis that small?...Just joking

    ☺ Hi there! Iiiiim back! How are they treated in NSA? I had some rest and have no more headache.
  • Religion and Meaning
    Well, I won't agree with that. Religion perhaps provides a cookie-cutter replacement for meaning. It's for folk who want a prefabricated answer, one that avoids having to be critical or think for oneself. that may be satisfactory for you, but not for me.Banno

    When a small boy I believed in God. Then no more. And now again I believe in even more than one. They are there but I dont give a fuck about them (so basically, they dont give a fuck about themselves). I care about their creation though.
  • Religion and Meaning
    feel free to disagree with yourself privatelyEnnui Elucidator

    Only privately?

    The idea of “spiritual” is really a major problem. It is the biggest bunch of non-sense one can imagine wrapped in a bit of anti-establishmentarianismEnnui Elucidator

    Non-sense! Wrapped up in anti-establishmentarianism (what word!).
  • Madness is rolling over Afghanistan
    Heads are mysteriously exploding into a pink mist.James Riley

    If the exploding heads spaw ferocious red blood in the light of an evening lantern, spewing its light in ignorant staticity into the mist, then the image conjured up is a delightful one! Especially in slomo. So let's look for some fresh heads to explode, a lantarn, and an old filmcamera. And a mist machine. Heavy conceptual art, imitating life. ☺
  • Madness is rolling over Afghanistan
    The madness has left the building. The building is left, leaving it in a state of mad agony and people wanting some peace and comfort after years and years of US and Sovjet induced madness. Madness that laid the foundations of another madness from which 9-11 sprang. So the Afghans now just want peace. Who else to support than the Taliban? Its a bit stupid though that they freed IS members. They'll try a coup for sure. They'll ban the Tali.
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?
    Stopping cannot be destroyed it seems to meGregory

    Thats what I meant! But destruction can be stopped. All hail to the terminator!

    "Terminator. Our hero! Unexterminabe!"

    Then again, the one terminating can be exterminated. Is it really impossible to destroy the stopping?
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?

    Infinitesimals are funny things. What about velocity, dx/dt (is there mathJax here?)? You think its a real physical quantity?
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?
    Terminate means to stop, exterminate means to destroyGregory

    ☺ So extermination can be terminated and termination can be exterminated? Sometimes termination can be exterminated. Like extermination can be terminated. Is the an impossibility between these? A, what's it called? A kind of asymmetry...a kind of venience....A supervenience! (line a convenience) Can one of them not be appiled after the other?
  • "The Critique of Pure Reason" discussion and reading group
    ]That which is independent of the conditions of human sensibility.[/quote]

    You mean an objective reality? God(s) is (are) transcendental in this sense. So is the dual stuff in the magic trinity theory of consciousness.

    Space is the form of the phenomena of external sense, and nothing more. It is what makes possible external intuition, and its given-ness precedes that of objects of external intuition. Outside of the subjective point of view of a human mind, space has no meaning, it is nothing. It is a predicate that is applicable only to objects of human sensibility, that is, phenomena. The form of the external sense of other beings cannot be known.darthbarracuda

    That's what HE thinks.
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?

    "Exterminate....Exterminate...!" What's the difference between terminate and exterminate?
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?
    About as much as anything on The Philosophy Forumjgill

    And that is how much?
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?
    I would think this would put you in an impossible position if you are serious about physics. :roll:jgill

    Why? Dont you think ideas come first? Math is the cause for getting the physics wrong as I explained in the context of the Higgs dield an the Higgs mechanism.
  • How does a fact establish itself as knowledge?

    I perceive the cat in the outside world and the opinion on the inside world. Sometimes the coincide. Then its the truth.
  • Does Zeno's paradox proof the continuity of spacetime?

    Sorry if I did a bit not so nice to you! I like math but in relation to physics Im a bit fed up with it. For example, the whole Higgs mechanism is based on it while the mechanism is non-existent. ☺
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?
    That has an ominous sound. Where have I heard that before? :gasp:jgill


    Good one! But tomorrow I'll be back for sure. Someone is calling to get my ass from behind my phone... Its twelve in Holland... I'll be back! Wasnt it terminator? Appropiate!