• Postmodernism and Mathematics
    It's Critical Theory... not 'Critical Race Theory'. You should read it. — creativesoul

    Both exist and one is derived from the other.
    I will consider this a joke until further notice.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    Making no judgment whatsoever is silly.Mikie
    It's also dangerous.
  • Analysis of Goodness
    and the latter is perfection in-itself (i.e., a good organism, clock, phone, plant, etc. is one which is in harmony and unity with itself).Bob Ross
    Aristotle's eudaimonia -- the purpose of humans is eudaimonia.
  • Postmodernism and Mathematics
    It is not that mathematics differ in every culture -- there is a standardization of mathematics across societies. Just like there is a standardization of engineering across cultures.

    But the postmodernists would argue that it is empirically derived. This is how you can argue in favor of a postmodern view. Mathematics has an empirical origin -- not from a universal truth. They are not there to question the veracity of the math methods -- they are there to argue against the objective truth -- (referring to a priori or universal truth).
  • The Reality of Spatio-Temporal Relations
    It can be shown that we are living in a block universe once we accept the special relativity. You might be interested to read this.MoK
    That'll be for another day. Not sure if I accept the block universe. Thanks for the link. Good read.

    I see, so you are claiming space and time are substances—contrary to your original claim. Unless you are just noting that they are not separate substances when you said they are not substances.Bob Ross
    I can't call spacetime a substance because a substance is a separate property from all the other things in the universe. I just explained in my previous post that you cannot separate spacetime from existence.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    Aha, my plan worked after all. :grin:praxis
    All for the best. :razz:
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    Apparently I’m not as funny as I think I am. :sad:praxis
    Whatever posts you've written in the forum which I had read, I liked your posts. You seem to be level-headed to me.
    I didn't say this earlier because I didn't want you to think I was pandering.

    Now, does that bolster your self-esteem?
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    I have very low self-esteem and tend to think the worst.praxis

    Jesus! That would cripple me to the point of not being able to participate in a forum like this. The fact that you're here and having that condition is a puzzle to me. I wish you the best.
  • The Reality of Spatio-Temporal Relations
    Which sounded to me like you were arguing that we cannot determine what is exactly a posteriori and what is a priori, and that space/time are so entrenched in our thinking (being the forms of our experience) that we cannot make sense of a world without it.

    This sounds like space and time for you are just the forms of our experience, and we cannot say anything about reality as it is in itself because we cannot think away these forms.

    Was I misunderstanding?
    Bob Ross
    Yes, you were misunderstanding. Your conception of spacetime is metaphysical, but what I was trying to explain is it is more than metaphysical -- in fact, we should start with Einstein's spacetime continuum, which consists of the three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension which is time. He posits that spacetime can shift shape.

    So with that under consideration, space and time are, in fact, a physical reality. My starting point that human cognition is temporal (as well as spatial) is well within the dimensions of spacetime.
  • Are citizens responsible for the crimes of their leaders?
    Are citizens responsible for the crimes of their leaders?
    This is a poorly written question and certainly written to arouse the reactionary responses, not the intelligent responses.

    There is accountability. In a representative form of government, the reason why we elect the leaders is to represent the people and to make the decision on behalf of the people, decisions that are beneficial to the people.
    Crimes are not beneficial to the people. If the actions are criminal, then the leaders must be held accountable for those crimes. The people can vote the leaders out of office.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    Honestly, the thing that stands out in my perception is your name— which I like— and the fact that you usually write well and are fairly unassuming. I don’t know much else about you though…Mikie
    Thank you. No, that should stay that way. It's good to know less -- it's the thought that counts.

    And of you, as well -- good to know you are one of the mods. That's all I need to say about you.
  • The Reality of Spatio-Temporal Relations
    It sounds like you are saying they don’t exist in reality at all, and then noting that we cannot think them away.Bob Ross
    How is a whole paragraph of my answer not show at all that spacetime don't exist?
  • The Reality of Spatio-Temporal Relations
    I understood your points and don't really disagree with them; but I am unsure as to whether you believe space and time are substances or not. What do you think?Bob Ross
    They are not substances. If you recall Aristotle, and others, have written about things like substance, form, essence, etc., all within the template of space-time, and never outside of it. We cannot separate space-time from the universe, therefore we cannot separate space-time from existence. It is a zone -- a multi-dimensional zone in which things exist. To speak of space-time as thing in itself is nonsensical. A thing in itself is anything that has its own properties and dimension existing within space-time. Tangible objects are things. Humans are things. But a universe is not a thing.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    One thing that I find so peculiar (and for which I have gotten a lot of flak) is the almost complete lack of introspection, lack of self-reflection, and lack of applying the theme that is being discussed to oneself, on the spot. Esp. in Western philosophical discourse, any request for such is instantly dismissed as a fallacious ad hominem. I just don't understand this.baker
    I know. Caring is hard. Like loving is hard. :wink:

    You need to outsmart them, Baker. Write it differently instead of using words that betray your undertone. If I come along and post in a thread in favor of paternalism, for example, and just blaarrgghh the basics, sans nuance and metaphor, like I have-no-reservation-so-take-it-or-leave-it, then guess what I'm gonna get in response?
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    It seems that way to me, also. But I suspect AI is crawling along the alleyway waiting to slip through a cracked door. This could be a plus . . . or not? :chin:jgill
    You'll know them by the essays they write. haha! :lol:
    They write for themselves, and it's not a two-way communication -- they'll respond to you but not to you.

    There’s a dozen or so people who are certainly above average. But there’s a lot of morons too.Mikie
    Well, in that case, I only read the dozen or so people.

    What he is likely misremembering is the few times I stated that there are crazy people in this site. And we all know that there is.Lionino
    lol. :sweat:
    I don't read most posts in this site. So, I must have missed the crazy ones.

    I hope those few crazies did not leave a lasting impression here such that they now define this site.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    And you like to throw around these blanket insults too: sometimes it's that most people on TPF are idiots, .... — Jamal

    You simply misinterpret what I say — a joke —
    This here is something you don't get to say and be awarded the interpretation that it is joke. I avoid using this word when I'm joking. I only ever say this word if I mean it because it would always be received as meant, not banter.

    That said, I actually find this place to be populated by above average intelligence. I do not always 'speak' softly and sweetly here, but imagine being out there in the general population and trying to talk about philosophy and other things not pop culture. This is a refuge, to me.
  • The Reality of Spatio-Temporal Relations
    It seems like denying spatiotemporal relations sideswipes all of knowable reality and replaces it is with a giant question mark, and makes reality (which we can speak of) phantasms.Bob Ross
    Space-time is always a part of existence. I don't know if "property" is the correct word. We can't perceive anything unless it's space-time because our constitution and the mechanism of perception is designed to function in space-time, nowhere else.

    I think, though, you might be thinking of the "temporal" definition such that something is perceived in a particular unit of time or sequentially. I always have a hard time trying to explain this, so I hope I am making sense. Human cognition is temporal, that is: sequentially; but a computer memory is not.

    Here is an explanation:

    An example is the human feeling of impatience or tiredness -- something took too long to finish or to arrive. A computer will not have an accompanying subjective feeling of tiredness for waiting, or boredom from waiting, or simply, giving up because something is taking too long to complete. Or a computer will not have the feeling of unfairness because a first-come-first-serve rule is violated.

    Another attempt at explanation: If I am walking in a street and see a tall electric tower, I expect that tower to be there on my way back using the same route. I can even gauge at what time I'm going to see it again given the length and distance I've traveled so far.

    PS: I am better at 'getting it', rather than explaining it.
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    I'm simply a tag awayNoble Dust
    Someone with conviction!
  • How Do You Think You’re Perceived on TPF?
    I think the question should be -- how do you perceive a forum member. So, if I'm answering it this way, I'd say @Noble Dust will explain anything if you tag him and @Benkei can be a gasshole. lol.

    @baker -- well, Baker can a benevolent prick.
  • Sound great but they are wrong!!!
    "What goes around comes around". This doesn't always happen. Some bad actions never got consequences.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Yes and yes. Do you think that's the full story? Do deficits and debt not matter?Relativist
    I didn't say that's the full story. I'm just stating the fact that no one opposed to it once it's in effect. So, everybody contributed to the deficits and debt.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    What's your point? I simply answered your question. My point was that it's silly to just give credit or blame to a sitting President based on the status of the economy.Relativist

    My point is, you cited one example of his bill, and then you went on to criticize it. I responded by saying, that while the democrats did not vote for it, I asked you if they indeed partake in the lowering of their tax liabilities. It's in effect from 2018 to 2025. Do you understand that the 2017 TCJA is still in effect until 2025? You probably benefited from it when you filed your taxes.

    I don't see that there should be a confusion in my response to your post.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    No. It received no votes from Democrats.Relativist
    You have to think outside the box. They didn't have to vote yes, but they knew it was going to pass and become a law. Math works. They all benefited from it -- ask any democrat if they refused the tax credits and deductions to lower their taxes. None of them objected to it when it went into effect. All this without voting "yes" to the bill. So, not only they "preserved" their constituents faith during the process of passing it, they reaped the benefits of the TCJA aftwards.

    A lot of fear that people refuse to address, refuse to introspect.baker
  • Hell Seems Possible. Is Heaven Possible Too?
    Heaven is impossible to create on Earth.
    But hell is easy.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    The economy was doing well, and the summers weren't as hot. A President doesn't control either the weather or the economy.Relativist
    Where in my post did I say that Trump controlled the economy that was doing well. I stated a platitude -- the economy was doing well. A great economy helps any sitting president.

    I think from what I'm reading in this thread, there's a lot of psychological fear of the idea that Trump might be president again.

    The Paul Ryan tax cuts passed under Trump, and tax cuts stimulate the economy.Relativist
    You mean the 2017 tax cuts and job acts. What were the votes? Did both parties vote for it?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    In my view, it plays into the narrative of the MAGA/Trump mediaverse, which is investing a lot of hype and hot air into bringing about this outcome. And believing it means they're succeeding, so I refuse to believe it!Wayfarer
    I was reading how the economy was under his leadership and the economy was actually going well. When the pandemic hit, it was used against him like a perfect storm.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    IMO, it's merely wishful thinking to believe that the eight year losing trend of 'suppressing minority voters, misogynist anti-choice, The Big Lie propagandizing' Republican candidates will not be reversed merely by Biden dropping out of the presidential race. Like 2020, most likely voters still oppose Insurrection/Criminal Defendent/Rapist-Defamer/Fraudster-1 rather than support President Biden.180 Proof
    I don't follow the day to day american politics. I look at trends and studies. Trump seems to be the only one that is a "brash vulgarian" and a maverick, as @Tom Storm described earlier. Honestly, I'd like to see if Trump could win again. There is fear, for sure, in people because psychologically, Trump's impact is greater.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Why do you believe Biden will lose to a candidate he's already beaten once180 Proof
    I reviewed my posts previously and I don't see where I said this. Please tell me where to find this thought?

    But let's say, to answer your question -- if one believes the current president might not be president next time, things happen. Simple. He could suddenly keel over, for example.

    I don't have a crystal ball.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Seems to me that many Trump supporters think that the system is utterly corrupt, so for them it takes a brash vulgarian, a maverick outsider like Trump to stick it to the system's gatekeepers.Tom Storm
    It looks like it is working. In 2017 or 2018, an independent (rather academic) study was conducted about the strength of Trump's candidacy. It was very strong. That was apparently very shocking to the American public.

    Trump is an AI, complete with hologram form, created by the deep state, or the deep fake, or maybe the deep Putin, who knows?.Metaphysician Undercover
    Is it psychologically uncomfortable for you to ponder that soon Trump could be president again?
  • The automobile is an unintended evil
    Well where do you think the electricity comes from?LuckyR
    Good point. Apparently, we would need an additional 30% increase in electricity production if all cars are EVs.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Although it seems obvious to anyone not inside the bubble that it's a con.Wayfarer
    The one person that can answer this is @Athena.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    the nomination conference is not until July, and there are, shall we say, legal issues which might become apparent well before then.Wayfarer
    A thought which puzzles me. Why is it that there's not an all-out apparent in his personal and public lives? He's been hounded in all directions.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    I think Trump is going to win the Republican caucus.

    Only an AI could run against him.

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    **this OP should be merged into the Trump thread**Wayfarer
    So I guess this is now the thread.
  • The automobile is an unintended evil
    Driving less worked (works) for me. I lived about 20 minutes from work and we don't take car trip vacations. I don't have a problem with electric vehicles, especially when they nail the batteries (which they should by next generation, with solid state versions). But for me, electric would a less fun, expensive, inconvenient alternative with negligible carbon improvement.LuckyR

    I think, though, the carbon footprint is much less because of zero emissions. I guess we have to look at it this way-- we can't get rid of cars completely, but we can reduce the harmful effects of driving. I have not really looked at the studies as to whether the manufacturing of the vehicles, batteries, and storage units are not equally worse than manufacturing other products.

    But certainly with less driving, collectively, that's also an improvement -- if you're using the ICE car.

    I deplored spending such a huge chunk of my life in this building. It made me feel my life was being squandered. All the usual distractions there didn't help.
    Working from home, I still feel my life is being squandered.

    Many Americans could drive less. I don't really expect people to walk 2 miles to a supermarket and then carry 30 pounds of groceries back home. They could bike, but biking requires a reasonably safe street, and there are a lot of places in the suburbs which are hard to get to while remaining safe on the street.

    Many people do, however, live reasonably close to drugstores and supermarkets, and could get there on foot or bike with little risk. It is more work, sure. But the labor of shopping and schlepping one's stuff home saves a trip to the gym.
    Absolutely. I think the US has no history of bicycle usage as a mode of regular transportation, unlike the Netherlands and China. Planes, trains, and automobiles, these are what built its economy.
  • The automobile is an unintended evil
    Here am I, on a Sunday afternoon, traveling 10 miles to downtown and my favorite gay bar. It took me 10 minutes to get to the bus stop, and the bus I was aiming for zoomed past when I was 1/2 block away. It will be 30 minutes before the next bus arrives -- and this won't get me downtown, It will get me to a transfer point where I will have to wait for another bus to finish the trip. Between 60 and 90 minutes later, I arrive.BC
    Time is the biggest objection against the public transit, I think. What could take a 15 minute drive, would take an hour or more on a bus. So, if you're taking the bus to work, you would need to add at least a couple of hours more to your time of the day. That's a lot of hours that you would need to add to your working life each day,
  • The automobile is an unintended evil
    Internal Combustion Engine. I didn't get it either.BC
    Runs on fuel. A conventional car.

    BUT I drive less than half of the average number of miles per year in my state. So my carbon footprint is probably on par with electric vehicles, with less risk of accidents, injuries etc.LuckyR
    So drive less, is what you're saying.