What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it? I'd never let that happen, ever.
1). Because I'm not a homosexual and 2). Because I wouldn't marry anyone that stupid.
I see what you're trying to say though, about situations and events out of your control. Events like someone close to you dying from a drunk driver, or your exam mark wasn't enough to get into the dream university but you found out years later that it was a mistake, but it's too late and you lived your whole life in ruin. I see what you're getting at.
I still stand by it. Although these events happen, there are simply some things you cannot control. So you can control yourself. The rapist? I'd stop the situation immediately, then I would tie the lad up until I understand what is with him. And fix him so he won't do it again.
Hate leads to impulsive behaviour, how many crimes and deaths and dreadful events have resulted because of hate and could have been prevented by peace? War.
You must understand that other individuals are no where near in the same thought pattern as you, we are all very different in our childhood and biological wiring. So the act of one person does not explain their entire situation.
That is why I find it very hard to hate.