• Limits to intentions behind questions


    Leaves the event itself untouched.
    - @creativesoul

    But you see we have found everything out about the event?
    What more could you ask?
  • How should we carry out punishment?
    Human's carry with them the curse of being able to feel, through the ability to feel they have the strength to change their logic. So, through pain, time or any mean of punishment in the eyes of the one being punished, they have the gift to change!
  • What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it?
    t is helpful to be mobilized by powerful emotions. One need not necessarily act on them, but to be mobilized and sometimes expressive without violence
    - @Coben

    Makes sense. Essentially it's our primitive counterpart.
  • How do you define love?
    To me, love is directly proportional to time; that is, the more time you spend with someone the more you are likely to love them. I argue you can love anyone, but they cannot love you back. Love is when you are free of all negative attributes within the relationship, since there are no negative attributes (hate, distrust, judgement) it only leaves love. So, love is when you find someone or something who doesn't make your life worse, but better.
  • How should we carry out punishment?
    The best way to 'control' someone is with
    courage, kindness and understanding, and theoretically you won’t need to try and control someone’s actions.
    - @Possibility

    Do you think raising a child through harsh practises or through kindly practices would make them more successful?

    Personally, I believe balance is the most important quality we need to adopt. We cannot lean heavily to punishment as well as kindness.
  • What is the point of detail?

    Dude, 16 + 57 = 73

    Today, 57 years back, gets you to 16. So, @Bitter Crank is 73.
  • What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it?

    That is killing, IMO.

    Not hate.
    - @Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Well where do you expect to go with hate? Otherwise it's an unreasonable burden on your shoulders you have to deal with. What is the point of hate?

    Nice teaching method.
    - @Gnostic Christian Bishop thanks :)
  • Limits to intentions behind questions
    Well you can solve any question by asking what, then the rest of them are branches off of what. By asking what? You get a general debrief and idea of what's going on. If you want specifics you ask the other 6 questions.
  • What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it?
    You became your enemy.
    - @Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Please elaborate how I did this? I'm getting the idea that fixing something means you hate the way it is? That's like saying you hate children because you teach and discipline them until they contain enough logic to survive.

    I put what you loved in jeopardy and poof, there was the hate I wanted to show you in yourself.
    - @Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Where is the hate? I did not express any hate?

    I'm not sure I follow. What pattern do you see?
    - @Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Well this is rather straightforward, every person you meet has a personality cultured by their context and beliefs, values and attitudes. They didn't pick and choose their personality, they didn't choose to be that way - and therefore since the person is only restricted to their memory and environment, you can see a familiar pattern of the way they behave.
    (You either get it or you don't)

    And Lastly, Can you describe your definition of hate?
    Hate to me is the desire to remove that thing from existence.
  • Layers of truth

    That actually makes a lot of sense.

    Because your beliefs govern your actions, if you believe there is no life after death you'll pursue a mindset of Layer 0 and become reckless towards yourself. If you haven't been introduced to any of this knowledge it isn't obstruction of the truth, you're just unaware. Since you are unaware it doesn't mean you're a different Layer, it simply means you don't have any idea. And you believe what you've heard is true.

    So the depth of truth is linked to your
  • Why do we gossip?
    Could...you elaborate?
  • Limits to intentions behind questions

    Do/does - Prompts an action or visual response about the event (i.e. Do you think.. or Does it bother...)
    Is - prompts an analysis of the present situation (I.e. Is it still.... Is it the...)
    Can - Considers an action to further motivate the event (i.e. Can you tell... Can it be...)

    Is this what you mean by asking of opinions? Rather I have presented opinion as action. Is this along the same lines of your thinking ?
  • Why do we gossip?
    ahahaha the 4th one.

    I see your point. That's one layer of truth
  • Why do we gossip?
    I think beneath it all we are really just trying to find our way in this world; to see what our placement is in this world. Are we important? Are we significant? We naturally lean towards talking about others to develop our own reality of 'what's really going on'. How do we know who we are? By seeing ourselves from everyone else's eyes and hearing ourselves from other people's mouth.

    If you ever wanna spark a interesting discussion question the obvious - then you get some interesting answers, it becomes a seed of thought which grows into a tree of different ideas and new questions. Give it a go!
  • Limits to intentions behind questions

    Who - The person behind the event
    What - The thing or situation which is behind the event
    When - The time at which it happened
    Where - The place where it happened
    Why - The intention behind the event
    How - The steps taken for the event to occur

    Is this an accurate description?
  • What is the point of detail?
    Awh don't start with that
    "it just is"
    - @Harry Hindu

    I argue nothing ever just is
  • What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it?
    I'd never let that happen, ever.
    1). Because I'm not a homosexual and 2). Because I wouldn't marry anyone that stupid.

    I see what you're trying to say though, about situations and events out of your control. Events like someone close to you dying from a drunk driver, or your exam mark wasn't enough to get into the dream university but you found out years later that it was a mistake, but it's too late and you lived your whole life in ruin. I see what you're getting at.

    I still stand by it. Although these events happen, there are simply some things you cannot control. So you can control yourself. The rapist? I'd stop the situation immediately, then I would tie the lad up until I understand what is with him. And fix him so he won't do it again.

    Hate leads to impulsive behaviour, how many crimes and deaths and dreadful events have resulted because of hate and could have been prevented by peace? War.

    You must understand that other individuals are no where near in the same thought pattern as you, we are all very different in our childhood and biological wiring. So the act of one person does not explain their entire situation.

    That is why I find it very hard to hate.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    Again, maybe try not reading everything so literally? You know what condition that tendency is indicative of, don't you?
    - @Terrapin Station
    I aM VeRy ConFUsEd ?
  • Good is Unnecessary
    If we consider layers to truth, than you are correct. Of course there is such thing as good or bad, depending on how you want to construct your own reality. Good exists if you believe everything you see or hear, but if you move beyond...you will find nothing matters

    ^Layers of truth.
  • Limits to intentions behind questions
    I see what you're trying to say. So it really is the basis of the 7 elements of asking questions...
  • Why do we gossip?
    Well yes, clean answer :)
  • Good is Unnecessary
    define morality - because I argue we are all immoral. I don't think we can even definitely state whether someone is moral or immoral. Actually, I think free will is the daughter of wishful thinking.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    If they disagree within reason, I will. For the moment, reason persuades me to think you have a degree of sense. 'joining the pack' isn't my forte anyway '\_:)_/'
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    Similarly, I believe all possible emotions are already extant in us. We simply look for different ways to stimulate any one of them.
    Beautifully said!

    what more can we ask in addition to the seven basic questions of what, why, who, where, when, which, and how. It then dawned on me that "what" suffices to ask all the rest of the questions which are simply shorthand for a longer "what" question.
    You fricken genius! I never would have even thought about questioning that one, but interesting to know!

    That's actually quiet interesting...
  • Good is Unnecessary
    If you assume good is unnecessary we must also link any relations to good also unnecessary.
    You could also say that everything is unnecessary, really.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    Elaborate? I'm clueless at what you're going at...
  • What triggers Hate? Do you embrace it?
    'Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated' - George Bernard Shaw

    I think hate is unnecessary and a completely illogical response to a situation. I think, any action or crime which results in hate from an audience has been ill judged and analysed. The more we understand, the less we hate.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    How would I be presenting a persona?

    I am exploring what emotion is and how widely it distributes, along with what other ways emotions can be thought of. I'm trying to see different ways of approaching emotion, specifically if there is a set amount of emotions which you can experience.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    Well that's new...thankyou. I shall have a look :)

    'Different cultures have terms for emotions that might be difficult to understand from another culture, or where a word might be lacking in another language'
  • Why do we gossip?
    Talking about others without the intent of them finding out, or the way we talk isn't the way we'd talk directly to the person being spoken about.
  • What is the point of detail?
    Hmm... I argue everything has a point, although some things may not have immediate use to the eye, they provide a beneficial contribution to our planet. Artificial flowers do not absorb carbon dioxide or filter the air - for example.

    But yes, makes sense.
  • What is the point of detail?
    So it's self explanatory? Noooot muchhh helllp. But I can see your point. It's along the same lines as: 'that's just the way with some people'.

    Could you elaborate on these 'laws'?
  • What is the point of detail?
    I am truly honoured to be amongst ancient and wise men and women. I find refuge in this website, the folks tire of my questions - thankyou for the warm welcome :)

    And as for not expecting Jesus to dropkick you through the goalposts of life - I couldn't have said it better myself (I'm still laughing).
  • What is the point of detail?
    Hold on, are you religious? I have an 'atheist' view on the world. If we have different beliefs than of course we will endlessly argue.

    I'm only 16 of course I'm limited. I'm not even studying philosophy. Only science. I don't study humanities.

    Also why do you have unlimited surprise?
  • The basics of free will
    Specifically the 'What we’re doing here is manipulating the very faculty by which an action is determined and initiated - before that action occurs in spacetime.'

    That's something new I never considered before. Interesting.
  • The basics of free will
    I think that's perfectly correct (or as close as you can get).
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    If you experience infinite emotion then it is finite because you have experienced it.

    Rather I feel new emotions swept over me every week.
    I couldn't tell you what they are but they're not the foundational four you speak of.

    For example when I typed 'I think you need logic to feel emotion otherwise your existence is empty' I felt something similar to 2 wings slowly rising within my lungs and ending at the apex of my heart. Then another pulse which rippled through my entire ribcage. Like a faint tickle.

    What the hell do you call that?
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    I see how you are saying that events do not need a cause to create emotion, but is our own conclusion and perception which creates emotion. I see a fence outside my window, I feel disgusted at the absence of flora and fauna and how little vegetation there is because we need it to contribute the wellbeing and ecosystem of our planet. Therefore I feel disgusted.

    That's what I'm getting at.

    Let's consider a thoughtless object, does it have emotions?

    No, a printer, a glass, an atom has no emotion and therefore no logic. I think you need logic to feel emotion otherwise your existence is empty.
  • Is it possible to experience more emotions?
    And if that holds true, we have infinite logic = infinite emotions???????