• Climate Change
    For anyone scrolling: don’t listen to the climate denying imbecile. He’s lying, or he’s watching too much Fox News: there has never been an EV “mandate” in the US. Never.

    And the climate denying idiocy continues on…
  • Climate Change
    EV “mandates.” Lol.

    The climate denial idiocy continues on…
  • Climate Change
    You shouldn't be pretending that there are no problems with our "solutions" to global warming.Agree-to-Disagree


    Are MGUY's videos "stupid bullshit" as Mikie is claiming?Agree-to-Disagree

    I’ve given your recommendation exactly the amount of attention it deserves: none. As with most climate deniers.

    I get that you’re too stupid to understand why — but others do.
  • Climate Change
    So the “windmills kill birds!” tactic of the stupidest of climate deniers. Let’s ignore the bigger “list” of problems with fossil fuels and focus solely on the problems of renewables. Never mind that fossil fuels are subsidized by governments and are far more costly, even when externalities aren’t added — like the fact that they create greenhouse emissions which is heating the world and are causing, and will continue to cause, worldwide devastation.

    But some idiot on YouTube has something to say about it that we should all pay attention to — after all, he comes highly recommended by an Internet forum’s resident climate denier, and fellow intellectual fruit fly — who refuses to spend a second reading anything relevant on the topic, but would like you to spend the time watching his stupid bullshit.

    Sounds great.
  • Climate Change
    When in a hole, stop digging. Remember that everybody reading the thread can see how ridiculous you are.Agree-to-Disagree


    God you’re delusional.
  • Climate Change
    MGUY is not talking about climate science.Agree-to-Disagree

    No kidding. Neither are you. Which is why it’s strange you’re in a climate change thread.
  • Climate Change
    Why did you fail to mention that MGUY is also an engineer?Agree-to-Disagree

    An engineer is as much a climate scientist as a lawyer. But it’s hilarious you think it’s important I “left it out.”
  • Climate Change
    We’re faced with a hard choice: listen to the thousands of climate scientists around the world — from NASA to the Royal Academy…and learn about the extensive, overwhelming evidence…

    Or… do we ignore all that, select a YouTube lawyer (because what he says confirms what we want to believe), and then pretend that others are brainwashed because they dismiss us as idiots?


    The latter has the added benefit of pretending that we have special knowledge that everyone else has missed. Flat earthers and creationists talk exactly like climate deniers for a reason…
  • Climate Change
    If Einstein had a YouTube channel would you refuse to accept his views?Agree-to-Disagree


    Are you really over the age of 11?
  • Climate Change
    So he cites a YouTube guy.

    Finally, “the truth” has been found.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Do you consider Hamas a terrorist organization?BitconnectCarlos

    Do you consider Likud a terrorist organization?
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Will the Israeli-terrorist genocide continue? That’s the only question. Already it looks like they want to continue freely killing babies and leveling the entire region (mostly rubble already) to the ground.

    “Israel has accused Hamas of breaking the truce.” Right. We’ll figure out a story later.
  • Climate Change
    Mikie, what have you been smoking?Agree-to-Disagree

    Ask a fruit fly to explain satire to you.
  • Climate Change
    Big Geophysics, that’s a little fishy. The level of consensus that the earth is spherical is suspect. It’s about the funding. I look at the data myself, and make up my own mind. I’ve concluded that all the scientists are wrong: the earth is flat. But I’m not a flat earther.
  • Climate Change
    Big Climate ChangeAgree-to-Disagree

  • Climate Change
    Trump Stocks E.P.A. With Oil, Gas and Chemical Lobbyists

    Top appointees include David Fotouhi, Mr. Zeldin’s second-in-command, a lawyer who recently challenged a ban on asbestos; Alex Dominguez, a former oil lobbyist who will work on automobile emissions; and Aaron Szabo, a lobbyist for both the oil and chemical industries who is expected to be the top air pollution regulator.

    Lol — it’s like bad satire.

    Climate deniers back in charge. It’s basically too late anyway, at this point. We’re likely on the road to 2.4 or more. Which will be catastrophic. We’re at 1.1 now and already seeing hundreds of billions in damages and many lives lost thanks to the warming by greenhouse gases.

    We deserve what we get. Here’s hoping the worst of it strikes those who voted in this idiot.
  • Climate Change
    Big Climate Change, like there is Big Oil and Big PharmaAgree-to-Disagree

  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    I very much agree.

    Didn’t think I’d be writing that in 2025.
  • Climate Change

    Good post. A lot of good resources to ignore— in favor of the latest from Steve Koonin or the CATO Institute.
  • The News Discussion
    where is this so-called information coming from?Outlander

    Is this a joke?

    You can Google it— the history of these companies isn’t obscure.
  • The News Discussion
    Elon Musk is a fraud. I’m not surprised by the dupes who buy that he’s a genius.

    For the record: he did not found Paypal. He wasn’t even the CEO of the crappy company he, and several others, founded — “x.com” — at the time of the merger. Guess Peter Thiel is the real genius?

    He did not found Tesla either— he was an early investor. It’s true he acquired Twitter and turned it into a bigger cesspool than it already was, worth less now than when he bought it — hardly something to put on a genius resume. And generally he’s a simpleton who’s proven himself too stupid to even notice he’s a social media addict.

    Maybe once he was a coder or something. But otherwise a guy in the right spot at the right time. I give him credit for investing his money in Tesla — how brave and inspiring.
  • Climate Change
    As LA continues to burn due to climate change, it’s worth remembering this is global, and just the beginning:

    Using data from researchers at the University of Maryland, recently updated to cover the years 2001 to 2023, we calculated that the area burned by forest fires increased by about 5.4% per year over that time period. Forest fires now result in nearly 6 million more hectares of tree cover loss per year than they did in 2001 — an area roughly the size of Croatia.


    But have no fear — after 4 of the hottest years on record, remember what the Denier-in-Chief said, 4 years prior:

    Still waiting. That’s so far turned out to be as accurate as “covid will be gone by easter [of 2020].”

    Prediction: some imbecile will come along and say “the fires were from mismanagement not climate change!”
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    because I am aware of his development regarding space and other engineering stuffjavi2541997

    Like what? I’ve never been impressed by Elon. His engineers and developers are amazing people. The fact that he owns companies isn’t impressive.

    Bring a billionaire doesn’t make you a genius.
  • Climate Change
    Climate deniers have the intellect of a fruit fly, but consider that a compliment. :lol:
  • Climate Change

    What I find hilarious is that it’s not just “alarmist,” which we’d all understand— he has to, each time, type out “climate change/global warming alarmist.” :lol:

    When you have the intellect of a fruit fly…
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Elon isn’t a Nazi and this whole thing is kind of silly, on the one hand. On the other hand, he’s got the intellectual capacity of a 10 year old, and has devolved into a Twitter addict — so who knows where it leads. I didn’t think Kanye “loved Hitler” years ago either.

    These guys are so “open minded” that they can be convinced of anything. Maybe the earth is flat? Who knows. Look at how Rogan has become a Trumper and climate denier. A real 180 in just a few years. A lot of it is audience capture and opportunism, but still— anything is possible in social media land.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Let's say he ends the war in 100 days, as the Trump administration now says it intends, what then?Tzeentch

    Not going to happen, but if it did I’d praise the move.

    I can’t see it happening because I don’t imagine Trump will agree to Russian terms regarding annexed territory, or NATO. Maybe there’s a 5% chance or so.
  • Climate Change
    What if the person is a well-established idiot and the statement is tired, long-refuted, regurgitated denialist bullshit?

    See above. We’re on (3)b.
  • Climate Change
    So he cites the Cato Institute. :rofl:
  • Climate Change

    Conversations with climate deniers:

    (1) Stupid bullshit stated that you’ve heard a million times and that has been debunked a million times.

    (2) You walk them through it.

    (3) They move on to the next idiotic thing.

    Or, after multiple times of going through this, (2) is skipped. Then: (3)b denier says “See! You can’t engage with the ‘argument’”. (The “argument” being searching the web for climate denial nonsense and AI summaries, copying them and pasting them.)

    On we go. :yawn:

    This was interesting, thanks.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Trump said he’d end this war on day 1. So already his stupid bullshit is becoming obvious.

    Oh wait — we can’t take him seriously when he talks. It’s just “sarcasm.” Unless 1 out of the 1,000 things he promises actually happens, then he was serious all along and a very stable genius.
  • Climate Change
    Just for some realism, for balance:

    It isn’t uncommon for climate skeptics to claim climate predictions have been wrong. Many climate change predictions are based on modeling, which involves putting data into a computer program and having the program make predictions. It’s not a perfect science, as it’s difficult to account for all the relevant data about an entire planet.

    One way to determine a model’s accuracy is to look at old models and see how well they withstood the test of time. A 2019 study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters showed that of 17 climate models published from 1970 to 2007, 10 closely matched the global average temperatures that occurred. That number increased to 14 after "accounting for differences between modeled and actual changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other factors that drive climate," according to a 2020 NASA article about the study.

    Another 2012 study in the journal Nature Climate Change found that 1990 predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were fairly accurate. IPCC had suggested that by 2030, Earth would have warmed about 1.1 degrees Celsius, which would amount to about 0.55 degrees Celsius by 2012. The warming that occurred was about 0.39 degrees Celsius.

    Despite the difference in the projected and actual temperatures, the 1990 prediction is accurate, Penny Whetton, senior principal research scientist at the Australian government agency Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and a lead author for the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, told the nonprofit news website The Conversation in 2012. The difference between the projected 0.55 degrees and the observed 0.39 degrees is because of natural fluctuations, Whetton said.

    "This is good evidence to show that what the IPCC has been saying for a while is coming true," she added.

    Or, as climate denying idiots would say: “No climate predictions have come true!”
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Whenever Israel does anything beyond harsh language, it's a crime against humanity.RogueAI

    Yeah, everyone knows calling out a genocide is antisemitic.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    No doubt. Granted, Biden sucked at communicating too, but that’s his age. I’ve looked at older videos of Trump talking — he was a little better, but basically the same. The mind of a 12 year old.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smartRelativist

    :lol: God this guy has the communication skills of a 7th grader.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    So we should take bets — when will the disgusting terrorist animals continue their genocide? The over/under is at 40 days. I’ll take the under.
  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank

    Cool! Bye.

    Now as I was saying about the genocide: glad it’s temporarily over, but figure the terrorists will break it. So goes Likud.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    entire cities were razedNOS4A2

  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    We killed more Japanese in one night of firebombingRogueAI


    Same stupid justifications, over and over. Maybe a learning disability; probably just willful ignorance.