• The Long-Term Consequences of Covid-19
    I hope the thing is final nail in the coffin for the unlimited globalism we had for the last few decades. Go back to nation states and protect national borders. And go back to more reasonable supply chains with buffers instead of a frantic world-wide on-time delivery system with China as the global factory. All that excess was driven to an insane level and can now hopefully be adjusted.

    And on another positive note, the stupid warmongering giant military exercise "Defend Europe 2020" in Poland has now been reduced to a fraction.... Corona managed what human critics could not. Thanks!
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    NoberernoLife will NEVER acknowledge that Allah cannot hate the followers of the god of Abraham...because Allah IS the god of Abraham.Frank Apisa

    Ah, but Nobeernolife is pointing out that Allah DOES hate the followers of the god of Abraham. Because he says so. In the Koran.

    Yeah, reading comprehension is a bitch, isn´t it.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Really you are not aware of news in the USA and Christians interpreting the Bible to justify discrimination and even brutalizing of homosexuals?Athena

    Not the issue. I was asking specifically where
    a) Yaweh directly says that homoexuals should be killed and
    b) Yawah believers demand that should be the law because it is in the Bible

    Your long list of "finds" does not show that.

    NB: You might want to go slow with bringing the Nazis into this, seeing that Hitler was a great admirer of islam and had the Mufti of Jerusalem in Berlin advising him on the Jewish problem.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    I call B.S. on you ignoring history and reality and wanting me to be your research bitch.
    I think we are done here a hole.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Well, I suppose that is an answer. You can NOT find any passage where Yahwe tells its followers to hate and fight the followers of other religions as Allah does.
    Which is all I said,.

    But it is really hard to admit having been wrong, isn´t it. Completely human, I hate it too. But I like to think that I can do better and admit defeat if that situation occurs.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    I do not see how that is direct command from Yahweh to the Yaweh believers to hate and fight the followers of specific other religions.
    Do you have a RELEVANT quote?

    And spare your name-calling,,,, that is no substitute for an argument.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Looks true to me. The Christian right not only elected Bush Jr. and Cheny, but they got them reelected after the wrongful invasion of Iraq. We could also speak of the Zionist Christians and Israel's failure to meet United Nations mandates and Trump's approval of Israel's land grab and the Christian Right that supports him.Athena

    I do not know what this mysterious "Christian right" is supposed to be, but Americans also elected Obama and Clinton with their absolutely horrific and misguided destruction of Libya, destabilization of Syria, and support of the Muslim Brotherhood all over the world. TWICE. You blame "Christian right" for that too?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Ditto in Christianity and the bible to those who want to interpret it that way. Right wing Christians do.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Do you have a reference where a) the bible and b) the bible thumpers call for the DEATH of homosexuals?
    Please show it, otherwise I call BS on you.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Yes. All who do not kowtow to Christianity are to eventually be destroyed.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Please tell me the passages where Yaweh directly instructs his followers to hate and fight the followers of other existing religions. Thanks.

    Can I expect.... crickets?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    You did not mention Muhammad and neither did I in what I wrote.
    Reading comprehension can always improve. I do not mean my imperfect one.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    I did. I mentioned the radical difference before if a religion is founded by
    a) a pacifist, celibate hippie or
    b) a sex slave-keeping, murdering, plundering warlord.

    Please read before rushing to the keyboard.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    That was King David. The same one whose son was tortures by Yahweh for 6 days before he finally murdered him, all because he was angry with the King David.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    So why is that relevant? Did this King David guy found a religion and is revered as the "perfect man" to be emulated by the believers? If not, spare me this nonsense.

    Who would torture babies? Yahweh did. Yep, he is sure an improvement over Allah. Not.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    I do not care about what Yaweh does in is fre time. Does he say that his believers must hate and fight the Christians, Jews, and Polytheists? Does he give concrete instructions how to mistreat and oppress them?
    THAT was my question. If he does not, he can not be Allah.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Yes. Many Christian homophobe and misoginistic pricks who refuses to grant all souls equality.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    I was asking for literal Old Testamentarial law, not for some random "homophobe and misoginistic pricks ".
    For reference, under islamic law, homosexuality is punishable by DEATH.

    Again, you are trying to relativize THAT?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo

    Did he not throw a fit when chasing the merchants and money changers away from the temple and criticizing the religious hierarchy for allowing it?
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    That is pretty lame. How about letting the authorities arrest and kill you?
    You are comparing THAT to Muhammed?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    A ruthless warlord like David? He is the role model for Trump and his relationship with womenAthena

    I do not know who the fekk "David" is, but David did not found a religion now, did he.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    You cheat. You know the Bible is about kings and slaves and surely we claim the Bible is God's truth, and then you dismiss all the evil in the Bible, because of the Hellenized voice of Jesus giving us a new religion that should have never been tied to the old testament but had to be tied to the old testament toAthena

    I dismiss the Old Testament because it precedes Christianity by 3000 years. Fundamentally, it is a something for the Jews to deal with.
    Fact is that the Jesus figure (and it is irrelevant if he existed or not) never fought wars, ordered and conducted murder and rape, had sex slaves, married 6-year olds, and ruled an empire with an iron fist. I could go on, but I think the difference to the "perfect man" of islam should be obvious.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Richard Dawkins.
    “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    LOL, nice rant, but that is the god of the Old Testament, which is 3000 years older than Christianity. I agree, he has a lot more in common with Allah than the Jesus figure.
    Now, I have not met any Christians who believe that it is their duty to practise literal Old Testamentarial law, have you?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    And when did Christians start being any different? When?Athena

    Christianity never had a Shariah law, so I am not sure what your question is.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Yes, Christianity is about kings and slaves, not democracy.Athena

    I don´t think Christianity is about "kings and slaves", unless you talk about the old Testament, which precedes Christianity by 3000 years or so. That stuff is really a Jewish problem it seems to me. Jesus was a powerless hippie type who did not interfere with the authorities and in fact allowed them to kill him. So I do not really see how Xtianity has anything to do with a form of government.

    Islam of course, is a completely different thing. Founded by a ruthless warlord, it is only about government and power. (Again, this is why the notion of islam being just some sort of oriental Xtianity is so naiive and ill-informed).
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    They call Jews and Christians the "People of the Book" and allow them to practice their own religions.

    This is a typical example of deception by omission. Yes islamic rule does allow Jews and Christians to live as second-class citizens under Shariah..... but ONLY if they pay the islamic head tax, otherwise they get killed. Plus, they must not pray openly, build new churches or synagogues, prosyletize, criticize islam, or marry muslim women.

    So by omitting the fine print of islamic rules, we are left with "allow them to practise their religions", which sounds oh-so-wonderfully touchy-feely nice.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    You obviously have different information than I do, and I don't believe as you do. Is that so hard for you to get your head around? Here is what I believe is true.Athena

    The passage from "https://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/faithpeople.html" that you quote is euphemistic, It completely blanks out the hatred against the "people of the book" that is contained in the Koran and the Haddiths. Read the original sources and stop depending on islamopologist sites like the one you quoted.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    What does that have to do with religion? The God of Abraham has a kingdom not a democracy.Athena

    I do not see that the "God of Abraham" has anything to do with democracy. To the contrary, Christianity has the concept of separation between church and state.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Since you are the authority on Islam and I most certainly am not, please correct this Wikipedia explanation of Allah and explain how other ideas of the God of Abraham are better.Athena

    I did not say that "w other ideas of the God of Abraham are better". I explained (how many times now?) that seeing how Allah hates the followers of the God of Abraham, it would have to be schizophrenic god of you claim it is the same god. That is simple logic.

    Is that really so hard to wrap your mind around?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    That is a hierarchy of authority. It separates management from the laborer as Christianity separates those born to rule from those born to serve.Athena

    German industry is generally more unionized if that is what you mean, I do not see how that relates to "democratic" or to religion.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    What the heck! Why are you so onerary? Mohammid plagiarized Jewish and Christian stories to write a book for Arabs.Athena

    That is irrelevant to my comment. I was simply pointing out that the description of the Allah character is so different from the description of the Yahweh character, that if we claim it is the same god figure, this god figure has to be schizophrenic. I am not arguing about how the religious books came about, I am simply ,making a logical point. Why are you so onerary?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Most industry is built on the autocratic model, right?Athena

    What is the autocratic model?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Personally, I believe in free will and that being the case, foreknowledge is impossible insofar as free agents are involved in the chain of causation.TheMadFool

    If foreknowledge is impossible, then god can not be omniscient.
    As I said, you can not have it both ways.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    From this he can predict all the positions the horse will assume in the race: omniscience.TheMadFool

    That means he does not have the power to change all the positions of the horse. There goes the omnipotence.
    As I said, you can´t have it both.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    You need not but I'd be grateful if you would.TheMadFool

    If you KNOW what will happen, then you are not free to make it happen any more.
    This is an old observation, not my idea.
  • Coronavirus
    That was weak.Monitor

    Really? You find TP in the shops where you live?
  • Coronavirus
    If you give poor people money they’ll immediately spend it on whatever they judge is the most needed thing (which for most of them, especially in hard times, will be rent and then food),Pfhorrest

    How do you know that? Right now, it seems to be toilet paper.
  • Coronavirus
    This is rather tedious.Punshhh

    Better go back to your talk radio.
  • Coronavirus
    I do know who has lost their livelihoods, I have been listening to talk radio, and have heard it directly from them.Punshhh

    Who is "they"? What percentage of the population have you interviewed?
  • Coronavirus
    The poor are the folk who have just lost their livelihood. The other points are not worth playing ping pong with right now.Punshhh

    Yes, but you and I do not know who exactly just lost their livelyhood. Every individual situation is different. That is what so annyoing about discussing politics based on feeling. We can alway pull some sob story out of the hat and thus claim moral superiority.
  • Coronavirus
    But your point about Chinese crap is one of those slogans. The poor require a basic income to survive. By right wing, I mean countries where there is low regulation free markets and small welfare state. The left wing countries. Have more regulation, unions, more comprehensive welfare state.Punshhh

    Well, "the poor" is a vague description, and I have not heard my point about cheap chinese crap mentioned anywhere else, so hardly a slogan. So would you agree that something like foods stamps is a better idea than justing handing out cash?
    About your definining "left" and "right" as matter of more free market vs more regulation, OK lets go with that. Surely you do realize that the free market is the engine that produces wealth in the first place, or are you a Bernie Sanders fan?
  • Coronavirus
    Well said, its only a problem in the right wing countries. Most European countries are better than that. The UK is somewhere in between, they have pledged to fund 80% of income for employees, but seem to be hanging sole traders and small businesses out to dry.Punshhh

    What the f is a "right wing country"? This whole left-right dichotomy is really getting old. Seems to be "right" or "extreme right" simply has become a cover-all label for everything the PC crowd dislikes.
  • Coronavirus
    Better to give it to the rip off merchants and billionaires instead. The poor can't be trusted with money, they just waste it, by spending it in the real economy. Better to put it in an offshore account where it never gets near the real economy, NOT.Punshhh

    Well, if it flows back to China for more cheap plastic crap, what the difference? Note that I am not claiming there is a perfect solution here. I am just saying the simplistic slogans do not always match reality.
  • Coronavirus
    Why the fuck can’t anybody understand that money flows up, not down, so if you want more economic activity, send money to the bottom.Pfhorrest

    I thought they are planning for some sort of temporary universal income scheme to do just that.
    I just hope they take in account that a lot of the people who get that handout will be spending it not for life essentials, but for more unnecessary crap from China.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    My comments were based on the assumption that god exists and is as defined, all-good, all-knowing and all-powerful.TheMadFool

    You do realize that all-knowing and all-powerful is a contradiction in terms, do you?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Thats not what all the Hollywood movies i've seen since the age of 5 said, so you sir are wrong!christian2017

    Not what CNN and the BBC are telling us either, I know.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Starting with the God of Abraham all the notions of God are false, so my dear, there is no god who hates people,Athena
    Again, you show that you have not read the Koran.

    there are only people who believe there is a god and that their holy book is the truth, and the other holy books are not true.Athena
    Those people who believe their holy book is not true do not count as believers any more. Try some logic.

    Or people who share the same holy book and disagree with the other person's interpretation of the book. I do not have much patience for this.Athena
    If you had read the Koran, you would know that it clearly states that it must not be doubted. And any attempt to "interpret" the Koran in a way to turn it into a peaceful, contemplative book would leave very little of it.... if you had read it you would know it is chock-full of hatred and threats of violence against non-believers.

    You really might want to do a little reality-check for your PC stereotypes.