• Harry Hindu
    China is insanely racist. Like Israel, it too runs concentration camps.StreetlightX
    Maybe you both need to educate yourselves before speaking about things you don't know. According to this:

    Israel is on the more diverse end than China.

    And look at Western Europe and Australia compared to the U.S. Looking at this map one would think that the Americans on this forum should be educating Australians and Western Europeans on diversity rather than the other way around.
  • Streetlight
    Demographic ethnic diversity <> state racial institutionalization.

    Sorry that you need something so basic explained to you.
  • Harry Hindu
    You have to wonder why people risk their lives to come to America and not Australia or France.
  • Joshs
    imagine someone replying that in such conversations "focusing on differences in perspective and worldview" instead of direct condemnation of slave-owners.Maw

    Condemnation is easy and doesn’t require thought so much as visceral reaction. You don’t do yourself a service by taking this easy route. The most difficult thing in the world to do is be open to the possibility that the one you are instinctively driven to hate , to condemn, to criminalize, construes the world though an entirely different lens than you do. You think all that separate us is our moral compass , but that is what binds us. What separates us is the almost impossible
    difficulty of bridging alien systems of interpretation of fact.
  • Joshs
    Do you think Streetlight is a happy person?
  • Harry Hindu
    Yet, Western Europe isn't as racially diverse as Israel or America, so my point stands.

    As for Israel vs. the Palestinians, Israelis and Arabs are the same race. Religion is the cause for the violence, not racism. But that is what we expect: racists are focused on race, even when race isn't a factor.
  • Streetlight
    Condemnation is easy and doesn’t require thought so much as visceral reaction. You don’t do yourself a service by taking this easy route. The most difficult thing in the world to do is be open to the possibility that the one you are instinctively driven to hate , to condemn, to criminalize, construes the world though an entirely different lens than you do. You think all that separate us is our moral compass , but that is what binds us. What separates us is the almost impossible difficulty of bridging alien systems of interpretation of fact.Joshs

    Opposing genocide really doesn't require these vapid brain loop-de-loops. Maybe Israel shouldn't be "instinctively driven" to demolish Palestinian housing, stealing Palestinian land, and bombing Palestinian civilians.
  • NOS4A2
    Israel needs to end its military occupation and return the land it has annexed. Only then can it begin to claim victimhood. No one has to excuse Islamist terrorism and anti-semitism to concede this simple point.
  • BC
    I knew you were a fucking moron but I didn't think you'd be quite so ready to hang your ignorance out for display like a fucking show car.StreetlightX

    Not the quality post one would expect from a moderator.

    Do you think Streetlight is a happy person?Joshs

  • Streetlight
    Not the quality post one would expect from a moderator.Bitter Crank

    Apologies. Having to wrangle with genocide apologists is unnerving. No less American chauvinism wrapped in ignorance.
  • 180 Proof
    Either STFU or lay your influences and bona fides on the table as I have done already. Your special pleading is getting to be as nauseating as your cowardly refusal to condemn an ethnic cleasing state-oppressor even as in broad daylight before cameras they militarily murder the oppressed who barely have any capability to fight back. Pathetic moral cowardice! Again, where is your moral clarity hiding, sir? I'm certain that if Hamas was doing to Tel Aviv what the IDF is now doing to Gaza City, denunciations and calls for NATO / US airstrikes on Gaza would be flying fast and furiously.
  • Maw
    The most difficult thing in the world to do is be open to the possibility that the one you are instinctively driven to hate , to condemn, to criminalize, construes the world though an entirely different lens than you doJoshs

    It's actually extremely easy and obvious
  • 180 Proof
    So what do we do now?BitconnectCarlos
    :roll: For the fuckin' slow or disingenuous:
    "Peace" (i.e. win-win conflict resolution) is Israel's choice alone because it is the master; absent that, the Palestinians have no choice but that of the slave: death by war or death by subjugation.180 Proof
  • khaled
    There has never been any Israeli plot to genocide either the Palestinians or the Arabs.BitconnectCarlos

    All those deaths are “happy little accidents” I guess right?

    4000-5000+ deaths due to “collateral damage” in “self defense” against the murderous terrorists that killed 30 of us.

    You have to be ridiculously biased to buy that. You think those numbers are “self defense” numbers coming from any other country?

    I could throw the same thing back at you - why are the Palestinians trying to wipe every Israeli Jew off the face of the Earth?BitconnectCarlos

    Because they were invaded and displaced. Still are getting displaced. And terrorized in “self defense”

    We could do this all day. Is this a productive line of conversation?BitconnectCarlos

    If it reduces the number of genocide supporters like you? Yea.

    Jews are the indigenous inhabitants of Israel and they were the ones ethnically cleansed when they were originally expelled from their homeland by occupying powers.BitconnectCarlos

    Imagine if Egyptians tried to annex Sudan because it was part of ancient Egypt. You think they’d be justified?
  • Maw
    The people who are making dumb comments over and over again are the same people who are surprised when people get mad at them for making dumb comments over and over again. Not surprising.
  • Benkei
    tu quoque fallacy mate. And you do this every time. As if it's a good look for Israel to be compared to autocratic Middle Eastern regimes just to look good. I don't think you want to go there to begin with.

    The upshot is of course that if people recognise Israel for the racist Apartheid State it is, they might finally come to their senses about continuing to support it.
  • Tzeentch
    Who in this thread has actually visited Israel and Palestine?
  • Manuel
    After a night of violence where Molotov cocktails were thrown at Arab homes in Jaffa, clerics are urging locals to remove any identifying symbols of Islam from their homes in order to protect them from anti-Arab attacks.

    According to locals, some people have taken down decorative Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr decorations, such as moon crescents.

    Meanwhile in Haifa, it appears that some Arabs are moving Muslim symbols from building facades, after residents claim they saw youth painting entrances to Arab homes in red. Women who wear the hijab head covering are also reportedly scared to leave their house.

    These latest events join calls on social media to boycott Arab business in the cities.


    It's almost a civil war inside Israel.
  • Streetlight
    We're at the pogrom stage of genocide now I guess.
  • Manuel

    With the Covid situation a lot of countries in the Middle East are struggling more than usual. So who could possibly help the Palestinians now? Turkey? Egypt? Looks unlikely.

    The US is still behind Israel. Biden on foreign policy has not been a big change, which is sad.
  • counterpunch
    Religion speaks of love and peace, but only for those who believe in the same concept of God. It's hateful toward those who believe in a different idea of God. The opportunity to get off this carousel of intolerance and carnage - came and went in 1634, when scientific method was formalised by Galileo in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, but which was then rejected by the Catholic Church as heresy.

    Science should have occurred as a common, true understanding of reality - and served as a rationalising influence that brought humankind together over centuries to form a species identity, concerned with doing what's morally right in terms of what's scientifically true, to promote sustainable prosperity.

    Instead, we maintained religious ideas as authoritative, and merely used science in pursuit of religious, political and economic ideological ends. What's happening in Israel and Gaza is the natural consequence of this religious psychosis, and it's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Within a causal reality, there's a relationship between the validity of the knowledge bases of action and the consequences of such action. Acting on the basis of ideas that are false to reality makes extinction inevitable. This conflict is pathological to the ideological psychosis of maintaining religious belief in denial of scientific truth. If that doesn't change - and 1,111 posts on this subject, all to no avail suggests it won't change, humankind will suffer unto extinction.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Hamas has been open that they won't lay down arms until the state of Israel is destroyed. As strong as Israel is it can't control the actions of the Palestinians who mainly govern themselves. Simply by continuing to exist as a Jewish state it draws hatred and violence. The Palestinians have agency in this.
  • BitconnectCarlos
    tu quoque fallacy mate. And you do this every time. As if it's a good look for Israel to be compared to autocratic Middle Eastern regimes just to look good. I don't think you want to go there to begin with.

    The upshot is of course that if people recognise Israel for the racist Apartheid State it is, they might finally come to their senses about continuing to support it.

    Whenever you're dealing in international relations like this you're essentially choosing friends and enemies. You're picking sides. If I was a neutral bystander to a regional conflict and one of the countries treated its minorities better than how the other countries treated their minorities - even if the treatment was far from ideal - I would still likely give credit to that imperfect country for that treatment of minorities.

    It reminds me a bit of in the 50s and 60s when the US would criticize the Soviet Union for human rights' abuses and the Soviet Union would respond "well you guys lynch black people."

    When you demand the absolute highest standard for one country and routinely penalize just that country for failing to meet that standard while essentially ignoring the other side that's a horribly unfair way to treat the conflict. It's not objective at all.
  • 180 Proof
    Self-fulfilling bs. The day Hamas, et al turns Israel into "the victim", Hamas' hours will be numbered; and both the Israelis and Palestinians have known this for decades. Neither party has any incentive to stop what they're doing, but only Israel can break the cycle (or precipate it breaking). Corrupt Likud has long been held hostage by the UltraOrthodox parties & the Settlers' Movement – US-backed Zionfascists – who are the sworn enemies of "Peace" and, in effect, of both Jews & Arabs living between Jordan and the sea.
  • bert1
    This is a rare occasion when I can agree with Benkei, 180, Street and NOS in the same breath! Hurrah!
  • Echarmion
    When you demand the absolute highest standard for one country and routinely penalize just that country for failing to meet that standard while essentially ignoring the other side that's a horribly unfair way to treat the conflict. It's not objective at all.BitconnectCarlos

    That's an absurdly transactional view of morality, imo. Morality doesn't apply based on some tit for tat where your wrongs are covered by those of some other person.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Morality is a different field than international relations. Countries aren't people.
  • Echarmion
    Morality is a different field than international relations. Countries aren't people.BitconnectCarlos

    Countries are run and populated by people. Morality applies to their actions just fine.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Hamas has never, ever been shy about its intentions: Destroy Israel, establish an Islamic state in its place. It does not care if Israel removes settlements because its final goal is the absolute destruction of Israel. Hamas has sent suicide bombers into crowded nightclubs and bars on weekends, and they terrorize their own people through strict social controls that includes the execution of homosexuals and the routine subjugation of women. Hamas embezzles funds meant for humanitarian aid to the Palestinians to spend on weapons. Hamas doesn't even care about their own people.

    But then again they are the weaker group compared to Israel and they don't like the US so how bad can they really be? Gotta support David over Goliath.
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