• universeness
    In a computer the currents are pushed along by an external program running at clock speed. Every tick of the clock, a pattern of voltages is pushed to the next configuration on a linea recta grid on the micro chip. A zillion times per second. And you may have a zillion 1 or 0 voltages, changing a zillion times per second because an external program pushes them alongHaglund

    This is completely inaccurate! When you use terms like 'push' or 'external program,' you have to be very clear about the context. External to what? the clock line? the control bus? the processor? RAM space? the computer?
    How does your understanding of clock pulse relate to a home computer system which has a core of 8 processors? How exactly does a serial list of instructions 'push' bits along?

    You should familiarise yourself with the exact detailed step-by-step stages involved in low-level computer operations such as the fetch execute cycle. Get to know what the clock pulse is actually used for.
    Learn about the functions of the SPR's (specific purpose registers) and GPR's (general purpose registers). Learn about the Address bus, the data bus and the discrete lines of the control bus. Then you may begin to understand what's involved rather than just typing comments based on the random snap shots you are sourcing on the internet.
  • universeness
    Nonsense. It's a fantasy which it will always stay. Can we construct a brain in a lab? No. The gods far more real.Haglund

    Who confirmed this viewpoint to you? god(s)?
  • Haglund

    Well, it seems pretty obvious to me if we cant even construct a neuron, then it’s pretty clear that we can't construct 80 billion interconnected of them at work in a body. With an on and off switch!
  • Haglund
    This is completely inaccurate! When you use terms like 'push' or 'external program,' you have to be very clear about the context. External to what? the clock line? the control bus? the processor? RAM space? the computer?universeness

    A computer uses an external voltage to push the electrons along. This voltage is programmed to push and pull. The spike potentials in the brain run autonomously. They follow the fractal shapes of the neurons, without an external voltage pulling them in a programmed way.
  • universeness
    A computer uses an external voltage to push the electrons along. This voltage is programmed to push and pull. The spike potentials in the brain run autonomously. The follow the fractal shapes of the neurons, without an external voltage pulling them in a programmed way.Haglund

    I refer you to my previous response!
  • Haglund
    Well here's a start:universeness

    That's no neuron! Not even a start. Only a simulation of potentials.

    Here is another more serious attempt for undergrads:universeness

    Where I read: "Basic Neuron Model Electrical Equivalent Circuit"

    That is, no neuron. Only a programmed simulation of neuron potentials. No spike potentials actually running like on a real living neuron.

    Here is an actual claim for Scientists at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute:universeness

    Again. In the article: "Artifical neuron mimicks function of human cells".

    No real neuron.
  • universeness

    If it walks like a.....squawks like a ......and talks like a......then it is a neuron.
  • Haglund
    If it walks like a.....squawks like a ......and talks like a......then it is a neuron.universeness

    If a ..... peeps like a neuron then it's a neuron? The phone sounds like my wife sometimes...
  • Haglund
    If it walks like a.....squawks like a ......and talks like a......then it is a neuron.universeness

    Chalmers wrote if you replace a neuron by a device coupled to the neurons the neuron was coupled to, and if that device stimulated the neurons it is coupled to in the same way the neuron does (when stimulated by coupled neurons), there will be no difference for the brain function. But think about it. This won't work.
  • universeness
    But think about it. This won't work.Haglund

    Do your qualifications and years of experience in the field of neuroscience and biological engineering convince you of this or is it just your opinion, your educated guesswork based on your reading in the general area? My expertise is Computing Science, not neuroscience etc. If you were highly qualified in the relevant areas then your opinion on this topic might carry more weight. Your negative opinion regarding future transhumanism is no more, than one vote against, from a relative layman in the area.
    My positive vote, for the possibility of future advanced transhumanism, has a similar weight to yours on the neuroscience side and more weight than yours on the computing science side.
    I think that ends this thread for me. Thanks for the exchange.
  • Haglund
    Do your qualifications and years of experience in the field of neuroscience and biological engineering convince you of this or is it just your opinion, your educated guesswork based on your reading in the general area?universeness

    If you mean by qualified a piece of paper showing I have a degree in bioengineering or neuroscience, no. But I have seen, read, and thought about it. I don't know about the intricacies of computer science. I had an oral examination on the subject. I thought that was rather strange for a physics study. It was compulsory stuff! When the professor asked me "who" did do a certain job (it was the operating system, if I remember correctly, and probably the reason I passed was me asking him uncomfortable questions...), I knew for sure. Are they serious?

    Until now, computers and robots haven't impressed me. You can glue a face on a robot but the robot is always faking you being conscious.

    It's pictured very nicely in SF fantasies. Like in Ex Machina. But you just can't program consciousness or switch it on or off. It has to evolve naturally. The only things machines excell in: speed and quantity, loads of information pushed programmed along on a linea recta micro grid. It's like replacing a wildly flowing river, over jagged, fractal, chaotic terrain, by a system of vertical and horizontal tubes through which the river water is pumped programmed and piece-wise on the rhythm of a hyperclock.

    Enjoy your fantasies! Thanks for the exchange! :smile:

  • L'éléphant
    How is that viewpoint any different from those who claim that we can never know the full workings of the human brain or how consciousness is created and therefore be able to replicate it.universeness
    Correction. It's not the human brain that's being uploaded, per OP. It's the mind. Not the same.
  • L'éléphant
    I think that ends this thread for me. Thanks for the exchange.universeness
    Don't leave just yet. You'd lower the overall IQ of this thread if you did. :joke:
  • universeness
    But I have seen, read, and thought about itHaglund
    So has every member of this Forum I reckon.

    Enjoy your fantasies! Thanks for the exchange!Haglund
    Try to combat your negativity.
  • universeness
    Correction. It's not the human brain that's being uploaded, per OP. It's the mind. Not the same.L'éléphant

    That's another exchange! I don't hold with any posit that the human 'mind,' exists beyond the human brain. Are you a dualist?

    Don't leave just yet. You'd lower the overall IQ of this thread if you didL'éléphant

    Thanks for your nice comment. It's nice to be nice and you seem like a nice person.
  • Haglund
    So have every member of this Forum I reckon.universeness

    Don't think so. I have rather detailed knowledge of the workings of the brain. It's a huge analogue, life simulator of the world, capable of grabbing every part of it and actively constructing reality.

    Enjoy your fantasies! Thanks for the exchange!
    — Haglund
    Try to combat your negativity.

    What negativity? I told you to enjoy your fantasies! Ain't that positive?
  • universeness
    Don't think so. I have rather detailed knowledge of the workings of the brain. It's a huge analogue, life simulator of the world,Haglund

    You have not demonstrated such detailed knowledge so far. You just called the human brain a 'life simulator.' Is your brain a simulator? is it an emulator? Or is it real?

    What negativity? I told you to enjoy your fantasies! Ain't that positive?Haglund

    Your negativity regarding science and the future of our species. Don't stagnate within your polytheist fantasies. Either you pass responsibility for your own life to gods or you claim it as your own and stop scapegoating them. What happens in your life is under natural controls not supernatural controls.
    Be all you can be! Stop walking back towards the caves.
  • Haglund
    You have not demonstrated such detailed knowledge so far. You just called the human brain a 'life simulator.' Is your brain a simulator? is it an emulator? Or is it real?universeness

    The brain is a simulator. Every moment of your waking life, from the moment in the embryo (whose particles directly stem from the big bang, contrary to the particles of a computer) to now, the world is projected in it. By your body moving. At the same time that massively parallel projection is given shape by massively parallel free streams of patterned spike potentials (ion currents flowing from the outside of the axon inwardly and propagating (unlike the potentials in computers letting electrons flow through wires, i.e., pulling or pushing). The brain streams never stop. In your sleep they cause dreams. There are constant feedbacks between the outside, inside, and the body, the actual you. Memory, i.e., learning, is engraved by strengthening connections (widening gaps).

    Your negativity regarding science and the future of our species. Don't stagnate within your polytheist fantasies. Either you pass responsibility for your own life to gods or you claim it as your own and stop scapegoating them. What happens in your life is under natural controls not supernatural controls.
    Be all you can be! Stop walking back towards the caves.

    Negativity towards science? I lovit! I even consider it art. Back to the caves? Why should we?
  • Haglund
    And look what we can learn! Sports (I like speed crawl!), playing music, fighting, making love in zillion ways, reading, talking, philosophizing, painting, sculpture, making computers, etc. etc.

    Look what we made. A device with a face programmed to act as if...
  • universeness

    So is your life a simulation? If human brains can only produce simulations then human experience is a logical simulation, according to your logic. Is your brain the source of YOUR polytheism? are YOUR gods therefore part of YOUR simulation?
  • Haglund
    So is your life a simulation?universeness

    No. That's the wrong conclusion. My life is not a simulation. The brain simulates the world.

    The simulation of the gods refer to real gods.
  • universeness
    The brain simulates the world.Haglund

    So YOU are real but YOUR world is a simulation?

    The simulation of the gods refer to real godsHaglund

    So YOUR gods are real and simulated?
  • Haglund
    If human brains can only produce simulations then human experience is a logical simulation, according to your logic.universeness

    Now you project a logic onto me I didn't use. Why should life be a logical simulation? What's my logic used to conclude that?
  • universeness
    Now you project a logic onto me I didn't use. Why should life be a logical simulation? What's my logic used to conclude that?Haglund

    The logic that YOU claim YOUR brain simulator, simulates!
  • Haglund
    So YOU are real but YOUR world is a simulation?universeness

    Yes. I am real. What you mean by "YOUR" world?
    So YOUR gods are real and simulated?universeness

    Yes. They are simulated in my brain. For YOU, they are fantasies, simulations of nothing.
  • Haglund
    The logic that YOU claim YOUR brain simulator, simulates!universeness

    Ain't that so then? Is my claim false?
  • Haglund
    The logic that YOU claim YOUR brain simulator, simulates!universeness

    But its no LOGICAL simulation, as you claim I said.
  • universeness
    Yes. I am real. What you mean by "YOUR" world?Haglund

    YOU are real but your brain is a simulator. Give me an example of YOUR brain simulator in action during a typical awake period when you experience the physical world. I think you conflate the word simulator with the brain being a thought generator.
  • universeness
    Yes. They are simulated in my brain.Haglund

    Ain't that so then? Is my claim false?Haglund

    But its no LOGICAL simulation, as you claim I saidHaglund

    Your typings here seem to indicate a lack of conviction on your part.
    Is your brain offering you illogical simulations then?
    Shall we now drop the unhelpful use of the word simulation? and I can then ask:
    Is your brain generating illogical thoughts/dreams when it comes to gods?
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