• ssu
    Uhhh... moving this much around in the net makes me dizzy.

    Yes, hello to everyone also.
  • The outlaw Josey Wales
    What's up, I think you all are doing the right thing. I look forward to being behind the scenes listening to the all the dudes/Gals, I enjoyed reading on the old site. I don't mind admitting my low level. I will chime in where I feel comfortable. I wish this site the best of luck! ~ Nathan
  • Wosret
    Yeah, said my password was too shitty too, had to come up with a better one. Lame that, I care not for security.
  • The outlaw Josey Wales
    I never changed my 4 number password on the old PF and never had any trouble. If someone wants to single me out and spend hours trying to guess mine, go for it. I'd only say that any admins or moderators should make sure they have a secure password and change it every so often.
  • coolazice
    Ain't no party like a PF party 'cause a PF party don't stop!
  • schopenhauer1
    I'm posting this to show that I am on this forum as well. Hello everyone.
  • Jamal
    Welcome folks, good to have you all on board. Now get philosophizing. :)
  • discoii
    Hi everyone. I can't say I like the Philosophy2.0 layout, but if it's where the cool kids are, it's where the cool kids are. 8-)
  • Jamal
    Welcome! What don't you like about it?
  • discoii
    The text parts are not wide enough... but it might be just because I'm used to the PF wider format. Anyways, maybe if you tucked in the navigation bar somewhere and let the text part reign supreme, that might be better. Anyways, thanks for setting this up, jamalrob!

    Also, the white background is too bright for my eyes, but that can be solved later if you implement some sort of skin system. Or am I missing it?
  • Jamal
    Yeah, I find the default way too small, which is why I have my browser zoomed to 125% for this site. Ctrl+ twice, and it scales up nicely. It's good at even higher zooms too if you want to fill the screen.

    Note that a relatively a low number of words per line, i.e., narrow columns, is good user-experience design, hence the typical newspaper and book formats. Having to scan all the way across the screen slows down reading.
  • Jamal
    Also, the white background is too bright for my eyes, but that can be solved later if you implement some sort of skin system. Or am I missing it?discoii

    Yeah I can customize the colours, but only admin can do it and this would apply globally, i.e., you can't pick your own colours as far as I know. Personally I like the white, but I might try something else and see what everyone thinks.
  • Baden
    Overall, I like the look, and the lack of wideness doesn't bother me. White has it's pluses but it might be a bit bright. Maybe experiment a bit and see what people think.
  • Hanover
    So, if you've seen there's a welcome from the new owners posted on PF. Paul is an admin. One of the new owners (Nik) explains he has an undergraduate and graduate degree in philosophy and that was why he choose to purchase the site. He also said they would sell ads. There are a few pieces of this puzzle that don't make complete sense, but I've spent way too much time thinking about it.
  • The outlaw Josey Wales
    Can you elaborate on what puzzle pieces are not making sense to you? I'd be interested in what people are thinking now.
  • Wosret
    I honestly wasn't worried at all, and was just tagging along for fun, and interested in what the members reactions, and feelings were, which was entertaining -- but I don't like this now. Firstly, where did this whole reason for buying the site philosophically literate Nik come from? Wouldn't it have helped a little for Paul to have mentioned him, rather than Eric? I don't get that at all... call me paranoid, but that makes no sense to me. I'll have to wait to see him actually express some ideas to know whether or not I find him reasonable. Still, I don't think I like 'em.
  • Baden
    I agree. And I just started a thread on this.
  • Sir2u
    I think the color scheme does need some adjustment as well. I always used the dark theme over at PF because of my eyes. The gray at the right would work better under the text and a darker sidebar would help eliminate the excess brightness.
  • Jamal
    Okay I'll try some different colours tomorrow
  • Sir2u
    Okay I'll try some different colours tomorrow

    Thanks a lot.
    May you could spend a few days changing them around and start a thread where everyone could vote for their choice. Nice and democratic like.
  • unenlightened
    Hi there. The boys are not exactly enticing you all back with their fulsome apologies and deep appreciation, are they? We are trying to educate them at the moment, but I'm a deal less hopeful now than I was a few hours ago.
  • Streetlight
    This is quite a snazzy little nook here. Nice find jb.
  • Pneumenon
    Ahh, another one of my favorite posters! I believe I have some bones to pick with you, about chirality and time and aperspectival knowledge... ;)
  • Helvetica
    Gad! Not 40 members yet and already people are bitching and carping. Maybe if this white is too painful, disco2. you should reduce the brightness of your monitor. Or read through a glass darkly. People are just never never satisfied.

    I am not impressed by what the new PF owners have said so far. The whole thing still doesn't make sense.

    Anyway, it's good to see the familiar names of writers I have enjoyed for several years. It's a new day.
  • Jamal
    Welcome to the two and only @unenlightened and @StreetlightX. What took you so long? Welcome too to @Helvetica, @schopenhauer1, and anyone else I've missed.
  • Jamal
    New members, have a look at the useful hints and tips:
  • aequilibrium
    I think it was a great idea to add a science and technology category.
  • schopenhauer1

    Thanks for the welcome.
  • Moliere
    Glad to see you @Bitter Crank
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