• Moliere
    Glad to see you here. :)

    Now keep me accountable to my Epicurean vows.... ;)
  • AbsurdRhetor
    Glad to see there's another Epicurean on here. Of course I just use Epicurean teachings to drink, eat, and shag too much.
  • Wosret
    I Pm'd Loveofsophia, I like him. I know that TGW had been posting under a sock puppet on the old PF for awhile now, though if he's here, I haven't recognized him. I sent him a message to tease him, and threaten to tell, lol, but I'm not a mod, so not really my business, not my fault if others aren't as perceptive as the great me, but I'll send him a pm, and tell him his adoring audience is waiting.
  • Moliere
    Sounds bomb as fuck to me. I like TGW as a participant, along with Banno -- all acidity aside.
  • Banno
    Morning, all.
  • Sir2u
    I would like to see hyena in a petticoat around here it would be more fun with more of the gentle gender around.
    What about Mars Man. I know he has been out of the loop for a while but what if he returns and finds the door lock?
  • Moliere
    Send them both an invite, however you know how to. I'd love 'em both.

    As far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier.
  • Sir2u
    Speaking of the devil and Banno shows up.
    And I just commented about you on another thread. the universe is so mysterious.

    Nice to see you Banno, welcome.
  • Saphsin
    Well if we're here to stay, then we can't do anything about it and just enjoy our time here.

    But is it possible for this to function as a boycott to the original website and force them run the forum properly? It'll be difficult to produce a platform as good as the one Paul built up. Or is that too much of a stretch (because they're just pure scammers or something along those lines)
  • Jamal
    If Mars Man developed an interest in philosophy and some facility with plain English, then sure, why not?
  • Baden
    Welcome @180 and @Banno !
  • Hanover
    But is it possible for this to function as a boycott to the original website and force them run the forum properly? It'll be difficult to produce a platform as good as the one Paul built up. Or is that too much of a stretch (because they're just pure scammers or something along those lines)Saphsin

    You have a lot of quit in you.

    No, this is not a protest site. It's not a temporary port in the storm. It's not a cheap imitation. It's not the junior varsity team.

    This is a kick ass replacement of a noble effort that miserably failed due to poor financial management. Instead of sitting by our bedside waiting for us to die, weep for the others who have yet to realize their captain has failed them and their ship is sinking.

    This is our site, our reality, so we get to write the history. That's how it works.

    Someone give me a flag damnit. I need to wave something. I'm feeling all inspired.
  • Mongrel
    I was about to say I miss 180. How 'bout that?

    Hi everybody!
  • Baden
    I never thought I'd say this, but go @Hanover ! 8-)
  • Thorongil
    Slightly off topic question: what is the number directly under my username (to the right of the avatar)?
  • Jamal
    It's the number of likes you have received. Yes, I know, it's a bit distasteful, but we may get used to it. It's designed to encourage helpful and respectful posting habits. But I'll ask for the ability to switch it off when I get in touch with the developers again.
  • Saphsin

    Ahh I see alright. I just wanted to see the underpinnings of this whole website.
  • Baden

    Not to worry, we know you're on side. :)
  • Wosret
    Who's this @Saphsin guy? I don't recall him from the old PF.
  • Baden
    Saphsin is Saphsin.
  • Wosret
    OOhhhh. I never would have guessed that, That sly devil.
  • Baden
    Who's this Saphsin guy? I don't recall him from the old PFWosret

    By the way if you want to do the @ thing, you have to use the special one next to the eye @Wosret otherwise no link.
  • Wosret
    Special one next to the eye? I did want to do the link, it would be funnier if he actually sees what I said.
  • Baden
    The eye is an interesting one. You can hide stuff and reveal it later. I see opportunities for mischief...

    (It's on the menu, Wos, the one there right in front of you when you post. I'm starting to find it unsurprising you never noticed Saphsin :P )
  • Wosret
    Oh, the little dealies in the comment box, gotcha. I see the eye now. I was looking on my keyboard.
  • Jamal
    By the way if you want to do the thing, you have to use the special one next to the eye @Wosret otherwise no link.Baden

    Though of course you don't actually have to use the @ button; you can just type what it ends up entering in the text box, e.g., @ followed immediately by "Baden", with the quotes.

  • Baden
    Yeah, you can do it using quotes, but it's easier to use the button. Let's not confuse @Wosret with too many options. :)
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