• Hachem
    God accidentally spills a bucket of clear liquid.Nils Loc

    and saw that it was good.
  • S
    Guy sees a bucket of clear liquid. He puts his finger in it which immediately disintegrates. Curious as to why, he puts his head in the bucket, eyes open wide.Hachem

    How can he put his head in the bucket if the bucket immediately disintegrated when he put his finger in it?
  • Hachem
    How can he put his head in the bucket if it disintegrated?Sapientia

    the finger
    edit: should be probably melted, instead of disintegrated.
  • S
    The fingerHachem

  • S
    Funny, because I know a couple of people like that.Sir2u

    You know a couple of people who are like a bucket of clear liquid?
  • Sir2u
    You know a couple of people who are like a bucket of clear liquid?Sapientia


    I know a couple of people that stick their heads in things without knowing anything about it.
  • Hachem
    I know a couple of people that stick their heads in things without knowing anything about it.Sir2u
    you should have participated in the discussions concerning this subject. Here you are supposed to be funny, not a smart-ass.
  • S
    I know a couple of people that stick their heads in things without knowing anything about it.Sir2u

    Ah, I see. So you know a couple of people that stick their heads in things without knowing anything about a bucket of clear liquid.

  • Sir2u
    you should have participated in the discussions concerning this subject.Hachem

    First of all, what discussion? You told a joke and people were asked to comment if they so wished, I did wish.

    Here you are supposed to be funny, not a smart-ass.Hachem

    I did not ask any one to comment on my comments, so when I reply to them I suppose that it is what they want. If they don't want me to reply then they should either not reply to my comments or specifically state that they do not wish replies to their replies to my comments.

    So what are you specifically complaining about?
  • Hachem
    I am not complaining. I am judging you, and it is as ugly as your judgment of me.
  • Sir2u
    Ah, I see. So you know a couple of people that stick their heads in things without knowing anything about a bucket of clear liquid.Sapientia

    Ah, I see. you still fail to understand. I never mentioned a bucket, with or without any content whether that be clear fluid or otherwise.
  • Sir2u
    I am not complaining. I am judging you, and it is as ugly as your judgment of me.Hachem

    Maybe we should call one of the grammar cops to examine your sentences. They seen to be saying you don't like the way I replied to something. Is that not the definition of complaining?

    In what way have I judged you? If trying to explain means that I doubt you are intelligent enough to understand then maybe. But I thought that you required an answer from me.
  • S
    Oh. I must have misunderstood. It's hard to see through this bucket.

    I thought that I was joking, but I'm glad that there are people here to correct me.
  • Hachem

    If you want to play innocent be my guest.
  • Sir2u
    Oh. I must have misunderstood. It's hard to see through this bucket.

    I thought that I was joking, but I'm glad that there are people here to correct me.

    Happy to be of service. X-)
  • Sir2u
    If you want to play innocent be my guest.Hachem

    Oh dear, should I find a lawyer?
  • S
    Maybe we should call one of the grammar cops to examine your sentences.Sir2u

    I'm afraid all of us are busy right now. We're dealing with an urgent situation involving a bucket, some clear liquid, a head, and some exploitable ambiguity. It's a real problem.
  • Sir2u
    I'm afraid all of us are busy right now. We're dealing with an urgent situation involving a bucket, some clear liquid, a head, and some exploitable ambiguity. It's a real problem.Sapientia

    Golly b'joggers. You fellows must be really, but really busy right now.

    I will toggle along and leave you to it them.
  • Sir2u
    Oh, dear I almost forgot to mention this. I know it my might seem silly of me, but why did you have your head in a bucket?
  • S
    I will toggle along and leave you to it them.Sir2u

    Okay, but what should I it them with?

    Oh, dear I almost forgot to mention this. I know it my might seem silly of me, but why did you have your head in a bucket?Sir2u

    Protection, in anticipation of them itting me back.
  • Sir2u

    You are really addicted to being a grammar cop are you not. And even if you say that none are available at the moment, I know just how to call one. I just ignore all of the little red lines in my posts.

    You have no idea how much fun it is to see you jump at the mistakes.
    Of course you only seem to do it to mine, whilst flagrantly ignoring or maybe failing to spot other posters' failure to punctuate, capitalize, spell check or even write blatant stupidity.

    You butt in on my discussions and reply to things I have posted for others, this shows a total lack of the courtesy which one would expect from someone that brags about being a moderator on the forum.

    I have no further wish to carry on any kind of discourse with a person that demonstrates so little respect for the members of this forum. Please refrain from all further communication.
  • S

    This is a joke thread. That was a joke. I genuinely had no idea that you'd overreact like that. If you're not in the mood to take a joke, then perhaps this isn't the best place for you to be right now.
  • Sir2u
    This is a joke thread.Sapientia

    Did I miss your joke? No, because it was not there to miss.

    Please refer once again to my previous post.
  • T Clark
    This is a joke thread. That was a joke. If you're not in the mood to take a joke, then perhaps this isn't the best place for you to be right now.Sapientia

    In the words of that great philosopher Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along," at least in this discussion.
  • S
    In the words of that great philosopher Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along," at least in this discussion.T Clark

    Yes, we can. But you could have warned me that we're not allowed to make any jokes involving wordplay, lest we unwittingly provoke the wrath of other participants.
  • T Clark
    Yes, we can. But you could have warned me that we're not allowed to make any jokes involving wordplay, lest we unwittingly provoke the wrath of other participants.Sapientia

    Even though I created this discussion, I have no authority over it. All my efforts to keep it on track have been in the form of requests. I enjoy putting my jokes up for people to see and I like their responses when they are given with an open spirit and an attempt to be funny.

    In my capacity as the god of this discussion, I forgive everyone their trespasses and admonish you to go forth, multiply, subdue the earth, and try to be funny. Remember - In the beginning was the Joke, and the Joke was with T Clark, and the Joke was T Clark.
  • Hachem
    In the Moroccan dialect "insured" and "from Syria" sound exactly the same.

    A cop stops a biker and asks: is this motorcycle "insured"?
    No, says the biker confused, from here, from Casablanca.
  • S
    Even though I created this discussion, I have no authority over it. All my efforts to keep it on track have been in the form of requests. I enjoy putting my jokes up for people to see and I like their responses when they are given with an open spirit and an attempt to be funny.

    In my capacity as the god of this discussion, I forgive everyone their trespasses and admonish you to go forth, multiply, subdue the earth, and try to be funny. Remember - In the beginning was the Joke, and the Joke was with T Clark, and the Joke was T Clark.
    T Clark

    Message received loud and clear. So be it. No more wordplay from me. I will have to resist the urge, which is difficult when you have a name which sounds like the job title of someone who earns a living by copying manuscripts relating to a certain aromatic beverage.
  • Sir2u
    A man walks into an old house in Jerusalem, walks around a bit and asks if he can talk to the owner.

    When an old man shows up the visitor asks if he has lived in the house for long.

    The old man answers that the property has been in his family for many generations and it is even said in the family history that they owned in the time of that interloper called Jesus.

    The visitor smiles and says gently " I am that man, I am Jesus and have returned to save humanity."

    The old man looks at him and laughs. "So you can prove that if I ask you some questions then?" he asks.

    "Of course I can" says Jesus. "Ask all you want."

    The old man rambles away and comes back shortly with a very old, very big book. "This is the history of my family. It goes back hundreds of years"

    The old man asks questions taken from all sections of the book, and Jesus answers them all correctly.

    The old man takes a long look at Jesus and says quietly, "One more question"

    "Where did the owner of this house sit the last time you ate here?"

    Jesus responded immediately, "He never sat with us, He said it would not be right of sit in with a group of friends that he was not part of"

    The old man stare at Jesus for several minutes with a large smile on his lips.

    "So it is true then." he said. "You promised to return and you did."

    "Of course I did, I always keep my promise."

    "About bloody time too." the old man screamed. "Do you know how much interest you owe on the last supper you ate?"
    "My family has had to wait 2000 years for you to come and pay but now we will be rich."
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