• S
    But they did not show any interest in Paul's offer to take a look at it and fix it free of charge. They didn't even reply. So I don't buy that they couldn't fix it. More like they didn't care to do so.

    I also don't buy that it would no longer be an ongoing concern, after spending that amount of money on it, if they were ever genuinely interested in maintaining the website.
  • apokrisis
    They couldn’t maintain the code, which had been very heavily customised over many years,Wayfarer

    That seems the likely story. But Porat is still listing it as part of his investment portolio. So all part of some grander clickbait marketing strategy?


    Our investments include CringeChannel, BioArts, CyberDissidents, iBeatyou, Indiegiftbox, Loot app, Memegen, Occupywallstreet, Philosophyforums & Thedatingring


    Zombie PF lingers on in fine company!
  • Baden
    There's already a discussion or three around about Borat and his evil deeds if anyone wants to revive one. Might be best to stick to intros here.

    EDIT: e. g. https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/33/things-at-the-old-place-have-changed#Item_52
  • S
    Hi, my name is @Wayfarer, and I am sometimes forgetful. ;)

    Actually it has almost no custom code.Paul

    Thanks Paul. I had guessed there was a lot of customisation due to all the tweaks you had made but you would know better!Wayfarer
  • _db
    I do ethics and phenomenology and screw around in metaphysics a bit.
  • Jake Tarragon
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Thanks Tiff!
  • Wayfarer
    Oh yeah I do remember that exchange now you mention it. I had assumed all the little tweaks and features, like ‘internal replies’, would have meant customisation, but I’m not a programmer, so, maybe not.
  • Agustino
    Oh yeah I do remember that exchange now you mention it. I had assumed all the little tweaks and features, like ‘internal replies’, would have meant customisation, but I’m not a programmer, so, maybe not.Wayfarer
    The issues on that site had to do with how the connection between the user's actions and the database were laid out. I presume they were made in an antique early 2000s kind of way and never properly updated. So very easy for an error to creep up and screw everything. Paul coded the whole software from the ground up from what I remember.
  • Janus
    Hi y'all know me as Janus; and I'm too far up my own Janus to play along with games like this. ;)
  • Agustino
    Hi y'all know me as Janus; and I'm too far up my own anus to play along with games like this. ;)Janus
    >:) I corrected it.
  • Janus

    Corrected what, little scorpion?
  • Agustino
    Corrected what, little scorpion?Janus
    It's now bolded. No, no, I'm not scorpion, I am this >:) :

  • Janus

    I wasn't referring to your Sun sign; I knew what that was from the Astrology thread. In any case it's Janus, anus, schmanus...and so on...ad nauseum...
  • Agustino
    I wasn't referring to your Sun sign; I knew what that was from the Astrology thread. In any case it's Janus, anus, schmanus...and so on...ad nauseum...Janus
  • S
    That constellation looks more like a flamingo than a lion. Pink, feathery, large beak, barely a leg to stand on. That sounds like a creature more representative of an Agustino than the king of the jungle.
  • Janus
    WTF have you been taking, man? "I'll have what he had"...not!
  • Agustino
    WTF have you been taking man? "I'll have what he had"...not!Janus
    Haha, I think he means the constellation behind, formed by the stars, not the lion pic :P
  • S
    Indeed. It would be quite a surprise, to say the least, if I looked up into the night sky at that constellation and saw a coloured picture of a lion superimposed over it!

    And my second sentence was just a description of a flamingo, not what I saw.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
  • Benkei
    I'm Benkei, using an internet handle I've lifted from Japanese history. In real life I'm a lawyer specialised in international contract law and financial law. I might be an inventor too, if I get my patent approved. Father of a daughter who I love more than anything in the world and something else coming in March or April and husband to a wife who I love more than anything but for my daughter. Two cats that I love more than my grand piano except when they are doing things to my grand piano, in which case they are the scum of the earth.

    Also, if I ever read a #metoo from my daughter because of you, I'm coming for you with blowtorch and plyers.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    That is a WHOLE lot of LOVE in your description my friend and a beast on leash to protect the ladies you love. Respect, absolute Respect. Not that I ever expected anything less from you but impressive is impressive. Well done Benkei!

    Congratulations on your upcoming Pisces! (L)
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
  • John

    My name is John and I am student at the University of North Texas. I am Vice President of our Philosophy Club and I am looking forward to make more friends who share our common interest and discuss philosophy.
  • Aurora
    Hi folks !

    The only thing I want out of this life is to see the Aurora Borealis just once ... Norway, Canada, Alaska, Minnesota, Sweden, Iceland, ... I don't care where, but the Lofoten Islands in Norway seem like a dream spot.

    I want to lay down in the snow at night and see those colors ... that heavenly dance. I know that I will be the happiest person on Earth the moment I see it, and I will no longer need a reason to be. I will dance and frolic in the snow like a child and forget about yester and morrow.

    I'm new here too (about a week). Looks like a fun place to be, although some threads can get a bit hot :D

    (Didn't see this thread before, so I created my own intro thread.)

    Thanks for having me here :)
  • Myttenar
    1. Everyone loves Oscar Meyer weiners
    2. I will act in a way conducive to creating a life in which I am loved by all.
    Therefor I will become an Oscar Meyer weiner.
  • Wayfarer
    No metaphysics of value there, sausage.
  • Myttenar

    Intro with a Solid argument though :D
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