• Jake Tarragon

    Great poem! Did you write it?
  • Wosret

    Why yes, I call it, ode to moi.
  • Jake Tarragon

    "Eau de Moi", if I was feeling unkind :)
  • Wosret

    Bag your baguette and get.
  • Jake Tarragon
    Hi my name is Jake and I think Roger Scruton is the most boring philosopher and writer I have read.
  • S
    Quillette is NOT a religious magazine.Bitter Crank

    It's a brand of razors for men. The best a man can get.

    I be Sapientia. I is an owl.

    I hate the moderators, despite being one of them, and I hate everyone else. But everyone loves me, along with my condescension and bitter sarcasm, which are my two finest features.

    I enjoy nothing, nothing, and - on occasion - nothing.

    My achievements include being crowned Prom Queen - although my joy was cut short when a bucket of pigs blood was tipped over my head as the result of a cruel prank - and massacring an entire room full of people by using my telekinetic powers - all save one, who got away, and who is haunted by nightmares.

    I am mostly deadly serious, sometimes seriously deadly, and always squiddly delirious.
  • BC
    Bag your baguette and get.Wosret

    You mean, "Bag your baguette and git. "Get" as in "get going" is too close to proper. "Git" has the eau d'outré you are looking for.

    Just a suggestion. Here, let me run your life for you.
  • Wosret

    But it's bag, and get, like baguette? Hmm? Allow me some poetic licensing for such sorcery.
  • BC
    Ah, yes. Now I git it. Thank you for shining your ever-bright LED flame into my abyssal darkness.
  • BlueBanana
    Hello, I'm a fruit of an uncommon colouring. I attempt to speak real (UK) English but often find myself an unwilling victim of the consequences of exposure to Simplified (US) English.

    I like to call myself inclusivist/pluralist christian, but I doubt other christian people or institutions would agree with me on that, the biggest reasons being that I'm agnostic when it comes to reincarnation, don't believe in the omni-everything of God, and believe my dog to be a divine messenger of God. Oh, and the whole inclusivism part.

    Politically I'm green (and biocentrist vegetarian) and economically on the left, but then again politically I'm both right wing (topics like freedom, political correctness, etc.) and for equality and tolerance. For some weird reason I'm still against those who are against extreme left wing, even though I'm against them myself. You know, enemy of my enemy is still my enemy and stuff.

    My worldview is based on consciousness with free will as independent from our physical reality, on which I also base my views of morality (utilitarianism based on flourishing of consciousness and well-being of the beings with it).

    The funny part is, you'll rarely encounter me arguing for these points, because "oh my GOD mass murderers are EVIL who would've guessed" is not what I consider intelligent discussion suitable for these forum, so I play devil's advocate by arguing for more interesting opinions (cynicism and skepticism being common points of view for me to adopt) I don't consider my own, but always with arguments I believe to be logically correct.
  • Banno
    Hello. My name is Banno, and I am a recovering philosopher...
  • Shawn
    I'm a wannabe Stoic, but in reality a Cynic.

    Oh, the drama!
  • Agustino
    How did the court hearing go?
  • Shawn

    I'm still waiting for it to happen. In five hours I should know the result.

    Can't sleep; but, not feeling too hot about it.
  • unenlightened
    I'm unenlightened (hence the name), namer of names, pointer of fingers, self-appointed forum therapist, and resident anarchist gimp.
  • Ciceronianus
    Ciceronianus, i.e. the Ciceronian; an admirer (for the most part) of Marcus Tullius Cicero and like him a lawyer with philosophical interests, and like Wallace Stevens a lawyer who admires poetry. Lawyers who manage to be more than lawyers interest me as I'm inclined to the view that lawyers are doomed to be lawyers, only and always.

    St. Jerome's bad dream is my self-assessment--Ciceronianus sum, non Christianus. I'm an old Catholic, but am too fond of the pagan philosophy, culture and society of the ancient Mediterranean that Christianity, that great hodgepodge, assimilated to take it as anything more than an especially intolerant and oddly twisted derivation of what came before it. Not a pagan, myself, but more a Stoic who sees, like John Lachs, a connection between that ancient philosophical school and Deweyian pragmatism. Erstwhile sabre fencer, current clay shooter and chess player.
  • Shawn
    Not a pagan, myself, but more a Stoic who sees, like John Lachs, a connection between that ancient philosophical school and Deweyian pragmatism.Ciceronianus the White

    How so? An interesting point to make in general.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Hello. My name is Banno, and I am a recovering philosopher...Banno

    That is the second time in two days that I have heard the term "recovering philosopher". Very interesting.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Any news? Dang it! I just read your update in the shoutbox
    {{{{{PostyMcPostface}}}} <<<< online hugg
  • Shawn
    ↪Posty McPostface Any news? Dang it! I just read your update in the shoutbox
    {{{{{PostyMcPostface}}}} <<<< online hugg

    Thanks, I got bummed over it today, but that was just the tip of the iceberg, now we're going to family court, see what comes up, and then onto the division of joint assets.

    Shit will hit the fan for the family court.

    Haven't felt so alive in a while.
  • Ciceronianus
    How so? An interesting point to make in general.Posty McPostface

    They have their naturalism in common; both see human beings as parts of (and active participants in) nature rather than apart from it. Both consider nature to be all that is, or at least all that can be determined to be. Although the Stoics ascribed a divinity to it or to its Divine or Ruling Reason, that characteristic of the universe was thought by them to be a special kind of substance according to the limited physics of the time. Both eschew dualism. Both believe proper conduct is determined by an intelligent inquiry into nature (including human nature) rather than an appeal to transcendent ideals or beings. Both are devoted to addressing and resolving the "problems of men" rather than the problems of philosophy. Both emphasize the value of reason in life.
  • BC
    the division of joint assets. ... Haven't felt so alive in a while.Posty McPostface

    Nothing like a division of assets to get the juices flowing.
  • krishnamurti
    Hey everyone, I'm Krishnamurti.

    I'm 99.9% atheist. My favourite philosophers are Krishnamurti, Buddha, Kant. I'm someone with a lot of questions. to which not many people give a damn about in real life.
    I hope I will find some philosophy buffs here.

    I hope to pen a masterpiece philosophical fiction one day.
    Other than philosophy I also like Polity, history and meditating

  • Maw
    Did we ever learn why the new owners of the old forum purchased it only to abandon it?
  • Akanthinos
    To declare it as a loss, my guess would be.
  • Wayfarer
    I always thought it was a simple cock-up. They couldn’t maintain the code, which had been very heavily customised over many years, so when it broke and the site didn’t work any more, they couldn’t fix it, and tried then to sell it, but by then it was no longer an ongoing concern.
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