• Hanover
    This is sad. A bunch of guys on a philosophy forum offering each other advice on landing the ladies. If you must know, the only way to success is having an elephant trunk schlong, which I'm fortunate enough to have, while others are limited to only having silly moustaches.
  • deletedmemberwy
    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I freak people out because of my lack of emotion, I live life with an essential blank face and people can't read me at all. Guys are definitely more emotional. And it can be annoying.
  • Michael
    This is sad. A bunch of guys on a philosophy forum offering each other advice on landing the ladies. If you must know, the only way to success is having an elephant trunk schlong, which I'm fortunate enough to have, while others are limited to only having silly moustaches.Hanover

    But you have to get a woman into bed (or behind the dumpster in the alleyway) before she gets to see your elephant trunk schlong, right? Or do you have to wear really tight shorts at all times so that it's immediately apparent even before it's business time?
  • Hanover
    You ask excellent questions. Shorts are pretty much out of the question because the monster dong tends to unfurl and creep down the leg, especially around feeding time. Even in triple pleated pants, His presence will be obvious. The ladies will instictively ask for an introduction, and per the rules of chivalry, a gentleman must oblige.
  • Michael
    Shorts are pretty much out of the question because the monster dong tends to unfurl and creep down the leg, especially around feeding time.Hanover

    I don't understand the connection between these two things. Is exposing oneself considered bad form?
  • Pattern-chaser
    I made this qualification because I have also been to a "philosophy forum", managed by philosophy students of the Spanish online public university, where people too much into reason and science got bullied and expelled, and marxist and feminist views were unquestionable.DiegoT

    I left my last philosophy forum because they had become a sciencist closed-shop. Any topic that was not scientifically-oriented and scientifically-discussed was trolled, and treated with "flippant dismissal" by the members and the moderators alike. Intolerance is the problem, not Marxism or feminism.
  • dimension72
    The fact is, I know that many women are into reading and studying philosophy, so I just wonder why they are so shy about proposing new philosophical ideas of their own.DiegoT

    I wouldn't say it's a matter of shyness. Perhaps women are just better at not needing the approval of others or needing something in their environment to justify their beliefs.
  • Gus Lamarch
    How many members in this very forum are female?DiegoT

    Are we seriously letting this kind of discussion get two pages long?

    My personal opinion:

    I don't care about your gender, much less what you identify with. If you say something that interests me, and are willing to argue, we will have a good discussion. Thank you!
  • Hippyhead
    Where is the barking dog option??? I can't find it anywhere!
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