• DiegoT
    I know that most philosophers are men, in any century. I can not think of a single philosophical current started by a lady, but that´s probably my own ignorance. Mind, I don´t count feminism and existencialism as philosophies of course, becouse those are just personal experiences and feelings generalized into ideologies about how the whole real world, and not just the personal world where the writer´s ego lives, should be.

    The fact is, I know that many women are into reading and studying philosophy, so I just wonder why they are so shy about proposing new philosophical ideas of their own.

    How many members in this very forum are female? How many of them post? With male and female I refer just to the identity of the biological body, not imaginary identities.
    1. Are you a man or a woman? (25 votes)
        A man
        a woman
        well, I personally identify as... but yes, a man actually
        well, I personally identify as... but yes, a woman actually
  • Michael
    I can not think of a single philosophical current started by a ladyDiegoT

    What’s a philosophical current?
  • praxis
    I'd suggest rephrasing the last two options to say something like:

    I identify as... but am anatomically a woman.
    I identify as... but am anatomically a man.
  • DiegoT
    My English is faulty and I appreciate your corrections! With a current, I really meant a branch or movement or school. In Spain we say corriente, as in stream. I consider a man a person with XY cromosome and male genitalia, and a woman a person with XX cromosome and female genitalia. What happens in a person´s mind is not my business, I´m just being practical here. I know about Hildegard, Hipatia, Ayn Rand... but all these female philosophers, had they never been born, would not take with them any original space in philosophy, just some furniture in existing rooms. I wonder why this is, given that women are prone to think a lot about life, way more than men or so I thought. I want to know if it is something so universal that will affect the ratio in this forum, and ask the female members what they think.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I am a female and am aware of three other females that are active on the forum and two more that are seasonal visitors.
    I will let you know if I become aware of another female. As far as the rest being men? Best I know they are but if you have any doubt, let me know and I'll have my Rottie check for ya :smirk:
  • Michael
    I consider a man a person with XY cromosome and male genitalia, and a woman a person with XX cromosome and female genitalia.DiegoT

    What about if someone has XY chromosomes and female genitalia, or XX chromosomes and male genitalia, or XXY chromosomes, or XYY chromosomes, or both male and female genitalia, etc.?
  • DiegoT
    those members in the forum falling under those categories are not called to vote in this poll, as there is not an option for them. There are no options for people who cut off their genitals either, or men with two penises. Every poll has its limitations!
  • DiegoT
    I used to frequent a forum where 90% of members are female, and I found it very interesting, until my views critical with feminism and gender ideology led the administrators to ban me. However, the men there were very interested in "female issues" such as couples, romantic love, motherhood or fashion, becouse males do not talk much about these things. I was surprised to find that topics totally unrelated to sex and relationships were very unpopular among most women, and I thought that women overall should try to learn more about (real) science and philosophy and men more about sex, love and children.
  • DiegoT
    It is good that some women are interested in Philosophy.
  • Michael
    those members in the forum falling under those categories are not called to vote in this poll, as there is not an option for them.DiegoT

    I wasn't asking about the poll. I was addressing you saying "I consider a man a person with XY cromosome and male genitalia, and a woman a person with XX cromosome and female genitalia." What do you consider the people I mentioned, if not men or women?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I used to frequent a forum where 90% of members are female, and I found it very interesting, until my views critical with feminism and gender ideology led the administrators to ban me. However, the men there were very interested in "female issues" such as couples, romantic love, motherhood or fashion, becouse males do not talk much about these things. I was surprised to find that topics totally unrelated to sex and relationships were very unpopular among most women, and I thought that women overall should try to learn more about (real) science and philosophy and men more about sex, love and children.DiegoT

    Hmmm... was it a Philosophy forum?

    Well, history has proven some of your experiences the same as some of the males here are interested in cooking, exchanging recipes, high fashion and the ever exciting topic of sex! In fact the topics I just listed were all examples of threads started by men that did take off.

    As far as "female issues" are concerned? Well, I am not sure that we have any "issues" so maybe you can give me an example to entertain? :smirk:

    But this last part rubs me the wrong way but maybe I am interpreting what you have said wrong, let's see: "I thought that women overall should try to learn more about (real) science and philosophy"
    What exactly is "real" science to you? :chin:

    And although we might not be the leaders in the field of science now, I would watch your back if your job is at stake when we women take over that field like we have others. Just sayin.... :fire:
  • DiegoT
    for the purpose of the poll Michael. You are rather demanding, your dinings out must be entertaining. I consider those people, from a medical point of view, anomalies; exceptions that confirm the general rule or pattern we need to understand. If you are included, please refrain from taking part in the poll if this causes you a hard time. Consider how a poll about what colour is more relaxing, green or blue, would also leave out turquoise, which is a nice shade especially in the sea, but does not contribute to the question at all, only adds noise.
  • DiegoT
    Let´s make clear that we are only debating things to chill out and learn from others, there is no political agenda here. That is what a forum (should) be about. The forum I referred to is called "enfemenino.com", it has some 245 M members throughout the world, and they chat in Spanish about female issues, topics that (according to the magazine) are of interests for women especially. Of course there are men in the forum, but are a minority. Topics are: coupling, sex, love, sex, maternity, fashion, recipes, sex, decoration and house hacks, and the like. There is a "social issues" subforum for people who are also into politics and "outdoors" matters, but it´s not the most popular.
  • DiegoT
    with real science and philosophy, I really meant philosophy and science based on reason, with real arguments instead of phallacies, logic, references to scientific research. As opposed to "feminist science", "gender science", "christian science" and so on. I made this qualification becouse I have also been to a "philosophy forum", managed by philosophy students of the Spanish online public university, where people too much into reason and science got bullied and expelled, and marxist and feminist views were unquestionable. I protested becouse some of us, male and female, just wanted to discuss topics in a rational and critical way, but as the student association did not depend on the University, the Defender of the students said nothing can be done.
  • Michael
    for the purpose of the poll Michael. You are rather demanding, your dinings out must be entertaining.DiegoT

    I just asked a question. No need to be so defensive.

    Consider how a poll about what colour is more relaxing, green or blue, would also leave out turquoise, which is a nice shade especially in the sea, but does not contribute to the question at all, only adds noise.DiegoT

    That question allows for the existence of other colours, e.g. turquoise as you say. So are you saying that there are genders other than man and woman? I'm curious about what those genders are, in your view.
  • DiegoT
    turquoise is not really a colour. As you know, real colours are: blue, green, and red. Unfortunately, mammals lost colour discrimination to different degrees over the course of evolution, in favour of smelling. We are lucky that we can tell red from green, becouse at some point we had to find ripe fruit on the trees. How I envy birds or reptiles!

    Colours are made by perception, dividing the light spectrum that is really continuous. So they are subjective. However, sex is not subjective:there are only two sexes, and there can only be two sexes. This is becouse sex is not a perceptual division, but a basic, natural, especialization in animals and plants of cosmic or physical principles (that is, Flow and Restriction). Isaac Asimov imagined a universe with different laws, that allowed physically for three sexes, in "The gods themselves".
  • Michael
    However, sex is not subjective:there are only two sexes, and there can only be two sexes.DiegoT

    You said that someone is a man if they have XY chromosomes and male genitalia and a woman if they have XX chromosomes and female genitalia.

    But some people have XY chromosomes and female genitalia or XX chromosomes and male genitalia or XXY chromosomes or XYY chromosomes or both male and female genitalia.

    Are these people men? Are these people women? Are they both? Are they neither?
  • Michael Ossipoff

    Madame Blavatsky was a woman.There are and have been women spiritual teachers in India, and i don't know that they haven't said original things.

    Michael Ossipoff
  • Hanover
    But some people have XY chromosomes and female genitalia or XX chromosomes and male genitalia or XXY chromosomes or XYY chromosomes or both male and female genitalia.Michael

    My DNA, which is currently part of a major exhibit at the Smithsonian, is purely YY, with no evidence of femininity. You know how most guys have a feminine side, where they maybe tear up at sad movies or enjoy the scent of lavender? Yeah, well I don't. Pure man I am.
  • Hanover
    Colours are made by perception, dividing the light spectrum that is really continuous. So they are subjective. However, sex is not subjective:there are only two sexes, and there can only be two sexes. This is becouse sex is not a perceptual division, but a basic, natural, especialization in animals and plants of cosmic or physical principles (that is, Flow and Restriction). Isaac Asimov imagined a universe with different laws, that allowed physically for three sexes, in "The gods themselves".DiegoT

    Categories are created arbitrarily by humans. That's not to say there's not a difference between someone with blonde hair and someone with brown hair, but the naming of the categories and determining which things are filed under which category is entirely subjective and arbitrary.

    I also don't follow your distinction between perceptual differences and natural differences. It sounds like Locke's distinction between primary and secondary characteristics, and it doesn't hold up under analysis. All properties are perceptual. Speaking of a characteristic as it exists independent of the way it is perceived is incoherent. You're trying to describe the noumena it seems.
  • Michael
    Pure man I am.Hanover

    Lies. You’re a lizard. I believe that makes your chromosomes ZZ.
  • Hanover

    Because, not becouse.
  • DiegoT
    Thanks for the correction on "because"! To me sexual anomalies like the ones you are referring are chimaeras of some sort, but I´d rather leave those definitions to doctors in Medicine who know better. Madame Blavatsky does not count as a philosopher, because she did not play by the rules (Reason, Logic, Honesty). Not everything you do with a foot ball is football.

    Yes, all categories are man-made, as the Uni-verse is one and strictly speaking, there is no separation. However, they are not arbitrary. Categories in our minds have a better or worse communication with patterns in the physical world (the manifested world, we know nothing about the noumenon). Sex is a very good category: it helps us many times to act in the world and recognize patterns that are relevant. There are only two sexes, male and female, the same way there´s only light and the absence of light, even if light can be constructed into different percepcions arranged around the most interesting wavelengths for our species. You can not make a new different sex by combining the two existing sexes. That´s not a useful categorization because it only responds to subjective and political realities with a very restricted contextual use, unlike the categorization of two sexes, that is seemingly very well aligned with the natural and psychological reality we share with other animals and has the power to describe human sexuality in all times and places.
  • Hanover
    There are only two sexes, male and female, the same way there´s only light and the absence of light,DiegoT

    Logically, light is to not light as male is to not male. Not male is not the logical equivalent of female under this analogy.

    Yes, all categories are man-made, as the Uni-verse is one and strictly speaking, there is no separation. However, they are not arbitrary.DiegoT

    I've not argued for holism. I've only asserted that categories are the products of our minds imposed for whatever reason we choose. You ignored my comments regarding how primary and secondary traits are indistinguishable.
    we know nothing about the noumenonDiegoT

    Yet you continue to want to speak about how things actually are.
    That´s not a useful categorization because it only responds to subjective and political realities with a very restricted contextual use, unlike the categorization of two sexes, that is seemingly very well aligned with the natural and psychological reality we share with other animals and has the power to describe human sexuality in all times and places.DiegoT

    Not all animals are divided into two sexes. Regardless, some humans are born sexually ambiguous. You'll have to explain why this naming convention is important to you. If you have a sexually unambiguous male who self identifies as a female and wishes to be treated as a female, that person will require a different name from his male acting counterpart. What do you propose we refer to this person as? He certainly is in a different category.
  • DiegoT
    the post was about women getting more interested in philosophy...Never mind. What I think and believe is irrelevant for other members; you only need to care about my arguments, and how they help you arrange your mind better and furnish it with new objective info. Actually, each member is just thinking to himself, and people in the forum only prompt and promote that inner conversation.

    I know I use a very affirmative style; like I really knew what I´m talking about. But I´m not that ignorant of my ignorance, and it´s just my direct style of saying things, assuming we are all in the know that these are just opinions and we can save energy in explaining continuously that we are only speaking our mind and not revealing truths to the world. It´s a lot more time-saving to only warn of real objective data and principles.

    When we talk about the world, is only the phenomenal, sensual, represented in our mind world we discuss; by definition the noumenos is what lies beyond that, beyond the veil of Isis that we can never lift up. But a reflection on a mirror is also real.

    You want to stress the importance of recognising anomalies, so that people with unusual or pathological sexualities can feel more at ease with themselves. I too want everybody who pays taxes and respect the others, to feel good with themselves in society. For that very reason, is that I have make the case for two distinct sexes we can all understand. Those people "in between" or "at the margins" are even in more want of this clear notion than normal citizens: the same way that a blind man on the street is more in want than the sighted of an ordered town, with clear signs and predictable arrangements.

    Not all animals are divided into male and female; however, all living creatures manifest the functions sex derives from. We need to understand what sex is beyond the example of human sexuality, to really understand human sexuality.

    what would I call people with abnormal sexual identities? I´d like to call them people with abnormal sexual identities. We all have abnormal traits in us, and men more than women, and open societies more than Islamized or Communist societies. There´s nothing good or bad in the mere fact of having abnormal sexualities, is just an statistical fact. These sexualities, like normal ones, are good or healthy when they are functional and promote psychological, biological and social integration.
  • Ying
    I'm an anonymous subject of perception. With a beard and moustache.
  • DiegoT
    that attitude won´t get you laid Ying. Women want men with an important ego, because male ego evolved to help women to keep in check their sea of feelings and emotions, that is sometimes very treacherous. In return, they create a sentimental shelter where this ego can heal its wounds and get ready for the fight again.

    Try talking about your favourite philosopher and why your beard is more important than his. I promise you that it will work a lot better than "I'm an anonymous subject of perception. With a beard and moustache" as a chat-up line
  • Ying
    that attitude won´t get you laid Ying. Women want men with an important ego, because male ego evolved to help women to keep in check their sea of feelings and emotions, that is sometimes very treacherous. In return, they create a sentimental shelter where this ego can heal its wounds and get ready for the fight again.

    Try talking about your favourite philosopher and why your beard is more important than his. I promise you that it will work a lot better than "I'm an anonymous subject of perception. With a beard and moustache" as a chat-up line

    That's actually from the "Phenomenology of Perception" by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Minus the beard and moustache. That's how he describes consciousness experiencing itself. As for your notion of female psychology, yeah, keep it. Doesn't look particularly appealing to me.
  • DiegoT
    Ying, why do you think women are less interested in Philosophy than men? And what is different in women who are actually interested? Is it a natural-cultural sexual difference we should not tamper with, or just a misunderstanding?
  • DiegoT
    I suspect that Philosophy is too much focused in truth and abstract ideas, and not enough on feelings and relationships that is what women are (generally) interested in. When a woman seeks for what serious, legitimate Philosophy has to say about matters of the heart and practical living, she usually encounters existencialist and postmodern philosophy; that are not genuine philosophies, but really childhood and teenage traumas that some authors want to raise into universal categories; explained with words that yes, sound in the ears as if they were real philosophy. Or they may also encounter political slogans from revolutionary movements hoping to parasite her mind.

    Women and also men interested in spiritual, vital concrete problems have real trouble finding really rational work on these issues, without a political agenda or personal freudian complexes behind. It might be that Jordan Peterson sells so well because he speaks rationally and deals with these problems, but he´s not a professional philosopher, but a scientist and therapist trying to fill in this mostly deserted philosophical niche. And there´s also Eastern philosophy, that still needs to find a common language with Western philosophy to really contribute to the progress of rational understanding of sentimental matters.
  • Ying
    Ying, why do you think women are less interested in Philosophy than men?DiegoT
    Ask someone else. I don't care.

    And what is different in women who are actually interested?

    See my previous answer.

    Is it a natural-cultural sexual difference we should not tamper with, or just a misunderstanding?

    Hmmmm. Let's see. I don't care.
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