• Shawn

    It's not my task to right the wrongs of the past. Climate change, AI taking my job, and all the other things that are there in the background was not part of my baggage when I was born.

    Maybe I didn't read the fine print of my social contract?
  • Frank Apisa
    The beatings will continue until moral improves.
  • Shawn
    The beatings will continue until moral improves.Frank Apisa

  • S
    Have a bit of that ultra-violence, eh? What are they putting in your milk these days?Wallows

    Vellocet, synthmesc, drencrom... it's all good, my droog.
  • Tzeentch
    Climate change, AI taking my job, and all the other things that are there in the background was not part of my baggage when I was born.Wallows

    Time spent worrying about things one has no control over is time utterly wasted.
  • Shawn
    Time spent worrying about things one has no control over is time utterly wasted.Tzeentch

    But, our forum psychologist @unenlightened and the Swede Greta Thunberg are telling me that I must care about these things, or have some sort of Jesus complex, or some such matter.
  • S
    Maybe I didn't read the fine print of my social contract?Wallows

    Set fire to it, my droog.
  • Shawn
    Set fire to it, my droog.S

    I wallow.
  • S
    I wallow.Wallows

    Then I'll do it for you. You wallow, and I'll save the day. If I burn away your worldly attachments, you'll rise up like a phoenix.

    And as soon as you do, I'll be there to shoot you down, my droog. :smile:

  • tim wood
    Right. Did I mention Aristotle?
    — tim wood

    Right, like I need Aristotle to give me a lecture on happiness.

    Yes, you do. Google "Aristotle on happiness." Learn something.
  • Shawn

    You need to seek help. xD

  • S
    Yes, you do. Google "Aristotle on happiness." Learn something.tim wood

    No, I don't. If I did, it would be out of interest, not necessity.

    Google "self-sufficiency", if you have to. Or, you know, you could actually try thinking for yourself.
  • Shawn

    Ahh, so the issue reveals itself or is manifest. I know what's best for me, therefore, who is some bloke called Aristotle or Epictetus, all about. I don't fancy to listen to any authority on me and mine alone, happiness.
  • tim wood
    Per usual mere-s. No substance. Just insult.
  • S
    The beatings will continue until moral improves.Frank Apisa

    You haven't the yarbles for a drat, you droopy malchick.
  • unenlightened

    It's not my task to right the wrongs of the past.

    My dear sir, we are all drowning in shit, and most of it is other people's shit. Shuddup and grab a shovel. No one is impressed by your innocence.
    Time spent worrying about things one has no control over is time utterly wasted.Tzeentch
    But time spent worrying about whether or not one has any control over things is equally wasted. What is not time wasted - time on happy pills?
  • S
    Ah yes, whereas you have the moral high ground. You are up there, and "mere-s" is down here.
  • Shawn
    But time spent worrying about whether or not one has any control over things is equally wasted. What is not time wasted - time on happy pills?unenlightened

    My dear sir, we are all drowning in shit, and most of it is other people's shit. Shuddup and grab a shovel.unenlightened

    You are mistaken if you don't think my depression isn't real. And, I am disabled, so I get to wallow in my own shit for a change. Sometimes my mother dumps her shit on me, and the depression is exacerbated and graceful wallowing ensues.
  • tim wood
    Why do you not share with us some of your understanding of - knowledge of - Aristotle on happiness so that we might know something of your objections to his thinking or your difficulties with it?
  • S
    Why do you not share with us some of your understanding of - knowledge of - Aristotle on happiness so that we might know something of your objections to his thinking or your difficulties with it?tim wood

    Why do you assume I have such knowledge? Whether I do or don't, the whole point was that it isn't necessary. But if I'm interested, I'll look further into it. I'm interested in a lot of things, so it will probably be added to a very long list. Thanks for the reference to reading material, but be under no illusion: that's all it is.
  • unenlightened
    You are mistaken if you don't think my depression isn't real.Wallows

    I think you have one too many negatives there - if I do think your depression isn't real, then I'm not mistaken?

    Anyway, stop wallowing and start shovelling, you are allowed to cry while you shovel.
  • S
    Anyway, stop wallowing and start shovelling, you are allowed to cry while you shovel.unenlightened

    But with every tear that falls, me and Crank will take another swing.
  • Shawn
    Anyway, stop wallowing and start shovelling, you are allowed to cry while you shovel.unenlightened

    *Wallowing intensifies.*
  • S
    "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Aaaaahhh-ahhhhhhh!! No!!! No!!! Stop it, stop it, please, I beg you!!! It's a sin!!!!! It's a sin!!! It's a sin, a sin, a sin!!!!"
  • Shawn
    "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Aaaaahhh!! No!!! No!!! Stop it, please, I beg you!!! It's a sin!!!!! It's a sin, a sin, a sin, a sin!!!!"S

    Using Ludwig Van like that. Hahaha. How is your cat? Are you feeding her lots of good things or starving her?
  • S
    Using Ludwig Van like that.Wallows

    You needn't tak' it any further, sir! You've proved to me that all this ultra-violence and killing is wrong! Wrong and terribly wrong! I've learnt me lesson, sir! I see now what I've never seen before! I'm cured! Praise God!

    Hahaha. How is your cat? Are you feeding her lots of good things or starving her?Wallows

    She's good.

    Good with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
  • Shawn
    She's good.

    Good with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

    Oh just make her fat and plumpy. She is a good cat to put up with someone like you...
  • Shawn
    Anyway, stop wallowing and start shovelling, you are allowed to cry while you shovel.unenlightened

    Anyway, why should I? There's no authority on the matter, and I am entitled to my own peace and tranquility.
  • S
    Anyway, why should I? There's no authority on the matter, and I am entitled to my own peace and tranquility.Wallows

    Doesn't seem to be working too well from where I'm standing. You still seem troubled. Maybe it's time to try out a different technique.
  • Shawn

    See my latest thread.

    I'm full of it ain't I?
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