• Shawn
    Some time ago I started a topic on the merits of starting a psychology sub-forum. I am happy with things as they stand and think that a psychology sub-forum would be redundant given how much of continental philosophy is discussed here contrasting it with analytic philosophy.

    But, I think that at the very least we should have a counseling sub-forum for newbies seeking to further their interest in the field of philosophy. Many other forums, where rational enquiry is encouraged, have some form of counselling sub-forum to guide the youth of the world.

    I hope this proposal can be met with some consideration, as it would help organize the forum into more compartments where these questions (should) arise.

  • I like sushi
    Generally people passing by looking for advice post in General Philosophy.

    Plus I don’t think many people here are equipped to ‘teach’.
  • BC
    Some of the folks who stop by are interested in philosophy but also happen to be among the walking wounded. There are many walking wounded people in the world and they show up at forums, discussion groups, churches, political meetings, and the like. Some of them show up here--not the worst place to ask for help. Many of the walking wounded have been injured by one or more of the prevailing philosophies on which parts of the world run, so sometimes there is advice that can be given, advice that is safe and effective when taken with several grains of salt.

    Quite often, whoever responds (or everybody who responds) tells them to "Get ye to a psychiatrist and be quick about it!" which is sometimes quite appropriate advice.

    Other times people are looking for some sign of caring from another human being. They are sad, lonely, alienated, misinformed, ill-advised people who have been steered in the wrong direction. They need some direction. They've lost track of the star they were following.

    Philosophy types (of the sort that hang out around this joint) ought to be able to respond to these people. If they can't be bothered, one has to wonder what the fuck they are good for.
  • Shamshir
    But, I think that at the very least we should have a counseling sub-forum for newbies seeking to further their interest in the field of philosophy. Many other forums, where rational enquiry is encouraged, have some form of counselling sub-forum to guide the youth of the world.Wallows
    Wouldn't the Learning Centre fit that purpose?
    Specifically the Questions section?

    Plus I don’t think many people here are equipped to ‘teach’.I like sushi
    A teacher's merit is his student.
  • Baden
    Wouldn't the Learning Centre fit that purpose?
    Specifically the Questions section?

  • Shawn

    Well, yes. But, I feel as though we are ill-equipped to help those types. I mean, this place isn't like facebook, where some depressed dude comes along and asks what antidepressant is best to use for depression, and gets responses like:: "Don't take that shit, it's EVIL by BIG PHARMA" or some schizophrenic who gets responses like "Just practice meditation, antipsychotics are BAD 'cuz they shrink your brain after long term use."

    Nevertheless, you do get some strange responses here like: "You don't seem schizophrenic to me." as if a 10-minute online assessment on a philosophy forum warrants that conclusion.

    Wallowsome stuff...
  • Pattern-chaser
    I think that at the very least we should have a counseling sub-forum for newbies seeking to further their interest in the field of philosophy.Wallows

    I wonder how these newbies differ from those here who aren't new? I ask this in the context of the topic: what is it that newbies need or deserve that established or older members don't? Why is a sub-forum a good idea, and why is it that only newbies could benefit from it? Is TPF a forum intended only for seasoned philosophers? Maybe academically-qualified philosophers? :chin:
  • Shawn

    Well, this comes down to the very nature of what philosophy is. Is it a self-guided practice, as I have come to understand, or is it a practice that can be guided by some mentor.

    Quite a pernicious question if you think about it wrt. to the history of philosophy.
  • Pattern-chaser
    Philosophy types (of the sort that hang out around this joint) ought to be able to respond to these people. If they can't be bothered, one has to wonder what the fuck they are good for.Bitter Crank

    :blush: Well said. :blush:
  • Pattern-chaser
    Is [philosophy] a self-guided practice, as I have come to understand, or is it a practice that can be guided by some mentor.

    Quite a pernicious question if you think about it wrt. to the history of philosophy.

    There are many disciplines whose new practitioners would benefit greatly from a mentor. Computer program design is one. Philosophy is probably another. There are many more. Is this pernicious?

    Perhaps it is pernicious that mentors could be so helpful in so many different areas, but are rarely if ever present or available? :chin:
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