• Shawn
    The few dreams I remember are sometimes quite stunningly creative in content, if not always particularly logical. More creative than my waking mind. So it seems correct that more/different parts of the brain maybe involved. To be able to direct the dream and harness that creativity would be wonderful.Devans99

    Yeah, I see dreams as more psychedelic than any drug you could take. Many people think that mind-expanding drugs are some answer to spiritual concerns; but, I think dreams are the pinnacle of spirituality in terms of completely original and genuine self-generated content.

    Praise be upon you my unconscious mind!

    I wonder if the subconscious is a different person in some sense. One body, two minds. You meet the other 'you' directly only in your dreams. I think some of my dreams I can interpret as desires (that I presumably share with my subconscious).Devans99

    Freud and many psychologists thought the same. But, I don't think that the proper conclusion to arrive at is that the unconscious mind is in some sense separate or detached from the conscious mind. What do you think?
  • Devans99
    Freud and many psychologists thought the same. But, I don't think that the proper conscious to arrive at is that the unconscious mind is in some sense separate or detached from the conscious mind. What do you think?Wallows

    Things I worry about in waking life sometimes carry over into dreams. So the simple process of thinking about something before sleep sometimes seems to direct my dreams. But other times, the dreams seem unrelated to any recent conscious thought.

    The subconscious mind is always active and perhaps is more attentive than the conscious mind. Maybe a lot of the information taken in by the senses is not processed by the conscious - but is processed by the subconscious - which experiences more in some sense. Maybe it shares its conclusions during dreams. The conscious mind is present during a dream, but a whole alternative reality is presumably generated by the subconscious - so the subconscious would seem to be intellectually quite formidable (at least in creativity terms, not so for pure logic I think).
  • Shawn
    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
    Life is but a dream

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
    Life is but a dream

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
    Life is but a dream

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
    Life is but a dream
  • BC

    Be more creative Wallows. By the way, "Wallowing in the mire" was used by William Byrd, not the English composer but an American Colonial who died in 1744, or thereabouts. I thought it was cooked up by the Doors. The song was largely written by the band's guitarist, Robby Krieger, but was credited to the entire band.

    Row row row needs naughtier lyrics.

    Peddle peddle ride your bike
    Madly through the streets
    When you find a buxom girl
    Bed her twixt the sheets.

    Rev up rev up drive your hog
    Right into the mosque.
    You will cause a wild uproar
    But Allah's just a bore.
  • Shawn

    Apologies, as I only want Green Eggs and Ham. I am quite poetically illiterate.

  • fdrake

    Reminds me of:

    Daisy daisy give me your answer do
    I'm half crazy my balls are turning blue
    I can't afford a johnny, a plastic bag will do
    'Cos you'll look sweet upon the sheets
    With me on top of you
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