• Relativist
    You're making a hand-waving dismissal, since you've falsified none of the claims made by fact checkers. Trump has hypnotized you into believing everything he says. Facts are what Trump tells you they are. Scary.
  • NOS4A2

    He also said “Maybe you should look up the difference between a lie and something said with tongue in cheek”, which is suspiciously but expectantly missing. That’s what I said “exactly” to.
  • NOS4A2

    You're making a hand-waving dismissal, since you've falsified none of the claims made by fact checkers. Trump has hypnotized you into believing everything he says. Facts are what Trump tells you they are. Scary.

    Telling yourself little fantasies like that is the biggest hand wave. Not once have I challenged those mistruths and am giving them full benefit of the doubt. What I challenged was the card-stacking, which you’ve avoided. Scary indeed.
  • S
    That's a lie.
  • S
    Sorcery then.
  • praxis
    He also said “Maybe you should look up the difference between a lie and something said with tongue in cheek”, which is suspiciously but expectantly missing. That’s what I said “exactly” to.NOS4A2

    This only makes your assessments less credible, if that’s possible, in that you acknowledge your lack of discernment regarding lies and tongue-n-cheek comments.

    In any case, it seems obvious that you agreed unwittingly because that’s what you feel to be true, and simply forgot your troll position.
  • Relativist
    Telling yourself little fantasies like that is the biggest hand waveNOS4A2
    I provided a link to a fact-checking site, and this provides a rational justification for my beliefs about Trump. What's your rational justification for dismissing all the analyzed untruths it reports?
  • Relativist
    Here's an interesting thing that Trump tweeted today:

    The New @FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!

    Wow! Even Trump believes Fox worked for him, and thinks that's the way it should be!
    Kudos to Fox for showing signs of independence.
  • praxis
    Fox isn’t working for us anymore!Relativist

    Utterly shameless.
  • NOS4A2

    I haven’t disputed any of your links. What I have repeatedly dismissed is your uncompromising, puritanical political correctness, energy which might be better served if it was focused on injustice and tyranny instead of tweets.
  • NOS4A2

    Now you know what I feel. Sorcerers and mindreaders.
  • creativesoul
    Do you seriously believe that your 'arguments' here("counterpoints" is a better description) are acceptable?

    I don’t care whether you accept them or not.

    There seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. I did not ask if you care if I accept the counterpoints you've provided here. I asked if you thought/believed that they are/were acceptable - as in relevant, reasonable, valid, and/or otherwise 'rational' - replies to the remarks preceding them?

    Off the top of my head, I remember at least a couple that made no sense in light of what they were supposed to be replying to.
  • creativesoul
    Here's an interesting thing that Trump tweeted today:

    The New FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!

    Wow! Even Trump believes Fox worked for him, and thinks that's the way it should be!
    Kudos to Fox for showing signs of independence.

    I wouldn't get too hopeful. There are far too many unknown influencing variables for that particular Trumpian rant. Like a child without metacognitive skill... in freudian terms... without superego.
  • Relativist
    I haven’t disputed any of your links.NOS4A2
    You said it was false to suggest Trump tells many untruths. Here's what you said:
    Are you claiming it's false to claim he tells so many untruths - that it's all partisan distortion? ! — Relativist
    Yes, it’s called card-stacking.

    What I have repeatedly dismissed is your uncompromising, puritanical political correctness, energy which might be better served if it was focused on injustice and tyranny instead of tweets.NOS4A2
    So....telling the truth is just silly "political correctness", and valuing truth is "puritanical". LOL! Oh, the twists and turns Trump-devotees must make!
  • praxis
    Now you know what I feel. Sorcerers and mindreaders.NOS4A2

    Well, it’s not like there’s a lot of depth to fathom. :razz:
  • NOS4A2

    I was affirming that, yes, it’s all a partisan distortion, which appears to be conveniently left out of what you claimed I said “yes” to, even though you asked it. I said it was card-stacking, something you have yet to dispute.

    No, telling the truth is not political correctness, and no one has suggested such nonsense. Anti-Trumpist mental gymnastics on full display.
  • NOS4A2

    There seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. I did not ask if you care if I accept the counterpoints you've provided here. I asked if you thought/believed that they are/were acceptable - as in relevant, reasonable, valid, and/or otherwise 'rational' - replies to the remarks preceding them?

    Off the top of my head, I remember at least a couple that made no sense in light of what they were supposed to be replying to.

    Do you seriously believe your cowardly “question” was going to get the response you wanted?
  • BlueBanana
    Anti-Trumpist mental gymnastics on full display.NOS4A2

    @Relativist thinks they're telling the truth, you blame them of political correctness - it seems pretty straightforward conclusion to draw, from their POV, that you're then calling truthfulness political correctness.
  • Echarmion
    I said it was card-stacking, something you have yet to dispute.NOS4A2

    Wouldn't it be up to you to provide evidence of this supposed "card-stacking"?
  • Relativist
    I was affirming that, yes, it’s all a partisan distortionNOS4A2
    You're going in circles. You also said:

    "I haven’t disputed any of your links."
    "Telling yourself little fantasies like that is the biggest hand wave. Not once have I challenged those mistruths and am giving them full benefit of the doubt. "

    Maybe you should clarify what you mean by "card stacking", in light of your being willing to accept that these untruths are correctly characterized.
  • creativesoul

    It's a simple "Yes" or "No" question.
  • NOS4A2

    It's a simple "Yes" or "No" question.

    It’s a silly yes or no question.
  • tim wood
    It's a simple "Yes" or "No" question.

    It’s a silly yes or no question.

    There you have it. I award nose-4ass-2 the Kelly Anne Conway award for being a disgusting excuse for a human being. Now, who wants to keep getting dirty playing with this piece of slime.
  • creativesoul

    It's not silly to ask someone if they actually believe that what they are saying is acceptable. Normally, I grant the sincerity of a speaker. Here, I've good reason to suspect something else is driving the responses. As mentioned earlier... some of the replies make no sense in light of what preceded them. I would like to discuss those, and will... with or without your participation. Offering you a chance to defend your claims is the first step.
  • creativesoul
    ...who wants to keep getting dirty playing with this piece of slime.tim wood

    Resorting to the same ungrounded school-yard-style name calling will surely get both dirty...
  • NOS4A2

    It's not silly to ask someone if they actually believe that what they are saying is acceptable. Normally, I grant the sincerity of a speaker. Here, I've good reason to suspect something else is driving the responses. As mentioned earlier... some of the replies make no sense in light of what preceded them. I would like to discuss those, and will... with or without your participation. Offering you a chance to defend your claims is the first step.

    I took your question as a round-about way of saying my arguments were unacceptable. If I’m wrong I apologize, but I wager that is exactly where you’re going to go if I answer. Of course, none of my opponents will receive the same treatment.
  • tim wood
    Ask yourself why you're replying to NOS4A2. Are you thinking he'll engage in some meaningful way? That he'll see the error of his ways and have a "come to Christ" moment, that you will have somehow brought to have happen? Because you're right and he will see and acknowledge that you're right - even regretting the error of his ways and seeking redemption? Is he something you think you can cure? That is, are you thinking that there is anything reasonable or honorable about him?

    You will profit more by cornering a badger in its hole and attempting to pat its head to show it how loving and kind you are. I'm guessing that the stitches and shots that you will need if you try that would be an occasion for learning. But NO's poison is more subtle. It lacks the honesty of bite and direct attack. It is instead the poison of the lie and the evil of the lie. You tell me: what do you do - what is right to do - about a badger in your house, or a liar?
  • NOS4A2

    Not only are your metaphors evidence of poor imagination, but proof of bigotry and dehumanization, which is ironic because you’re guilty of all you have falsely accused me of.
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