• T Clark
    Hmmm.. I distinctly remember having to reinsert an extra space after I completed the sentence and asked about a double space no longer being necessary and was told that was an outdated idea. Now having said that: there is absolutely a setting on your margins that will increase the length of characters and spaces contained within a specified field to meet the perimeters. Word wrap is a common one that is used that I believe performs a similar but KISS application.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Hey, you guys have taken a deeply meaningful and, frankly, moving thread about new names for the forum and turned it into a dumb-ass discussion about dumb-ass rules of punctuation. I applaud your efforts.
  • Sir2u
    Hey, you guys have taken a deeply meaningful and, frankly, moving thread about new names for the forum and turned it into a dumb-ass discussion about dumb-ass rules of punctuation. I applaud your efforts.T Clark

    Don't pick on the lady, it is not her fault. Hanover started it with some dumb-assed idea that a double space would make the place seem more classy.
    First of all, we as a group are as classy as we need to be and there is no reason to try and make us look any better. You cannot improve upon perfection. :wink:
    Secondly, his idea is so far out of date the the Mayans dropped it before the Spanish arrived. :down:

    Let's call the place Master Minds, with capital letter M's, so that Hanover will think he is in a classy place.
    We can then all be M&M's. :cool:
  • T Clark
    Let's call the place Master Minds, with capital letter M's, so that Hanover will think he is in a classy place. We can then all be M&M's. :cool:Sir2u

    My vote still goes in for:

    The Worthless Pseudo-Intellectual Nerousis Waste Of Time Trivial Folly Inconclusive Incoherent Play Dumb Charade Pathetic Morons I Hate You All Die Mother Fuckers Forum.S

    But, of course, I don't get a vote.
  • S
    I vote for Hanover's suggestion, only without the extra space.
  • Sir2u
    I vote for Hanover's suggestion, only without the extra space.S

    :chin: ?
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    I prefer the extra space, it gives me more room to breathe.
  • Sir2u
    I prefer the extra space, it gives me more room to breathe.Metaphysician Undercover

    If it was on the top I would not mind, extra head spaces is always good. But at the end??? No use at all.
  • Pattern-chaser
    If the system auto-prunes doubled trailing spaces, then that's that. We might as well consider whether we're brains in vats. We are discussing an issue that has already been resolved; do we really think the code that runs the site is going to be changed as a result of these discussions? As @T Clark said,

    you guys have taken a deeply meaningful and, frankly, moving thread about new names for the forum and turned it into a dumb-ass discussion about dumb-ass rules of punctuation. I applaud your efforts.T Clark

    That goes for me too. Even, after careful consideration, the final stab of sarcasm. :razz:
  • S
    I prefer the extra space, it gives me more room to breathe.Metaphysician Undercover

    Even more reason to remove the extra space.
  • Valentinus
    Bridge of Sighs.
    Ptolemy's Brain Glow.
  • Sir2u
    Rent Free Thinking Space

    More than one possible way of understanding the meaning.
  • Noble Dust
    I Kant Believe It’s Not BetterT Clark

    Reminds me of a viral youtube channel with drum set tutorials tied in with philosophy I wanted to start called "I Kant Play That".

    Woah, I was not active 28 days ago and didn't realize I had this responsibility.

    One contribution:

  • T Clark
    Woah, I was not active 28 days ago and didn't realize I had this responsibility.Noble Dust

    No one has taken me up on my plan to have you and @S choose the new name. Alas.
  • Noble Dust

    I don't feel qualified, but I'm up for the task. Reminds me of the days when I accidentally became...the arbiter of truth in some bizarre thread of yours? What was that again?
  • T Clark
    I don't feel qualified, but I'm up for the task. Reminds me of the days when I accidentally became...the arbiter of truth in some bizarre thread of yours? What was that again?Noble Dust

    I remember that. It was some game someone else set up where you can change the rules of the game and the last set of rules has priority over all the older ones until someone adds new rules. All my attempts to lead you to greatness seem to fizzle out.
  • Noble Dust

    I really aspire towards greatness, but I can't seem to grasp it.
  • T Clark
    I really aspire towards greatness, but I can't seem to grasp it.Noble Dust

    Those who aspire to greatness probably shouldn't spend their time arguing over new names for an internet philosophy forum.
  • Noble Dust

    Which I've not done...
  • Sir2u
    Those who aspire to greatness probably shouldn't spend their time arguing over new names for an internet philosophy forum.T Clark

    Yes sir, you are right about that. They should just go ahead and rename. :cool:
  • Wheatley
    Addicting Philosophy Forum

    @Wallows Blog

    Plato: Not Just for Kids Forum

    @jamalrob's Fish Taco with Cilantro Forum

    Laurence @Baden PhD Forum

  • Baden

    My first ever avatar. :cheer:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    My first ever avatar. :cheer:Baden

    And the first profile picture that freaked me out! Leaving a LASTING impression in mind!
    An everlasting impression that should not be confused with the permanent vision of one of the most Awesome pictures of all time! @Michael
    ~swooning~ as I update that decade old vision with the newly added tattoo.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    So no guesses at the lyrics?
    Here is a hint to the title of the song: it's something the world could use a little more of...
  • Shawn
    Wallows BlogPurple Pond

    Wallows, just likes talking. But, the 7'th proposition keeps me in perpetual check. It's a stalemate really.
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