• praxis
    It sounds like you are implying that fear is a womanly quality. Kinda sexist dont'cha think?Merkwurdichliebe

    ... pussies and cowards.Merkwurdichliebe

    Kinda hypocritical, me thinks.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    It’s not very manly of you to have such fear [of] uncertainty
    — praxis

    When did I fear uncertainty? Please explain or consider your accusation invalidated.


    pussies and cowards.
    — Merkwurdichliebe

    Kinda hypocritical, me thinks.

    What do you mean? How are you misinterpreting these terms? From what context have you removed them?
  • ssu
    That is a pretty comprehensive report.I like sushi
    Some countries surely will have accurate statistics. Others not. And what's the time frame? Viruses have all the time in the World. If someone dies of Covid-19 in 2023, will that person count?

    I’m still not convinced shutting down the world’s economy is a reasonable response (at least not for developing countries).I like sushi
    Firstly, the world economy isn't shut down. I think the supermarket close to you is open. It's simply just a economic recession.

    And how would there even be that other option? Tell us, I like sushi.

    A censorship on the pandemic? No media outlet ought to report on it? Have people go on as they have? Say perhaos that it's just a nasty flu, but these come and go. I think that news that in some places the morgues are full might get the attention of people and could spread around in

    Herd immunity? That's the option you think? Doesn't work to save the economy. I've been watching how Sweden copes with the pandemic and still, even if they have their schools and restaurants open, the economy is in free fall.

    So what do you have in mind?
  • creativesoul
    ...pussies and cowards.Merkwurdichliebe

    In what context does this not imply a lack of courage, which means being scared and/or fearful?
  • Changeling

    This is bollocks. USA has the most cases but at least they are honest about it unlike Beijing.
  • Pfhorrest
    Has anyone else heard of or experienced businesses cutting hours supposedly because of slowdown due to coronavirus but then piling tons and tons of work on their employees in those reduced hours?

    I am getting kinda pissed the fuck off at my employer who as I've previously mentioned cut all of our hours in half about three weeks ago "because things are really slow due to the coronavirus" but I keep all the fucking statistics for my department and I have the numbers to show that I am still getting exactly the same amount of work piled on me and just expected to get it done in half the fucking time for half the fucking pay and I'm really starting to lose my shit.
  • praxis

    If they cut your hours doesn’t that mean you’re being paid hourly now? What do they say when you point out the situation to them?
  • Pfhorrest
    I've always been paid hourly, but it's not like there's a second shift after mine or something who picks up where I leave off, so if I don't keep up with the work I'll just start each day off with a bigger and bigger backlog and be rushing even more the next day to try to catch up.
  • praxis

    Seems like you should be paid for every hour worked, and depending on you situation, perhaps even earning overtime pay.
  • Pfhorrest
    I am being paid for every hour worked. The problem is that they want me to do more work per time, by getting that same work done in less time. The amount of work done isn't quantifiable as an amount of time spent nominally on the job; it's not like I'm standing at a register ringing up whoever is or isn't coming through during the hours that I'm standing there and so long as I'm standing there and actively ringing people up during the prescribed hours it's fine. There's a pile of work that comes to my desk across the course of the day, and has to be finished by the end of the day. I have long already had serious struggles to do the work as fast as it comes in so that it can all be done by the time I have to leave; I used to work overtime if there was more left to do but then I was told not to work overtime, so I started sending the excess work to someone else to take over and then I was told not to do that, so I just have to work faster.

    After years of things increasing in pace to 300% what it was when I started, I finally insisted he hire someone else to split the load with a year ago; actually I didn't even insist on that, I asked for a half-time assistant, but he instead hired someone with skills we don't need and lacking the skills I needed in an assistant and gave her half my workload and some of my decision-making powers, which scared me at the time, but has since come to be an okay status quo, better than the fucking meltdowns of spending all fucking day rushing faster than humanly possibly to keep up I had been doing for years before.

    Now "because of coronavirus-related slowdowns" we all had our hours cut in half, which means I come in halfway through the day to a half day's worth of work already backlogged and then rush faster than humanly possible to try to make progress on that faster than more work is being added to the fucking pile so I can have it all fucking done at the end of the fucking day.
  • praxis
    Yeah that’s messed up. Worst possible time to quit and try finding another position also.

    Anyway, hope things improve.
  • frank
    Yep. Core nations sneeze, developing nations get pneumonia.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    In what context does this not imply a lack of courage, which means being scared and/or fearful?creativesoul

    Exactly. In no way or manner does it imply that these are womanly qualities. But, if that is where a person's mind goes when they hear those words, then the fault lies with their demented mentality.
  • praxis
    In no way or manner does it imply that these are womanly qualities.Merkwurdichliebe

    So you’re a felinist then.
  • creativesoul
    Exactly. In no way or manner does it imply that these are womanly qualities. But, if that is where a person's mind goes when they hear those words, then the fault lies with their demented mentality.Merkwurdichliebe

    Well, that's perhaps a bit too much of a stretch.


    It definitely lets the original speaker know one thing for certain... the connection between women and weakness does not come from the speaker. The only other option... is... well... the (mis)translators' own belief system. Knowing that also allows the speaker to witness what psychologists call "projection"...

    All that being said...

    Praxis seems alright most of the time.
  • Andrew M
    Wuhan develops new cluster of cases.[LA Times]frank

    It hasn't. As far as I can tell, the author of that piece just made that up. He links to another LA Times article that doesn't even mention Wuhan.
  • Pfhorrest
    In no way or manner does it imply that these are womanly qualities.Merkwurdichliebe

    Using slang for a woman’s body part to mean “coward“ very much implies that cowardice is a womanly quality.
  • Hanover
    Using slang for a woman’s body part to mean “coward“ very much implies that cowardice is a womanly quality.Pfhorrest

    If you call a man a dick does that mean being an asshole is a male quality to the extent that being an asshole means being a bastard to the extent being a bastard is like being a dick?
  • frank
    It hasn't.Andrew M

    You're confident. Are you there in Wuhan by chance?
  • Andrew M
    No, I'm not there. I see that the author has made an unsubstantiated claim. Doesn't that bother you?
  • frank

    All you needed to do was point out the LA Times' lack of justification, but you didn't do that. Instead, you made an unsubstantiated claim when you said, "It hasn't".

    Does that bother you?
  • Andrew M
    All you needed to do was point out the LA Times' lack of justification, but you didn't do that. Instead, you made an unsubstantiated claim when you said, "It hasn't".frank

    I pointed out the LA Time's lack of justification - I said the author's reference didn't mention Wuhan. And I made my claim after doing a lengthy search and finding no other reports of a new cluster of cases in Wuhan.
  • Changeling
    finding no other reports of a new cluster of cases in Wuhan.Andrew M

    Surprise, surprise
  • frank
    pointed out the LA Time's lack of justification - I said the author's reference didn't mention Wuhan. And I made my claim after doing a lengthy search and finding no other reports of a new cluster of cases in Wuhan.Andrew M

    Lack of evidence is evidence of lack?
  • Andrew M
    Lack of evidence is evidence of lack?frank

    It's not.

    So I'm happy to start over. The LA Times' claim that there is a new cluster of cases in Wuhan is unsubstantiated.
  • creativesoul
    Using slang for a woman’s body part to mean “coward“ very much implies that cowardice is a womanly quality.Pfhorrest

    Only for those looking to be offended.

    The term "pussy" when used as a slight for someone with cowardice is not referring to female genitalia, it's referring to the coward.

    Some people who use the term "pussy" are also misogynists. However - and this is the important part - others who also use the term to refer to a coward do not think that women are lesser in any substantial way just because they are a women. Those men and women also use the term "pussy" for rhetorical effect when belittling someone they believe are cowardly.

    So, not all use of the term "pussy" to refer to cowards and cowardly behaviour comes from those who do not place equal value upon women... misogynists.
  • creativesoul
    If you call a man a dick does that mean being an asshole is a male quality to the extent that being an asshole means being a bastard to the extent being a bastard is like being a dick?Hanover

    I know plenty of women who are dicks.


  • I like sushi
    It doesn’t matter what I have in mind. The issue is that countries are interconnected economically. Once the bigger players lockdown the rest of the world has little to no choice in the matter - even if the fallout for them is potentially more damaging and long lasting.

    I’m saying anything conclusively. My concern is about focusing on the short term (months) compared to long term effects (years, perhaps even decades).

    Some countries surely will have accurate statistics. Others not. And what's the time frame? Viruses have all the time in the World. If someone dies of Covid-19 in 2023, will that person count?ssu

    Hyperbolic statements don’t really help. To imply I don’t care about people dying, subtle or otherwise, is unhelpful if you wish to discuss this subject in a balanced manner.

    Sometimes death rates vary +/- 5000 from month to month. I don’t see a huge outpouring of national mourning when this happens - perhaps because it isn’t reported. Yes, there are more disease related deaths than usual due to covid. I’m questioning whether or not the reaction to this event is proportionate to the problem.

    I’m inclined to er on the side of caution, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to put aside all doubt and just listen to what suits my sense of personal responsibility.

    The point remains. They do have a pretty good understanding of flu outbreaks - that was not meant to undermine whatever your original point was. It was just a little nudge to prevent opinion over ruling facts. I have opinions about this subject and I’m sure I’ll say things that are less than accurate. I hope others will point out when I do so, and/or question what I say rather than guess why I’m saying it.
  • ssu
    The issue is that countries are interconnected economically. Once the bigger players lockdown the rest of the world has little to no choice in the matter - even if the fallout for them is potentially more damaging and long lasting.I like sushi
    Some reasons why there wasn't a way to avoid this:

    1) There was already a huge speculative bubble in the global financial markets as the 2008 "Great Recession" was just papered it over. This event came along and burst it.

    2) Earlier epidemics (SARS, MERS, Ebola) had been already followed by media and had far lower numbers of death. When this pandemic hit, with higher death toll the media was sure to follow. Governments around the World had to respond.

    3) Just social distancing creates problems for the economy. If the countries now in lock-down would have chosen the "Swedish-model", the global economy would still be in recession at least for now.

    To put it shortly, there simply is no other option than to have at least a sharp recession. No alternate route. A longer economic depression won't be because of just the pandemic, but many other institutional issues and long term problems. If it happens.
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