• counterpunch
    Roger thinks that herd immunity works by the people with antibodies vacuuming up, and killing all the viruses so that they can't infect others.Metaphysician Undercover

    I know. I read the other thread. It was completely mental. I'm trying to get to his motives - because he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, so there's some other reason he's doing this. Until we discover what that is (he killed grandma is my guess) all this is just rehearsing rationales of denial. It's not healthy!
  • Roger Gregoire
    This important section, which might add clarity, was not brought over when the OP's were combined:

    The NON-TRUTHS of Our Current Covid-19 Policy


    Non-Truth # 1 - People get infected by other people. This is technically not true.

    People get infected by being in contaminated environments (i.e. from viruses in the air or on surfaces that ultimately transfer into one's respiratory system).

    Note: People's respiratory systems are not directly connected to each other's, and therefore do not infect each other. The correct view is that people are either "contributors" of the virus into the environment, or they are "removers" of the virus from the environment. One or the other.

    Those with healthy immune systems, when infected, attack and kill the virus, thereby "removing" more of the virus from the environment, than they contribute. Those with weak immune systems, when infected, allow the virus to replicate unabated; thereby "contributing" more of the virus into the environment, than they remove.


    Non-Truth # 2 - Healthy people (including the asymptomatic, previously infected, and recently vaccinated people) when infected, "contribute" more of the virus, back into the environment than they "remove". This is a blatant non-truth.

    The Rt value for healthy people is <1 whereas the Rt value for vulnerable people is >1 (note: Rt = rate of transmission; <1 means stops more of the virus than transmits, and >1 means transmits more of the virus than stops). If this non-truth was truth, then the protective effect of herd immunity would be impossible, and herd immunity would then just be a fairy tale.

    Logically, the only way healthy immune people can provide a "protective effect" (herd immunity), is if they stop/absorb/kill the virus around them (in their local environment), ...in other words, herd immunity is only possible if healthy people are the "removers" of the virus, for if everyone "contributed" to the virus, then no one could ever provide a "protective effect".


    Non-Truth # 3 - The protective effect of herd immunity doesn't kick in until we reach the herd immunity threshold. This is another blatant non-truth.

    The protective effect is not like a "light switch" that begins protecting vulnerable people when we reach the magical threshold point. The threshold value is just the theoretical percentage needed to stop the virus altogether. The protective effect begins immediately with any addition of (non-masked) healthy people within a group of vulnerable people.

    Note: The protective effect of herd immunity is achieved by adding healthy people to a given contaminated environment with vulnerable people so as to reduce the overall "density" of the virus exposure to the individual vulnerable person. The amount of the virus within a given environment, divided by the total number of people within that environment dictate the initial odds of a person getting infected. And then, the ratio of healthy people to total people within that same environment, multiplied by the initial odds, yields the "protective effect". This is the correct equation for determining the protective effect of herd immunity.

    To help illustrate:

    Imagine 10 people inside a room with 10 mosquitos flying about. Further imagine that 0 (none) of these people are healthy (a mosquito bite does not bother them) and all 10 people are vulnerable, whereas a mosquito bite would result in a severe reaction and certain death. So the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 100% (10 mosquitos / 10 total people) which equals 10 dead people.

    Now imagine we add 10 healthy people to this room (environment) of 10 vulnerable people. So now the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 50% (10 mosquitos / 20 total people) which equals 5 dead people.

    Now imagine we told these 10 healthy people in the room to strip down naked to expose 10 times more body surface area for the mosquitoes to bite, and then put the excess clothing around the vulnerable people to give them an extra layer of protection. So now the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 5% (10 mosquitos/(20 total people x 10 times more exposure to healthy people and more protection to vulnerable people)) which equals 0.5 dead people.


    Non-Truth # 4 - Continued masking and social distancing of our recently vaccinated people will help us end this virus sooner by reaching the herd immunity threshold faster. This again is another blatant non-truth.

    We cannot get a "protective effect" by people hiding from the herd (i.e. people that continue to social distance themselves from others in society). Herd immunity requires immune people to integrate (mix) back into the herd (society) so as to create the protective effect.


    MORAL OF THE STORY: Our current covid policy is wholly irrational, and is based on bad science; science that disregards logic.

    The continued masking and social distancing of our healthy population will only allow this virus to continue to grow and mutate unabated. Vaccines are useless if we don't unmask our recently vaccinated, and allow them (along with our healthy population, and those previously infected) to participate in achieving herd immunity.
  • Valentinus
    I don't necessarily disagree. The highest density of the virus (in the environment) is that which is closest to a shedder of the virus, hence the reasoning to stay 6 feet apart. But what one breathes in from the environment, or the surfaces in the environment that one touches (and then touches nose/mouth) is where one ultimately comes in contact with the virus. In other words, it is the contaminated environment that one is in, that determines if one receives the virus.Roger Gregoire

    The virus is around and either infects people or not. Smart people try to slow that process down. Why? Because it kills people at an incredible rate.

    Yes, the quickest way to attain herd immunity is to allow the virus to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. That worked with the Black Plague. But that wasn't a policy, per se, but a society confronted by something that had no way of grasping the catastrophe as an event.

    The point of my previous comment was simply to observe that the virus isn't changed if it enters your lungs and goes right back out. Your antibodies are your antibodies. Other people have other antibodies.
  • Roger Gregoire
    But masking healthy people who would normally remove more of the virus than they contribute. — Roger Gregoire

    No one is removing the virus. That's not how it works. — Kenosha Kid

    False. The protective effects of herd immunity just doesn't happen "magically" because we added more healthy immune people into the mix. There is a reason that we get this "protective effect".

    But no one acts as a viral vacuum. — Kenosha Kid

    False again. If what you say were true, then the protective effects of herd immunity would be impossible. If EVERYONE was a "contributor" and NO ONE was a "remover" of the virus within a given environment, then the virus could only INCREASE, not decrease (...this is assuming that people were still alive and active within the environment).

    Herd immunity is when a large enough percentage of the population has got antibodies to the disease that it cannot spread! — counterpunch

    Hmmmm. I wonder HOW that (the non-spreading; i.e. protective effect of herd immunity) actually happens? Could it be "magic"? [being facetious here]. Counterpunch, please continue and explain HOW this happens. Just saying "that it happens", doesn't cut it. Please tell us HOW this magic happens.

    Kenosha and counterpunch, to help better understand the actual HOW this happens, please re-read my earlier illustration:

    Imagine 10 people inside a room with 10 mosquitos flying about. Further imagine that 0 (none) of these people are healthy (a mosquito bite does not bother them) and all 10 people are vulnerable, whereas a mosquito bite would result in a severe reaction and certain death. So the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 100% (10 mosquitos / 10 total people) which equals 10 dead people.

    Now imagine we add 10 healthy people to this room (environment) of 10 vulnerable people. So now the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 50% (10 mosquitos / 20 total people) which equals 5 dead people.

    Now imagine we told these 10 healthy people in the room to strip down naked to expose 10 times more body surface area for the mosquitoes to bite, and then put the excess clothing around the vulnerable people to give them an extra layer of protection. So now the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 5% (10 mosquitos/(20 total people x 10 times more exposure to healthy people and more protection to vulnerable people)) which equals 0.5 dead people.
    — Roger Gregoire


    Yes, the quickest way to attain herd immunity is to allow the virus to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. — Valentinus

    That is not too smart as it would result in very many deaths. The "smartest" and "quickest" way to attain (the threshold value) of herd immunity is to allow our healthy population to get infected, while social distancing / quarantining our vulnerable population. Healthy people in general don't die from covid, they become immune when infected. (note: actual empirical data tells us - that of the 2,291,000 covid deaths so far, 99.1% of these had at least 1 known underlying condition).

    By social distancing everyone (the healthy and the vulnerable), we are in effect creating a slower version of massive deaths much worse than with exposing everyone to the virus at once (as you mention above). Social distancing of everyone only makes it happen slower, that's all. (...it allows the virus to continue to grow and mutate into potentially more deadly variants).

    Just compare last year at this time to today. Do we want to keep doing the same thing, so that next year at this time the virus will be 4 times larger and with at least a dozen more mutations?

    How is social distancing of everyone working so far? How many millions of lives have we already destroyed with shutdowns and social distancing?

    Isn't that the definition of insanity? ...keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
  • Valentinus

    The first problem with your model is that it it compares the people who won't die with those who will. The dead people are not in a position to protest that particular observation.

    Slowing down infections helped many people not die from other infections. It is a simple approach. You find a way to not die and you take it.

    The second problem with your approach is that communities that protect themselves by masking and demanding other people to do the same are safer than the ones who do not.
  • Kenosha Kid
    The protective effects of herd immunity just doesn't happen "magically" because we added more healthy immune people into the mix. There is a reason that we get this "protective effect".Roger Gregoire

    That's right, but it's not because of magical virus vacuums either. They don't exist. It's not a thing. People with immunity break vectors, that is all.

    If what you say were true, then the protective effects of herd immunity would be impossible.Roger Gregoire

    No, they're very possible, just not by batshit crazy means. The probability of person C indirectly catching the virus from person A via person B drops if person B is immune. Since viruses need to spread to survive, breaking the vectors it can spread along can kill it dead even if a quarter of the people aren't immune. It's nothing to do with subtracting the virus, it's just to do with creating barriers to its propagation.

    I don't know where you're learning this crap from but please stop going there, it's properly insane.
  • Roger Gregoire
    Slowing down infections helped many people not die from other infections. It is a simple approach. You find a way to not die and you take it. — Valentinus

    Slowing down infections (aka "social distancing") kills more people than it saves:

    1. Social distancing vulnerable people saves lives.
    2. Social distancing healthy people kills lives.

    The second problem with your approach is that communities that protect themselves by masking and demanding other people to do the same are safer than the ones who do not. — Valentinus

    False. The empirical data disagrees with this statement.

    The USA and UK are the top killers on this planet of their own people (covid deaths per capita) via strict social distancing demands. Countries like Sweden with no social distancing demands have virtually ended covid deaths in their country.

    The protective effects of herd immunity just doesn't happen "magically" because we added more healthy immune people into the mix. There is a reason that we get this "protective effect". — Roger Gregoire

    People with immunity break vectors, that is all. — Kenosha Kid

    You are confusing "more social distancing" with "herd immunity". Social distancing aka "breaking vectors" is just the opposite of "herd immunity". Herd immunity requires people to "make vectors" (to get "closer", not get further away).

    Please describe, or give an illustration (like my mosquito illustration) on how "breaking vectors" magically creates a "protective effect". You will see that it actually makes things worse. If you remove healthy people far away from vulnerable people, vulnerable people die faster, are less protected.

    The only logical explanation for the "protective effect" of herd immunity is the one I illustrated, and which was proved empirically correct by Sweden during the second wave of the virus in their country.

    We here in the USA are seemingly too vain to admit we screwed up. We are too vain to see what actually works in other countries and try to implement here. It's as if we would rather kill our own people than admit we screwed up.

    If what you say were true, then the protective effects of herd immunity would be impossible. — Roger Gregoire

    No, they're very possible, just not by batshit crazy means. The probability of person C indirectly catching the virus from person A via person B drops if person B is immune. Since viruses need to spread to survive, breaking the vectors it can spread along can kill it dead even if a quarter of the people aren't immune. It's nothing to do with subtracting the virus, it's just to do with creating barriers to its propagation. — Kenosha Kid

    Firstly, you are talking about more "social distancing" when you refer to "breaking vectors". You are not talking about "herd immunity".

    Secondly, it is impossible to "social distance" (break vectors/increase barriers) our way out of this mess!
    Even if we put everyone on this planet in space suits simultaneously for 2 weeks and one person cheated and didn't wear his and had covid, then when everyone took off their space suit, boom, we would have the pandemic all over again. Remember this whole mess started with just one person on this entire planet being infected.

    There is ONLY one way to stop this virus and it is called herd immunity which requires allowing healthy people to be exposed and get infected.

    Social distancing prevents the only solution we have.

    I don't know where you're learning this crap from but please stop going there, it's properly insane. — Kenosha Kid

    It is called being rational; using logic and math. Not only is my view rationally sound, but it is also empirically true. The only "insane" part is thinking that social distancing can somehow save us, when in fact it is killing more of us. Both logic and empirical evidence tell us so. Wake up people!
  • dazed
    I am sympathetic to a more surgical approach to covid response policy, i.e. protect the vulnerable but otherwise allow the virus to spread amongst the healthy so that it will ultimately be defeated.

    Indeed this approach has been very clearly articulated by a Dr Katz here:

    if you review his suggested approach, you will see it is incredibly complex and difficult to administer.

    This is why I think governments are simply resorting to simpler "solutions" (restrictions and lockdowns) that are actually not as effective. Administering complex social policy is in fact well very complex and governments tend to avoid complex solutions.
  • InPitzotl
    Please describe, or give an illustration (like my mosquito illustration) on how "breaking vectors" magically creates a "protective effect". You will see that it actually makes things worse. If you remove healthy people far away from vulnerable people, vulnerable people die faster, are less protected.Roger Gregoire
    Roger, I wrote a program demonstrating the effect. I pasted pieces of the program here. I showed you a running video. You started crazily asserting that my program "assumed" things. But you didn't actually critique the actual program.

    Now you're here claiming that this effect is magic. Well, there is indeed a real protective effect demonstrated by this program based on breaking vectors. If it's magic, I challenge you to provide an alternate explanation than the one I gave for why the scenarios with 80%/95% immunity scenarios in the program resulted in less deaths than the 50%/2%/0% scenarios.
    Imagine 10 people inside a room with 10 mosquitos flying about. Further imagine that 0 (none) of these people are healthy (a mosquito bite does not bother them) and all 10 people are vulnerable, whereas a mosquito bite would result in a severe reaction and certain death. So the odds of a vulnerable person dying from a mosquito bite in this scenario is 100% (10 mosquitos / 10 total people) which equals 10 dead people.Roger Gregoire
    Wrong. The probability is ; expected dead is approximately 6.513 on average. Here's a simulation:
    #include <random>
    #include <iostream>
    struct Person {
        unsigned int times_bit;
        Person() : times_bit(0) {}
    int main() {
        std::mt19937 rng;
        std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> bite(0, 9);
        unsigned times_all_bit = 0;
        unsigned each_bit[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        unsigned cumulative_mortality = 0;
        for (unsigned n=0; n<10000; ++n)
            // Nobody bit yet this run
            Person people[10];
            // 10 mosquitos bite
            for (unsigned mosquito=0; mosquito<10; ++mosquito)
            // Count the dead this round
            unsigned num_dead=0;
            for (unsigned p=0; p<10; ++p)
                if (people[p].times_bit>0) {
            // Add to times_all_bit if everyone was bit
            if (num_dead==10) ++times_all_bit;
            // Add number dead to cumulative mortality
            cumulative_mortality += num_dead;
            // Accumulate number of times each person was bit
            for (unsigned e=0; e<10; ++e)
               if (people[e].times_bit>0) ++each_bit[e];
        std::cout << "Out of 10000 runs, everyone was bit in " << times_all_bit << ".\n";
        std::cout << "Average deaths per round is " << (cumulative_mortality/10000.0) << ".\n";
        std::cout << "Breakdown of each bit:\n";
        for (unsigned p=0; p<10; ++p)
            std::cout << " person " << (p+1) << " bit in " << each_bit[p] << " runs\n";

    ...and results of the run:
    Out of 10000 runs, everyone was bit in 3.
    Average deaths per round is 6.5107.
    Breakdown of each bit:
     person 1 bit in 6593 runs
     person 2 bit in 6415 runs
     person 3 bit in 6548 runs
     person 4 bit in 6491 runs
     person 5 bit in 6446 runs
     person 6 bit in 6533 runs
     person 7 bit in 6594 runs
     person 8 bit in 6491 runs
     person 9 bit in 6494 runs
     person 10 bit in 6502 runs

    Your math skills are a bit questionable.
  • Roger Gregoire

    This is why I think governments are simply resorting to simpler "solutions" (restrictions and lockdowns) that are actually not as effective. Administering complex social policy is in fact well very complex and governments tend to avoid complex solutions. — dazed

    Yes the government usually makes a mess of things. But if we don't soon implement a strategic (or "surgical") herd immunity approach, then we will only continue causing more harm than good, such that we can't recover from.

    I think the best government policy to save the most amount people is to require:

    1) stricter social distancing on those considered vulnerable, or most-at-risk (with the government providing a clear definition of what "vulnerable" means), and

    2) make social distancing voluntary for those that are healthy (with the government again providing a clear definition of what "healthy" means).

    This will get us quickly to the path of herd immunity, with minimal risk to our vulnerable population.

    Treating these different groups of people the same, only makes matter worse. It is insufficient for vulnerable people, and it prevents any protective effect (to the vulnerable) that we would normally otherwise get if we allowed healthy people to participate in achieving herd immunity.


    Well, there is indeed a real protective effect demonstrated by this program based on breaking vectors. — InPitzotl

    Your program only shows the protective effects of social distancing, not herd immunity. if your program is indeed based on "breaking vectors", then it is based on "social distancing" which is just the opposite of herd immunity. Herd immunity requires "making vectors", not "breaking" them; it requires the joining/mixing of healthy and vulnerable people together to achieve a protective effect called herd immunity.

    Social distancing (hiding) is just a stall tactic until we implement herd immunity. We can't "social distance" our way out of this mess. Herd immunity is our ONLY way out.
  • InPitzotl
    Your program only shows the protective effects of social distancing, not herd immunity.Roger Gregoire
    Let's review, again:
    Community immunity: A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. Even individuals not vaccinated (such as newborns and those with chronic illnesses) are offered some protection because the disease has little opportunity to spread within the community. Also known as herd immunity. — CDC Glossary
    My program runs until simulated eradication. 80%/95% scenarios are "sufficient proportion of a population" being immune (underlined). The spread from person to person is likely (ref next underlines) in proportion to the likelihood that potential persons are in the extended infection range (ref prior post). Those protections are area dependent, not vaccine dependent, so "even individuals not vaccinated" are offered protection, "because the disease has little opportunity to spread" to the areas they are in.

    So the thing demonstrated by the program meets all points of the CDC definition of herd immunity. Whatever hairbrained concept of herd immunity you came up with, is just that.
    if your program is indeed based on "breaking vectors", then it is based on "social distancing" which is just the opposite of herd immunity.Roger Gregoire
    It's really weird that you speculate about what the program might be doing, always incorrectly, when the program was intentionally made publicly available to you. I'm hiding exactly nothing; and you're just guessing incorrectly about what you can just see in a link. For your benefit, here are the links again:

    Code: https://pastebin.com/JgC6UkND
    Running scenarios: https://streamable.com/veas6l

    You might notice the comment on line 45 about using an unseeded RNG intentionally. If you watch the videos carefully, you may notice (and it's not an accident) that the initial population in the 0%, 2%, 50%, 80%, and 95% scenarios are in exactly the same spot; that's a consequence of the unseeded RNG and the order in which things are populated. Likewise, the infection radius is identical in all scenarios. So if everyone in all scenarios are in the same exact spot in those models, in what sense does "social distancing" explain the results?

    Social distancing isn't what's happening here. Rather, people who are immune by this model simply don't spread the infection. That is what breaks the vector chains. They don't move closer, they don't vacuum up infections, they don't move further apart... they simply don't get infected and therefore can't spread infections.
  • Roger Gregoire
    Let's review, again:

    Community immunity: A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely.
    — InPitzotl

    This is Non-Truth #1. This virus does not spread from "person-to-person", it spreads from environment-to-person. People get infected from being in contaminated environments (i.e. from breathing in airborne virus, from viruses on surfaces being transferred by hand to mouth/nose, etc). People's respiratory systems are NOT directly connected to one anther's.


    The spread from person to person is likely (ref next underlines) in proportion to the likelihood that potential persons are in the extended infection range (ref prior post). — InPitzotl

    Again, this virus does NOT spread from "person-to-person". This is an IMPORTANT distinction that changes the mathematics involved in calculating probabilities and risk. The protective effect of herd immunity is a probability equation based on "density" (the viral density per person within a given environment) and not based on "distance" ("breaking vectors" between person-to-person).


    Well, there is indeed a real protective effect demonstrated by this program based on breaking vectors. — InPitzotl

    ...if your program is indeed based on "breaking vectors", then it is based on "social distancing" which is just the opposite of herd immunity. — Roger Gregoire

    It's really weird that you speculate about what the program might be doing, always incorrectly… — 'InPitzotl"

    There was no "speculation" on my part. You were the one that said it was "based on breaking vectors", not me.


    Rather, people who are immune by this model simply don't spread the infection. That is what breaks the vector chains. — InPitzotl

    This is not what creates the "protective effect" of herd immunity. Herd immunity is NOT based on "immune people not spreading the infection", it is about immune people being in the same environment as vulnerable people so as to reduce the overall "density" of the virus per person. Refer back to my mosquito illustration (in Non-Truth #3) to grasp how this works.

    They don't move closer, they don't vacuum up infections, they don't move further apart... they simply don't get infected and therefore can't spread infections. — InPitzotl

    If this were true, then we could simply replace these healthy immune people with statues or rocks, (or ship them all off to a remote island) and this would somehow still provide protection to the vulnerable. Thereby leaving the population mix in that environment at 0%/100% (healthy/vulnerable).

    But herd immunity does not work that way. If we removed the healthy people from the environment, then the protective effect to the vulnerable disappears. Without at least 60% of the herd being immune and present in the environment (WITH the vulnerable) we can't transfer the total immunity protection over to the other vulnerable 40%.

    And the only way we can get this "protective effect" relative to the % of healthy people within a given environment is by moving healthy people CLOSER to vulnerable people (and not by "breaking vectors between person-to-person"). And you can calculate this "protective effect" by using "density" equations as shown in the mosquito illustration under Non-Truth #3.
  • InPitzotl
    You wrote:
    Community immunity: A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. — InPitzotl
    Stop right there. This is a mis-attribution. Here's the full text as it appeared in my post:
    Community immunity: A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. Even individuals not vaccinated (such as newborns and those with chronic illnesses) are offered some protection because the disease has little opportunity to spread within the community. Also known as herd immunity. — CDC Glossary
    ...note that this comes from the the CDC glossary on the CDC website.

    You are arguing against the CDC; the same CDC you explicitly cited as an expert that agreed with you in a former post.
    This is Non-Truth #1. ... People's respiratory systems are NOT directly connected to one anther's.Roger Gregoire
    The phrase "person to person" does not mean direct contact.
    This is an IMPORTANT distinction that changes the mathematics involved in calculating probabilities and risk.Roger Gregoire
    It changes nothing. The infection radius in the scenarios shown is 5, not zero as "directly connected to one anther's[sic]" implies.
    There was no "speculation" on my part. You were the one that said it was "based on breaking vectors", not me.Roger Gregoire
    No, I said this:
    Well, there is indeed a real protective effect demonstrated by this program based on breaking vectors.InPitzotl
    The program isn't based on breaking vectors. The effect it demonstrates is based on breaking vectors. Since you're a bit slow on the uptake, here's what everyone except for you understands.

    This is a rerun of the 80% scenario, with a modification to the program to display the initial state and how things spread. In a layered paint program I pasted the results as the bottom layer and showed some of the vector chains:

    ...and here are the same chains overlaid onto the 95% scenario:

    Only in the 95% scenario, the virus doesn't get to spread this way, because the people it would have infected in the 80% scenario, who then would produce more viruses, which then contaminates the circle of 5 squares surrounding such persons, just plain don't get sick in the 95% scenario, which means their bodies don't produce more viruses and don't as a consequence spread to the circle of 5 squares around them. All of those people are the one's with x's on them. Those are broken chains. You'll note a small number of chains still remain in the 95% scenario, but they spread very little.
    This is not what creates the "protective effect" of herd immunity.Roger Gregoire
    The thing you refuted in this very post, which is the definition of herd immunity given by the CDC, can be used to explain why the 95% scenario run of this specific program actually in practice resulted in less dead people than the 80% scenario run of this specific program. The program model is complete and understood; it definitely does irrefutably work this way. As I said before, you're trying to wring blood from a stone here.
    If this were true, then we could simply replace these healthy immune people with statues or rocks,Roger Gregoire
    You could.
    But herd immunity does not work that way.Roger Gregoire
    "Herd immunity" is just a term for something. The CDC glossary defines what that term is. That description is modeled by the program which does indeed work this way.

    Since you've given no reason to take your concept of herd immunity seriously, we can ignore your pathetic attempts to tell us how it works. There is no known human virus vacuum effect; the epistemically valid burden to demonstrate that there is one is scientific, but you're trying to argue for it from false premises.
  • Roger Gregoire
    ...spread from person to person… — CDC

    This is an example of bad science (...science that disregards logic).

    This virus does NOT spread from "person-to-person", it spreads from environment-to-person. People get infected from being in contaminated environments (i.e. from breathing in airborne virus, from viruses on surfaces being transferred by hand to mouth/nose, etc). People's respiratory systems are NOT directly connected to one another.

    This is an IMPORTANT distinction that changes the mathematics involved in calculating probabilities and risk.


    You are arguing against the CDC — InPitzotl

    Yes, if they claim that the virus transmits "person-to-person", then logically, they are wrong. Making an "appeal-to-authority" (a logical fallacy) is an irrational means of arguing; has no logical basis. Even those in authority can be logically wrong.


    If this were true, then we could simply replace these healthy immune people with statues or rocks… — Roger Gregoire

    You could. — InPitzotl

    But if you could, then what would be left to provide the protective effect to the vulnerable?

    In other words, if a virus found its way into this community of now 100% vulnerable people, what would protect them? What would protect one person from getting infected, and then shed many more viruses back into this community, until they all got infected and all died.

    Without immune people in the mix, what is protecting them????
  • Benj96
    1. In general, the more sick (very symptomatic) one is, the weaker their immune system is to fighting off the infection. And the weaker their immune system is to fighting off the infection, the greater the viral replicationRoger Gregoire

    Show me the reference to “most medical experts/ rationalist agree..”

    This is not correct. Ones immunity is not a “one size fits all” phenomenon. Whether someone’s immune system is good or not some people (due to specific genes) are more susceptible to infection via the spike protein of coronavirus. “Cytokine storm” Is a hyper activation of the immune system whereby the persons immune system hyper- reacts causing inflammation that can lead to death. A person with a partially compromised immune system may actually be better off because the virus doesn’t evoke such an intense immune response.

    If you’re going to propose your “medical” argument at the very least back it up with reference to actual experiments or studies instead of simply citing “medical experts agree”. Anyone can do that.

    You assumptions about the correlation between symptomology and immune status is highly reductive and overly simplistic at best. People with weakened immune systems often don’t demonstrate the same intensity of symptoms as someone with a health immune system because the virus causes a damaging immune response
  • Roger Gregoire
    1. In general, the more sick (very symptomatic) one is, the weaker their immune system is to fighting off the infection. And the weaker their immune system is to fighting off the infection, the greater the viral replication. — Roger Gregoire

    This is not correct. Ones immunity is not a “one size fits all” phenomenon. Whether someone’s immune system is good or not some people (due to specific genes) are more susceptible to infection via the spike protein of coronavirus. — Benj96

    The key phrase above is "In general". Rare exceptions do happen.

    Do you also believe that immune people (via vaccination or past infection) also shed more virus back into the environment than they destroy? ...or is it vice versa?

    Do you believe, in general, those with strong (fast responding) immune systems shed less virus back into the environment than those with weak (slow responding) immune systems?
  • InPitzotl
    This is an example of bad science (...science that disregards logic).Roger Gregoire
    No, it's an example of a straw man.
    People's respiratory systems are NOT directly connected to one another.Roger Gregoire
    Person to person does not mean respiratory systems are directly connected. A person to person conversation doesn't mean sticking your tongue in someone's ear.
    This is an IMPORTANT distinction that changes the mathematics involved in calculating probabilities and risk.Roger Gregoire
    Changes what? 5 isn't equal to 0.
    Yes, if they claim that the virus transmits "person-to-person", then logically, they are wrong.Roger Gregoire
    Nope, because they do not mean "respiratory systems are directly connected to one another".
    Making an "appeal-to-authority" (a logical fallacy) is an irrational means of arguing; has no logical basis.Roger Gregoire
    And it's not just me saying this, but virtually all medical experts, scientists, and health agencies (e.g. CDC, etc) also say this.Roger Gregoire
    See the problem?
  • Roger Gregoire

    We obviously disagree over the CDC's usage of "person-to-person" in their definition of herd immunity. And just because I disagree with this, does not mean that I necessarily disagree with everything else the CDC says (...as I'm sure you know, that would imply another logical fallacy).

    Okay, so what about this, how do we provide protection to vulnerable people if there are no healthy people in the same environment?

    If this were true, then we could simply replace these healthy immune people with statues or rocks… — Roger Gregoire

    You could. — InPitzotl

    But if you could, then what would be left to provide the protective effect to the vulnerable?

    In other words, if a virus found its way into this community of now 100% vulnerable people, what would protect them? What would protect one person from getting infected, and then shed many more viruses back into this community, until they all got infected and all died.

    Without immune people in the mix, what is protecting them????
  • Banno
    You might find this interesting:
    How to deal with the Craig Kelly in your life: a guide to tackling coronavirus contrarians

    I'm proud to have been deleted and banned from Craig Kelly's facebook page for citing facts during the bush fires last year, in contradiction to his line that they were nothing unusual.
  • InPitzotl
    We obviously disagree over the CDC's usage of "person-to-person" in their definition of herd immunity.Roger Gregoire
    No, Roger, this one of those "my opinion versus your opinion" things that isn't really about opinions.

    By saying we disagree over the CDC's usage of "person-to-person", you are literally saying that the CDC believes our respiratory tracts are connected together. I'm sorry, but I cannot accept that you think the CDC, who you yourself cited, believes humanity is a something akin to The Centipede. If you're that dense you need to be in a padded room.

    Now, being self-defeating, disrespecting truth at all costs, to protect a pet theory while pretending to think it actually is practicing rationality and science in a pathetically doomed to fail attempt to protect your ego? That I can buy. Trolling? That I could buy too.

    But that you honestly believe that CDC-mistakenly-thinks-we're-a-human-centipede theory is dead on arrival. So try again.
    Okay, so what about this, how do we provide protection to vulnerable people if there are no healthy people in the same environment?Roger Gregoire
    We can't talk strategy before you understand the basic concepts. And you don't understand the concepts.
    But if you could, then what would be left to provide the protective effect to the vulnerable?Roger Gregoire
    Let me explain it this way. Here's the final state of 95% scenario again:

    Here's the same scenario, humoring you, showing the shocking results of rerunning it, only instead of immunizing the initial 95% population, I cull them:

    Looks like, barring the culled who were immune anyway, the same picture to me. That doesn't surprise me at all. So the real question is, why does this confuse you?
  • Roger Gregoire
    Sorry InPitzotl, this (your reply) comes across as a creative "non-answer" to me.

    Either you know how a community of 100% vulnerable can be protected (in the absence of immune people) or you don't. How can herd immunity work if there are only vulnerable people in the herd? Where's the herd immunity protective effect coming from?

    Its just a simple question. A simple sentence is all thats needed, I don't need a micro detailed account.
  • InPitzotl
    Sorry InPitzotl, this (your reply) comes across as a creative "non-answer" to me.Roger Gregoire
    That sounds like a "you" problem to me.
    Its just a simple question. A simple sentence is all thats needed,Roger Gregoire
    Wrong. The answer, which has been given to you before, only needs a single word: Distance.

    But is that what you really "need"? Nope. Does saying "distance" satisfy you? Nope. Does it prevent you from Roger's-the-centipede straw men? Nope. Do you understand it?:
    I don't need a micro detailed account.Roger Gregoire
    Nope. If you understood what you were talking about, you would understand how the image I showed you directly answers your question. ...and not only answers it, but shows exactly how this protection is attained.

    But just to humor you some more, here's the vector paths from the initial 5 infections leading to the image shown in the prior post:

    Either you know how a community of 100% vulnerable can be protected (in the absence of immune people) or you don't.Roger Gregoire
    LOL! But Roger, the micro detailed account I'm giving shows a complete, exhaustive understanding of why you're wrong. I'm not only telling you that you're wrong, and definitely not just repeating some "Them" like "The Evil Corporate Media"... I'm telling you why you're wrong, showing you precisely where, writing programs simulating it, showing you the full program, showing you how the program works, and showing you exactly what steps over time lead to the final results. What more could you possibly ask for as a criteria for knowing how this works?

    You seem lost. Might I remind you again, you've wandered into the philosophy forum. You would get tons more respect here admitting when you're wrong than this act of trying to make excuses for your claims.
  • Roger Gregoire
    InPitzotl, you are very disingenuous. You seem to be more interested in finding ways to insult than in giving a straight answer.

    I'll try again:

    Let's assume the herd immunity threshold value is 60%. This means that 60 immune people in a community somehow provide immunity protection over the other 40 vulnerable people within that same community.

    And so I ask you how this "protection" is accomplished. And you say, all we need to do is not let these immune people shed virus back into the environment, and we get the protective effect to the other 40 vulnerable people. In fact you agree that we could just replace these 60 immune people with statues or rocks (who can't shed virus back into the environment) and we would still get the "protection" to this vulnerable people.

    So now I ask -- how do these 60 statues provide protection over the 40 vulnerable people in the community?

    In other words, if a virus found its way into this community of now 100% vulnerable people, what would protect them? What would protect one person from getting infected, and then shed many more viruses back into this community, until they all got infected and all died. Without immune people in the mix, what is protecting them????

    ...and your answer is "distance"? ...do we need to distance these statues to a remote island? ...will that then magically protect the 40 vulnerable people?

    I think you need to look in the mirror, and take a closer look at your own words:
    "You would get tons more respect here admitting when you're wrong than this act of trying to make excuses for your claims. — InPitzotl

    ...it is good advice for yourself.

    So again, our discussion is done, as I prefer not to debate with dishonest, disingenuous people. Have a good day.
  • InPitzotl
    InPitzotl, you are very disingenuous.Roger Gregoire
    Nonsense. Here's why.
    You seem to be more interested in finding ways to insult than in giving a straight answer.Roger Gregoire
    Again, that's a "you" problem. See below.
    Let's assume the herd immunity threshold value is 60%.Roger Gregoire
    I'd rather not. You see, your problem throughout this ordeal is that you keep assuming things. We have a real model here, so let's just use it. Keeping the other parameters the same for maximal relevance (80x25, population 500, infection radius of 5, 5 initial infections, same reference unseeded RNG), it turns out that all 20 people die when initial immunization is 333. At 334, we get our first vulnerable survivor. So the threshold is 66.8% (=333/500). That is measured, not assumed.
    And you say, all we need to do is not let these immune people shed virus back into the environment, and we get the protective effect to the other 40 vulnerable people.Roger Gregoire
    No, Roger, I don't say that; you say I say that. What I say is clearly laid out in my very post to this thread... 17 days ago at the time of this post:
    For discussion purposes only, I'll oversimplify. Let's say everyone is either healthy, or vulnerable. I'll grant 1 and 2 literally; vulnerable people who get sick die, and healthy people who get sick become immune. Unstated, for simplicity, let's presume that everyone who is vaccinated becomes immune.

    But here's how the mechanics work. Everyone starts out uninfected, call that state (A). They can become infected, state (B), if exposed to a carrier. A carrier is essentially another person in state (B). Then if the person is healthy, they go to state (C1), immune. If they are vulnerable, they go to state (C2), dead. So in these terms we want to minimize the number of people in state (C2), death by covid.
    Adding in vaccinations, this describes the following state transitions:

    This non-sense about keeping healthy immune people from shedding viruses is entirely a Roger invention. In this model, which I took the trouble to code up for you, keeping immune people from shedding viruses is redundant because immune people aren't carriers (carriers are state B, immune is state C1) and can't become carriers (there's only a transition from B to C1; not C1 to B; i.e., immune people don't become infected). That is precisely the model I have coded up.
    So now I ask -- how do these 60 statues provide protection over the 40 vulnerable people in the community?Roger Gregoire
    They don't. Every vulnerable person actually factually dies in the 60% scenario. But in the 66.8% scenario, exactly one vulnerable person survives. That one person survived in the 66.8% scenario because that one person was not in the extended infection range of any of the initial 5 sick people.

    And this image shows exactly what the difference is:

    In that image, to the left are two views of the 66.6% scenario, no vulnerable survivors. On the right are two views of the 66.8% scenario, 1 survivor. The top views show the full run with the numeric indicators for which round people got sick in. The bottom views show the initial state. The single survivor in the 66.8% is indicated in all four images by the giant red arrow. Let's call that guy Ralph. The critical difference in the initial scenarios... the one additional initially immunized guy, is indicated by the giant orange arrows in all four images. Let's call that guy Olley. The particular "patient zero" responsible for Ralph's death in 66.6% is the one circled in purple; call this guy Paul.

    So in the 66.6% scenario, Ralph dies on round 3 of the simulation. The vector path from Paul to Ralph is shown by the purple paths; there's exactly one such path here. For reference let's name that "1" guy "Smith". Healthy person Olley is infected on round 2 of the 66.6% scenario; Olley's infection contaminates the 5 squares surrounding him (this is the path wrapping around to the left from the right edge; as mentioned earlier, this is on a torus). Ralph is in that contaminated area. In the 66.8% scenario, Olley quite simply doesn't get infected on round 2. Since Olley isn't infected, Olley doesn't produce viruses, and therefore does not contaminate the environment surrounding him on round 2. As a result, Ralph lives.
    In other words, if a virus found its way into this community of now 100% vulnerable people, what would protect them?Roger Gregoire
    This is not "in other words" Roger; it's an entirely different question. If that virus made its way to Ralph, Ralph's a goner. Likewise, in principle, Ralph could still die from other paths as well; Ralph is simply protected along this particular vector path. But as it happens in practice, in the 66.8% scenario, there are no vector paths that could lead to Roger from anywhere because every individual within 5 squares of Ralph is immune (including wrap-around).
    Without immune people in the mix, what is protecting them????Roger Gregoire
    Told ya! But sorry, the answer doesn't change just because you can't understand it. Here is the actual 66.8% run without the immune people per your question.

    ...the same vector paths are drawn. There's Ralph again; giant red arrow. Ollie's simply not there, because this is the 66.8% scenario where he was initially immune, but you are specifying "without immune people in the mix", so that excludes Olley. That leaves that empty spot with the giant orange arrow there. Now Paul contaminates the environment, getting Smith sick in round 1. There's no vector chain to Ralph from Smith, because there's no infect-able Olley in the square.
    ...and your answer is "distance"?Roger Gregoire
    Yes. There's the picture.
    ...do we need to distance these statues to a remote island?Roger Gregoire
    What statue? You could put your red herring anywhere you want; including where Ollie is.
    ...will that then magically protect the 40 vulnerable people?Roger Gregoire
    It's not magic. Ralph doesn't get sick because his environment is never contaminated because no infected person contaminates it. By contrast, in the similar other-universe scenario of 66.6%, Ralph died because he got infected because Olley got infected and contaminated his environment, and Ralph is in said environment. I'm sorry you don't like the answer, but that's a precisely accurate description of exactly what you asked, so this is still just a "you" problem.
    I think you need to look in the mirror, and take a closer look at your own words:Roger Gregoire
    Done! I used the real model (the program), related it to my initial post, computed the exact herd immunity threshold you asked about, found the critical survivor, named him (Ralph); found the initial vector, named him (Paul); found the critical immunized guy defining the threshold, named him (Olley); named the guy one step upstream (Smith), showed you a picture of the evolution steps, drew giant orange arrows to Olley for you, drew giant red arrows to Ralph for you, reran the scenario by removing the vulnerable people, showed the same overlay of the vector paths for you, with the same giant red arrow to Ralph, and an orange arrow drawn to the empty square Olley would have been on, actually discovered to my total lack of surprise that Ralph still survived, and explained exactly why this exact survivor survived in 66.8% and not in 66.6%, in practice, in terms of the same model I've been explaining to you since the first post... this is the same concept of herd immunity you claimed was impossible, explained to the last dotted i and crossed t.

    There isn't much more looking in the mirror taking a closer look at my own words that can possibly be done. Everything I said checks out perfectly.

    Your turn?
    So again, our discussion is done, as I prefer not to debate with dishonest, disingenuous people.Roger Gregoire
    What does "again, our discussion is done" mean?
  • Roger Gregoire
    If, as InPitzotl and some of you others seem to believe, the only role of the immune person in achieving herd immunity is to break vectors of possible virus transmission (i.e. not get infected and transmit the virus back into the environment) then we can easily protect every vulnerable person in our country.

    So here's the plan:

    1. We can do this state by state (or maybe city by city, or community by community). For example, let's take all the immune people in Oklahoma and ship them Arizona, that way we now have 100% certainty that these immune Oklahoman's, that now are in Arizona, will not shed any virus whatsoever back into Oklahoma. Now that we have eliminated all these previously potential viral vectors (routes), then, according to InPitzotl and others, we should now have achieved herd immunity in Oklahoma. All the vulnerable people in Oklahoma are now miraculously protected!

    2. The immune Oklahoman's in Arizona can now return back to Oklahoma, and now everyone in Oklahoma is immune.

    3. Repeat the above process for each of the other states until our entire country is covid free.

    Problem solved!

    If you can't tell, I'm just being facetious. You can't get herd immunity by "breaking vectors"! -- Herd immunity relies on "making vectors", not breaking them. Without immune people being in close proximity to the rest of the herd, there can be no protection to the herd. The further apart immune people get away from the herd, the less the protection.

    When one talks of "breaking vectors" they are talking about "social distancing", which is just the opposite of herd immunity. There can be no herd immunity if the immune separate and isolate from the herd.
  • InPitzotl
    We can do this state by state (or maybe city by city, or community by community). For example, let's take all the immune people in Oklahoma and ship them Arizona, that way we now have 100% certainty that these immune Oklahoman's, that now are in Arizona, will not shed any virus whatsoever back into Oklahoma.Roger Gregoire
    Or, we could practice social distancing.

    Your pathetic attempts to mock has the problem that the people in Oklahoma that you moved to Arizona still exist. They're just in Arizona now, making Arizona that much denser; aka, Oklahoma is made more safe in exchange for Arizona becoming the superspreader state. Now you've got a lot more infected people and a swarm of infections moving from Arizona.

    All you've done is pull off Bob the Dinosaur strategy number 3:

    ...and proven that you're not in fact interested in discussion or rationality, since this plan is horrible in the very scenario you're trying to mock.

    And the reason you're mocking it? Because you're mad that you're wrong. You claimed that herd immunity must mean what you're peddling because the other concept was impossible. It has been basically proven possible in this model. And now, you're just whining.

    Vaccination is ideal here. We can't do that without vaccines, so social distancing is what we practice until we do. Your vacuum cleaner theory is only valuable if it actually works, but the only reason you gave for buying into it is some silly theory that if it's not how it works then herd immunity cannot be a thing. Your value in this community is simply being an example of how to practice a horrible epistemology.
  • Roger Gregoire
    For those of you, like InPitzotl, that have difficulty in understanding the difference between "social distancing" and "herd immunity", I have attached a graphic that makes this difference very clear.

    Bottom-line: herd immunity gives protection by moving healthy immune closer into a herd, and NOT by "distancing" them AWAY from the herd.

  • Book273
    I hate wearing a mask! Mostly because I think it's useless.
  • counterpunch
    I hate wearing a mask! Mostly because I think it's useless.Book273

    Why do you think it's useless?
  • Book273
    My mask is designed to stop over 95% of bacteria, dust and pollen down to 20 microns. The virus is 1.25 microns. My mask is as effective at stopping the virus as using a volley ball net to stop paintballs. Wearing it is a job requirement so only has value in continuing to be employed. Stopping the virus is laughable. Same thing with the safety glasses I am required to wear. Only helpful if someone spits in my eye, the virus can go over, under around, etc. Since no one has spit in my eye in the previous 14 years, why would they suddenly start now?
    Telling us to stop sharing water bottles, that would have an impact on viral spread. Not that I shared water bottles, but you understand my point.

    I did some math when they first mandated these ridiculous things: if my mask were made to stop three foot diameter beach balls, the virus is the size of a golf ball. That is to scale. How helpful is my mask going to be?
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