• Carlo Roosen
    This is a post that was moved to the Lounge because it didn't leave enough room for discussion, as I understand it. Look at the discussion going on there!

  • javi2541997
    To the lounge are not moved the threads with not enough room for discussions but the ones that are not substantial in terms of philosophy. Look at the Ukraine Crisis or Donald Trump threads, for instance. They are probably the most active threads so far, yet they are in The Lounge.

    I posted 44 discussions since I joined TPF, and some of them are in The Lounge. It is not a big deal. It is fine to discuss threads that are not philosophically deep enough.
  • Carlo Roosen
    But mine is about the core of philosophy, limitations of human language and thinking. And fdrake said it was moved to the Lounge because it didn't stimulate discussion. But you'll need the whole thread here to see the context.
  • javi2541997
    Again, I think you are interpreting The Lounge as a punishment for your posts. I don't see any problem with a thread that is located there. There are even cases where the authors posted their discussions in The Lounge directly. Your post didn't get removed, at least. Don't take it personal.
  • Carlo Roosen
    The funny thing is that this whole thing proves that human thinking is broken.

    Read what I said. The same argument is held to me again and again, followed with comments like "you are warned" (which I interpret as a warning of being banned). And that argument is: "your way of making a point (by asking the readers' personal experience) leaves no room for discussion. It is evangelism". And here is an example post that is moved for that very reason, and the discussion is lively.

    Not only lively, it discusses one of my statements, that thinking is powered by language. The objection is that some people think without words. That is new for me, and I think it is valuable input.
  • Carlo Roosen
    The funny thing is that this whole thing proves that human thinking is broken.Carlo Roosen
    not excluding my own thinking for that matter!
  • Carlo Roosen
    O there is one more place where you tell me what I am doing wrong, it makes a little bit more sense here. (Numbering added by me.)

    1) It's a mixture of the content quality,
    2) the content's lack of overlap with academic philosophy or common philosophy discussions,
    3) the style of engagement,
    4) the frequency of thread creation
    5) the singularity of interest in one's own already written work.

    All of those things skirt the rules individually.

    My defense:
    1) opinions on this differ, many people have said they like my pieces
    2) I didn't know that that was a requirement. I explained I have problems with theory-on-theory.
    3) Same here, most discussions are theory-on-theory, I feel little overlap and rather start clean.
    4) I took a year off for this project, and currently I am focussing on this forum. I can write less, but 1st time I hear this argument
    5) I have addressed this is a possible problem from the start and got admins permission
  • fdrake
    There isn't anything more we can do to help you at this point @Carlo Roosen, try your best.

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