Science isn't a self-correcting system though, because it needs guidance from theory and hypothesis
— Metaphysician Undercover
Where's the logic in that? — Wheatley
....”thing” here relates, albeit euphemistically, to “Enlightenment”, not a human. — Mww
So humans are as complex as the whole of nature.
Is that true of every creature?
Sounds intriguing. — Yohan
No, I'm talking about "smiling depression": — baker
Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me, As plurdled gabbleblotchits, On a lurgid bee, That mordiously hath blurted out, Its earted jurtles, grumbling Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming] Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles, Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts, And living glupules frart and stipulate, Like jowling meated liverslime, Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes, And hooptiously drangle me, With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries. Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, See if I don't!
RIP Douglas Adams — Constance
You said "To give a fresh recount is always productive. You say yourself you changed."
OK? Bye again! — Alkis Piskas
The only human “thing”, is its body, as — Mww
I was asking questions about decay. I am not sure if you are seconding my questions or disagreeing with something
Yeah, but that may be just to dig a deeper hole. — Mww
Being human can be a general objective proposition, a universal form — Mww
if you’re into the Greek thing — Mww
empirical anthropology — Mww
sputterchokegasp — Mww
A human, which is a strictly Enlightenment thing, which reduces to proper subjective metaphysics. — Mww
Pick yer own poison, I guess, right? — Mww
The problem is that people can forget that it's just a model. In other words the model used starts to be the reality. — ssu
I need something to do in the cave. Bonus, no reverb — Fooloso4
we have no evidence for any part of the human being other than the body (the"soul", for instance). — Michael Zwingli
I believe that idea systems within the Native American, Celtic and other systems adopt more of a shamanic model, with more of an emphasis on transforming this life as opposed to the way in which mainstream religions often present rigid dogmas and doctrines concerning salvation and ideas of a reward in a life after this one. — Jack Cummins
but I come from the perspective of having been socialised within these traditions. — Jack Cummins
Based upon all the evidence that we have, the objective human being is simply that body existing as an object within objective reality, which I usually like to call "the universe", even though it also comprises space, and whatever may exist within space, which is as yet impossible for us to discern, outside of our universe...perhaps other distant "universes" (which would make our "universe" but one element of a "multiverse"). — Michael Zwingli
Nature as a whole being far more complex than us, is likely to be more conscious than us?
— Yohan — TheMadFool
I would say that the brain is part of the "real me", by my objective self, but something that is had by the subjective "I". — Michael Zwingli
So Christians tailored their message so it would appeal to slaves an all sort of other outcasts and, basically, united them under their banned. Pretty much what the left is doing in the US/EU right now. — stoicHoneyBadger
Ask Hypatia. — Banno
So, what's an example from another discipline in science? What is the general rule broken or mispractice of Bohr? — Bylaw
I can make the prediction that in 200 years everybody participating in this Forum now will be dead. — ssu
and so Christianity did not destroy classical literature. Is that your argument? — Banno
OK. Bye. — Alkis Piskas
Are climate models are more accurate than the weekly horoscopes? — stoicHoneyBadger
Well, if it's artificial stupidity, then it ain't real stupidity. — baker
such as there might be lots of 'schools' of astrology. — stoicHoneyBadger
Maybe. I don't keep up anymore!
So, what is in fashion these days? :smile: — Alkis Piskas
in my thesis — Alkis Piskas