
  • A possible insight into epicurean philosophy
    I declare a new school "epic" epicurean/stoic. I might be on to something. Joking aside, thank you for the info, posts, and comments. I'll check them out.
  • The Existence of God
    The best you can hope for is there may or may not be a god but I will live my life as I choose. Lack of evidence does not prove something doesn't exist.
  • Do human beings have the capacity to determine what is morally right and wrong?
    What is right or wrong is an opinion. We mostly determine how we live and society collectively decides the moral code. So, as an individual, we have the right to determine our own moral beliefs.
  • Heroes make us bad people
    We can aspire to be heroic, even if we will never be a hero. A hero is made not born, I think, from someone preforming heroic acts. A demigod that is inactive is but a potential hero.
  • Is ignorance an absolute?
    I believe a general knowledge is more useful than a specialized pursuit. The interconnections that might occur from a more general knowledge base might enable us to be less ignorant, compared to a specialized knowledge base. Until humans achieve immortality, we simply try to understand what we can before death. Truth is subjective.I think recognizing we are mostly ignorant is knowledge that has value and may spur us on to lessen our ignorance. I feel there is some merit in this, yes.
  • A possible insight into epicurean philosophy
    Couldn't an Epicurean borrow from Stoicism to deal with the occasional pain and maintain an Epicurean lifestyle? I think that's what I do. It seems possible to use both schools.