A good way, to start.This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. — trixie
Correction, I met several transgenders that didn't like me, I wasn't hostile in any case. You will know my stance if you read the thread.So basically, you met one transgender you didn't like, and decided to make a thread about all transsexuals are delusional. — trixie
The thing is, I'm not going to repeat myself each time someone joins the conversation, you can read this 6-pages long thread which is not that long and then contributes to the discussion, if you aren't bothering to even do that then please skip this thread altogether.Why don't you A. Tell us what you didn't like about that particular transgender person, and B tell us this supposed research you did and why your research made you come to the conclusion they were delusional. — trixie
Show us that piece of paper as apparently it contains the absolute truth and we plebians should bow down to it...This is the first absolutely baseless claim we have. As I have a piece of paper in the other room from a mental health facility that has the option of 'transgender' marked under gender... This assertion of yours is absolutely false.
Contrary to what you believe, according to whatever conscious or unconscious ideology you yourself have been conditioned or, more likely, coerced into adopting; being transgender is a legitimate gender identity.
This is furthermore supported by hundreds of colleges and just about every mental health hospital or out-patient clinic you can visit in the whole United States. The reason I know this is because I have personally seen this in about 15 different states. — Blue Lux
You can look it up, or is it too hard for you? I thought everyone was taught this at school.Another completely baseless claim... — Blue Lux
Did I say that? Don't try to put words into my mouth please and you are getting overly emotional here. You completely went off-topic there, its just giving me a headache and so I skipped over it.Science cannot adequately explain how emotions work. You honestly think an anti-depressant fixes the emotions associated with depression? Do you honestly think that science has the upper hand over emotions and consciousness? Are you kidding me? — Blue Lux
Several hundred years ago, people believed that Classical (Newtonian) Mechanics explained the whole universe. Then it was discovered that really massive objects or really fast objects or really small objects obeyed their own laws. We didn't throw out all of Newtonian Physics. But we did make those rules more accurate. Just because someone is popular doesn't make them right about absolutely everything.Ummm. And you want to be a doctor? Freud was a NEUROLOGIST. Jung was a psychiatrist and founded analytical psychology! He was one of the most important psychiatrists to ever live and if it was not for his and Freud's research then psychiatry would be impoverished today, if not non-existent! — Blue Lux
Okay... I think you should take your leave off this discussion. You aren't capable of being civil in a debate, I'm really regretting my decision of answering you in the first place. Whenever or not, you are being polite, I will ignore you from now on. It was a mistake as it seems the 'civilness' you showcased earlier was only enmity and scorn hidden under the veil.ROFL, you really think you are onto something don't you?
You are absolutely wrong. Why don't you go out and ask a trans person?
You are assuming these people are idiots who were coerced into believing that they were not a man or not a woman? You honestly think something could make someone believe that other than that person themselves introspecting and identifying their own psychical disposition, in terms of their possibilities and what they want to become and be a part of, and what forms of intimacy they feel would be most fulfilling? You honestly think a transgender EXPRESSING themselves is really them hypnotized by some prior experience or upbringing? WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All you have are assumptions and abject idle talk. This is getting to be VERY revealing of your own personality. God knows what your sex life consists of! — Blue Lux
That is okay as long as you offer arguments and you are not hostile, I will openly answer you.apologize for insulting you but it seems that you are intransigent and do not want to take into consideration psychological dispositions that 'science' cannot adequately explain with recourse to biology. This irritates me because I have friends who are transgendered and they are not defined by the biological determinants, i.e. their facticity. — Blue Lux
I didn't, you were insulting at the time and I completely skipped over your post. I don't even know what did you wrote there, I can't answer you if I don't understand what you are talking about in the first place.The only definition of an illness you could be referring to is a psychiatric illness, and I recently gave you an analysis of gender based on the thought of the most important psychiatrists of all time. You reject this. — Blue Lux
Don't assume directly that I am lying without further information, it doesn't really help your case.Trans people function just fine. There is absolutely no correlation between their being transgender and frequent stress or inability to function. There is absolutely no aetiological correlation. If you say there is... You are lying. — Blue Lux
I don't understand this part of your post. People aren't their gender based on feeling or body, but by the meaning of sex or gender itself? People are their sex or gender based on their physical and behavioral features. People are also delusional based on the criteria set forth by the medical community itself. People can be deluded about many things, and they don't necessarily have to have a mental condition to delude themselves. Just look at the religious folk.
People who we label as transgender don't just want to act like the opposite sex, they want to BE the opposite sex, which is why they go through sexual reassignment surgery. If it was only about gender, then they would be happy as just dressing like the opposite sex. Shouldn't we be making a distinction then, between transGENDERS and tranSEXUALS? - and is there really such thing as a transsexual when they never fully become the opposite sex - just an fake version of the opposite sex?
Do people that just dress like the opposite sex still claim that they are the opposite sex internally, or do they do it just to feel more comfortable with themselves (as a result of how they were raised and the norms that were established for them at an early age - like their parents treating them as the opposite sex)
Wanting to act like the opposite sex just reinforces the gender dichotomy - as you aren't really trying to break down the barriers between sexes - you want to BE the opposite sex.
Somatic type: delusions that the person has some physical defect or general medical condition (like believing that your body is the wrong sex)
The following can indicate a delusion:
The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force, even when evidence suggests the contradictory.
That idea appears to have an undue influence on the patient's life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion when the patient is questioned about it.
The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.
There is a quality of centrality: no matter how unlikely it is that these strange things are happening to him/her, the patient accepts them relatively unquestioningly.
An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility. They will not accept any other opinions.
The belief is, at the least, unlikely, and out of keeping with the patient's social, cultural, and religious background.
The patient is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of their psyche.
The delusion, if acted out, often leads to behaviors which are abnormal and/or out of character, although perhaps understandable in light of the delusional beliefs.
Individuals who know the patient observe that the belief and behavior are uncharacteristic and alien.
Additional features of delusional disorder include the following:
It is a primary disorder.
It is a stable disorder characterized by the presence of delusions to which the patient clings with extraordinary tenacity.
The illness is chronic and frequently lifelong.
The delusions are logically constructed and internally consistent.
The delusions do not interfere with general logical reasoning (although within the delusional system the logic is perverted) and there is usually no general disturbance of behavior. If disturbed behavior does occur, it is directly related to the delusional beliefs.
The individual experiences a heightened sense of self-reference. Events which, to others, are nonsignificant are of enormous significance to him or her, and the atmosphere surrounding the delusions is highly charged.
— Wikipedia
Transgenders exhibit most, if not all, of these symptoms - especially being oversensitive about their belief and accepting it unquestioningly - similar to the religious.
Any attempt to contradict the belief is met with hostility. Society has even adopted this symptom - just look at the responses to my posts on this forum. Again - no different than the religious.
In diagnosing their condition correctly, we aren't being disrespectful to anyone, just like we aren't being disrespectful when we diagnose an anorexic correctly. We are attempting to help the patient instead of hurting them more by reinforcing their delusion to the point where the pay a doctor handsomely to cut them up. People that don't get this are inconsistent are actually the haters they label others to be. — Harry Hindu
We can agree on this at least, personality is molded through life experiences, it only showcases that these people went through something that caused them to develop such a delusion as to think, they are 'beyond' reality. Either through mob mentality or just some life experiences, its very much a delusion.The personality is fluid. It contains all sorts of potentialities. Consciousness is potentiality. Consciousness consists of it's relation to its potentialities. A consciousness and furthermore a personality is not defined by the expressed. — Blue Lux
One could say that transgenders are delusional and western society has adopted the delusion and propagated it into a mass delusion to the point of verbally assaulting and labeling those that don't participate in the delusion, all while arguing that we shouldn't put labels on people. :brow: Go figure. :roll: — Harry Hindu
What I think defines me?In relation to gender, this is the same. When you close your eyes you realize that everything you claim to be is contingent on what you think defines you, in relation to others. But the single fact is that, aside from all of this, you are something greater and that you yourself contain every identifyable condition or potentiality, and with this one can identify with their personality and understand who they are themselves, aside from the seemingly contingent nature of understanding oneself. In realizing ones absolute freedom from concepts one can be whatever the feel to be, and they can act and behave and conduct themselves in whatever manner comes about, and if this manner becomes defined by others, so be it, it is authentic. — Blue Lux
So... You are admitting they are delusional, that what they do is not authentic because it is not acknowledged by others, those others who rely on facts, reality and not feelings.they can act and behave and conduct themselves in whatever manner comes about, and if this manner becomes defined by others, so be it, it is authentic. — Blue Lux
You being gay is not a mental illness, throw that notion away, that's people being misinformed, it's in fact perfectly natural. Homosexuality is observed in other animals like birds, lions, and even foxes. It's not exactly a common thing in species, it leads to a dead-end in a lineage but it doesn't really matter all that much when we have seven billion people on Earth.I am gay. In being gay I have been told that 'my condition,' as if who I am is some sort of definable, psychiatric quality that needs to be tested in a lab for the purpose of intrusive pontification, makes me more susceptible to mental illness. This relates to gender very well, as it is completely non-sequitur. It is a metaphor. — Blue Lux
and I am shallow? Actually, the idea of tree and plant was from Nietsche's On Truth and Untruth, not from me. Nietzsche is shallow. — Blue Lux
You are not worth my time if you continue being so hostile. There is a complete disregard of my arguments, you are openly insulting me. I don't see why I should even read your posts anymore. I will ignore you from now on.And that is because you are a piece of sh$t. — Blue Lux
Are you going to take it literally? I wouldn't slap anyone in reality unless they really went overboard, in this case, I"ll just call the police since there is a pervert lurking around in the women's private areas.And you would be charged with assault. So much for being tolerant. — Akanthinos
This is quite a controversial subject to most people, if you get offended easily then I politely ask of you to ignore this thread. Thank you. — Terran Imperium
I apologize if I appeared like a close-minded bitch but when two people in a debate have a constant passive-aggressive or sometimes outright aggressive behavior, it makes one angrier than they should be and they answer in kind which I kind of did.Although I disagree with Terran Imperium and find them a lot less open then they claim to be, I don't think calling them those things will change anything. The same goes with @Harry Hindu. It just breeds more toxicity and doesn't change their minds. Some just want things to stay the "natural" way, even though I, as well as you it seems, see a lot of incredible good that can be had by tossing those conventions to the side. — yatagarasu
Exactly, you are so much more eloquent than me really, I don't think I could have explained it better than you just did now.If a man can wear a dress and make-up then obviously these acts are not what it means to be a woman that transcends biology. There is no transcendental aspect to being a man or woman. It is determined by sex. Gender is simply an arbitrary set of rules for the expected behavior of the different sexes in some culture. You either follow them or you don't. The fact that we can break these rules should be evidence of this. We cannot break the rules of sex though. Once you are born a man, your body tries to revert back to a man after "sexual reassignment surgery" and is why the man has to have stents in his wound in order to prevent it from closing. — Harry Hindu
It doesn't relate to the subject at hand at all. The comparison is shallow, you cannot compare a tree to a human in linguistic, they each have a different weight, a male would be masculine and a female, feminine. Is it hard? I'll answer for you. No.What about linguistic gender? Why is tree masculine and plant feminine in German? What are these demarcations of knowledge?
They are arbitrary. — Blue Lux
Again, it's a shallow comparison, the accent doesn't relate to this at all. It has no basis in reality, unlike pronouns.But language is a character performance, really. We show who we want to show, in the end. If I'm at a stripper bar in Montreal I stop using my French accent and switch to my French-Canadian backwater town lexicon. Its just safer. We all perform the language. If its too hard for you to change your performance slightly to help someone who has or has had issues that you are lucky to never have, then I dont recognize in you the same great culture that has fostered tolerance and defended human rights. — Akanthinos
I am sorry but you are merely playing with words there. Let's say we are talking from our perception of a door. Does that mean a door is not really a door but its a concept we impose on the object? If you understand what I mean. Sex refers to your genitalia. I don't think its that hard to understand. The split between the two definitions gender/sex is definitely not helpful as you said. It doesn't solve anything as it was supposed to in first place. It only made it worse in the end.I wasn't thinking you were denying bodies are what they are (though you might do so if I was to talk about some intersex bodies).
My point the idea of sex you are using claims bodies are more than bodies. If I take a body, let's say one with XX chromosomes, a womb, breasts, a vagina, etc., your position proclaims it must belong to the sex category/sex identity of "female." It is subsuming our linguistical/conceptual/social practice of "female sex" into the body itself. You say such a body must be "female" when such a categorisation is not actually given in the existence of body.
A body with XX chromosomes, a womb, breasts, a vagina, etc. might be categorised any number of ways. We might have such a body and not refer to it be a sex at all. We might categorise such a body as "male ". The body itself doesn't pose a meaning of sex itself. It will be a Y chromosomes, a womb, breasts, a vagina, etc., not matter which category we place it in.
A body being present doesn't suppose anything "male" or "female."
This is why people using your categories have to say: Well, that body is definitely female because XZY...". If the present of a body did suppose sex, we wouldn't have to suppose an extra understanding over the body we already know. I would be able to think: "There's a body with XX chromosomes, a womb, breasts, a vagina, etc." and understand them "female" without engaging with sex as a distinction.
Yet, sex is a distinction. It means something distinct to "there is a body with...". Sex is not contained within the body. It always remains a seperate concept/meaning. The step of placing the body in the extra meaning of "sex" has to be taken. — TheWillowOfDarkness
It is because they depend on each other, still. The distinction between sex and gender differentiates a person's biological sex (the anatomy of an individual's reproductive system) from that person's gender, which can refer to either social roles based on the sex of the person (gender role) or personal identification of one's own and secondary sex characteristics. Which is your overall physical appearance. That is the definition of gender and that is the definition of sex as we know it. Do you understand what I mean, now? Gender depends on sex but sex doesn't depend on gender. Sex is a biological reality.Gender: the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
Sex: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
Again, look over literature regarding gender. They are different things, shown by the bolded text. The brain processing physical appearances first doesn't mean they are the same thing. It is how I can be a male (sexually) and dress/act like a women (gender). So I am taking on the physical role of a man, while taking on the social/cultural role of a women. This cannot be that confusing. — yatagarasu
You are simply wrong. — Blue Lux
Of course, something is lost. The integrity of a language. You do not get to change the rules of a language because it hurts your feelings, the world won't bend itself over because it hurts your feelings. So what? It's something that everyone experience and I don't see people making manifestations in the streets or asking people to change two thousand years of the history of a language just because. At some point, as I said, it is not the evolution of language that you or others are doing, its the imposition of language. It's completely two different things.Okay it'll sound bad to the ear for a while, but otherwise nothing is lost. — Akanthinos
I am sorry but I don't understand the point you are laying out here. Gender is based as much on your behavior and clothes as it is on your physical appearance. In fact, the brain process first the physical appearance to determine whenever or not you can call the person in front of you she or he. Then the rest comes after.Please review feminist literature and then form your opinion on the idea of gender. Gender is not being "redefined", it is/was already defined but you don't want to accept the common definition. How is that being open minded? Physicality is not necessarily male any more than being prim and proper is intrinsically female. That is the core of many of the movements that define the norms we see as gender(s). Throughout most of history sex and gender have fit like a glove, but by definition they do not have to, and we have hit that moment in history. It is no longer as necessary to be physically fit and able to lift 100 kg as a man to survive, and it is no longer necessary to hold onto certain stereotypical ways women acted, as the end all be all. That is why the idea of gender exists, to delineate between what is physical (sex), and what is not (gender). — yatagarasu
That would be interesting to see actually. If I could, its something that I'll support, the study and recovery of the English language in an official institute would be beneficial to it as a whole. And it will be less likely for random people running around in the streets to add previously unknown pronouns to the language or change the foundations its based on entirely.The English-speaking world could do with an Academy of English. Considering how much French was shoved down Anglo Saxon throats by W the C in an act of mass Franco-fellatio, maybe L'Académie Française could open a branch in London and New York to supervise the Francophile Contribution to English.
I'll volunteer to head up the Anglo Saxon Vocabulary Recovery Program. — Bitter Crank
Il me semble que vous etes incapable de comprendre la langue française. Ce que vous etes en train de me demander, en comparaison est d'utiliser le pronon masculin pour une table. 'le table' 'un table'. Cela n'a absolument aucun sense! Un homme est un homme, et une femme est une femme. C'est aussi simple que ça! Je ne vais pas utiliser le pronon féminin 'elle' pour un homme.Yes, God forbids one shows the decency of calling people by their prefered method. I mean, where does it ends?* Will I have to call my bratty pink haired tripled nose peirced agendered cousin 'my lady' just cause zxche'll sue me if I dont?
* A fine exemple of a slippery-slope fallacy.
Et bordel de merde, si tes capable de comprendre qu'une table est au feminin en langue de Voltaire, tu devrais pas avoir trop de misere avec l'idee d'appeler un mec 'elle'.
For those cursed with a lack of frogspeak, this translate to 'and bordello of crap, if you can learn to use the feminine for a table, in french, you should be able to wrap your head around the idea of calling a man 'she' '. — Akanthinos
I will ignore you from now on as you seem incapable of formulating a proper argument and is trying to find an opportunity to politely call me in more sophisticated words, ignorant and cold. Good try, better than the last one at least.That something is a statistical anomaly (or seems to be) has not bearing on wether or not its relevant to the subject at hand. If there is a third, fourth and fifth gender, and that each totals only 0.0001% of the living population, you don't get to erase them from existence simply because you dislike SJWs on the internet.
That you describe intersex people as "ill" or "deficient" is pretty telling. Your lack of empathy and sophistication should in itself be considered a deficiency and an illness. — Akanthinos
That is running around the question in the first place, most transgender people run through a few surgeries to grow breasts and other such female traits in the case of a transgender woman. In fact most transgender people that I met tell me that there is no difference between gender and sex and that thinking otherwise is me adhering to this:A few questions: Are you calling them delusional in their transgender-ism or in their support of the concept of gender through their transgender-ism? Sex and gender are not the same thing. When they reference their preferred pronouns they are asking (not enforcing) that you pay attention to their gender not their sex. That is why they are transgender, not transsexual. — yatagarasu
It is indeed. Its a common double standard in favor of women, unfortunately. Another example is, old women, oiling up a handsome young muscled man is good but old men oiling up a hot and fit young woman is creepy. I noticed that even in my mind it sounded creepy while I thought the former one is not but when you compare them... It's different and it change your perspective, it makes you take a step back and think about it for a second. It actually gives me chills by how societal biases affect my way of thinking on a day to day basis even when I'm considering myself to be an objective and logical person.Shoes are less contentious. If you were a man and wore dresses the situation would be much different. — MindForged
Thank you since you provided me an actual argument here. The thing is my point still apply here if I'm wearing Jordans, it doesn't mean I'm telling people I am male! It's just a fashion preference.I didn't talk about attitudes or personality. I brought up more tangible things: how people dress according to how their society deems appropriate for their gender (colors and style, for example), bodily features that are usually associated with a particular biological sex but aren't exclusive to it, the kind of norms (especially social) we apply to particular genders. — MindForged
I apologize in advance if I am offending you or your friend in the following words.The tomboy comparison isn't sufficient here. I've a transwoman whose a friend of mine who's a music professor. She used to tell me how she knew she was different since she was a kid for various reasons: she preferred to play with "girl toys", she would take every opportunity to dress and act like a woman, and had visceral reactions to depictions of herself in typically male dress and such. She wasn't delusional, she had (and still has, if less so) gender dysphoria. She wasn't delusional, it's just her gender identity does not match what is expected from her sex.
Short of presupposing that she is inherently wrong for being the way she is, I don't see what the argument is here. Perhaps some people go too far in their views about sex and gender. I don't know, I don't personally have a great deal of interest in it. But the core of it seems extremely plausible unless we make arbitrary moral assumptions and completely disregard people's experience despite hat experience playing a crucial role in how they view and act with respect to the gender they have. — MindForged
Those are what you call an exception. People with DSD or hermaphrodite persons does not constitute a third sex. You do not use exceptions as a generalization. It's a genetical deficiency, you do not use an illness as a general truth.Bloody christ you are arguing from ignorance. Intersex and androginy are real things. — Akanthinos
It wasn't how I started the discussion, it wasn't even the main subject of our discussion and I barely mentioned it in a few words in 300 words long post, they only nitpicked that and started a heated debate that I didn't want anything in.To treat this as a simple issue, well, your initial post makes it clear you don't understand the basics of the topic at hand. You may have been insulted by whoever (I don't care honestly), but you are probably partly to blame if you acted as you did in your OP. Calling transgender people delusional, calling people you disagree with delusional, using dictionary definitions over the definitions used in academia. These do not endear you to anyone, it would piss me off if this was how you started your other discussion because it doesn't even meet the minimum of niceties one expects in discussions. — MindForged
Look, you can't. It's a biological reality. There aren't 17 genders, It's a fact that you can't change, it's how humanity is built and more than a few species actually.That reveals a rather striking lack of imagination. You could have 17 genders if all of them had a different historical basic function toward reproduction and gestation. There is absolutely nothing which demands that it gender be binary, other then the convenience and usefulness of it being so. — Akanthinos
That's just jumping around the context of my words.Of course you can. The patient may not like it, it may not be legal, it's very bad manners, but it is definitely possible. — Bitter Crank
Same here. Of course, my choice of word might have been poor. Although as I said the context of my words were pretty clear about that.Of course you can. Anyone can "pretend" anything. The audience may not believe the fakery, the fakery may not be performed very well, and one may not be rewarded for one's efforts, but it is possible. — Bitter Crank
This is something I agree with completely and it's an opinion I support.One of the phenomena we are confronted with a lot these days is excessive sensitivity to real or imagined slights, an epidemic of narcissism, and extremely inflexible ideology. So you have people whose ideology (feminism, just one of several) is very reactive. They are always set to go off when stepped on (like land mines), and their bellyaching is amplified in an echo chamber.
Of course it's possible for a man to imagine he is a woman, and visa versa. If they are good actors, he can fake it convincingly. Ditto for women who imagine they are men. I say, "Go right ahead. Imagine what you want, and if you can pull it off, you can act as if your fantasies are real. If you can't, people will just laugh at you. If you are an interesting person (whatever else you are) I'll be polite--I might even want to be your friend. What I won't do is join the show. I'm not going to pretend that you are actually a woman. If you have a penis, testicles, beard, xy chromosomes, and so on--all in working order, you can go to a chop shop and get remodeled, take estrogen, get your breasts enlarged, change your hair, wardrobe, etc. and you may look just like a woman. But to me you are still a man, (and visa versa if you are a woman imagining herself to be a man). — Bitter Crank
That is obviously not possible. You are either female or male. You can't be something in between or a third weird gender, especially as we humans are a mammalian species. There are only two genders. Its a fact that cannot change.And, by this definition trans-genderism is the matter of somebody's personal self-identification. Both definitions open a way for changing gender. But what about "no gender"? — Number2018
What I meant is, the initial subject is as to why they come knocking at my door and as to why I was insulted in the first place. It all comes down back to feminism and transgenderism and their ideologies which I don't particularly agree with and their intrusive nature when I didn't ask for it in those cases.This is your post I was responding to. I can understand being annoyed by people who, uninvited, knock on your door to declaim something or another, or who insult you on the Internet. So, I suggested that's what you found objectionable, not the fact they're transgender or feminist. But, your last response to me was to the effect that my suggestion was inaccurate. If that's the case, though, it would seem we may infer that you do, indeed, find it objectionable that people are transgender or feminist.
That's unfortunate, but it's not their problem, nor should you make it a problem for them. — Ciceronianus the White
Here is the thing since you seem incapable of understanding the context of my words. I spoke in my first post why I was insulted on the internet in the first place. It revolves around the transgender and the feminist movement. I started this discussion to understand them better and lay out my way of thinking and my view on them if you read my first posts, you will see what I am talking about.Then it would seem what you found offensive was the fact they knocked on your door saying things you thought stupid, and insulted you on the internet, not the fact they were transgender or feminist. Why bring up gender ideology, or feminism in that case? — Ciceronianus the White
Blah blah blah blah blah.
You have way to many false premises for me even to begin. — Blue Lux
You fatalistic, abject muppet! — Blue Lux
Prove that the hyle's existence and authenticity is the result of a neural impulse
Faith is all you have! — Blue Lux
I will not answer someone who doesn't seem capable of formulating a proper argument. I think if you reword it more politely and in a way everyone can understand, people then might consider you words. Otherwise, you are just making a fool out of yourself.In other words... The aetiological state of affairs based on this abstraction necessitates this abstraction delivering us to the conclusion that this abstraction is a truthful abstraction.
What a truth you have ascertained! — Blue Lux
Yes, it is harmful when you are treating someone with mental disillusions, normally, or in a more extreme example, treating a murderer, normally. Its a denial of the reality in front of them. Certainly when they demand of people to use previously unknown pronouns for their unique person. What a level of pretentiousness and ego. I will not change my language to fit someone's delusional world nor agree with their political view.Ah. So if we merely treat them as we would anyone else, we encourage them. Yes, that makes sense. — Ciceronianus the White
If you read my previous posts more carefully, you'll notice that I didn't particularly care nor put much attention to the transgender people or the feminists until the later comes knocking on my door spouting stupidities and the former insulting me on the internet. No one would dedicate time to talk about a subject they aren't concerned about or doesn't affect them in any way. I'll be pretty stupid and hateful if I despised those people for no reason what so ever.I can't help but feel that controversies of this kind arise from our regrettable tendency to disturb ourselves over matters which are not in our control. Sometimes, that tendency expresses itself in a desire to control or efforts to control that which properly speaking is not in our control, or condemn those who are not in our control for doing things which are not in our control. We should stop doing this sort of thing, I think, and as the saying goes mind our own goddamn business. Yes, I invoke the wisdom of the Stoics here, though I doubt they characterized that wisdom in quite this way. Perhaps they should have.
If it causes no harm to others, it shouldn't matter that X is biologically male or female but identifies otherwise. We may think it odd or strange or even wrong, but we must resign ourselves to the fact that we can't make others do or think as we please, and shouldn't try to, unless harm will result, and not merely harm to our sense of what's proper. If there are circumstances where it may cause harm, deal with those situations as they may arise to prevent harm. There are ways to address such things intelligently. We shouldn't make decisions, however, based on such concerns as--"what will happen if some bird-man wants us to pay his medical bills?" — Ciceronianus the White