I don't see where Plato's concept differs from ours. — Amity
(889b-c) Emphasis added.Fire, water, earth and air all exist by nature and chance, they say, and none of these exist by artifice. And the bodies that then come after these, those of the earth, sun, moon and stars, have come into being through these four, entirely soulless entities. They move by chance, each according to its particular power, in such a way that they come together, combining somehow with their own, hot with cold, dry with moist, soft with hard and so on for any mixture of opposites that is produced, of necessity, according to chance. In this way, based upon these processes the whole heaven has come into existence and everything under heaven, including animals and indeed all the plants too, and from these all the seasons have arisen, not through intelligence, they say, or through the agency of a god, or through artifice, but, according to them, through nature and chance.
(619b)‘Even for the person who comes up last, but chooses intelligently and lives in a disciplined way, an acceptable life rather than a bad one, awaits. The first to choose must not be careless, and the last must not be despondent.’
(619c-d)He was one of the people who had come from the heaven and had lived his previous life under an orderly system of government, where any share of excellence he had came from habit in the absence of philosophy. And, generally speaking, those who had come from the heaven were more likely to be caught out in this way, since they had no training in dealing with suffering, while those who had come out of the earth, for the most part, having had experience of suffering themselves, and having seen others suffer, did not make their choices in a hurry. This, and the element of chance from the lot, is why most souls undergo an interchange of what is good and what is bad.
(619d-e)Yet if someone were to engage in philosophy, consistently, in a sound manner, whenever he comes back to live in this world, unless he is among the last to choose, it is likely not only that he would be happy whilst here, but also that his journey from here to there, and back here again, would be a smooth journey through the heaven, rather than rough and underground.
(620 c-d)When his turn came, he remembered all his former troubles, gave up the love of honour he had held previously, and went about for a long time seeking the life of an ordinary man with a private station. And he found it with difficulty, lying about somewhere, neglected by everyone else. And he said, when he saw it, that he would have done the same thing even had he been given first choice, and he chose it gladly.
The polls could change. Thump might do or say something disastrous. — Baden
“Polls’ true utility isn’t in telling us who will win, but rather in roughly how close a race is — and, therefore, how confident we should be in the outcome.” Historically, candidates leading polls by at least 20 points have won 99 percent of the time. But candidates leading polls by less than 3 points have won just 55 percent of the time. In other words, races within 3 points in the polls are little better than toss-ups — something we’ve been shouting from the rooftops for years.
Because I believe in science ... — Baden
1) Discussing ideas and issues that arise in the part of the dialogue.we are reading.
2) Discovering how those ideas and issues are addressed by Plato in the larger context of the whole of the dialogue and other dialogues.
We all start with the first. We might do this without ever going too far into the second.
I decided rather than continue with Fooloso4' Book 10 discussion that I need to read the whole Republic. — Amity
An equality of all possible fates. — Paine
(618b-c)And this, dear Glaucon, it seems is the moment of extreme danger for a human being, and because of this we must neglect all other studies save one. We must pay the utmost attention to how each of us will be a seeker and student who learns and finds out, from anywhere he can, who it is who will make him capable and knowledgeable enough to choose the best possible life ...
Republic V contains two revolutionary proposals for the social organisation of the ideal state — The Role of Women in Plato's Republic - C. C. W. Taylor
(366e-367a)And no one, so far, either in poetry or in ordinary language, has described in a sufficiently detailed argument what each does, itself, by its own power, when present in the soul of its possessors, unnoticed by gods and humans, an argument according to which injustice is the worst of all the evils that any soul can have within itself, while justice is the greatest good.For if you had all described it in these terms from the beginning, and convinced us of this from our earliest years, we would not have been acting as one another’s guardians for fear we might behave unjustly, but each of us would himself be his own guardian, for fear that by acting unjustly he would have to live with the worst evil of all.’
Did you not think the missing sections to be important as to an understanding and assessment of Book 10's value? — Amity
misleading, and emotionally manipulative — Benkei
An intended irony or just plain sarcasm? — Amity
To talk of justice at the same time as comparing men and women. — Amity
Or, as mentioned above, it may be typical Platonic irony, taken to the extreme, the boundary of hypocrisy. — Metaphysician Undercover
Are you not aware,” said I, “that our soul is immortal and is never destroyed?”
And he looked at me, in amazement, and said, “By Zeus, I am not, but are you able to say this?” (608d)
(40c)… the dead person is nothing and has no perception of anything …
(595b)… knowing things as they actually are.
A way of life that does not talk about itself. — Paine
Plato critiques poetry and the arts for being imitative, potentially misleading, and emotionally manipulative, distancing people from truth and rational understanding. — Benkei
The laws of a city is an imitation of natural laws. — I like sushi
The human 'soul' is a 'natural law'. — I like sushi
So, perhaps a resolution of everything before? — Amity
book 10 is weird and some would say adds nothing of much value to the whole work's argument. — Jamal
Again, the crucial thing is that the real Simonides is unimportant. The new element is that because of this he can function as a blank canvas onto which Plato can project his ideal poet, in contrast with Homer, who is problematic.
(Phaedrus 275d)For the offspring of the painter’s skill stand before us like living creatures, but if you ask them a question, they are very solemnly silent. And the same goes for written words. You might assume that they are speaking with some degree of intelligence, but if you wish to learn from them and you ask them a question about what they are saying, they just point to one thing and it is always the same.
(Protagoras 347e)... poets who cannot be questioned about the topic they are speaking of. And when the majority of people quote them in discussions, some say the poet means one thing while others say he means something else, and they end up discussing matters they are unable to resolve.
he could be intentionally associating the poets with tyrants and injustice without actually saying so — Jamal
Your point is broadly good, but Socrates does on the surface mean to show that Simonides and other wise men could not have --- or at least probably did not --- say it. — Jamal
(332a)Then when Simonides says that giving back what is owed is just, he is not referring to this sort of thing but to something else.
(332b)Is this what Simonides means, according to you?
in the OP I took things. in a different direction with a view to uncovering a possible covert criticism. — Jamal
(607c).. let’s declare that if someone is able to put forward an argument as to why there should be poetry and imitation, whose aim is pleasure, in a well-regulated city, we would gladly receive these back again, because we realise that we are still charmed by them.
(Republic 514a)an image of our nature in its education and want of education.
Cephalus might be suggesting here that unlike many of the masses, he is not "filled with foreboding and fear," because he has not found many injustices in his life. — Jamal
Quite how your post relates to the OP, though, I am struggling to understand, because you don't actually say (except to suggest that the question of attribution is secondary, and the bit about P's appeal to authority). — Jamal
(emphasis added)SOCRATES: So if someone tells us it is just to give to each what he is owed, and understands by this that a just man should harm his enemies and benefit his friends, the one who says it is not wise. I mean, what he says is not true. For it has become clear to us that it is never just to harm anyone. — 335e
In other words, since the definition is false it cannot have originated from a wise person, and since Simonides et al were wise, it follows that it did not originate from them. — Jamal
On the surface, Socrates, not content with having refuted the definition, is rather facilely associating it with real injustice, and we get the feeling that he has just made it up. In doing so he is probably suggesting that the definition is merely the biased opinion of self-serving rulers. — Jamal
Now, at this point in the Republic, the problem with poets has not yet come up — Jamal
Since nobody in the conversation seems to know for sure where the definition originated, and since Socrates is well aware of this and does not even pretend that he knows for sure himself, he could be intentionally associating the poets with tyrants and injustice without actually saying so. — Jamal
And his good character. He says that wealth is not enough. — Jamal
Indeed, the possession of wealth has a major role to play in ensuring that one does not cheat or deceive someone intentionally,
For mark my words, Socrates,” said he, “once someone begins to think he is about to die, fears and concerns occur to him about issues that had not occurred to him previously. For the stories told about people in Hades, that someone who has acted unjustly whilst here must pay a penalty when he arrives there, stories that were laughable before then, torment his soul at that stage, for fear they might be true. (330d-e)
(331b)Indeed, the possession of wealth has a major role to play in ensuring that one does not cheat or deceive someone intentionally, or again, depart to that other world in fear because some sacrifices are still owed to a god, or some money to another person.
(329c)a raving and savage slave master
(331e)Well,” said I, “it certainly is not easy to disbelieve Simonides, for he is a wise and divine man. But although you probably appreciate what precisely he is saying, Polemarchus, I do not understand it.
(332a)Then when Simonides says that giving back what is owed is just, he is not referring to this sort of thing but to something else.
(332b-c)“In that case,” said I, “it seems Simonides was speaking in riddles, as poets do, when he spoke of what is just. For apparently he had in mind that what is just is this: ‘giving back what is appropriate to each’. But to this he gave the name ‘what is owed’".
(335e)So, if someone maintains that it is just to give back what is owed to each, and by this he means that harm is owed to enemies by the just man, and benefit is owed to friends, the person saying this was not wise for he did not speak the truth, since it has become evident to us that there are no circumstances in which it is just to harm anyone. [Emphasis added.]
(335e)… anyone [who] maintains that Simonides, or Bias, or Pittacus, or any other wise and blessed man, has said so.
(331e)“Then tell me,” said I, “you, the inheritor of the argument, what do you say Simonides says, and says correctly,about justice?”
(327e)Could we not persuade you that you should let us leave?
(330a)Cephalus,” said I, “did you inherit most of what you have, or did you acquire it yourself?”
(330b)As a money-maker, I am sort of midway between my grandfather and my father. For my grandfather, whose name I bear, having inherited about as much wealth as I have now acquired, made many times as much as this again. Then my own father, Lysanias, reduced the wealth below its present value, while I would be pleased if I could leave just as much as I inherited to these lads here, and a little more besides.
(331e)Well,” said I, “it certainly is not easy to disbelieve Simonides, for he is a wise and divine man. But although you probably appreciate what precisely he is saying, Polemarchus, I do not understand it.
What do you understand under the term Transcendentalist "genius?" — Jafar
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart, is true for all men-that is genius.
I wonder if we can get past these factors? — Tom Storm
Agreed, but the purpose behind that examination and evaluation is to figure out how other's thoughts fit into your own understanding of how the world works. If they don't fit, then you can either reject them, change your own understanding, or do a little of both. — T Clark
... many of us here disagree with Fooloso4’s opinion. — T Clark
stop [him] from putting [his] thoughts into words — T Clark
It is critical and evaluative. It is dialogical in a double sense - both a dialogue with others and a dialogue with oneself. — Fooloso4
You should appreciate the irony of him giving his personal preference without justification in this instance. — T Clark
I think it's also important to be able to formulate an idea and also be challenged on it. — Jafar
... dialogue with others should be impersonal. — Fooloso4
(Chapter 16)practice extreme tenuousness
I'm curious about the introspection part. How do you critically evaluate your own thoughts? — Jafar
I'm very interested in how other people ask "good" questions. — Jafar
You shouldn’t let it stop you from putting your thoughts into words. — T Clark
I feel like I never really have anything to say on a given topic, or I feel that I do not know enough about a given subject to say anything meaningful. — Jafar
I really value philosophy as a means of introspection and a way to practice it, but I also get the impression that there is a lot to learn from others through discussion. — Jafar
It is dialogical in a double sense - both a dialogue with others and a dialogue with oneself. — Fooloso4
I feel like I never really have anything to say on a given topic, or I feel that I do not know enough about a given subject to say anything meaningful. — Jafar
I ask you to place yourself in the shoes of some form of supreme being, whatever that may be or mean to you. — Benj96
Maybe it's their right to do so. — Eros1982
Turning Kamala into a hero overnight, crediting her with qualities she does not have, etc. — Eros1982
These media do not sound serious or sincere every time that election approaches. — Eros1982
For instance, what does Trump traveling to the 9/11 memorial with a 9/11 conspiracy theorist imply? — praxis
Labour conditions, human rights, pollution and build quality are all issues. — Benkei
To say that 12x12 =144 is a hinge proposition is to think of it as a rule for arriving at the product 144. — Joshs
(OC 341)That is to say, the questions that we raise and our doubts depend on the fact that some
propositions are exempt from doubt, are as it were like hinges on which those turn.
(OC 342)That is to say, it belongs to the logic of our scientific investigations that certain things are in
deed not doubted.
(OC 343).If I want the door to turn, the hinges must stay put.
The result of a calculation can be true or false but the rule for arriving at the result is neither true nor false. The rule merely stipulates the criterion for determining what would constitute the correct or incorrect answer. — Joshs