... I am not supporting the simulation hypothesis in any form. I'm looking for likely ways to debunk it, ... — noAxioms
That means that yes, even the paper and pencil method, done to sufficient detail, would simulate a conscious human who would not obviously know he is being simulated. — noAxioms
22% of people believe that eating meat is immoral and 88% don't. — Michael
1. A p-zombie is physically identical to us except that it has no consciousness — Michael
Touche.Everybody seems to think we're all the same. It's really hard to grasp that we aren't. — frank
I get subtle movements, which could be described as shivers as you say. Is this what they mean by thinking in words or an inner monologue, where neither the act of speaking nor any actual words are involved? — NOS4A2
There is nothing occurring that I could call a voice. — NOS4A2
Only some people have it. — frank
Do you believe that billiard balls experience impacts in the same sense that football players experience impacts? — petrichor
I can't imagine how, if there is actually no experience, there could be a situation where it nevertheless seems that there is an experience. — petrichor
I can't imagine how, if there is actually no [theatre in the head], there could be a situation where it nevertheless seems that there is [a theatre in the head]. — petrichor
I have a hard time with eliminativism or illusionism. I can't imagine how, if there is actually no experience, there could be a situation where it nevertheless seems that there is an experience. — petrichor
More generally, there is a literal world of difference between a matrix world in which real humans are immersed in a digital world that they believe is real, and a simulated world with simulated humans - — unenlightened
There can be no escape from the simulation for simulated persons, if such are possible, and since for them it is their only world, for them it is reality, and the programmer is God. — unenlightened
(you don't have to agree, I'm just giving shape to the way the axioms work with a familiar example.) — unenlightened
whether or not we should describe perception as "seeing representations" or "seeing the external world stimulus" is an irrelevant issue of semantics. It's like arguing over whether we feel pain or feel the fire. — Michael
Yes. The broken leg is the trauma. The brain activity (or the mental phenomena it causes) is the pain. — Michael
And yet as I said we can recognise trauma without "feeling pain" (e.g. congenital insensitivity to pain) — Michael
and we can feel pain without recognising trauma (e.g. headaches). — Michael
We don’t just associate pain with trauma; we feel pain in response to trauma. They are two separate things. — Michael
I don’t need a language to be in pain. Pre-linguistic humans had headaches. — Michael
Sure. I'm not totally averse to saying that mental phenomena just is brain activity. What I'm averse to is the claim that being in pain has something to do with me saying "I am in pain" — Michael
would that be tantamount to accepting that gravity is mystical? — frank
You don't have to think of experience as a collection of ghosts, though. You can just note that you do see red, and leave it unexplained exactly how. — frank
You put a red ball and a blue ball in front of me. I can see that one is red and one is blue. I don't need to do or say anything that you can interpret as me "seeing red" or "seeing blue". — Michael