
  • The significance of meaning

    forget all that talk of "meaning"

    the word doesnt stand for anything.

    language is nothing but sounds and shapes that get associated to recorded sense data in the mind
  • The significance of meaning
    People who don't recognize my brilliance are simply afraid of the truth! Yeah, that's it.Eee

    the above is caused by the below

    An maybe 'ego' also whispers to us about some true nature that isn't really thereEee
  • The significance of meaning
    That we understand only what we make?Eee

    “Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”

    ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    ego prevents people from seeing themselves for what they really are. which blocks true knowledge of what the mind is and how it works, which prevents the construction of A.I.
  • The significance of meaning
    We're already here doing that.Eee

    if you cant bulid a mind yet, then you still dont really understand it
  • The significance of meaning
    Explain using meaningless mystical meanings, I suppose?Eee


    explain what the mind is in substance and how it works in process

    forget "meaning"
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    new conspiracy theory: trump is telling the truth and the entire justice system, congress, and media, are all in a giant conspiracy against him.

    i call this new conspiracy theory: trump supporter.
  • Emotions and Intellect
    start feeling the emotions physically firstPfhorrest

    1- beliefs which are subconscious
    2- emotional reaction to your own beliefs
    3- thought reaction to your emotions

    cause and effect
  • The significance of meaning
    The works of Shakespeare exist because they have meaning. That meaning comes from human consciousness and its medium, language.Chris Hughes

    meaning is meaningless

    meaning is mysticism

    anytime anyone is talking about meaning (mental masturbation) they are not talking about what actually exists and in what way it exists.

    language has no intrinsic meaning, its just shapes and sounds.

    knowledge has no meaning its just a map of the territory

    there is no meaning outside of the mind nor inside of it. its just an ambiguous word used by the ignorant to support their magical mysticism.

    when people talk about meaning its like talking about superman. sure you can talk about it but its not actually real. the smart thing to do would be to break meaning down into what it actually is. explain the processes of the mind and how they work.
  • Emotions and Intellect

    emotions are just a reflection of beliefs, they follow that, so they have no blame in themselves for anything

    anyone who blames emotions is ignorant of the beliefs creating them

    negative emotions come from negative beliefs

    if that belief is true then that emotion is justified

    so the real problem is true vs false. not positive vs negative
  • Husserl on the constitution of real objects.
    Wouldn't it be nice if philosophy were this easy. Then we could put it in fortune cookies.Joshs

    “If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”

    ― Albert Einstein
  • Husserl on the constitution of real objects.

    reality is color, sound, feeling, taste, smell

    how do you get an object from that?

    you dont

    you group certain qualia together in the mind and call it an object. but the object doesnt actually exist in reality or the mind. its just a word for a function

    i solved the problem without having to write a big essay
  • I’ve solved the “hard problem of consciousness”
    In order to understand consciousness, it is necessary to recognize the inextricable interdependence of subjective and objective aspects of all experiencing of a world. All understanding takes place and organizes itself relative to a background field. There is no meaning without this relational structure of figure-ground and this is the meaning of consciousness. Intelligence has no sense without meaning and meaning has no senses outside of conscious processes of relationality. We can talk about dispositions, capacities ad potentialities that are latent in a person, but intelligence is only discerned via meaningful , intentional behavior. Intelligence has to manifest itself via the constructions of conscious intentions. Otherwise it remains a latent potentiality.Joshs

    relativity, relation, meaning, are all illusions

    dont exist in reality

    and intelligence and consciousness do not require each other
  • I’ve solved the “hard problem of consciousness”
    Any explanation of intelligence that doesnt understand conscioussness is not an explanation, only a superficial description.Joshs

    intelligence does not require consciousness

    and consciousness does not require intelligence

    they are completely separate things

    dont muddle them
  • I’ve solved the “hard problem of consciousness”

    intelligence and consciousness are two different things

    dont get them mixed up

    explaining intelligence still doesnt explain consciousness at all

    dont mix up the easy problem with the hard problem
  • Evolutionary reason for consciousness?
    Can you prove that or are you just guessing?A Seagull

    it can be proven absolutely. because something cannot come from nothing and therefore causality must be omnipresent and eternal. therefore motivation and choice are not starting points. and therefore consciousness is not needed in that way for behavior or survival
  • Sartre's Being-in-Itself and Being-for-Itself
    3 core aspects of existence are:

    motion changes the patterns which are made of the substance

    this is existence

    nothing is separate from it

    all 3 must be eternal

    human identity (separate self with free will) is a kind of illusion that "sits ontop" of this deeper omnipresent reality. but can be a core part of the illusion of human life, and so necessary for the game to play out.

    god is playing peek-a-boo with himself. he hides as a human then sees his real self
  • Evolutionary reason for consciousness?
    As for why pain needs to be unpleasant rather than just a signal to the brain, I suggest that if it were merely a signal it could be ignored, like spam in one's inbox, to the detriment of the survival of the organism.A Seagull

    motivation and choice are not starting points for behavior, but just links in the chain of causality. and so they are not required for behavior.

    I feel there might be some truth there, but if it's all just about computation, then much simpler solution is to simply flag signals by priority, just like PC.Zelebg

    there we go
  • Morality of the existence of a God
    A God to me seems like a slave owner,chromechris

    stop thinking of god as a separate person

    move your mind towards an unpersonal spirit here now
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    Looking at it again, I guess you did. At the end where you wrote, “giving answers to whats obvious is a waste of time...”, I must have mistakenly took as acknowledgement that what preceded it was gibberish.praxis

    ultimately nothing can be explained because knowledge is an illusion. its all relative to evidence and if u cannot see that evidence you will never understand or believe the knoweldge that points to it. and if u can see it then you dont need the knowleldge or belief.
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    You’re free to ignore any questions that make you uncomfortable, of course, but it makes me wonder why a person with such a lack of curiosity would participate in a forum such as this.praxis

    i answered your question

    reply to my answer if you wish

    if u can see, then my answer is not needed

    if u cant see, then no answer will ever be enough
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    Why not answer the question?praxis

    the mind just records and is a thinner copy of reality

    reality is color, sound, feeling, taste, smell

    so the mind is a mirror, and echo, a copy, a thinner version of that

    that is its content. but not its process

    giving answers to whats obvious is a waste of time, and can create confusion, better if u just look and see
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    What about the subconscious? Does that activity consist of ‘thought’ or is it something else?praxis

    observe and you will see what the mind really is

    it takes consciousness to observe

    the mind can then process what is observed (which includes itself = psychology, meta-cognition)
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    I guess that depends on what you call mind. So, what do you think it is?praxis

    mind = thoughts
    consciousness = awareness
    brain = grey matter

    3 different things, dont confuse them
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    We’re basically talking about a concept, and you’re now giving it the qualities of plain, dark, black, and who knows what else.praxis

    yes im giving it those qualities. there will always be qualities. u cant get away from qualities. and the qualities i gave are the best to remove mind from consciousness

    Also, how can be consciousness without mind?praxis

    stop thinking and focus. and u will have consciousness without mind haha
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    The Parmenidean Onepraxis

    a plain dark black picture would be the best.

    the mind would see it as nothingness and so die in it

    then only consciousness would remain.
  • Evolution and free will
    intelligence and free-will are both mysticism

    "intelligence" is basically just a type of pattern and process

    and free-will just means you have no gun to your head forcing you. real free-will would require something from nothing which is impossible

    reality is patterns and cause&effect. these two things explain nature well enough on their own without needing to bring mysticism into it
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    I don’t see the need to be vague. If you’re suggesting that there’s a true God, which God is it?praxis

    god is not a person. god is not an individual who is separate from you and has a personality who will judge you.

    the real god is un-personal spirit that is here now
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    That’s a new one for me. Care to elaborate?praxis

    well like i said above atheism is needed to debunk the false gods

    false knowledge blocks truth.
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    mystical experiences often lead people to contrive their own religions, like Ontophilism, for instance. :joke: Our natural desire for meaning is insatiable.praxis

    its not about meaning

    its about evidence and explaining that evidence.

    if you are blind to that evidence then you will see no need for any explanations of it
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    For instance when atheists insist that God does not exist, not only is this debatable, but it is also an unknown, as in they only believe that God does not exist,BBQueue

    atheists will help you find the real god, by debunking all the false gods

    atheism is the fastest path, the only path, to god
  • If there was no God to speak of, would people still feel a spiritual, God-like sensation?
    the so-called "religious experience" or "mystical experience" is a neurochemical phenomenon that can be induced with drugsPfhorrest

    just because the engine light (mystical experience) in your car (consciousness) can be triggered by playing with the wires (drugs) doesnt mean it wasnt meant to be triggered by the engine (god)
  • Are humans intrinsically superior to other animal species?
    the only difference between human and dog is that human has intellect.

    and computers already have more intellect then humans

    so if you say intellect = superior then computers win

    not to mention the other humans that have more intellect then you. i guess you should be their slave haha
  • a model of panpsychism with real mental causation
    How can you prove you have been around that long? How can you prove you have been everywhere?Alan

    only the here now is real, time and space are illusions
  • a model of panpsychism with real mental causation
    Where's consciousness generated, then?Alan

    consciousness is not generated its eternal

    and its omnipresent
  • a model of panpsychism with real mental causation
    So, I guess you're just explaining this to yourself and not the OP, right?Alan

    u dont need other consciousness's to exist to have a conversation. you can talk to a computer if it responds well enough
  • a model of panpsychism with real mental causation
    The brains of people in comma remain despite having lost consciousness...Alan

    dont assume other consciousness's exist
  • a model of panpsychism with real mental causation
    How is that the brain generates the private subjective world of the self and then for what purpose?lorenzo sleakes

    u have it backwards. its consciousness that is generating the brain
  • Simplicity-Complexity
    What I want to focus on is what I perceive is a claim that complexity evolves from simplicity.TheMadFool

  • Supernatural magic

    there is a million different ways you might know that you cant know something. say you know that your instrument does not detect certain types of matter. then you know you cannot know about that type of matter until you get a better instrument. and you know you can never know if the material used to create that instrument no longer exists.


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